look awfullook backlook back onlook betterlook blanklylook brieflylook daggerslook downlook down onlook downwardlook forlook for a mouse holelook for the wrong house numberlook forward tolook from behindlook furtivelylook gloomylook goodlook greatlook highly possiblelook inlooking afterlooking after oneselflooking alikelooking awaylooking back onlooking deliciouslooking down onlooking for a joblooking for a spouselooking forward tolooking goodlooking oldlooking patheticlooking poorlooking pot-belliedlooking sidewayslooking the other waylooking threateninglooking virtuouslook in one's eyeslook intolook into the inside of one's stomachlook like a peeled chestnutlook olderlook old for one's agelook on
look awful
- For one's facial skin to look dark, dull and moistureless.
- 사람의 얼굴이 칙칙하고 윤기가 없는 상태가 되다.
look awful
look back
look back on
1. 돌아다보다
- (emphasizing form) To think back to something that happened in the past.
- (강조하는 말로) 예전 일을 다시 생각하여 살피다.
look back on; reflect on
2. 돌아보다
- To think back to something that happened in the past.
- 예전 일을 다시 생각하여 살피다.
look back on; reflect on
4. 되짚다
- To think about a past incident, thought, memory, remark, etc.
- 지난 일, 생각, 기억, 말 등을 다시 떠올려 생각하다.
look back on; reminisce
look better
look blankly
look briefly
look daggers
- To goggle one's eyes in such a manner that one's eyes are wide open.
- 눈을 크게 뜨고 눈동자를 무섭게 굴리다.
glare; look daggers
look down
look down on
1. 괄시하다
- To ignore someone and treat him/her with contempt.
- 사람을 무시하여 함부로 대하다.
look down on; despise; belittle
3. 내려다보다
- To look down on someone, as a person inferior to oneself.
- 남을 자기보다 낮추어 보다.
look down on; belittle
4. 넘보다
- To look down on or underestimate another person's ability.
- 다른 사람의 능력을 업신여기거나 얕보다.
look down on; underestimate
look downward
look for
2. 노리다¹
- To look for a chance while trying hard to achieve something.
- 무엇을 이루기 위해 노력하면서 기회를 살피다.
- To look for a chance to achieve a malignant purpose of harming another person or taking his/her goods.
- 사람을 해치거나 물건을 뺏기 위한 나쁜 목적을 갖고 기회를 엿보다.
look for; watch for
look for; watch for
3. 보다¹
- To see if it's the right opportunity, moment or time.
- 기회, 때, 시기 등이 적당한지 살피다.
wait for; await; look for
4. 찾다
- To look here and there in order to gain something or find someone, or to gain something or find someone.
- 무엇을 얻거나 누구를 만나려고 여기저기를 살피다. 또는 그것을 얻거나 그 사람을 만나다.
- To call someone to talk or meet.
- 다른 사람과 만나거나 이야기하려고 그 사람을 부르다.
- To look for or seek something.
- 어떤 것을 구하다.
find; look for
call; look for
find; look for
Idiomlook for a mouse hole
관용구쥐구멍을 찾다
- To feel very ashamed or embarrassed and to desire to hide anyplace available.
- 부끄럽거나 매우 곤란하여 어디에라도 숨고 싶어하다.
look for a mouse hole
Idiomlook for the wrong house number
- To move in a direction that is far from one's original thought or intention.
- 본래의 생각이나 의도에 맞지 않게 엉뚱한 방향으로 나가다.
look for[place] the wrong house number
look forward to
look from behind
look furtively
- To look at something stealthily so that others do not know.
- 남이 알지 못하게 몰래 보다.
peep; look furtively; steal a glance
look gloomy
- To look gloomy, being worried or upset about something.
- 걱정이나 언짢은 감정으로 얼굴에 어두운 빛을 나타내다.
cloud; have a long face; look gloomy
look good
- For a color or shape to go well with something.
- 색깔이나 모양 등이 어떤 것에 잘 어울리다.
go well with; look good
look great
- For one’s face to look plump and for one's complexion to improve.
- 사람의 얼굴에 살이 오르고 혈색이 좋아지다.
look great
look highly possible
look in
looking after
looking after oneself
- An act of coping successfully with one's personal affairs on one's own.
- 자기 앞에 닥친 일을 자기 힘으로 해냄.
taking care of one's own business; looking after oneself
looking alike
looking away
looking back on
looking delicious
looking down on
- The act of ignoring someone and treating him/her with contempt.
- 사람을 무시하여 함부로 대함.
looking down on; despising; belittling
looking for a job
looking for a spouse
looking forward to
- The act of looking forward to something as if one were a crane stretching out its neck.
- 학의 목처럼 목을 길게 빼고 간절하게 기다림.
looking forward to; waiting eagerly for
Idiomlooking good
관용구보기 좋게
- An expression used when a person enjoys another's mishap and makes a sarcastic comment about it.
- 남이 안 좋은 일을 당한 것을 보고 기분 좋아하며 비꼬는 뜻으로 하는 말.
looking good
looking old
looking pathetic
looking poor
looking pot-bellied
- (figurative) An object that protrudes or bulges out in the middle.
- (비유적으로) 배가 불룩하게 나온 물체.
looking pot-bellied
looking sideways
- The act of looking to the side by rolling one's eyes slightly without moving one's head.
- 고개를 움직이지 않고 눈알만 살짝 움직여서 옆을 봄.
looking sideways; leering at
looking the other way
- The act of intentionally overlooking something that one is supposed to pay attention to.
- 주의를 기울여야 할 곳이 아닌 다른 데에 관심을 가짐.
looking away; looking the other way
looking threatening
- Having a big build and a rough or frightening apperance.
- 몸집이 크고 얼굴 생김새가 험하거나 무섭다.
looking threatening; tough-looking
looking virtuous
look in one's eyes
look into
Idiomlook into the inside of one's stomach
관용구뱃속을 들여다보다
- To have an insight into someone's mind.
- 속마음을 꿰뚫어 보다.
look into the inside of one's stomach
Idiomlook like a peeled chestnut
관용구깎은 밤 같다
- For a young man to be dressed in a decent, neat and tidy manner.
- 젊은 남자의 차려 입은 모습이 단정하고 말끔하며 깨끗하다.
look like a peeled chestnut
look older
look old for one's age
'English - Korean > j , k , l' 카테고리의 다른 글
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