satisfiedsatisfiedlysatisfysatisfyingsattosaturatesaturate withsaturationSaturdaySaturnsaucesauce pansaucinesssaucySaudi Arabiasaunasaurysausagesausage on a sticksavagesavage beastsavagerysaveSave a guy from drowing, and he will demand you to compensate him for his mang-geon, or horsehair-woven headbandSave a guy from drowning, and he will demand you to give his bundle backSave a stranger from the sea, and he will turn into your enemySave a thief from the gallows, and he will cut your throatsave someone from deathsave someone's lifesave us, merciful Buddhasavingsaving a countrysaving boxsaving facesaving oneself
1. 만족스럽다
- Pleased as something expected or needed is achieved completely or is satisfactory.
- 기대하거나 필요한 것이 부족함 없거나 마음에 들어 흐뭇하다.
3. 탐탁하다
- Feeling good about something and being satisfied.
- 마음에 들어 만족하다.
satisfied; favorable
4. 흐뭇하다
- Being very happy and pleased with something.
- 마음에 들어 매우 만족스럽다.
satisfied; pleased; content
5. 흡족하다
- Being pleased with something because it is sufficient without any shortage.
- 조금도 모자람이 없을 정도로 넉넉하여 만족하다.
satisfied; content
- In a state of joy as a result of something expected or needed having been achieved completely.
- 기대하거나 필요한 것이 이루어져 즐겁고 흐뭇하게.
1. 갖추다
- To follow or comply with required procedures or formalities.
- 필요한 절차나 형식을 만족시키다.
meet; fit; satisfy
2. 만족시키다
- To please someone with something expected or needed that has been achieved completely or is satisfactory.
- 기대하거나 필요한 것이 부족함 없거나 마음에 들어 흐뭇하게 하다.
3. 부응하다
- To meet one's expectations, demands, etc.
- 기대나 요구 등에 따라 응하다.
satisfy; live up to something
6. 충족시키다
- To meet a certain condition or reach a certain quantity, so that there is no shortage.
- 일정한 기준이나 분량을 채워 모자람이 없게 하다.
satisfy; fill; meet
7. 충족하다¹
- To meet a certain condition or reach a certain quantity, making sure that there is no shortage.
- 일정한 기준이나 분량을 채워 모자람이 없게 하다.
satisfy; fill; meet
- (archaic) The title used by the common people and minor officials when addressing the top governor that ruled the district.
- (옛날에) 백성이나 하급 관리가 자기 고을을 다스리는 최고 관리를 부르던 말.
- For a smell, light, color, etc., to be pervaded cozily.
- 냄새, 빛, 색깔 등이 아늑하게 스며들다.
permeate; seep; saturate
saturate with
- For color, flavor, or moisture to permeate or saturate.
- 색깔, 맛, 물기 등이 스미거나 배다.
get in; permeate; saturate with
sauce pan
- A container, smaller than a caldron. which has a lid and two handles and is used in the kitchen to cook food.
- 음식을 끓이는 데 쓰는, 솥보다 작고 뚜껑과 손잡이가 있는 그릇.
sauce pan
- An attitude where someone is too proud of himself/herself, not realizing his/her real position.
- 자신의 주제를 모르고 지나치게 잘난 척하는 태도.
arrogance; impertinence; sauciness
Saudi Arabia
- A country located in the Arabian Peninsula of southwestern Asia; it is a leading oil producer and also the birthplace of Islam, home to the holy cities of Mecca and Medina; its official language is Arabic and its capital is Riyadh.
- 서남아시아의 아라비아반도에 있는 나라. 세계적인 산유국이며, 이슬람교의 발상지로 성지인 메카와 메디나가 있다. 공용어는 아랍어이고 수도는 리야드이다.
Saudi Arabia
1. 사우나
- A hot steam bath that causes the bather to perspire a lot.
- 뜨거운 증기를 일으켜 그 열로 땀을 내는 목욕.
