apartment above
    upper house; apartment above
  • A house located next to or higher than one's own house.
  • 위쪽에 이웃해 있거나 높은 곳에 있는 집.
apartment building
    apartment building
  • A housing unit made for more than two families where they can live independently in one building.
  • 한 건물에 두 세대 이상이 각각 독립하여 살 수 있게 만들어진 주택.
    apartment; apartment building
  • A residential building made for many households to live independently in one tall, large building.
  • 한 채의 높고 큰 건물 안에 여러 가구가 독립하여 살 수 있게 지은 주택.
    apathetic; impassive
  • Being not impressed at all.
  • 아무런 감동이 없다.
    indifferent; uninterested; apathetic
  • Showing no interest or paying no attention.
  • 흥미나 관심이 없다.
    apathetic; unenthusiastic; lukewarm
  • Seeming that someone has no mind to do something because he/she does not like it.
  • 마음에 들지 않거나 못마땅하여 내키지 않는 듯하다.
    insensibility; apathy
  • The state of having no interest in circumstances.
  • 주위의 상황에 관심이 없음.
  • Lack of emotion or enthusiasm.
  • 아무런 감동이 없음.
ProverbsA pear drops as soon as a crow flies from the tree
    A pear drops as soon as a crow flies from the tree
  • For two things to accidentally occur at the same time, making someone totally irrelevant to be suspected of being involved.
  • 우연히 동시에 일이 생겨서 아무 관계없는 사람이 관계가 있는 것으로 의심을 받게 되다.
ProverbsA person goes about hisher life thinking that heshe is somebody
    A person goes about his/her life thinking that he/she is somebody
  • An expression to describe the idea that everyone believes they are better than others.
  • 사람은 누구나 자신이 다른 사람보다 잘났다고 생각한다는 것을 뜻하는 말.
a person in an acting position
    a person in an acting position
  • A person who assumes authority or does work on behalf of someone temporarily, or such a position.
  • 남의 자리를 임시로 맡아서 권한이나 직무를 대신 행하는 사람. 또는 그런 직책.
a person moving in
    a person moving in
  • A person who changes the address from the old place of residence to a new one.
  • 예전에 살던 곳에서 새로운 곳으로 주소를 옮겨 온 사람.
a person's every action
    a person's every action; a person's every move
  • All of one's large and small movements, even trivial actions.
  • 크고 작은 동작과 사소한 행동까지 하나하나 모두.
a person's every move
    a person's every action; a person's every move
  • All of one's large and small movements, even trivial actions.
  • 크고 작은 동작과 사소한 행동까지 하나하나 모두.
ProverbsA person who knows hisher enemy as well as himselfherself will win every single battle in one hundred battles
    A person who knows his/her enemy as well as himself/herself will win every single battle in one hundred battles
  • You will always win in a fight if you know yourself as well as your enemy.
  • 상대에 대해 잘 알고 자신에 대해서도 잘 알면 싸움에서 언제나 이길 수 있다.
ProverbsA person who says 'You wait and see' does not become a threat
    A person[man] who says 'You wait and see' does not become a threat
  • There is no use of saying one will do something later.
  • 나중에 어떻게 하겠다고 말하는 것은 아무 소용이 없다.
ProverbsA person with cold hands has a warm heart
    A person with cold hands has a warm heart
  • For one to look cold-hearted outside, but be emotional and passionate inside.
  • 겉으로 냉정한 태도를 보이나 실은 감정이 풍부하고 열정적이다.
a person with poor handwriting
    a person with poor handwriting
  • A person whose handwriting skills are poor.
  • 글씨나 글을 잘 쓰지 못하는 사람.
    apex; vertex; solid angle
  • The point at which two lines or three or more planes meet.
  • 두 개의 선이나 세 개 이상의 면이 만나는 점.
  • A disorder with which one cannot speak well or at all, because one's brain is partially damaged and cannot understand the language or remember the expressions learned in the childhood.
  • 뇌의 부분적 손상으로 어릴 때부터 익힌 언어의 표현이나 이해에 장애가 생겨 말을 잘 할 수 없거나 못하는 병.
    aphid; plant louse
  • An insect that feeds by sucking sap from plants.
