injection typeinjeolmiinjeonginjunctioninjureinjured personinjured soldierinjuryinjury to a person’s honorinjusticeinkinkhornink slingerinky blackinlandin large amountsin large chunksin large numbersin laughterin-lawin-lawsin layersinlay in one's headin lieu ofIn life, there are always ups and downsin limping stepsin love within lumpsin many waysinmatein meticulous detailinninnateinnatelyinnatenessinnate qualityinnate statein negative and in positiveinner chest pocketinner earinner fabricinner gardeninner harborinner layer of skininner leavesinnermost thoughts
injection type
- A method of injecting a liquid or gas so it can flow into something.
- 액체나 기체가 흘러 들어가도록 부어 넣는 방식.
injection type
- tteok, rice cake, coated with bean flour: A tteok, a rice cake, made by kneading the steamed glutinous rice until it becomes chewy, cutting the dough in square pieces and then coating them with bean or red bean powder.
- 찐 찹쌀을 쫄깃쫄깃해지도록 친 다음 네모나게 썰어 콩이나 팥 가루를 묻힌 떡.
- sympathy; kindness; tenderness: A warm heart to consider and help others.
- 남을 생각하고 도와주는 따뜻한 마음.
- A rule established by the president or an administrative organ to enact a law.
- 대통령이나 행정 기관이 법률을 시행하기 위하여 제정하는 규칙.
order; injunction
1. 깨다³
- To get hurt from being hit or beaten on one's head, knee, etc.
- 머리나 무릎 등을 부딪치거나 맞거나 하여 상처가 나게 하다.
hurt; injure
2. 깨뜨리다
- To get hurt from being hit or beaten on one's head, knee, etc.
- 머리나 무릎 등을 부딪치거나 맞거나 하여 상처가 나게 하다.
hurt; injure
3. 깨트리다
- To get hurt from being hit or beaten on one's head, knee, etc.
- 머리나 무릎 등을 부딪치거나 맞거나 하여 상처가 나게 하다.
hurt; injure
4. 나가다¹
- For an object, etc., to be broken or for one's body part to be hurt.
- 사물 등이 부서지거나 신체의 일부를 다치다.
break; injure
5. 베다²
- To injure one's body or hurt a part of one's body with an object with a blade or blades.
- 날이 있는 물건으로 몸에 상처를 내거나 몸의 일부를 자르다.
cut; wound; injure
6. 손상하다
- To break or hurt a certain object.
- 어떤 물건을 깨거나 상하게 하다.
- To make someone sick or make a part of his/her body hurt.
- 병에 걸리거나 몸의 일부분을 다치게 하다.
- To damage one's honor, dignity, value, etc.
- 명예나 체면, 가치 등을 떨어뜨리다.
damage; injure; impair
injure; harm
harm; injure
7. 해치다
- To do harm to humans physically and mentally.
- 사람의 마음이나 몸에 해를 입히다.
- To kill someone or to injure him/her.
- 다치게 하거나 죽이다.
hurt; injure; destroy
kill; injure
injured person
injured soldier
1. 관통상
- An injury from a bullet, knife, etc., that has pierced the body.
- 총알이나 칼 등이 몸을 꿰뚫어 생긴 상처.
wound; injury
4. 상해²
- The act of doing harm to another person's body by injuring it.
- 다른 사람의 몸에 상처를 내어 해를 끼침.
injury; wound
5. 손상
- A state in which someone is sick or a part of his/her body has been hurt.
- 병이 들거나 몸의 일부분이 다침.
- A state in which one's honor, dignity, value, etc., has been damaged.
- 명예나 체면, 가치 등이 떨어짐.
degradation; injury
injury to a person’s honor
- An act of damaging one's social reputation such as a name, personality, status, etc., and causing harm.
- 다른 사람의 이름이나 인격, 신분 등의 사회적 평가에 해를 끼쳐 손해를 입히는 일.
defamation; injury to a person’s honor
1. 부당
- A state of being contrary to reason, and therefore considered unjust.
- 도리에 어긋나서 정당하지 않음.
injustice; being unfair; being wrongful
2. 부당성
- The quality of being against reason and thus considered unjust.
- 도리에 어긋나서 정당하지 않다고 여겨지는 성질.
3. 불의
- A state of being wrong, going against a man's duty, injustice, etc.
