feel drowsy
    feel drowsy
  • To feel like sleeping.
  • 자고 싶은 느낌이 들다.
feel dull
    feel dull
  • Feeling heavy in one's head, stomach, arms and legs, etc.
  • 머리나 배, 팔다리 등에서 무거운 기분이나 느낌이 있다.
feel easily
    feel easily
  • To come to have a feeling easily or to sense a physical stimulation such as itchiness easily.
  • 감정이나 간지럼 같은 신체적 느낌을 쉽게 느끼다.
feel easy
    feel easy; make oneself easy
  • To have one's mind at rest, without worries.
  • 걱정 없이 마음을 편히 가지다.
feel embarrassed
    feel awkward; feel embarrassed
  • Feeling very uncomfortable or out of place.
  • 몹시 불편하고 어색한 느낌이 있다.
    feel awkward; feel embarrassed
  • Feeling very uncomfortable or out of place.
  • 불편하고 어색한 느낌이 있다.
    feel awkward; feel embarrassed
  • Feeling uncomfortable or strained.
  • 마음이 불편하거나 어색하다.
feel empty
    feel empty; feel folorn; feel sad
  • To feel lonely and forlorn.
  • 마음이 외롭고 쓸쓸하게 되다.
    feeler; antenna
  • A tactile organ on the head of an insect, used to feel things around it.
  • 곤충의 머리에 달려 있는, 무엇을 더듬어 알아보는 촉각 기관.
    antenna; feelers
  • An organ on the head of an insect that is used to touch and sense things.
  • 곤충의 머리에 달려 있는, 무엇을 더듬어 알아보는 기관.
feel excited
    feel excited; feel nervous; stir up
  • To feel nervous or excited over and over; to make someone feel nervous or excited.
  • 마음이 자꾸 설레거나 불안하다. 또는 그렇게 되게 하다.
    feel excited; feel nervous; stir up
  • To feel nervous or excited over and over; to make someone feel nervous or excited.
  • 마음이 자꾸 설레거나 불안하다. 또는 그렇게 되게 하다.
    feel excited; feel nervous; stir up
  • To feel nervous or excited over and over; to make someone feel nervous or excited.
  • 마음이 자꾸 설레거나 불안하다. 또는 그렇게 되게 하다.
    feel excited; feel nervous; stir up
  • To feel nervous or excited; to make someone feel nervous or excited.
  • 마음이 설레거나 불안하다. 또는 그렇게 되게 하다.
    be buoyant; feel excited
  • To be full of expectation or hope.
  • 기대나 희망이 마음에 가득하게 되다.
feel fine
    taste refreshing; feel fine
  • To taste refreshing or feel fine.
  • 맛이나 느낌이 상쾌하고 개운하게 되다.
feel folorn
    feel empty; feel folorn; feel sad
  • To feel lonely and forlorn.
  • 마음이 외롭고 쓸쓸하게 되다.
feel giddy
    be dizzy; feel giddy
  • For one's eyes, head, etc., to become dizzy enough to lose one's senses.
  • 정신을 차릴 수 없을 만큼 눈이나 머리 등이 어지러워지다.
    be dizzy; feel giddy
  • To be dizzy or giddy enough to lose one's senses.
  • 정신을 차릴 수 없이 어지럽거나 아찔하다.
feel guilty
    bother; be anxious; feel guilty
  • To be unsatisfied with something and feel bad about it.
  • 눈이나 마음 등에 만족스럽지 않고 기분이 좋지 않다.
Idiomfeel heavy in one's back
    feel heavy in one's back
  • To have an uncomfortable feeling because one has not completely defecated.
  • 똥이 잘 나오지 않아 답답한 느낌이 있다.
  • feel heavy in one's back
  • To not feel fully recovered after suffering from a disease.
  • 병을 앓고 나서 아직 몸이 개운하지 않다.
feel hot
    smart; feel hot
  • To have a very hot, smarting feeling continuously.
  • 따가울 정도로 몹시 더운 느낌이 자꾸 들다.
    smart; feel hot
  • To have a very hot, smarting feeling continuously.
  • 따가울 정도로 몹시 더운 느낌이 자꾸 들다.
Idiomfeel hot in one's mug
    feel hot in one's mug
  • (slang) To feel very ashamed or embarrased.
  • (속된 말로) 남 보기에 몹시 부끄럽거나 무안하다.
feel ill
    feel unwell; feel ill
  • Feeling unnatural or uncomfortable in moving or carrying out bodily functions.
  • 움직임이나 몸의 기능이 자연스럽지 못하거나 불편한 느낌이 있다.
feel inferior
    feel inferior; feel small
  • To feel at a disadvantage because one's spirits are low.
