scheme drawingscheme for swindlingschismschizophreniascholarscholar and soldierscholarlyscholarly knowledge and military artsscholarly lineagescholarshipscholarship recipientscholarship studentscholars of the pastscholastic aptitude testscholastic courseschoolschool ageschool-aged childrenschool anniversaryschool buildingschool busschool districtschool drillschool educationschool ethosschool excursionschool expensesschool festivalschool friendschool gateschool groundsschoolingschool lifeschool magazineschool mottoschool newspaperschool of thoughtschool opening ceremonyschool recordsschool registerschool regulationsschool reunionschool songschool support feesschool symbolschool systemschool talent showschool tiesschool traditionschool uniformschool yearscience
scheme drawing
- A basic blueprint used when designing a shop drawing.
- 설계에서 제작도를 만들 때 사용하는 기초적인 도면.
scheme drawing
scheme for swindling
- (figurative) A fake plan or show to deceive others in the pursuit of one's own interest.
- (비유적으로) 자신의 이익을 위해 남을 속이려고 거짓으로 꾸며 낸 일.
show for deceiving; scheme for swindling
- Things being divided and separately established; the process of dividing and separately establishing things.
- 갈라져서 따로 자리함. 또는 나누어서 자리하게 함.
separation; schism
1. 분열
- A mental disorder or the disintegration of personality, characterized by the disturbances of thoughts, emotions, wills, urges, etc.
- 사고의 장애나 감정, 의지, 충동 등의 이상으로 정신이 흐트러지거나 인격이 여러 개로 나뉨.
2. 분열증
- A disease in which disorder in thinking, emotion, will, impulse, etc., makes one lose one's senses or have a split personality.
- 사고의 장애나 감정, 의지, 충동 등의 이상으로 정신이 흐트러지거나 인격이 여러 개로 나뉘는 증세. 또는 그런 병.
scholar and soldier
1. 학구적²
- Being devoted to carrying out academic studies.
- 학문 연구에 온 정신을 기울여 열중하는.
academic; scholarly; intellectual
2. 학문적²
- Something related to academic study or its method or such a system academically established.
- 학문과 관련되어 있거나 학문으로서의 방법이나 체계가 서 있는.
academic; learned; scholarly
3. 학술적²
- Involving academic knowledge and techniques.
- 학문과 기술에 관한.
academic; scientific; scholarly
4. 학자적²
- Having the qualification or attitude of a scholar.
- 학자의 자질이나 자세를 갖춘.
scholarly; learned; erudite
scholarly knowledge and military arts
- A compound noun meaning the knowledge of civil service officials and the martial arts ability of military officials.
- 문관의 학식과 무관의 무예.
pen and sword; scholarly knowledge and military arts
scholarly lineage
- The academic tradition or lineage shared or handed down by a certain group of scholars.
- 학문적으로 서로 통하거나 이어져 내려오는 줄기.
academic genealogy; scholarly lineage
1. 장학
- The act of encouraging someone with support in order that they are committed to learning or academic studies.
- 공부나 학문에 힘쓰도록 북돋아 줌.
2. 장학금
- Money granted to students with excellent academic records who find it hard to continue their studies due to financial difficulties.
- 성적이 좋지만 가난하여 공부하는 데 어려움을 겪는 학생에게 주는 돈.
- Money awarded to a researcher to help him/her with his/her academic research.
- 학문의 연구를 위해 연구자에게 주는 돈.
scholarship; grant
scholarship recipient
scholarship student
scholars of the past
- A person who studied and researched a certain field of study before others.
- 어떤 학문을 먼저 공부하고 연구한 사람.
scholars of the past; senior scholars
scholastic aptitude test
- An examination administered to select students who can learn and understand academic material.
- 학문을 배워서 익힐 수 있는 사람을 선발하기 위해 실시하는 시험.
scholastic aptitude test; college entrance examination
scholastic course
- Learning, academic work or research for a definite period of time.