- 사람의 도리나 정의 등에 어긋나 옳지 않음.
injustice; unrighteousness
- Boasting that one has acquired extensive knowledge through learning.
- 배워서 얻은 지식이 많음을 자랑하고 뽐내는.
pedantic; inkhorn
ink slinger
- (disparaging) A person whose job it is to write.
- (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 글 쓰는 것을 직업으로 하는 사람.
writer; scribbler; ink slinger
inky black
- A very deeply dark hue like the night sky when there is no light.
- 빛이 없을 때의 밤하늘과 같이 매우 어둡고 짙은 빛.
black color; black; inky black
in large amounts
- In a state in which a number, amount, degree, etc., are larger than a certain standard.
- 수나 양, 정도 등이 일정한 기준보다 넘게.
much; in large numbers; in large amounts
in large chunks
in large numbers
- In a state in which a number, amount, degree, etc., are larger than a certain standard.
- 수나 양, 정도 등이 일정한 기준보다 넘게.
much; in large numbers; in large amounts
in laughter
1. 쿡
- A word imitating laughter or a cough, etc., suddenly and repeatedly bursting out or starting, or describing such a state.
- 웃음이나 기침 등이 갑자기 터져 나오는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
in laughter; with a cough
2. 쿡쿡
- A word imitating laughter or a cough, etc., suddenly and repeatedly bursting out or starting, or describing such a state.
- 웃음이나 기침 등이 갑자기 반복해서 터져 나오는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
in laughter; with a cough
- A relation by marriage, or a person in such a relation.
- 혼인으로 맺어진 관계. 또는 그런 관계의 사람.
a relation by marriage; in-law
in layers
Idiominlay in one's head
관용구머리에 새겨 넣다
- To remember an object or fact clearly.
- 어떤 대상이나 사실 등을 단단히 기억해 두다.
inlay in one's head
in lieu of
ProverbsIn life, there are always ups and downs
- Good things and bad things come and go.
- 좋은 일과 나쁜 일은 돌고 돈다.
In the life of a human, a seemingly unfortunate event may sometimes turn out to be a blessing in disguise; In life, there are always ups and downs
in limping steps
- In the manner of losing balance and walking awkwardly because one of one's legs is shorter or injured.
- 한쪽 다리가 짧거나 다쳐서 자꾸 중심을 잃고 저는 모양.
with a limp; in limping steps
in love with
- Happy about and satisfied with a thing or object.
- 어떤 일이나 대상이 마음에 들고 만족스럽다.
fond of; in love with
in lumps
1. 망울망울
- In the state of having small and round lumps here and there.
- 작고 동그란 망울이 생겨 여기저기 있는 모양.
in lumps
2. 뭉텅
- A word describing a part being sliced or cut into big lumps at once.
- 한 부분이 단번에 크게 잘리거나 끊어지는 모양.
in lumps
3. 뭉텅뭉텅
- A word describing a part being sliced or cut into big lumps at once.
- 물체의 한 부분이 계속 꽤 크게 잘리거나 끊어지는 모양.
in lumps
in many ways
in meticulous detail
- In the manner of being precise and detailed in content or organization.
- 내용이나 구성이 정확하고 자세하게.
sophisticatedly; in meticulous detail
innate quality
innate state
Idiomin negative and in positive
관용구음으로 양으로
- In one way or another without letting others know.
- 다른 사람이 알게 모르게 이런저런 방식으로.
in negative and in positive
inner chest pocket
- When wearing an upper garment, the gap between one's chest and the garment.
- 윗옷을 입었을 때 가슴과 옷 사이의 틈.
inner chest pocket
inner ear
inner fabric
- Fabric attached to the inside of clothes.
- 옷 안에 대는 천.
- Fabric attached to the inside of an object.
- 물건의 안에 대는 천.
inner fabric; lining
inner fabric; lining
inner garden
inner harbor
- A harbor where it is convenient for ships to stay while loading and unloading because it is located inside of a port.
- 항만의 안쪽에 있어 배가 머무르면서 짐을 싣고 내리기에 편리한 항구.
inner harbor
inner layer of skin
inner leaves
- The inner part of a plant where many leaves grow overlapped.
- 여러 잎이 겹쳐서 나오는 식물의 안쪽 잎.
inner leaves
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