Idiomfeeling one year as if it were ten years
    feeling one year as if it were ten years
  • Worrying about and missing someone so much.
  • 매우 애태우고 그리워하며.
feeling out of place
    disharmony; feeling out of place
  • A feeling of not being in harmony and mixing well with another.
  • 서로 어울리지 않고 어색한 느낌.
feeling pity
    feeling pity
  • Feeling heartfelt pity or sympathy for someone.
  • 마음이 아플 정도로 불쌍하고 딱하다.
    feeling pity
  • Feeling heartfelt sorrow or sympathy.
  • 마음이 아플 정도로 불쌍하고 딱하다.
feeling reassured
    feeling reassured; feeling safe
  • Feeling reassured thanks to faith in something.
  • 어떤 것에 대한 믿음이 있어 마음이 힘차다.
feeling refreshed
    feeling refreshed
  • A cool and fresh feeling.
  • 시원하고 산뜻한 느낌.
feeling rough
    feeling rough; feeling sandy
  • A word describing the state of the skin or the surface of something being rough, not smooth.
  • 피부나 물건의 겉면이 매끄럽지 않고 거친 모양.
    feeling rough; feeling sandy
  • A word describing the state of the skin or the surface of something being rough, not smooth.
  • 피부나 물건의 겉면이 매끄럽지 않고 거친 모양.
    feelings; thoughts
  • Feelings or thoughts arising in the mind in response to an incident or thing.
  • 어떤 일에 대하여 마음속에 일어나는 느낌이나 생각.
    mood; feelings
  • The state of one's emotion such as displeasure, pleasure, gloom, anger, etc.
  • 불쾌, 유쾌, 우울, 분노 등의 감정 상태.
    thoughts; feelings
  • The thoughts or feelings on something.
  • 어떤 일에 대하여 느끼고 생각한 것.
    mental state; mind; feelings
  • The state of one's mind.
  • 마음의 상태.
feeling safe
    feeling reassured; feeling safe
  • Feeling reassured thanks to faith in something.
  • 어떤 것에 대한 믿음이 있어 마음이 힘차다.
feeling sandy
    feeling rough; feeling sandy
  • A word describing the state of the skin or the surface of something being rough, not smooth.
  • 피부나 물건의 겉면이 매끄럽지 않고 거친 모양.
    feeling rough; feeling sandy
  • A word describing the state of the skin or the surface of something being rough, not smooth.
  • 피부나 물건의 겉면이 매끄럽지 않고 거친 모양.
feeling sick
    nausea; feeling sick
  • Feeling like throwing up because one has nausea.
  • 속이 메스꺼워 먹은 것을 입 밖으로 내어놓으려고 하는 짓.
    feeling nausea; feeling sick
  • Sick at the stomach and feeling like vomiting.
  • 속이 울렁거려 자꾸 토할 듯한 상태에 있다.
    feeling sick; feeling nausea
  • Feeling queasy and sick at the stomach continuously so much as to feel like vomiting.
  • 토할 것 같이 속이 자꾸 메스껍고 느끼하다.
feeling sorry
    feeling sorry
  • Feeling uneasy and sorry about getting help from and imposing on someone who is younger or weaker.
  • 자기보다 어리거나 약한 사람에게 도움을 받고 폐를 끼쳐 미안하고 딱하다.
    feeling sorry
  • Feeling sad and frustrated because something does not work out as planned or someone looks pitiful and pathetic.
  • 뜻대로 되지 않거나 보기에 가엾고 불쌍해서 가슴이 아프고 답답하다.
feeling stuffed-up
    feeling stuffed-up
  • Feeling stuffy as one's nose is clogged.
  • 코가 막혀서 답답하다.
feeling the pulse
    feeling the pulse
  • The act of taking a patient's pulse in order to examine his/her health.
  • 병을 진찰하기 위해 손목의 맥을 짚어 보는 일.
feeling uncomfortable
    feeling ill at ease; feeling uncomfortable
  • Feeling awkward and shy.
  • 어색하고 쑥스럽다.
feeling uneasy
    feeling uneasy
  • Feeling uncomfortable or bad because something weighs on one's mind.
  • 매우 마음에 걸려 불편하거나 좋지 않은 느낌이 있다.
    feeling uneasy
  • Feeling uncomfortable or bad because something weighs on one's mind.
  • 마음에 걸려 불편하거나 좋지 않은 느낌이 있다.
    feeling uneasy
  • Feeling uncomfortable or bad because something weighs on one's mind.
  • 마음에 걸려 불편하거나 좋지 않은 느낌이 있다.
    feeling heavy; feeling uneasy
  • Nervous and uncomfortable due to worry or anxiety.
  • 근심이나 걱정으로 마음이 초조하고 속이 시원하지 않다.
feeling very uneasy
    feeling very uneasy
  • Feeling uncomfortable or bad because something weighs heavily on one's mind.