- 일정한 기간 동안 지속되는 학업이나 연구.
scholastic course
1. 가르치다
- To put someone through a school or an institute by paying for his/her education.
- 돈을 내 주어 학교나 학원에서 공부하게 하다.
educate; school; train
3. 교습소
- A place that teaches and enables one to learn knowledge or techniques, etc.
- 지식이나 기술 등을 가르쳐 익히게 하는 곳.
institution; school
4. 배움터
- A place for accumulating knowledge, learning skills, etc.
- 지식이나 기술 등을 배우는 곳.
school; place of learning
5. 유파
- In the fields of academy or art, the group consisting of people of similar thoughts or tendencies.
- 주로 학계나 예술계에서, 생각이나 경향이 비슷한 사람들끼리 모여서 이룬 무리.
school; sect
6. 일가
- A state in which one has an excellent ability in a field of study, art, etc., and thus has become a master or established one's own system.
- 학문이나 예술 등에서 뛰어난 능력이 있어 경지에 오르거나 독자적인 체계를 이룬 상태.
style; school
7. 줄기
- An idea or practice that has been passed on continuously.
- 어떤 사상이나 행동이 계속 이어져 내려오는 것.
8. 학교
- An institution where teachers teach students in accordance with a certain purpose, curriculum, or policy, etc.
- 일정한 목적, 교과 과정, 제도 등에 의하여 교사가 학생을 가르치는 기관.
9. 학부
- An academic division within a college or university, created by joining several related departments together.
- 대학에서 전공 영역에 따라 몇 개의 관련 학과를 묶어 만든 부.
school; faculty
10. 학원
- An institution where teachers teach students in accordance with a certain purpose, curriculum, or policy, etc.
- 일정한 목적, 교과 과정, 제도 등에 의하여 교사가 학생을 가르치는 기관.
12. 학파
- A group of people who share a common or similar academic opinion or view.
- 학문적 주장이나 견해가 같거나 비슷한 사람들의 집단.
school; school of thought
school age
- The age for entering elementary school.
- 초등학교에 들어가야 할 나이.
- The age at which one is required to receive education in elementary school.
- 초등학교에서 의무 교육을 받아야 할 나이의 시기.
school age
school age
school-aged children
school anniversary
- A day to commemorate the foundation of a school on the date of the anniversary.
- 매년 개교일과 같은 날짜에 학교를 세운 것을 기념하는 날.
school anniversary
school building
school bus
- A school bus run in order for students to conveniently commute from their homes to school.
- 학생들이 집과 학교를 편하게 다닐 수 있도록 운영하는 학교 버스.
school bus
school district
- Groups of middle or high schools clustered based on regional districts according to the system of the university entrance exam.
- 입시 제도에 의해 지역별로 나누어 놓은 중학교나 고등학교의 무리.
school district; educational district
school drill
school education
- The education received in school.
- 학교에서 받는 교육.
school education; schooling
school ethos
- A quality or atmosphere unique to a certain school.
- 어떤 학교 특유의 성질이나 분위기.
school tradition; school ethos
school excursion
1. 수학여행
- An educational trip that students go on under the guidance of teachers in order to widen their knowledge through actual experience.
- 교육 활동의 하나로, 실제로 보고 들으며 지식을 넓히기 위해 학생들이 교사의 지도를 받으며 하는 여행.
field trip; school excursion
2. 현장 학습
- Learning by visiting a place that can provide necessary materials for studying a certain subject.
- 학습에 필요한 자료가 있는 현장에 직접 찾아가서 하는 학습.
field trip; study trip; school excursion
school expenses
school festival
- A special educational activity in which students exhibit their literary or artistic works, or present their performances, etc.
- 주로 학생들의 작품을 전시하거나 준비한 공연 등을 발표하는 특별 교육 활동.
school talent show; school festival
school friend
school gate
school grounds
- The education received in school.