  • 식물에 붙어 진을 빨아 먹는 곤충.
    maxim; proverb; saying; adage; aphorism
  • A simple saying on life lessons or warnings passed down over a long time among people.
  • 오랜 시간 동안 사람들 사이에서 전해지는 인생에 대한 교훈이나 경계 등을 간결하게 표현한 말.
    epigram; aphorism; witticism
  • A short, clever sentence telling the truth or a lesson of life.
  • 인생의 진리나 가르침을 담은 짧은 문장.
    aphorism; maxim; adage
  • A saying that expresses a life lesson.
  • 사람의 인생에 교훈이 되는 말.
    apiculture; beekeeping
  • An act of raising bees for extracting honey.
  • 꿀을 얻기 위해 벌을 기름.
ProverbsA piece of blank paper is easier to carry when lifted up by two people
    A piece of blank paper is easier to carry when lifted up by two people
  • Cooperation makes an easy task much easier.
  • 쉬운 일이라도 서로 도우면 훨씬 쉽다.
a piece of cake
    eating tteok, rice cake, while lying down; a piece of cake; Nothing is easier
  • A proverb meaning something that is very easy to do.
  • 매우 하기 쉬운 일을 뜻하는 말.
2. 관용구식은 죽 먹기
    eating juk, rice porridge, that has cooled down; a piece of cake
  • Something that can be done very easily.
  • 아주 쉽게 할 수 있는 일.
ProverbsA piece of paper is easier to carry when lifted up by two people
    A piece of paper is easier to carry when lifted up by two people
  • Cooperation makes an easy task much easier.
  • 아무리 쉬운 일이라도 서로 도와서 하면 훨씬 더 쉽다.
Idioma pie in the sky
관용구그림의 떡
    tteok, a rice cake, in the painting; a pie in the sky
  • Something that one cannot actually use or own however much one likes it.
  • 마음에 들어도 실제로 쓸 수 없거나 가질 수 없는 것.
a pile of books
    a pile of books
  • An act of stacking books, or a lot of books.
  • 책을 쌓아 놓은 것. 또는 매우 많은 책.
ProverbsA pine caterpillar should eat pine needles
    A pine caterpillar should eat pine needles
  • It is advised not to do something beyond one's capacity or reach.
  • 자기 분수에 맞게 행동해야 한다.
ProverbsA pine caterpillar would die, if it eats oak leaves
    A pine caterpillar would die[fall], if it eats oak leaves
  • If one tries to do something beyond one's capacity or reach, it is likely to do harm to oneself.
  • 자기 분수에 맞지 않는 행동을 하다가는 낭패를 본다.
a place of refuge
    a place of refuge; shelter; asylum; haven
  • The area to which one ran away from such calamity as war, natural disaster, etc.
  • 전쟁, 자연재해 등의 재난을 피해 도망간 지역.
Proverbsa place that your nose can touch if you fall down
    a place that your nose can touch if you fall down
  • A very short distance.
  • 매우 가까운 거리.
Proverbsa place where one's nose reaches when one falls down
    a place where one's nose reaches when one falls down
  • A very close place.
  • 매우 가까운 곳을 뜻하는 말.
  • A large number of objects, etc., being strewn all over a certain place.
  • 물건 등이 즐비하게 널려 있다.
  • Temporary absence or cessation of breathing.
  • 숨 쉬는 것을 잠시 멈추거나 숨을 쉬지 않음.
    apocalypse; catastrophe; disaster
  • A very tragic, horrible incident.
  • 매우 비참하고 끔찍한 사건.
Idioma poem heard from others
    a poem heard from others
  • Knowledge that is not learned properly but picked up from others.
  • 제대로 배운 것이 아니라 남에게 들어서 아는 지식.
a point of compromise
    a point of compromise
  • A point where two persons can mutually concede and discuss a certain issue.
  • 어떤 일을 서로 양보하는 마음으로 의논할 수 있는 점.
  • To admit one's own mistakes and beg for forgiveness.
  • 자신의 잘못을 인정하며 용서해 달라고 빌다.
