long-standinglong termlong-termlong-term administrationlong-term intakelong-term prisonerlong textlong thoughtlong timelongtimelong time no seelong time until something occurslong travellong vowellong-windedloofahloofah spongelooklook afterlook after oneselflook aroundlook atlook at a beddinglook at each other in astonishmentlook at one's facelook at someone's palm linesLook at thatLook at this!look awaylook away from
long term
long-term administration
- The act of taking or eating the same medicine or food on a continued, long-term basis.
- 같은 약이나 음식을 오랫동안 계속해서 먹음.
long-term administration; long-term intake
long-term intake
- The act of taking or eating the same medicine or food on a continued, long-term basis.
- 같은 약이나 음식을 오랫동안 계속해서 먹음.
long-term administration; long-term intake
long-term prisoner
- A person who has been imprisoned for a long period of time.
- 오랜 기간 동안 감옥에 갇혀 있는 사람.
long-term prisoner
long text
long thought
long time
- Being lengthy in a stretch of time such as a day or a period.
- 날, 시간, 세월 등이 매우 오래다.
longtime; long-lasting
long time no see
- For two people distantly separated to stay out of touch for a long time without hearing from each other.
- 멀리 떨어져 있어서 서로 소식 없이 지내다.
stay apart for long; long time no see
long time until something occurs
- A lot of time being left from now on; a long time being needed.
- 지금으로부터 시간이 많이 남아 있다. 오랜 시간이 필요하다.
long time until something occurs
long travel
long vowel
- A plant producing yellow flowers in summer that has long, cylindrical green fruits, and stems.
- 열매는 초록색의 긴 원통 모양이고 줄기가 다른 물건을 감고 올라가며 여름에 노란 꽃이 피는 식물.
- A thing that gets severely crumpled or dirty in a figurative sense.
- 심하게 구겨지거나 더러워진 물건.
loofah sponge
- A rough and stiff thing used for washing dishes.
- 설거지할 때 쓰는 거칠고 뻣뻣한 물건.
loofah sponge; scouring pad
3. 꼴¹
- The shape of an object.
- 사물의 모양.
- (disparaging) The appearance of someone.
- (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 사람의 겉모습.
shape; look; sight
look; sight
5. 눈치
- One's attitude or facial expression that lets others guess one's real intention or situation.
- 속마음이나 상황을 짐작하게 하는 태도나 표정.
sign; look; face
6. 모습
- The appearance of a person or thing.
- 사람이나 사물의 생김새.
- A state or look appearing outwardly.
- 겉으로 드러난 상태나 모양.
appearance; look
appearance; look
9. 보이다¹
- To come to know the content or state of an object by observing it.
- 대상을 살펴 내용이나 상태를 알게 되다.
look; appear
look after
2. 관리하다
- To take care of the body of a person, animal, plant, etc.
- 사람의 몸이나 동물, 식물 등을 보살피거나 돌보다.
manage; look after
3. 맡다¹
- To receive and store an object.
- 어떤 물건을 받아 보관하다.
- To take responsibility and take care of a person or area.
- 어떤 사람이나 지역 등을 책임지고 보살피다.
take care of; look after; keep; watch
take care of; look after; care for
6. 보아주다
- To help or support someone so that what he/she does goes well.
- 일이 잘되도록 도와주거나 힘이 되어 주다.
look after; support
7. 봐주다
- To help or support someone so that what he/she does goes well.
- 일이 잘되도록 도와주거나 힘이 되어 주다.
look after; support
8. 시중들다
- To run all sorts of errands for somebody.
- 옆에서 여러 가지 심부름을 하며 보살피다.
attend; serve; look after
look after oneself
- To take care of one's matters on one's own.
- 자기 일을 알아서 스스로 처리하다.
look after oneself; take care of one's business
look around
look at
3. 보다¹
- To perceive with eyes the existence or appearance of an object.
- 눈으로 대상의 존재나 겉모습을 알다.
- To read and understand the words, pictures and symbols in a book, newspaper, map, etc.
- 책이나 신문, 지도 등의 글자나 그림, 기호 등을 읽고 내용을 이해하다.
- To inspect an object to understand its content or state.
- 대상의 내용이나 상태를 알기 위하여 살피다.
- To perceive and assess an incident or situation.
- 사건이나 상황을 인식하고 판단하다.
see; look at; notice
read; look at; take a look at
look at; take a look at; look in
look at; assess; judge from
4. 쳐다보다
- To lift one's face and look at something or someone at eye level.
- 얼굴을 들어 높지도 낮지도 않은 시선으로 바로 보다.
look at
Idiomlook at a bedding
관용구자리(를) 보다
- To lie down on a certain space in order to sleep.
- 잠을 자려고 잠을 잘 공간에 드러눕다.
look at a bedding
look at each other in astonishment
- For a competitor's ability or results to improve astonishingly.
- 상대방의 능력이나 성과가 놀랄 정도로 매우 좋아지다.
look at each other in astonishment
Idiomlook at one's face
관용구얼굴을 보다
- To take into account someone's face or situation.
- 체면이나 사정 등을 고려하다.
look at one's face
Idiomlook at someone's palm lines
관용구손금(을) 보다
- To forecast someone's fortune or destiny by looking at the lines drawn in his/her palm.
- 손에 그어져 있는 선을 보고 사람의 운세나 팔자를 예상하다.
look at someone's palm lines
IdiomLook at that
- An expression used when what one expected really happens.
- 어떤 일이 자기가 했던 말대로 되었을 때 상대방에게 이를 확인해 주며 쓰는 말.
Look at that(, please)[Look at that/Please, look at at/Can you look at that?]
IdiomLook at this!
- A remark made to draw attention from the hearer.
- 듣는 사람의 주의를 끌기 위해 하는 말.
[Please] Look at this!
look away
look away from
- To look at other things, not something one is expected to pay attention to.
- 당연히 보아야 할 곳을 보지 않고 다른 곳을 보다.
look away from; be distracted; pay attention to something else
'English - Korean > j , k , l' 카테고리의 다른 글
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