feel sad
    feel empty; feel folorn; feel sad
  • To feel lonely and forlorn.
  • 마음이 외롭고 쓸쓸하게 되다.
feel shame
    ashamed; feel shame
  • Feeling uncomfortable because of being shy or awkward.
  • 부끄럽거나 민망하여 마음이 편하지 않다.
feel sick
    feel nausea; feel sick
  • To be sick at the stomach and feel like vomiting.
  • 속이 울렁거려 토할 듯하다.
    feel sick; feel nausea
  • To be sick at the stomach and feel like vomiting.
  • 속이 울렁거려 토할 듯하다.
    nauseate; feel sick; feel nausea
  • To feel queasy and sick at the stomach continuously so much as to feel like vomiting.
  • 토할 것 같이 자꾸 속이 메스껍고 느끼해지다.
    nauseate; feel sick; feel nausea
  • To feel queasy and sick at the stomach continuously so much as to feel like vomiting.
  • 토할 것 같이 속이 자꾸 메스껍고 느끼해지다.
    nauseate; feel sick; feel nausea
  • To feel queasy and sick at the stomach continuously so much as to feel like vomiting.
  • 토할 것 같이 자꾸 속이 메스껍고 느끼해지다.
    feel sick
  • To be sick and feel like to throw up.
  • 토할 것처럼 속이 자꾸 울렁거리다.
    feel sick
  • To be sick and feel like to throw up.
  • 토할 것처럼 속이 자꾸 울렁거리다.
    feel sick
  • To feel sick and feel like to throw up.
  • 토할 것처럼 속이 자꾸 울렁거리다.
    feel sick
  • To be dizzy and nauseated because of the motions that occur when riding in a car, ship, airplane, etc.
  • 자동차, 배, 비행기 등을 탈 때, 그 흔들림 때문에 어지럽고 메스꺼워지다.
    feel sick; feel like throwing up
  • To feel extremely sick as if about to throw up.
  • 토할 것처럼 속이 자꾸 심하게 울렁거리다.
    feel sick; feel like throwing up
  • To feel extremely sick as if about to throw up.
  • 토할 것처럼 속이 자꾸 심하게 울렁거리다.
    feel sick; feel like throwing up
  • To feel extremely sick as if about to throw up.
  • 토할 것처럼 속이 자꾸 심하게 울렁거리다.
    feel nausea; feel sick
  • To feel like vomiting continuously because one feels sick in their stomach.
  • 속이 메스꺼워 자꾸 토할 것 같아지다.
    feel nausea; feel sick
  • To feel like vomiting continuously because one feels sick to their stomach.
  • 속이 메스꺼워 자꾸 토할 것 같아지다.
    feel nausea; feel sick
  • To feel like vomiting continuously because one feels sick to their stomach.
  • 속이 메스꺼워 자꾸 토할 것 같아지다.
    feel nausea; feel sick
  • To feel like vomiting because one feels sick to their stomach.
  • 속이 메스꺼워 토할 것 같아지다.
feel sleepy
    feel sleepy
  • For sleep or drowsiness to rush in.
  • 잠이나 졸음이 심하게 밀려오다.
feel small
    feel overawed; feel small; have qualms
  • To feel compunction and the sense of being dispirited.
  • 떳떳하지 못해 기를 펴지 못하다.
    feel overawed; feel small; have qualms
  • To feel compunction and the sense of being dispirited.
  • 떳떳하지 못해 기를 펴지 못하다.
    feel inferior; feel small
  • To feel at a disadvantage because one's spirits are low.
  • 기세가 꺾여 불리한 느낌이 들다.
Idiomfeel something heavy in the chest
    feel something heavy in the chest
  • To have deep concerns or worries.
  • 걱정이나 근심이 많다.
Idiomfeel something in one's heart
    feel something in one's heart
  • For something to come up in mind.
  • 무엇이 마음에 떠오르거나 생각나다.
Idiomfeel something with one's skin
    feel something with one's skin
  • To directly feel something.
  • 직접적으로 느끼다.
feel sorry
    feel sorry
  • To feel sad and frustrated because something does not work out as planned or someone looks pitiful and pathetic.
  • 뜻대로 되지 않거나 보기에 가엾고 불쌍해서 가슴이 아프고 답답하게 여기다.
Idiomfeel sour in one's eyes
    feel sour in one's eyes
  • For someone's behavior to be annoying and unpleasant.
  • 행동이 거슬리고 아니꼽다.
