savingssavings depositsavings ratesaviorsavorsavoringsavory tastesawsaw bladesawdustsawingsawmillsawtoothsaw-toothed wheelsaxophonesaysayaksay 'come' and then say 'go'say dying wishessay fee-faw-fum with covering someone's eyessay 'go' even if one is not able to winsay good-byesay hellosayingsaying good-byesaying over and oversaying that againsaying yes or nosay in passingsay like thissay nothingsay over and oversay 'put a persimon here, put a pear there' at another person's partysay sosay something about another personsay something over and oversay something stupidsay something this waysay thatsay this and thatsay this day or that daysay thus and thussay to oneselfsay two words with one mouthsay unnecessary thingssay what and whatsay yes
1. 저금
- The act of saving money or entrusting it to a financial institution like a bank, etc., or such money.
- 돈을 모아 두거나 은행 등의 금융 기관에 맡김. 또는 그런 돈.
saving; savings
4. 절약
- The act of saving resources by refraining from reckless use and using them only when necessary.
- 마구 쓰지 않고 꼭 필요한 데에만 써서 아낌.
savings; reduction; conservation
savings deposit
- An account held by an individual to increase his/her savings and interest.
- 개인이 저축과 이자를 늘려 나가기 위해 하는 예금.
savings deposit
savings rate
1. 구세주
- A great person or god who saves the world from difficulties or sufferings.
- 세상을 어려움이나 고통에서 구제하는 위대한 사람이나 신.
- (figurative) A person who provides critical help in a difficult situation.
- (비유적으로) 어려운 상황에서 결정적인 도움을 주는 사람.
2. 구원자
- A person who saves a person or group from a difficult situation or danger.
- 어려움이나 위험에 빠진 사람이나 단체 등을 구해 주는 사람.
savior; lifesaver; rescuer
3. 구주
- A great person or divine being who saves the world from difficulties or pain.
- 세상을 어려움이나 고통에서 구제하는 위대한 사람이나 신.
savior; the Messiah
- An act of appreciating a poem or song, by reading or reciting it quietly.
- 시가를 낮은 목소리로 읽거나 외면서 감상함.
savoring; enjoying
savory taste
- A lingering, pleasant feeling on one's tongue after one eats delicious food.
- 맛있는 음식을 먹고 난 뒤에 입에 남는 아주 좋은 느낌.
flavor; savory taste
saw blade
- The powder made after lumber, etc., is sawed or cut using a saw.
- 톱으로 켜거나 자를 때에 나무 등에서 쓸려 나오는 가루.
- A place where cut timbers are chopped or trimmed to be used as a material for a structure, instrument, etc.
- 베어 낸 나무를 건축물이나 기구 등을 만드는 재료로 쓸 수 있게 자르거나 다듬는 곳.
sawmill; lumbermill
saw-toothed wheel
- A wheel made by placing sawteeth around it in at regular intervals, so that they interlock and spin.
- 둘레에 일정한 간격으로 톱니를 내어 이가 서로 맞물려 돌아가게 만든 바퀴.
saw-toothed wheel
- A musical wind instrument made of brass played by blowing a reed with the mouth and pressing its buttons to control the sound pitch.
- 입에 물고 불면서 손가락으로 마개를 눌러 소리의 높낮이를 조절하는 목관 악기.
5. 말하다
- To verbally present a fact or one's thoughts or feelings.
- 어떤 사실이나 자신의 생각 또는 느낌을 말로 나타내다.
say; tell; speak; talk
6. 발언권
- The authority or influence exerted by the act of presenting one's own opinion.
- 의견을 말하는 것에 대한 권위나 영향력.
voice; say
7. 부르다¹
- To say something to be recorded or repeated by another.
- 남이 받아 적거나 되풀이할 수 있게 말하다.
- To say out loud a slogan or cheer.
- 구호나 만세 등을 큰 소리로 말하다.
say; read; dictate
chant; shout; say
8. 얘기하다
- To talk to someone about a certain fact, state, phenomenon, experience, thought, etc.
- 어떠한 사실이나 상태, 현상, 경험, 생각 등에 관해 누군가에게 말을 하다.
tell; say; speak
9. 이르다²
- To let someone know something in advance.