- A place for taking a hot steam bath that causes the bather to perspire a lot.
- 뜨거운 증기를 일으켜 그 열로 땀을 내는 목욕을 하는 공간.
2. 한증막
- A facility for heating up the air to make a bather perspire for health or relaxation.
- 건강이나 휴식을 위해 공기를 뜨겁게 데워 땀을 흘리게 하는 시설.
steam room; sauna
- A kind of sea fish with a pointed head, long round body, dark blue back, and white belly.
- 머리 모양이 뾰족하고 몸통이 둥글고 길며, 등이 검푸르고 배가 흰 바닷물고기.
mackerel pike; saury
- A type of food made by stuffing minced, seasoned meat into a pig's intestine or other long, thin sack.
- 으깨어 양념한 고기를 돼지 창자나 가늘고 긴 자루에 채워 만든 식품.
sausage on a stick
- Korean street food made by skewering a long sausage on a stick, coating it with flour, and then frying it in oil.
- 긴 소시지에 막대기를 꽂고 밀가루를 둘러서 기름에 튀긴 음식.
sausage on a stick
1. 미개인
- A person from a society where civilization has not developed.
- 문명이 발달되지 못한 사회의 사람.
savage; barbarian
2. 미개하다
- Being in a state where civilization has not developed.
- 문명이 발달하지 못한 상태이다.
uncivilized; savage
3. 살벌하다
- A remark, behavior, or posture being very fierce and horrible.
- 말이나 행동 또는 분위기가 매우 사납고 무섭다.
savage; bloody
4. 야만스럽다
- Having the trait of being ill-mannered and brutal in one's behavior.
- 행동이 예의 없고 잔인한 데가 있다.
barbaric; savage
5. 야만인
- A person who behaves in an ill-mannered and brutal way.
- 행동이 예의 없고 잔인한 사람.
barbarian; savage
8. 혹평하다
- To criticize something or someone very severely and adversely.
- 몹시 모질고 심하게 비평하다.
criticize severely; savage
savage beast
- A wild animal such as a tiger or lion that eats other animals .
- 호랑이나 사자처럼 다른 짐승들을 잡아먹는 사나운 짐승.
savage beast
1. 야만
- The state of being ill-mannered and brutal in one's behavior.
- 행동이 예의 없고 잔인함.
barbarity; savagery
2. 야만성
- The trait of being ill-mannered and brutal in one's behavior.
- 행동이 예의 없고 잔인한 데가 있는 성질.
barbarity; savagery
3. 잔인성
- A tendency or character of being merciless and not hesitant about doing fierce and malicious acts.
- 인정이 없고 아주 매섭고 독한 행동을 아무렇지 않게 하는 경향이나 성질.
cruelty; brutality; savagery
1. 건지다
- To free oneself from a difficult situation; or to cause someone to be free from a difficult situation.
- 어려운 상황에서 벗어나다. 또는 어려운 상황에서 벗어나게 하다.
save; escape
2. 구원하다
- To save a person or group from a difficult situation or danger.
- 어려움이나 위험에 빠진 사람이나 단체 등을 구해 주다.
- In Christianity, to save a man from sin and death.
- 기독교에서, 인간을 죄악과 죽음에서 구하다.
rescue; save
redeem; save
3. 구조하다
- To save someone who is in danger that has resulted from a disaster or accident.
- 재난으로 위험에 처한 사람을 구하다.
rescue; save
5. 구하다²
- To help someone in a difficult or dangerous situation to get out of it.
- 어렵거나 위험한 상황에서 벗어나게 하다.
6. 모으다
- To not use money, valuables, etc., and store them.
- 돈이나 재물 등을 쓰지 않고 쌓아 두다.
save; store; amass; accumulate
7. 벌다
- To have free time or more money, as a result of one's choice to spare or not use time or money.
