travel abroadtravel agencytravel allowancetravel alongtravel a lottravel aroundtravel bagtravel destinationtravelertravelerstraveler's accounttraveler's checktraveler's diarrheatravel essaytravel expensestravel geartravelingtraveling aroundtraveling companiontraveling expensestraveling incognitotraveling in disguisetraveling salespersontravel journaltravellingtravelling a lottravelling equipmenttravelling outfittravelogtravel outfittravel sicknesstravel without moneytraversetraverse tabletraversingtraytreacheroustreacherous intentiontreacherous retainertreacherous retainerstreacherytreadtread a thorny pathtreadmilltread onTread on an earthworm and it will squirmTread on a worm and it will turntreadwheeltreasontreasuretreasure housetreasure hunt
travel abroad
travel agency
- A company that offers an array of services for travel, including transportation, accomodaton, tour guide, etc.
- 여행에 필요한 교통, 숙박, 관광 안내 등을 하는 회사.
travel agency
travel allowance
travel along
travel a lot
travel around
- To circle along a certain route.
- 일정한 길을 따라 한 바퀴 돌다.
make a round; travel around; make a tour
travel bag
travel destination
3. 나그네
- A person who leaves home and travels, or who wanders here and there.
- 집을 떠나 여행을 하거나 여기저기 옮겨 다니는 사람.
traveler; passenger; visitor
traveler's account
- The act of writing what someone sees, hears, feels and experiences during traveling, or such a writing.
- 여행하며 보고 듣고 느끼고 경험한 것을 적음. 또는 그 글.
traveler's account
traveler's check
- The check one can use in a foreign country, instead of cash, while travelling abroad.
- 해외여행을 간 사람이 외국에서 현금 대신 쓸 수 있는 수표.
traveler's check
traveler's diarrhea
- A physical discomfort from which one suffers due to change of water when one travels to other areas or countries.
- 자기가 사는 곳이 아닌 다른 지역이나 나라 등의 물이 몸에 맞지 않아 탈이 나는 일.
traveler's diarrhea
travel essay
- A written account of what someone sees, hears, feels and experiences during his/her travels.
- 여행하며 보고 듣고 느끼고 경험한 것을 적은 글.
travel essay
travel expenses
travel gear
- An array of items that a person takes or the outfit he/she wears for travel.
- 여행을 할 때 챙기는 물건이나 차림.
travel outfit; travel gear
- An act of visiting a place or a person to find out a certain fact or news.
- 어떤 사실이나 소식을 알아내기 위해 사람이나 장소를 찾아감.
- An act of visiting a tourist attraction or historic site to look around.
- 명승지나 유적지를 구경하기 위해 찾아감.
visit; traveling
visit; traveling; field trip
traveling around
traveling companion
traveling expenses
traveling incognito
- The act of coming and going in secret so that others do not know.
- 남몰래 숨어서 오고 감.
traveling in disguise; traveling incognito
traveling in disguise
- The act of coming and going in secret so that others do not know.
- 남몰래 숨어서 오고 감.
traveling in disguise; traveling incognito
traveling salesperson
- A person who visits a customer and sells a product.
- 직접 고객을 찾아다니면서 물건을 파는 사람.
traveling salesperson
travel journal
- A piece of writing about the person one met or the place one visited.
- 찾아간 사람이나 장소에 대해 쓴 글.
travel journal; visit report
travelling a lot
travelling equipment
- A state in which one wears clothing or packs a bag with things for travel.
- 여행할 때 쓰는 물건과 옷이나 가방 등을 입거나 꾸려서 갖춘 상태.
travelling outfit; travelling equipment
travelling outfit
- A state in which one wears clothing or packs a bag with things for travel.
- 여행할 때 쓰는 물건과 옷이나 가방 등을 입거나 꾸려서 갖춘 상태.
travelling outfit; travelling equipment
- An account of what a person watches, hears, and feels while he/she travels.
- 여행하면서 보고 듣고 느낀 일에 대한 이야기.
account of travel; travelog
travel outfit
- An array of items that a person takes or the outfit he/she wears for travel.
- 여행을 할 때 챙기는 물건이나 차림.
travel outfit; travel gear
travel sickness
- The state of being dizzy and nauseated because of the motions that occur when riding in a car, ship, airplane, etc.
- 자동차, 배, 비행기 등을 탈 때, 그 흔들림 때문에 생기는 어지럽고 메스꺼운 증세.
motion sickness; travel sickness
travel without money
- Traveling without the money necessary for the journey such as lodging expenses, food expenses, etc.
- 숙박비나 식비 등 여행에 필요한 돈 없이 하는 여행.
penniless journey; travel without money
1. 가로지르다
- To place or insert a long object horizontally between two sides.
- 양쪽 사이에 긴 물건을 가로로 놓거나 꽂다.
- To lie across a certain space from one end to another end.
- 어떤 공간의 가운데로 한 쪽 끝에서 다른 쪽 끝까지 놓이다.
cross; be across; traverse
cross; traverse; intersect
2. 횡단하다
- To go across a road or river.
- 도로나 강 등을 가로 방향으로 지나다.
- To cross a continent or an ocean horizontally in a direction from east to west.
- 대륙이나 대양 등을 동서의 방향으로 가로로 건넘.
cross; traverse
cross; traverse; go across
traverse table
- A table that shows the cardinal points north, south, east, and west.
- 동서남북의 방위를 나타내는 표.
traverse table
- An act of passing along a road or river transversely.