- 다른 사람에게 어떤 내용을 미리 알려 주다.
- According to what an old proverb, book, etc. says.
- 책이나 속담 등으로 전해지는 옛말에서 말해오다.
tell; say
say; go
10. 이야기하다
- To talk to someone about a certain fact, state, phenomenon, experience, thought, etc.
- 어떠한 사실이나 상태, 현상, 경험, 생각 등에 관해 누군가에게 말을 하다.
tell; say; speak
11. 하다¹
- To select something as a subject for conversation.
- 이야기의 화제로 삼다.
- To talk about something.
- 무엇에 대해 말하다.
- The word that refers to a preceding phrase that describes someone's words, thoughts, etc., and modifies the following word.
- 다른 사람의 말이나 생각 등을 나타내는 문장을 받아 뒤에 오는 단어를 꾸미는 말.
- To say this and that.
- 이러저러하게 말하다.
- The word that indicates the preceding phrase is a quote.
- 어떤 말을 인용하는 기능을 나타내는 말.
- poision: poison cocktail as death penalty: A bowl of poison that kills one after drinking it.
- 먹으면 죽는 약.
Idiomsay 'come' and then say 'go'
- To make someone bother to come and go.
- 어떤 사람을 귀찮게 오가게 하다.
say 'come' and then say 'go'
say dying wishes
Proverbssay fee-faw-fum with covering someone's eyes
속담눈 가리고 아웅
- The manner of trying to deceive someone with a shallow trick.
- 얕은꾀로 남을 속이려 하는 모양.
say fee-faw-fum with covering someone's eyes; bury one's head ostrich-like in the sand
Idiomsay 'go' even if one is not able to win
관용구못 먹어도 고
- An expression to describe a situation where one pushes ahead with something despite a failure.
- 실패가 있더라도 강행함을 뜻하는 말.
say 'go' even if one is not able to win
say good-bye
say hello
- A simple saying on life lessons or warnings passed down over a long time among people.
- 오랜 시간 동안 사람들 사이에서 전해지는 인생에 대한 교훈이나 경계 등을 간결하게 표현한 말.
maxim; proverb; saying; adage; aphorism
saying good-bye
- The act of sending off with pleasure someone who is leaving.
- 떠나는 사람을 기쁜 마음으로 보냄.
farewell; saying good-bye
saying over and over
Idiomsaying that again
saying yes or no
- The act of saying a thing is right or wrong, or fine or not.
- 옳거나 그르다고, 또는 좋거나 싫다고 함.
saying yes or no
say in passing
say like this
say nothing
say over and over
Proverbssay 'put a persimon here, put a pear there' at another person's party
- To interfere in the business of someone by saying 'do this, do that'.
- 다른 사람의 일에 이래라 저래라 간섭한다.
say 'put a persimon here, put a pear there' at another person's party[shelf/ancestral rites]
Idiomsay something about another person
관용구남의 말(을) 하다
- To talk about someone behind his/her back.
- 다른 사람에 대해 뒤에서 몰래 이야기하다.
say something about another person
say something over and over
say something stupid
- (slang) To speak or act pathetically or inappropriately.
- (속된 말로) 못나거나 어울리지 않는 말이나 행동을 하다.
say something stupid; act stupidly
say something this way
say that
say this and that
Proverbssay this day or that day
- To keep delaying something.
- 때를 자꾸 미룬다.
say this day or that day
say thus and thus
say to oneself
Proverbssay two words with one mouth
- An expression used to describe the manner of changing remarks on the same matter.
- 한 가지 일에 대해 말을 이렇게 하였다 저렇게 하였다 한다는 말.
say two words with one mouth
say unnecessary things
Idiomsay what and what
관용구뭐라 뭐라 하다
- To say something in an unclear and unintelligible manner.
- 똑똑히 알아들을 수 없게 무어라고 말하다.
say what and what
say yes
- To respond affirmatively to an order or request, agreeing to do as one has been told.
- 상대방의 어떤 명령이나 요청에 대해 그대로 하겠다는 동의의 뜻을 나타내는 말.
will; say yes
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