  • 기세가 꺾여 불리한 느낌이 들다.
    heart; feeling
  • One's mind or emotion.
  • 마음이나 느낌.
    feeling; sense
  • A feeling or thought about a certain thing.
  • 어떤 일에 대한 느낌이나 생각.
    sense; sensation; feeling
  • One's physical perception of a stimulus through one's eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin.
  • 눈, 코, 귀, 혀, 피부를 통하여 자극을 느낌.
    emotion; feeling; sentiment
  • A feeling or mood one has toward a certain incident or person.
  • 일이나 대상에 대하여 마음에 일어나는 느낌이나 기분.
    touch; feeling; symptom
  • A minor symptom indicating that a person has a cold or aches all over the body..
  • 감기나 몸살 등이 걸린 것을 알 수 있게 하는 가벼운 증상.
    feeling; sense; impression
  • A sense, mood, emotion, etc. felt in one's body and mind.
  • 몸이나 마음에서 일어나는 기분이나 감정.
    mood; feeling
  • A mood or feeling.
  • 기분이나 느낌.
    feeling; mood
  • One's mood or feeling.
  • 기분이나 느낌.
    opinion; view; feeling; idea
  • An opinion on, or feeling towards, something.
  • 어떤 일에 대한 의견이나 느낌.
  • An emotion or mind toward something.
  • 어떤 일에 대한 감정이나 마음.
11. 심정
    feeling; thought
  • One's feelings and thoughts harbored in one's mind.
  • 마음속에 가지고 있는 감정과 생각.
12. 심회
    emotion; feeling
  • One's thoughts or feelings harbored in one's mind.
  • 마음속에 가지고 있는 생각이나 느낌.
13. 회포
    thought; feeling
  • A thought or feeling that one harbors in mind.
  • 마음속에 품은 생각이나 정.
feeling a chill
    feeling a chill
  • A part of one's body smarting and being cold due to cold air.
  • 몸의 어떤 부분이 찬 기운으로 인해 춥고 얼얼하다.
feeling an urge to urinate
    wanting to go to the toilet; feeling an urge to urinate
  • Wanting to urinate or defecate.
  • 대소변을 누고 싶다.
feeling a prick of conscience
    feeling a prick of conscience
  • Continuously feeling uncomfortable because something bothers one.
  • 마음에 찔리는 것이 있어 자꾸 불편하다.
    feeling a prick of conscience
  • Feeling uncomfortable because something bothers one.
  • 마음에 찔리는 것이 있어 불편하다.
Proverbsfeeling a quarter of an hour as if it were three autumns
    feeling a quarter of an hour as if it were three autumns
  • To eagerly wait for someone or something to such an extent that a very short time feels as long as three years.
  • 짧은 동안도 삼 년같이 생각된다는 뜻으로, 기다리는 마음이 간절하다.
feeling a twinge
    feeling a twinge
  • Feeling sore and having a dull pain in one's tooth, joint, etc.
  • 이나 관절 등이 저리어 시큰시큰하다.
feeling bad
    disagreeable; unpleasant; feeling bad
  • Feeling bad about something.
  • 섭섭하고 마음에 들지 않다.
    feeling bad; pitiable; pathetic
  • Feeling upset because someone's situation or circumstances are bad and pitiful.
  • 다른 사람의 처지나 형편이 딱하고 불쌍하여 마음이 좋지 않다.
feeling chagrined
    feeling mortified; feeling chagrined
  • Feeling distressed and frustrated because one has suffered damage although one did not do anything wrong.
  • 잘못한 것도 없이 피해를 입어 속이 상하고 답답하다.
feeling chargrined
    feeling mortified; feeling chargrined
  • Feeling vexed and pent-up.
  • 분하고 억울하다.
feeling dizzy
    feeling dizzy
  • One's consciousness or memory being blurry.
  • 의식이나 기억이 희미해져 흐릿하다.
feeling evoked by poems
    ideas expressed in poems; feeling evoked by poems
  • A feeling or idea expressed in a poem.
  • 시에 드러난 느낌이나 사상.
feeling favorably
    good feeling; favorable impression; feeling favorably
  • A good feeling toward a certain object.
  • 어떤 대상에 대하여 느끼는 좋은 감정.
feeling full
    feeling full
  • One's state of feeling full in one's stomach, after eating much.
  • 많이 먹어 배가 가득 차 있는 느낌.
feeling guilty
    feeling guilty
  • Feeling uneasy as if one committed a wrongdoing.
  • 죄를 지은 것 같이 마음이 편하지 않다.
feeling heavy
    feeling heavy; feeling uneasy
  • Nervous and uncomfortable due to worry or anxiety.