  • 매우 마음에 걸려 불편하거나 좋지 않은 느낌이 있다.
feeling well
    refreshed; feeling well
  • One's mind or body feeling refreshed and light.
  • 기분이나 몸이 상쾌하고 가볍다.
Idiomfeel itchy in one's buttocks
    feel itchy in one's buttocks
  • To be unable to bear sitting still or staying in one place and impatiently wanting to leave the place and go around to other places.
  • 한군데 가만히 앉아 있거나 머물지 못하고 자꾸 일어나 움직이고 싶어 하다.
Idiomfeel itchy in one's ears
    feel itchy in one's ears
  • To have a hunch that someone is talking about them.
  • 남이 자기에 관한 말을 하는 것 같다.
Idiomfeel itchy in one's face
    feel itchy in one's face
  • To be ashamed to face others.
  • 남 보기가 부끄럽다.
Idiomfeel itchy in one's mouth
    feel itchy in one's mouth
  • To be dying to talk about something or reveal a secret.
  • 어떤 이야기나 비밀을 몹시 말하고 싶다.
feel jealous
    envy; covet; feel jealous
  • To want to have something or want to be like someone after seeing it or him/her.
  • 무엇을 보고 가지고 싶어 하거나 어떤 사람을 보고 그렇게 되고 싶어 하다.
feel left out
    feel left out; feel out of place
  • To stay isolated without being able to associating with people or getting along in a certain situation.
  • 사람들이나 상황에 어울리지 못하고 따로 지내다.
feel like
    feel like; be willing to do
  • To feel like doing something.
  • 하고 싶은 마음이 생기다.
    feel like; be frustrated
  • (figurative) To feel frustrated because one cannot hit or attack another.
  • (비유적으로) 상대를 때리거나 공격할 수 없어 분한 마음을 느끼다.
Proverbsfeel like an aching tooth having fallen out
    feel like an aching tooth having fallen out; feel sudden relief
  • To be relieved as a problem or concern disappears.
  • 문젯거리나 걱정거리가 없어져서 속이 시원하다.
Proverbsfeel like having sent a child to the place around a well
    feel like having sent a child to the place around a well
  • To feel anxious due to worrying about someone.
  • 누군가가 매우 걱정이 되어 마음이 불안하다.
Proverbsfeel like not having wiped off one's behind after defecating
    feel like not having wiped off one's behind after defecating
  • To feel uneasy since something is finished in a rough and incomplete manner.
  • 어떤 일의 마무리나 뒤처리가 깔끔하게 되지 않아 마음에 불편함이 남다.
feel like throwing up
    feel sick; feel like throwing up
  • To feel extremely sick as if about to throw up.
  • 토할 것처럼 속이 자꾸 심하게 울렁거리다.
    feel sick; feel like throwing up
  • To feel extremely sick as if about to throw up.
  • 토할 것처럼 속이 자꾸 심하게 울렁거리다.
    feel sick; feel like throwing up
  • To feel extremely sick as if about to throw up.
  • 토할 것처럼 속이 자꾸 심하게 울렁거리다.
feel mortified
    feel vexed; feel mortified; frustrated
  • Feeling angry because one has suffered unfairness or something does not go as well as expected.
  • 억울한 일을 당하거나 될 듯한 일이 되지 않아서 매우 화가 나다.
feel nausea
    feel nausea; feel sick
  • To be sick at the stomach and feel like vomiting.
  • 속이 울렁거려 토할 듯하다.
    feel sick; feel nausea
  • To be sick at the stomach and feel like vomiting.
  • 속이 울렁거려 토할 듯하다.
    nauseate; feel sick; feel nausea
  • To feel queasy and sick at the stomach continuously so much as to feel like vomiting.
  • 토할 것 같이 자꾸 속이 메스껍고 느끼해지다.
    nauseate; feel sick; feel nausea
  • To feel queasy and sick at the stomach continuously so much as to feel like vomiting.
  • 토할 것 같이 속이 자꾸 메스껍고 느끼해지다.
    nauseate; feel sick; feel nausea
  • To feel queasy and sick at the stomach continuously so much as to feel like vomiting.
  • 토할 것 같이 자꾸 속이 메스껍고 느끼해지다.
    feel nausea; feel sick
  • To feel like vomiting continuously because one feels sick in their stomach.
  • 속이 메스꺼워 자꾸 토할 것 같아지다.
    feel nausea; feel sick
  • To feel like vomiting continuously because one feels sick to their stomach.
  • 속이 메스꺼워 자꾸 토할 것 같아지다.
    feel nausea; feel sick
  • To feel like vomiting continuously because one feels sick to their stomach.
  • 속이 메스꺼워 자꾸 토할 것 같아지다.
    feel nausea; feel sick
  • To feel like vomiting because one feels sick to their stomach.
  • 속이 메스꺼워 토할 것 같아지다.
feel nervous
    feel nervous
  • To fret with anxiety or expectation.