Idiomfeel stinging in the chest
    feel stinging in the chest
  • To feel pain in the heart because of pity.
  • 불쌍한 생각이 들어 마음이 아프다.
feel stodgy
    feel stodgy; suffer from indigestion
  • For food to not be digested well, causing a discomfort in the stomach.
  • 먹은 것이 잘 소화되지 않아 배 속이 편하지 않게 되다.
feel strongly
    feel strongly; fully realize
  • To feel something fully in one's heart.
  • 마음 깊이 절실하게 느끼다.
Proverbsfeel sudden relief
    feel like an aching tooth having fallen out; feel sudden relief
  • To be relieved as a problem or concern disappears.
  • 문젯거리나 걱정거리가 없어져서 속이 시원하다.
Idiomfeel the chill in one's backbone
    feel the chill in one's backbone
  • To be very startled or scared to such an extent that one gets goose bumps along their spine.
  • 등골에 소름이 끼칠 정도로 매우 놀라거나 두렵다.
feel the pulse
    feel the pulse
  • To take a patient's pulse in order to examine his/her health.
  • 병을 진찰하기 위해 손목의 맥을 짚어 보다.
Idiomfeel the spring
관용구봄을 타다
    feel the spring
  • To lose one's appetite or feel drowsy and weak in the spring.
  • 봄이 되어 입맛을 잃거나 몸이 나른해지고 약해지다.
feel ticklish
    feel ticklish
  • The sensation of one's body touching or being touched by something being unbearable and causing laughter.
  • 무엇이 몸에 닿거나 누가 만져서 웃음이 나거나 견디기 어려운 느낌이 있다.
feel tight
    feel tight; be choky; be suffocating
  • For something to be too tight, causing the feeling of being choked.
  • 몸을 조여 답답한 느낌이 있다.
    feel tight
  • To feel increasingly nervous, uneasy, anxious, etc.
  • 마음이 점점 긴장되거나 불안, 초조함 등의 감정이 점점 커지다.
feel unwell
    feel unwell; feel ill
  • Feeling unnatural or uncomfortable in moving or carrying out bodily functions.
  • 움직임이나 몸의 기능이 자연스럽지 못하거나 불편한 느낌이 있다.
feel vexed
    feel vexed; feel mortified; frustrated
  • Feeling angry because one has suffered unfairness or something does not go as well as expected.
  • 억울한 일을 당하거나 될 듯한 일이 되지 않아서 매우 화가 나다.
Idiomfeel warm in the heart
    feel warm in the heart
  • To have an intensifying feeling and be moved.
  • 감정이 심해져 감동이 생기다.
Bound Noun의존 명사
  • A bound noun that serves as a unit of length.
  • 길이의 단위.
IdiomFeet coordinate with each other
    Feet coordinate with each other
  • For the same foot of many people to reach the ground at the same time when they walk together.
  • 여러 사람이 걸을 때 같은 쪽의 발이 동시에 떨어지다.
  • Feet coordinate with each other
  • For words or behavior of many people to be in good harmony when working together.
  • 어떤 일을 할 때 여러 사람의 말이나 행동이 서로 잘 맞다.
    impersonate; feign; pretend
  • To make a false statement about one's name, job, age, address, etc., to deceive someone.
  • 이름, 직업, 나이, 주소 등을 거짓으로 속여 말하다.
feigned accident
    feigned accident; feigned incident
  • (figurative) Something that is made up or fabricated.
  • (비유적으로) 지어내거나 꾸며 내어 만든 일.
feigned illness
    fake illness; feigned illness
  • Pretending to be sick.
  • 거짓으로 병을 앓는 체하는 것.
feigned incident
    feigned accident; feigned incident
  • (figurative) Something that is made up or fabricated.
  • (비유적으로) 지어내거나 꾸며 내어 만든 일.
feigned innocence
    feigned innocence; dissimulation
  • The attitude of pretenting not to have done something while one actually did or pretending not to know something while one actually does.
  • 자기가 하고도 하지 않은 척하거나 알고도 모르는 척하는 태도.
    feigned innocence; dissimulation
  • The attitude of pretenting not to have done something while one actually did or pretending not to know something while one actually does.
  • 자기가 하고도 하지 않은 척하거나 알고도 모르는 척하는 태도.
feigned smile
    feigned smile; fake laugh; forced laughter
  • A laugh that one fakes.
  • 거짓으로 꾸며서 웃는 웃음.
  • An act of taking a deceiving attitude.