  • To seek forgiveness for one's wrongdoing or fault.
  • 지은 죄나 잘못에 대해 용서를 구하다.
  • An act of admitting one's own mistakes and begging for forgiveness.
  • 자신의 잘못을 인정하며 용서해 달라고 빎.
  • An act of seeking forgiveness for one's wrongdoing or fault.
  • 지은 죄나 잘못에 대해 용서를 구함.
IdiomA position is created
    A position is created; have an opening
  • To have a job vacancy.
  • 취직할 곳이 생기다.
    apostasy; religious conversion
  • The act of abandoning one's religious faith and changing into another religion or having no religious belief at all.
  • 믿던 종교를 버리고 다른 종교로 바꾸거나 아무것도 믿지 않게 됨.
    apostate; renegade
  • A person who abandons his/her religious faith and changes into another religion or does not believe in any religion at all.
  • 믿던 종교를 버리고 다른 종교로 바꾸거나 아무것도 믿지 않게 된 사람.
    apostate; renegade
  • A person who abandons his/her belief, will or duty, and takes on an opposing belief, will or duty.
  • 믿음이나 의지, 도리를 지키지 않고 바꾼 사람.
apostate monk
    apostate monk
  • A monk who breaks the Buddhist precepts.
  • 불교의 계율을 깨뜨린 승려.
    apostatize; abjure one's religion
  • To abandon one's religious faith and change into another religion or have no religious belief at all.
  • 믿던 종교를 버리고 다른 종교로 바꾸거나 아무것도 믿지 않게 되다.
  • A person who sacrifices himself/herself for an important, great thing.
  • 어떤 중요하고 위대한 일을 위하여 헌신하는 사람.
  • apostle; disciple
  • In Christianity, twelve disciples that Jesus Christ selected to propagate e his teachings widely.
  • 기독교에서, 예수가 자신의 가르침을 널리 전하기 위하여 뽑은 열두 제자.
-a ppajida
    -a ppajida
  • An expression used to indicate that one is displeased with the state mentioned in the preceding statement which is very bad.
  • 앞의 말이 나타내는 상태의 정도가 아주 심하여 못마땅하다는 뜻을 나타내는 표현.
appalling confusion
    agonizing cries; appalling confusion; inferno
  • (figurative) The state in which many people fall into a very cruel, chaotic situation where they cry and struggle.
  • (비유적으로) 여러 사람이 처참하고 혼란스러운 상황에 빠져 울부짖고 몸부림치는 상태.
    device; apparatus; equipment
  • The act of installing a machine, tool, etc., to make it work for a certain purpose, or such a machine or tool.
  • 어떤 목적에 따라 일을 해낼 수 있도록 기계나 도구 등을 설치함. 또는 그 기계나 도구.
apparatus gymnastics
    apparatus gymnastics
  • Gymnastics that use sports equipment such as the horizontal bar, vaulting horse, parallel bars, etc.
  • 철봉, 뜀틀, 평행봉 등의 운동 기구를 사용하여 하는 체조.
    distinct; clearly visible; apparent
  • Exposed outwardly and thus clearly visible .
  • 겉으로 드러나서 또렷하다.
    obvious; apparent; evident
  • Very clear and certain.
  • 매우 분명하고 확실하다.
    apparent; evident; indisputable
  • A certain truth being exact and clear.
  • 어떠한 사실이 틀림없고 확실하다.
    apparition; ghost; phantom
  • The spirit of a dead person that appears as if alive.
  • 죽은 사람의 혼령이 살아 있을 때의 모습으로 나타난 것.
    appeal; appealing
  • An act of requesting for another trial at a higher level as a way of not agreeing with the verdict.
  • 재판 결과에 따르지 않고 상급 법원에 다시 재판을 요구함.
    complaint; appeal
  • The act of remonstrating with the referee rather than accepting his/her judgment in a sports game.
  • 운동 경기에서, 선수가 판정을 받아들이지 않고 심판에게 항의함.
    complain; appeal
  • To remonstrate with the referee rather than accepting his/her judgment in a sports game.