  • 불안이나 기대로 초조해 하다.
    feel nervous
  • To fret with anxiety or expectation.
  • 불안이나 기대로 초조해 하다.
    feel nervous
  • To fret with anxiety or expectation.
  • 불안이나 기대로 초조해 하다.
    feel excited; feel nervous; stir up
  • To feel nervous or excited over and over; to make someone feel nervous or excited.
  • 마음이 자꾸 설레거나 불안하다. 또는 그렇게 되게 하다.
    feel excited; feel nervous; stir up
  • To feel nervous or excited over and over; to make someone feel nervous or excited.
  • 마음이 자꾸 설레거나 불안하다. 또는 그렇게 되게 하다.
    feel excited; feel nervous; stir up
  • To feel nervous or excited over and over; to make someone feel nervous or excited.
  • 마음이 자꾸 설레거나 불안하다. 또는 그렇게 되게 하다.
    feel excited; feel nervous; stir up
  • To feel nervous or excited; to make someone feel nervous or excited.
  • 마음이 설레거나 불안하다. 또는 그렇게 되게 하다.
feel numb
    feel numb
  • For a joint or a body part to be weighed down for a long while, hindering blood circulation.
  • 뼈마디나 몸의 일부가 오래 눌려서 피가 잘 통하지 못하다.
Idiomfeel numb in one's back
    feel numb in one's back
  • To feel anxious for fear that one's faults or weaknesses will bring about negative results in the future.
  • 자기가 한 말이나 행동이 나중에 잘못될까 봐 마음이 초조하고 불안하다.
Idiomfeel numb in one's ham
    feel numb in one's ham
  • To be anxious due to fright or fear.
  • 공포감이나 두려움 때문에 마음을 졸이다.
Idiomfeel numb in the marrow
    feel numb in the marrow
  • To feel numb from the cold deep in one's bones.
  • 추워서 뼛속까지 저리다.
Idiomfeel one's chest suffocating
    feel one's chest suffocating
  • To feel uneasy.
  • 마음이 불편하다.
feel out
    sound out; feel out
  • To study someone's situation or inner thought in advance.
  • 남의 사정이나 속마음을 미리 살피다.
feel out of place
    feel left out; feel out of place
  • To stay isolated without being able to associating with people or getting along in a certain situation.
  • 사람들이나 상황에 어울리지 못하고 따로 지내다.
feel overawed
    feel overawed; feel small; have qualms
  • To feel compunction and the sense of being dispirited.
  • 떳떳하지 못해 기를 펴지 못하다.
    feel overawed; feel small; have qualms
  • To feel compunction and the sense of being dispirited.
  • 떳떳하지 못해 기를 펴지 못하다.
feel overpowered
    feel overpowered
  • To overly care about what others think or be subdued and discouraged.
  • 남의 눈치를 보거나 남에게 몹시 눌려 기를 펴지 못하고 살다.
Idiomfeel pain in one's ham
    feel pain in one's ham
  • To be impatient to do something and fidget.
  • 무슨 일을 하고 싶어 가만히 있지 못하다.
Idiomfeel pain in the brain
    feel pain in the brain
  • (disparaging) To think about something to such an extent that one has a headache.
  • (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 어떻게 해야 할지 몰라 머리가 아플 정도로 생각하다.
Idiomfeel pain in the heart
    feel pain in the heart
  • To feel pain in one's heart.
  • 마음의 고통을 느끼다.
feel reassured
    feel at ease; feel reassured; breathe again
  • To feel relieved because something has turned out well.
  • 어떤 일이 잘되어 마음을 놓다.
feel refreshed
    feel refreshed
  • One's body being in an invigorated or refreshed condition.
  • 몸의 상태가 가볍고 상쾌하다.
feel relieved
    feel relieved
  • Feeling better and comfortable without a burden.
  • 마음에 부담이 없이 가볍고 편하다.
    feel relieved
  • To feel at ease because a tough or difficult matter, worry, concern, etc., has been solved.
  • 곤란하거나 어려운 일, 근심, 걱정 등이 해결되어 안도하다.
    feel relieved
  • To come to have one's mind at rest, without worries.
  • 걱정이 없어지고 마음이 편해지다.
feel remorse
    regret; feel remorse; repent
  • To come to realize that what one did was wrong and reprimand oneself for having done it.
  • 이전에 자신이 한 일이 잘못임이 깨달아지고 스스로 자신의 잘못을 나무라게 되다.
    regret; feel remorse; repent
  • To realize that what one did was wrong and reprimand oneself for having done it.
  • 이전에 자신이 한 일이 잘못임을 깨닫고 스스로 자신의 잘못을 꾸짖다.
feel resentment at
    bear a grudge against; feel resentment at; resent
  • To blame or hate someone or something because one is displeased with him/her or it.
  • 마음에 들지 않아서 탓하거나 미워하다.

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