- 도로나 강 등을 가로 방향으로 지남.
- An act of crossing a continent or ocean horizontally in a direction from east to west.
- 대륙이나 대양 등을 동서의 방향으로 가로로 건넘.
crossing; traversing
crossing; traversing; going across
- A shallow, wide-surfaced container that is used to carry other containers.
- 보통 다른 그릇을 받쳐 드는 데에 쓰는, 높이가 매우 낮고 바닥이 넓고 큰 그릇.
treacherous intention
- A state of having the intention to act contrary to what one appears to be.
- 겉으로 드러난 것과 다르게 배반하는 마음.
treacherous intention; ulterior motive
treacherous retainer
- A retainer who pursues a secret goal, putting his/her personal interest over that of a nation.
- 국가보다는 개인의 이익을 우선시하며 남몰래 다른 속셈을 가지고 그것을 이루기 위해 애쓰는 신하.
disloyal retainer; treacherous retainer
treacherous retainers
- A group of retainers who pursue secret goals, putting their personal interests over those of a nation.
- 국가보다는 개인의 이익을 우선시하며 남몰래 다른 속셈을 가지고 그것을 이루기 위해 애쓰는 신하의 무리.
disloyal retainers; treacherous retainers
1. 배반
- An act or behavior against trust and loyalty that one is expected to maintain in a relationship.
- 사람들과의 관계에서 지켜야 할 믿음과 의리에 어긋나게 행동함.
betrayal; treachery
2. 배신
- The act of betraying the other side's trust and fidelity.
- 상대방의 믿음과 의리를 저버림.
betrayal; treachery
3. 변절
- The act of abandoning one's belief, will or duty, and taking on an opposing belief, will or duty.
- 믿음이나 의지, 도리를 지키지 않고 바꿈.
betrayal; treachery
1. 걸어가다
- To take a step forward in the direction of a destination.
- 목적지를 향하여 다리를 움직여 나아가다.
- (figurative) For someone to continue to work in a certain field or go through a certain process destined for him/her.
- (비유적으로) 어떤 분야의 일을 계속해 나가거나, 운명적으로 주어진 과정을 거쳐 나가다.
walk; tread; stride
walk; tread; follow
2. 걸어오다¹
- (figurative) To follow a certain path or evolve.
- (비유적으로) 지내 오거나 발전하여 오다.
walk; tread; follow
3. 밟다
- To put feet on an object and stand on it or to tread on it.
- 어떤 대상에 발을 올려놓고 서거나 올려놓으면서 걷다.
pace; step; tread
Idiomtread a thorny path
관용구가시밭길을 가다
- To live a tough and hard life.
- 힘들고 어려운 삶을 살다.
tread a thorny path
- A mill that grinds grain with a forceable, downward thrust of the foot.
- 발로 밟아 누르는 힘으로 곡식을 찧는 방아.
treadmill; treadwheel
tread on
ProverbsTread on an earthworm and it will squirm
- Even a person of low status or a meek, docile person will resist if he/she is severely mistreated and despised.
- 아무리 지위가 낮거나 순하고 좋은 사람이라도 너무 업신여기면 가만히 있지 않는다.
Tread on an earthworm and it will squirm; Tread on a worm and it will turn; Even a fly has its anger
ProverbsTread on a worm and it will turn
- Even a person of low status or a meek, docile person will resist if he/she is severely mistreated and despised.
- 아무리 지위가 낮거나 순하고 좋은 사람이라도 너무 업신여기면 가만히 있지 않는다.
Tread on an earthworm and it will squirm; Tread on a worm and it will turn; Even a fly has its anger
1. 내란죄
- An offense of trying to topple the government by force of arms or jeopardizing the nation by provoking a riot.
- 무력을 써서 현재의 정부를 무너뜨리려고 하거나 폭동을 일으켜 국가를 위태롭게 하는 죄.
3. 반역
- An act of turning one's back on a nation, people or any organization that has a similar power, abandoning the duty of loyalty to such entities.
- 국가와 민족, 또는 그와 비슷한 권력을 가진 조직에 대한 의리를 저버리고 배신함.
4. 반역죄
- A crime of turning one's back on a nation, people or any organization that has a similar power, abandoning the duty of loyalty to such entities.
- 국가와 민족, 또는 그와 비슷한 권력을 가진 조직에 대한 의리를 저버리고 배신한 죄.
4. 보물
- A highly precious and valuable thing.
- 높은 가치가 있는 매우 귀하고 소중한 물건.
- A cultural asset designated by the government.
- 국가에서 지정하여 법으로 보호하고 관리하는 문화재.
treasure; jewel
5. 보물단지
- (figurative) A person who is so precious as to be cherished by another; or a highly valuable thing.
- (비유적으로) 아주 귀하게 여겨 소중하게 다루는 사람. 또는 아주 가치가 높은 물건.
treasure; jewel
7. 보화
- Things that are expensive due to their rarity and preciousness.
- 드물고 귀해서 값이 비싼 물건.
treasure; valuables
8. 애지중지하다
- To love and value someone or something highly.
- 매우 사랑하고 소중히 여기다.
treasure; cherish; coddle
treasure house
treasure hunt
- A game in which players try to find slips of paper hidden here and there and receive items written on the slips as prizes.
- 물건의 이름이 적힌 종이를 여러 군데 숨겨 두고, 그 종이를 찾은 사람에게 종이에 적힌 물건을 상으로 주는 놀이.
treasure hunt
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