  • 운동 경기에서, 선수가 판정을 받아들이지 않고 심판에게 항의하다.
    request; appeal
  • The act of asking someone to do something necessary, or such a request.
  • 필요한 일을 해 달라고 부탁함. 또는 그런 부탁.
    request; appeal
  • To ask someone to do something necessary.
  • 필요한 일을 해 달라고 부탁하다.
  • The act of holding another trial after a judgement was rendered because a material flaw has been found, or such a trial.
  • 판결이 이미 확정된 후에 중요한 잘못이 발견되어서 다시 재판함. 또는 그 재판.
    request; appeal
  • To ask someone to do something.
  • 어떤 일을 해 달라고 부탁하다.
    plead; beg; appeal
  • To explain one's pitiful and difficult situation to someone and ask for help or a favor.
  • 딱하고 어려운 형편을 털어놓으면서 사정함.
    plead; beg; appeal
  • To explain one's pitiful and difficult situation to someone and ask for help or a favor.
  • 딱하고 어려운 형편을 털어놓으면서 사정하다.
10. 항고
  • An act of requesting a higher court to review a case without accepting the decision or order of a court; or such a legal procedure.
  • 법원의 결정이나 명령을 따르지 않고, 다시 재판을 요구하는 일. 또는 그런 절차.
  • To request a higher court to review a case without accepting the decision or order of a court.
  • 법원의 결정이나 명령을 따르지 않고, 다시 재판을 요구하다.
12. 항소
    appealing; appeal
  • An act of requesting a re-trial of a civil or criminal case at a higher court without accepting the judgment of a lower court; or such a legal procedure.
  • 민사나 형사 소송에서 판결을 받아들이지 않고 다시 재판할 것을 요구함. 또는 그러한 일.
  • A review or trial by a higher court for a case on appeal.
  • 항소 사건에 대한 법원의 심사나 재판.
  • To request a re-trial of a civil or criminal case at a higher court without accepting the judgment of a lower court.
  • 민사나 형사 소송에서 판결을 받아들이지 않고 다시 재판할 것을 요구하다.
15. 호소
    appeal; pleading; plea
  • An act of asking another for help by describing one's situation to someone such as unfair treatment, difficulties, etc.
  • 자신의 어렵거나 억울한 사정을 다른 사람에게 알려 도움을 청함.
  • The power to impress and captivate another.
  • 다른 사람을 감동시켜 마음을 사로잡을 수 있는 힘.
    appeal; plead
  • To ask another for help by describing one's situation to someone such as unfair treatment, difficulties, etc.
  • 자신의 어렵거나 억울한 사정을 다른 사람에게 알려 도움을 청하다.
    appeal; appealing
  • An act of requesting for another trial at a higher level as a way of not agreeing with the verdict.
  • 재판 결과에 따르지 않고 상급 법원에 다시 재판을 요구함.
    appealing; appeal
  • An act of requesting a re-trial of a civil or criminal case at a higher court without accepting the judgment of a lower court; or such a legal procedure.
  • 민사나 형사 소송에서 판결을 받아들이지 않고 다시 재판할 것을 요구함. 또는 그러한 일.
appeal to a higher court
    appeal to a higher court
  • Requesting for re-trial of a case in a civil or criminal suit, rather than accepting the judgment of a lower court, or the request itself.
  • 민사나 형사 소송에서 판결을 받아들이지 않고 다시 재판할 것을 요구함. 또는 그러한 일.
    appeal to a higher court
  • To request re-trial of a case in a civil or criminal suit, rather than accepting the judgment of a lower court.
  • 민사나 형사 소송에서 판결을 받아들이지 않고 다시 재판할 것을 요구하다.
    appeal to a higher court
  • The act of requesting a higher court to review a case, after refusing to accept the first and then second judgments of a court.
  • 법원의 첫 판결을 따르지 않고 두 번째로 판결을 받은 다음, 그 역시 따를 수 없어 상급 법원에 다시 판결해 줄 것을 신청함.
    appeal to a higher court
  • To request for re-trial of a case at a higher court, rather than accepting the judgment of a lower court.
  • 재판 결과에 따르지 않고 상급 법원에 다시 재판을 요구하다.

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