- 시간이나 돈을 아껴 쓰거나 안 써서 여유가 있게 되다.
8. 선방
- The act of defending well in sports against an attack from an opponent.
- 상대의 공격을 잘 막아 냄.
good defense; save
10. 아끼다
- To handle and use something cautiously instead of using it recklessly because one recognizes its value.
- 무엇을 소중히 여겨 마구 쓰지 않고 조심히 다루어 쓰다.
save; cut back on
11. 저금하다
- To save money or entrust it to a financial institution like a bank, etc.
- 돈을 모아 두거나 은행 등의 금융 기관에 맡기다.
15. 절약하다
- To control consumption by refraining from reckless spending and using items only when necessary.
- 마구 쓰지 않고 꼭 필요한 데에만 써서 아끼다.
ProverbsSave a guy from drowing, and he will demand you to compensate him for his mang-geon, or horsehair-woven headband
- To ungratefully blame a person who did a favor after receiving help from him/her.
- 남에게 큰 도움을 받고서도 그 고마움을 모르고 도리어 도와 준 사람을 원망한다.
Save a guy from drowing, and he will demand you to compensate him for his mang-geon, or horsehair-woven headband; Save a stranger from the sea, and he will turn into your enemy; Save a thief from the gallows, and he will cut your throat
ProverbsSave a guy from drowning, and he will demand you to give his bundle back
- To ungratefully blame a person who did a favor after receiving help from him/her.
- 남에게 큰 도움을 받고서도 그 고마움을 모르고 도리어 도와 준 사람을 원망한다.
Save a guy from drowning, and he will demand you to give his bundle back; Save a stranger from the sea, and he will turn into your enemy; Save a thief from the gallows, and he will cut your throat
ProverbsSave a stranger from the sea, and he will turn into your enemy
- To ungratefully blame a person who did a favor after receiving help from him/her.
- 남에게 큰 도움을 받고서도 그 고마움을 모르고 도리어 도와 준 사람을 원망한다.
Save a guy from drowning, and he will demand you to give his bundle back; Save a stranger from the sea, and he will turn into your enemy; Save a thief from the gallows, and he will cut your throat
- To ungratefully blame a person who did a favor after receiving help from him/her.
- 남에게 큰 도움을 받고서도 그 고마움을 모르고 도리어 도와 준 사람을 원망한다.
Save a guy from drowing, and he will demand you to compensate him for his mang-geon, or horsehair-woven headband; Save a stranger from the sea, and he will turn into your enemy; Save a thief from the gallows, and he will cut your throat
ProverbsSave a thief from the gallows, and he will cut your throat
- To ungratefully blame a person who did a favor after receiving help from him/her.
- 남에게 큰 도움을 받고서도 그 고마움을 모르고 도리어 도와 준 사람을 원망한다.
Save a guy from drowning, and he will demand you to give his bundle back; Save a stranger from the sea, and he will turn into your enemy; Save a thief from the gallows, and he will cut your throat
- To ungratefully blame a person who did a favor after receiving help from him/her.
- 남에게 큰 도움을 받고서도 그 고마움을 모르고 도리어 도와 준 사람을 원망한다.
Save a guy from drowing, and he will demand you to compensate him for his mang-geon, or horsehair-woven headband; Save a stranger from the sea, and he will turn into your enemy; Save a thief from the gallows, and he will cut your throat
save someone from death
save someone's life
- To make someone or something maintain his/her or its life.
- 생명을 지니게 하다.
keep someone alive; bring someone to life; save someone's life
save us, merciful Buddha
- A word used in Buddhism when chanting a Buddhist prayer .
- 불교에서, 염불을 할 때 외는 소리.
save us, merciful Buddha
saving a country
saving box
saving face
- An act of doing something on purpose in order to preserve one's dignity, or such an action.
- 체면이 서도록 일부러 어떤 행동을 함. 또는 그 행동.
saving face
saving oneself
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