- 학교에서 받는 교육.
school education; schooling
school life
school magazine
2. 학보
- A magazine or newspaper, usually published by a college, which contains the campus news, students' opinions and work, research papers, reports, etc.
- 주로 대학에서 학교 안의 소식이나 학생들의 의견, 작품, 연구 논문, 보고 등을 싣는 잡지나 신문.
school newspaper; school magazine
school motto
- A short phrase that states a school's goals or ideals of education.
- 학교의 교육 이념이나 목표를 나타내는 짧은 말.
school motto
school newspaper
1. 학보
- A magazine or newspaper, usually published by a college, which contains the campus news, students' opinions and work, research papers, reports, etc.
- 주로 대학에서 학교 안의 소식이나 학생들의 의견, 작품, 연구 논문, 보고 등을 싣는 잡지나 신문.
school newspaper; school magazine
2. 학보사
- An institution, usually within a university, which publishes a school newspaper covering campus news or students' opinions, etc.
- 주로 대학에서, 학교 안의 소식이나 학생들의 의견 등을 싣는 학보를 만드는 기관.
school newspaper; college newspaper
school of thought
- A group of people who share a common or similar academic opinion or view.
- 학문적 주장이나 견해가 같거나 비슷한 사람들의 집단.
school; school of thought
school opening ceremony
- An event to celebrate the foundation of a school.
- 학교를 처음 세운 날을 축하하는 행사.
school opening ceremony
school records
- A school-kept document containing one's grades, attitude, etc., for a school or job application, or the evaluation itself.
- 진학이나 취업을 위해 출신 학교에서 학생에 대한 성적, 품행 등을 평가하여 적은 문서. 또는 그 평가.
academic reports; school records
school register
- Records of students' academic profiles kept at a school.
- 학교에 보관하여 두는 학생에 관한 기록.
school register; student records
school regulations
school reunion
school song
school support fees
- Money collected from parents and supporters to help a school with its management.
- 학교의 운영을 돕기 위해 학부모와 후원자 등에게 걷던 돈.
- In a university, money collected from parents and supporters to help a school with its management.
- 대학교에서, 학교의 운영을 돕기 위해 학부모와 후원자 등에게 걷는 돈.
school support fees
school support fees
school symbol
- A symbol such as a belt, ribbon, badge, etc., with designs that represent one's school.
- 학교를 상징하는 무늬를 새긴 띠, 리본, 배지 등의 표지.
school symbol
school system
school talent show
- A special educational activity in which students exhibit their literary or artistic works, or present their performances, etc.
- 주로 학생들의 작품을 전시하거나 준비한 공연 등을 발표하는 특별 교육 활동.
school talent show; school festival
school ties
1. 학맥
- A close relationship or ties among graduates of the same school.
- 같은 학교를 졸업한 사람들 사이의 친밀한 관계.
old boy network; school ties
2. 학벌
- A group of people distinguished by the school they graduated from, or the school of thought they belong to.
- 출신 학교나 학파에 따라 갈라진 사람들의 집단.
academic clique; school ties
3. 학연
- Social connections formed among graduates of the same school.
- 같은 학교를 나옴으로써 생기는 인연.
old boy network; school ties
school tradition
- A quality or atmosphere unique to a certain school.
- 어떤 학교 특유의 성질이나 분위기.
school tradition; school ethos
school uniform
school year
- The unit for the annual learning process in school education.
- 학교 교육에서 일 년 동안의 학습 과정의 단위.
school year
1. 과학
- A discipline which researches phenomena occurring in nature.
- 자연에서 일어나는 현상을 연구하는 학문.
- A discipline which tries to discover the truths or laws of nature or human society.
- 자연과 인간 사회의 진리나 법칙을 알아내고자 하는 학문.
2. 이과
- The departments of natural science such as biology, physics, chemistry, astronomy, etc., or this branch of study.
- 생물, 물리, 화학, 천문 등 자연 과학을 연구하는 학과. 또는 그런 학문.
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