  • 근심이나 걱정으로 마음이 초조하고 속이 시원하지 않다.
    feeling irritated; feeling heavy
  • Feeling uneasy as if clogged.
  • 꽉 막힌 것같이 답답하다.
feeling heavy on the stomach
    feeling heavy on the stomach
  • Having a little indigestion due to undigested food.
  • 먹은 음식이 잘 소화되지 않아 속이 더부룩하다.
feeling ill at ease
    feeling ill at ease; feeling uncomfortable
  • Feeling awkward and shy.
  • 어색하고 쑥스럽다.
feeling irritated
    feeling irritated; feeling heavy
  • Feeling uneasy as if clogged.
  • 꽉 막힌 것같이 답답하다.
feeling mixed emotions
    feeling mixed emotions; having mixed feelings
  • Feeling relieved on the one hand, but feeling sad and sorry on the other.
  • 한편으로는 후련하고 다른 한편으로는 서운하고 아쉽다.
feeling mortified
    feeling mortified; feeling chagrined
  • Feeling distressed and frustrated because one has suffered damage although one did not do anything wrong.
  • 잘못한 것도 없이 피해를 입어 속이 상하고 답답하다.
    feeling mortified; feeling chargrined
  • Feeling vexed and pent-up.
  • 분하고 억울하다.
feeling nausea
    feeling nausea; feeling sick
  • Sick at the stomach and feeling like vomiting.
  • 속이 울렁거려 자꾸 토할 듯한 상태에 있다.
    feeling sick; feeling nausea
  • Feeling queasy and sick at the stomach continuously so much as to feel like vomiting.
  • 토할 것 같이 속이 자꾸 메스껍고 느끼하다.
feeling numb
    feeling numb
  • One's heart or head feeling heavy or blocked up.
  • 가슴이나 머리가 막히거나 답답한 느낌이 들다.
feeling of color
    feeling of color
  • A feeling or impression received from a color.
  • 색에서 받는 인상이나 느낌.
feeling of deprivation
    sense of loss; feeling of loss; feeling of deprivation
  • A feeling of emptiness and loneliness after something is missing or disappears.
  • 무엇이 없어지거나 사라진 후의 허전하고 쓸쓸한 감정.
feeling of disappointment
    feeling of disappointment
  • The feeling of losing hope or being hurt because something did not work out.
  • 기대하던 대로 되지 않아 희망을 잃거나 마음이 몹시 상한 느낌.
feeling of distance
    feeling of distance
  • An emotion or sense felt about being distant from a certain object.
  • 어떤 대상과 일정한 거리로 떨어져 있다고 느끼는 감정이나 감각.
feeling of fatigue
    feeling of fatigue
  • The feeling of being tired and worn-out physically or mentally.
  • 몸이나 정신이 지쳐서 힘든 느낌.
feeling of insult
    feeling of insult
  • The feeling of being defamed, humiliated and looked down on.
  • 얕보이고 창피를 당하고 불명예스러운 느낌.
feeling of intense pressure
    feeling of intense pressure
  • The atmosphere of pressing someone mentally by using strong power or an attitude of making him/her feel afraid.
  • 두려움을 느끼게 하는 태도나 강력한 힘 등으로 정신적으로 내리누르는 느낌.
feeling of irritation
    feeling of irritation
  • A feeling of having another substance in one's body.
  • 몸 안에 다른 물질이 들어간 느낌.
feeling of lack
    feeling of lack
  • A feeling of being not enough or being less than what is needed.
  • 필요한 양이나 기준에 모자라거나 넉넉하지 않은 느낌.
feeling of loneliness
    feeling of loneliness; sense of isolation
  • A sense of fornlorn loneliness that one feels when he or she is left alone.
  • 혼자 남겨져 외롭고 쓸쓸한 느낌.
feeling of loss
    sense of loss; feeling of loss; feeling of deprivation
  • A feeling of emptiness and loneliness after something is missing or disappears.
  • 무엇이 없어지거나 사라진 후의 허전하고 쓸쓸한 감정.
feeling of perspective
    feeling of perspective
  • A feeling about the distance of things in relation to each other in a picture or photo, etc.
  • 그림이나 사진 등에서 멀고 가까움에 대한 느낌.
feeling of relief
    feeling of relief
  • A feeling of being relieved and having peace of mind.
  • 마음이 놓여 편안해지는 느낌.
feeling of self-accusation
    guilty conscience; feeling of self-accusation
  • Feeling dissatisfied about and being ashamed of oneself.
  • 자신에 대해 스스로 만족하지 못하고 부끄럽게 생각하는 마음.
feeling of sufficiency
    feeling of sufficiency
  • A satisfied feeling from having plenty and there being no shortage.
  • 넉넉하여 모자람이 없고 만족한 느낌.

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