all ages and countriesAllahall alongall animalsall-aroundall at a timeall at onceall authorityall butall colorsall dayall day longall difficultiesall directionsall during the springallegianceallegoryall-encompassingallergyall eveningalleviatealleviate droughtalleviationalleviation of droughtalleviation of feveralleyall facesall generationsall going wellall grainsallianceallied forcesallied nationsAllied PowersAlliesalligatorall in a single transactionall in good shapeall jointsall kindsall kinds ofall kinds of affairsall kinds of delicaciesall kinds of emotionsall kinds of excusesall kinds of flowersall kinds of hardship
all ages and countries
- All the places and ages that humans have lived in, including the east and west, the past and present.
- 동양과 서양, 옛날과 지금을 통틀어 인간이 사는 모든 곳과 모든 시대.
all ages and countries
all along
all animals
- Having various talents or abilities.
- 여러 가지 재능이나 재주가 많다.
all-around; multi-talented; being a jack-of-all-trades
all at a time
- A state of dealing with many things in one stroke.
- 한꺼번에 몰아서 함.
all at a time; all in a single transaction
all at once
1. 와락
- In the manner of doing something suddenly.
- 갑자기 어떤 행동을 하는 모양.
all of a sudden; all at once
2. 폭삭
- A word describing the state of contained objects being spilled all at once.
- 담겼던 물건이 한꺼번에 쏟아지는 모양.
all at once
3. 한꺼번에
- In one stroke, or all at the same time.
- 몰아서 한 번에. 또는 전부 다 동시에.
at a stroke; at one blow; all at once; at the same time; all together
all authority
- All the power to handle and control a task or form of work.
- 맡겨진 일을 책임지고 처리할 수 있는 모든 권한.
all authority
all but
all colors
all day
all day long
all difficulties
all directions
all during the spring
1. 충
- The state of being devoted and faithful to one's king, country, etc.
- 임금이나 나라 등에 충성함.
loyalty; allegiance
2. 충성
- A sincere and genuine heart, originating from one's true affection toward one's king or nation.
- 주로 임금이나 국가에 대하여 참된 마음에서 우러나오는 정성.
loyalty; allegiance; fidelity
3. 충성심
- A sincere and genuine heart, originating from one's true affection toward one's king or nation.
- 임금이나 나라에 대하여 참된 마음에서 우러나오는 정성스러운 마음.
loyalty; allegiance; fidelity
4. 충절
- One's faithful and righteous attitude, usually when dealing with one's king or country.
- 주로 임금이나 나라에 대한 충성스럽고 곧은 마음.
loyalty; allegiance; fidelity
5. 충정¹
- A sincere and genuine affection, usually toward one's king or nation.
- 주로 임금이나 나라에 대한 충성스럽고 참된 마음.
loyalty; allegiance; fidelity
- A story that conveys lessons and satire to the readers by featuring animals, plants, or other objects as the protagonist.
- 동식물이나 사물을 주인공으로 하여 교훈과 풍자의 뜻을 나타내는 이야기.
fable; allegory
- Various things being put together into one.
- 여러 가지를 한데 모아 합한.
comprehensive; all-encompassing
- Pain or discomfort one feels when a certain thing touches or comes into one's body.
- 어떤 물질이 몸에 닿거나 몸속에 들어갔을 때 그것에 반응하여 생기는 불편하거나 아픈 증상.
- (figurative) A physiological response of disliking and rejecting a certain object, phenomenon, or a person.
- (비유적으로) 어떤 사물이나 현상, 사람을 싫어하고 거부하는 심리적 반응.
all evening
alleviate drought
alleviation of drought
- A state in which rainfall brings drought to an end.
- 비가 내려 가뭄을 겨우 벗어남.
end of drought; alleviation of drought
alleviation of fever
all faces
all generations
all going well
all grains
1. 교합
- The act of people joining together as their wills and minds are similar.
- 뜻이나 마음이 잘 맞아 서로 합함.
alliance; coalition
2. 동맹
- A promise made among more than two individuals, groups, countries, etc., that they will help one another for their mutual benefit.
- 둘 이상의 개인이나 단체, 나라 등이 이익을 위해서 서로 도울 것을 약속하는 결합.
3. 연맹
- More than two groups or countries with the same goal promising to help each other; such groups or organizations.
- 같은 목적을 가진 둘 이상의 단체나 국가가 서로 돕기로 약속함. 또는 그런 조직이나 집단.
federation; alliance
4. 유착
- The state of institutions, objects, etc., being attached in close relations.
- 기관이나 사물 등이 서로 깊은 관계를 가지고 결합함.
5. 제휴
- The act of helping each other in order to achieve a common goal together.
- 원하는 일을 함께 이루기 위해 서로 도와줌.
alliance; partnership
allied forces
1. 동맹군
- An army organized by countries which agreed to take military action together and help one another.
- 군사적 행동을 함께 하고 서로 돕기로 약속하여 결성한 군대.
allied forces
2. 연합군
- The forces formed as a result of the combination of more than two nations in a war.
- 전쟁에서 둘 이상의 나라가 연합하여 이룬 군대.
joint forces; allied forces
allied nations
- Countries that help each other in order to achieve a common goal.
- 같은 목적을 이루기 위해 한데 뭉쳐 서로 돕는 나라.
allied nations
Allied Powers
- The nations allied to fight against Germany, Italy, etc., in World War I.
- 제일 차 세계 대전에서 독일, 이탈리아 등의 동맹국에 맞서기 위해 연합한 여러 나라.
- The nations allied to fight against the central nations that began World War II.
- 제이 차 세계 대전에서 전쟁을 일으킨 주된 나라와 맞서기 위해 연합한 여러 나라.
Allies; Allied Powers
Allied Powers; Allies
- The nations allied to fight against Germany, Italy, etc., in World War I.
- 제일 차 세계 대전에서 독일, 이탈리아 등의 동맹국에 맞서기 위해 연합한 여러 나라.
- The nations allied to fight against the central nations that began World War II.
- 제이 차 세계 대전에서 전쟁을 일으킨 주된 나라와 맞서기 위해 연합한 여러 나라.
Allies; Allied Powers
Allied Powers; Allies
- An animal living in a tropical river or pond and preying on fish or other animals using its sharp teeth, which looks like a lizard but is a lot larger.
- 열대의 강이나 호수에서 살며 생김새는 도마뱀과 비슷하나 몸집은 훨씬 크고 이빨이 날카로우며 물고기나 다른 동물들을 잡아 먹고 사는 동물.
crocodile; alligator
all in a single transaction
- A state of dealing with many things in one stroke.
- 한꺼번에 몰아서 함.
all at a time; all in a single transaction
all in good shape
all joints
all kinds
all kinds of
all kinds of affairs
all kinds of delicacies
- A good-tasting food made with all kinds of ingredients from every land and sea.
- 산과 바다에서 나는 온갖 재료로 만든 맛있는 음식.
all kinds of delicacies; tasty cuisine of every kind
all kinds of emotions
- A compound noun for happiness, anger, sadness, and pleasure.
- 기쁨과 노여움과 슬픔과 즐거움.
joys and sorrows; all kinds of emotions
all kinds of excuses
- An act of making all kinds of excuses for doing something.
- 이런저런 일을 변명이나 핑계로 삼음.
all kinds of excuses; under one pretext or another
all kinds of flowers
all kinds of hardship
- All kinds of hardships and difficulties in life.
- 세상의 온갖 고생과 어려움을 다 겪음.
all kinds of hardship; sweets and bitters; ups and downs
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