  • 태도를 거짓으로 꾸밈.
    impersonation; feigning; pretending
  • An act of making a false statement about one's name, job, age, address, etc. to deceive someone.
  • 이름, 직업, 나이, 주소 등을 거짓으로 속여 말함.
feigning pain
    exaggeration of pain; feigning pain; great fuss about nothing
  • An act of feigning or exaggerating pain or hardship, or such an attitude or a remark.
  • 아픔이나 괴로움을 거짓으로 꾸미거나 실제보다 과장해서 나타냄. 또는 그런 태도나 말.
Idiomfeign innocence
    feign innocence; dissimulate; remove a tag that identifies the owner of a hawk
  • To pretend not to have done something or pretend to be ignorant of something that one actually knows about.
  • 자기가 하고도 하지 않은 척하거나 알면서도 모르는 척하다.
    feign innocence; dissimulate; remove a tag that identifies the owner of a hawk
  • To pretend not to have done something or pretend to be ignorant of something that one actually knows about.
  • 자기가 하고도 하지 않은 척하거나 알면서도 모르는 척하다.
feign pain
    exaggerate pain; feign pain; make great fuss about nothing
  • To feign or exaggerate pain or hardship.
  • 아픔이나 괴로움을 거짓으로 꾸미거나 실제보다 과장해서 나타내다.
    feisty; militant
  • Being like engaging in a battle.
  • 전투를 하는 것과 같은.
    congratulate; felicitate
  • To celebrate an auspicious occasion.
  • 경사스러운 일을 축하하거나 칭찬하다.
    lumber; fell
  • To cut off a tree.
  • 나무를 베어 내다.
    lumbering; felling
  • The act of cutting off a tree.
  • 나무를 베어 냄.
    fellow; tough guy; punk; bastard
  • A person or group of people one fights with.
  • 싸우는 상대인 사람이나 그 무리.
    member; fellow; crew
  • A person who belongs to a troop or group.
  • 부대나 집단에 속한 사람.
    guy; fellow
  • (disparaging) Someone else, not me.
  • (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 나 아닌 다른 사람.
    fellow; dude
  • (impolite form or affectionate) A person who is about the same age as or younger than one.
  • (낮추거나 친근하게 이르는 말로) 나이가 비슷하거나 아래인 사람.
    friendship; fraternal affection; fellowship
  • Affection and love between brothers or friends.
  • 형제 또는 친구 사이의 정과 사랑.
    friendship; fraternity; fellowship
  • Intimacy and fidelity between friends, siblings, or two groups.
  • 친구나 형제 또는 두 집단 사이의 친밀한 감정과 의리.
    bond; fellowship
  • The feeling of being closely connected or combined and being understood well.
  • 서로 가깝게 이어지거나 결합되어 통하는 느낌.
fellow student
    classmate; fellow student
  • A person who goes to the same school or takes lessons from the same teacher.
  • 같은 학교에 다니거나 같은 선생님에게서 공부하는 사람.
  • A person who has committed a serious and grave crime.
  • 무겁고 큰 죄를 지은 사람.
    felon; brutal criminal
  • A person who commits a vicious and heinous crime.
  • 끔찍하고 악한 범죄를 저지른 사람.
  • A serious and grave crime.
  • 무겁고 큰 죄.
felt strongly
    felt strongly
  • An emotion or thought being strong.
  • 어떤 감정이나 생각이 강하다.
felt-tipped pen
    felt-tipped pen
  • A writing implement with a tip made from felt soaked in ink.
  • 섬유로 만든 심에 잉크를 적셔 만든 필기도구.
    female; she
  • The sex in an organism being able to bear a baby or fruit.
  • 생물에서 새끼를 배거나 열매를 맺는 성.
  • A female animal.
  • 암컷인 동물.
    female; doe
  • The female side that gives birth to a baby among sexually dimorphic animals.
  • 암수 구별이 있는 동물 중에 새끼를 배는 쪽.
    woman; female
  • A person who was born as a female.
  • 여성으로 태어난 사람.
    female; woman
  • A woman skilled in doing a professional work.
  • 어떤 전문적인 일을 잘하는 여자.
female and male
    both sexes; female and male
  • Female and male sexes of animals or plants.
  • 암컷과 수컷.
female body
    woman's body; female body
  • The body of a woman.
  • 여성의 몸.
female Buddhist monk
    female Buddhist monk; Buddhist nun
  • A female monk.
  • 여자 승려.

'English - Korean > f' 카테고리의 다른 글

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