grow accustomed
    be familiar; grow accustomed
  • For a certain attitude, thought, behavior, etc., to become a habit and familiar.
  • 어떤 태도나 생각, 행동 등이 버릇이 되어 익숙해지다.
grow apart
    grow apart
  • For a relationship with someone to become bad.
  • 다른 사람과 사이가 나빠지다.
grow bad
    go wrong; grow bad
  • For something not to go on as well as planned; to cause it to be in such a state.
  • 일이 예정대로 잘 진행되지 않고 막히다. 또는 그렇게 하다.
grow cold
    grow cold; become chilly; cool down
  • To turn to a cold state in temperature, or to start to feel cold.
  • 추운 상태가 되거나 추위를 느끼게 되다.
grow dim
    grow dim
  • For a little faraway object to be barely seen.
  • 조금 멀리 있는 물체가 흐릿하게 보였다 안 보였다 하다.
    grow dim
  • For light, sound, etc., to get weaker or fainter gradually.
  • 빛이나 소리 등이 점점 작아지거나 흐릿해지다.
grow fierce
    grow fierce; grow intense; grow strong
  • To become wild and violent.
  • 거칠고 세차게 되다.
grow hot
    grow hot
  • To become extremely hot.
  • 심하게 뜨거워지다.
    growing; cultivation
  • The act of planting and looking after a grain or tree, etc.
  • 곡식이나 나무 등을 심어 가꿈.
    spreading; growing; being magnified
  • A state in which a certain event develops into a bigger event or triggers a chain of other events.
  • 하나의 일이 그 일로 끝나지 않고 더 큰 일로 번지거나 많은 일로 이어짐.
growing environment
    growing environment
  • The place or environment where a plant grows.
  • 식물이 자라는 일정한 장소의 환경.
growing in the wild
    growing in the wild; wildness
  • A state in which an animal or a plant grows naturally in the mountain or field, or such an animal or a plant in the wild.
  • 산이나 들에서 저절로 나서 자람. 또는 그런 동물이나 식물.
growing pains
    growing pains
  • Pains that occur when a child or teen grows rapidly.
  • 어린이나 청소년이 갑자기 성장하면서 생기는 통증.
  • growing pains
  • (figurative) Pains that occur when a certain thing or state grows bigger.
  • (비유적으로) 어떤 일이나 상태가 점점 커 가면서 생기는 고통.
growing trend
    growing trend
  • A situation in which something is increasing or getting bigger.
  • 어떤 일이나 상태가 점점 커 가는 형세.
    growing trend
  • A tendency or trend in which things increase gradually.
  • 점점 늘어나는 흐름이나 경향.
grow intense
    grow fierce; grow intense; grow strong
  • To become wild and violent.
  • 거칠고 세차게 되다.
    growl; rumble
  • A word imitating the sound made in the stomach when one is hungry or is having trouble with digestion.
  • 배가 고프거나 소화가 잘되지 않아 배 속이 끓는 소리.
    growl; rumble
  • For the continuous growling sound in the stomach to be made when one is hungry or is having trouble with digestion.
  • 배가 고프거나 소화가 잘되지 않아 배 속이 끓는 소리가 계속 나다.
    growl; rumble
  • For the continuous growling sound in the stomach to be made when one is hungry or is having trouble with digestion.
  • 배가 고프거나 소화가 잘되지 않아 배 속이 끓는 소리가 계속 나다.
    growl; rumble
  • For the continuous growling sound in the stomach to be made when one is hungry or is having trouble with digestion.
  • 배가 고프거나 소화가 잘되지 않아 배 속이 끓는 소리가 나다.
    growl; rumble
  • A word imitating the sound made in the stomach when one is hungry or is having trouble with digestion.
  • 배가 고프거나 소화가 잘되지 않아 배 속이 몹시 끓는 소리.
    rumble; growl
  • For the continuous growling sound in the stomach made when one is hungry or is having trouble with digestion.
  • 배가 고프거나 소화가 잘되지 않아 배 속이 몹시 끓는 소리가 계속 나다.
    growl; rumble
  • A word imitating the sound made in the stomach when one is hungry or is having trouble with digestion.
  • 배가 고프거나 소화가 잘되지 않아 배 속이 계속 몹시 끓는 소리.
    rumble; growl
  • For the continuous growling sound in the stomach to be made when one is hungry or is having trouble with digestion.
  • 배가 고프거나 소화가 잘되지 않아 배 속이 계속 몹시 끓는 소리가 나다.
    rumble; growl
  • For the continuous growling sound in the stomach to be made when one is hungry or is having trouble with digestion.
  • 배가 고프거나 소화가 잘되지 않아 배 속이 몹시 끓는 소리가 계속 나다.
    rumble; growl
  • For the growling sound in the stomach to be made when one is hungry or is having trouble with digestion.
  • 배가 고프거나 소화가 잘되지 않아 배 속이 몹시 끓는 소리가 나다.
11. 끓다
    rumble; growl
  • For the growling sound in the stomach made when one is sick or is having trouble with digestion.
  • 소화가 안 되거나 아파서 배 속에서 소리가 나다.
12. 어흥
  • A word immitating the sound of a tiger crying.
  • 호랑이가 우는 소리.
    snarl; growl; roar
  • For a large and fierce animal to repeatedly roar loudly, strongly, and aggressively.
  • 크고 사나운 동물이 계속 공격적으로 크고 세차게 울부짖다.
    snarl; growl; roar
  • For a large and fierce animal to repeatedly roar loudly, strongly, and aggressively.
  • 크고 사나운 동물이 계속 공격적으로 크고 세차게 울부짖다.
    growl; roar
  • For a large and fierce animal to repeatedly roar loudly, strongly, and aggressively.
  • 크고 사나운 동물이 계속 공격적으로 크고 세차게 울부짖다.
    growl; roar
  • For a large and fierce animal to roar loudly, strongly, and aggressively.
  • 크고 사나운 동물이 공격적으로 크고 세차게 울부짖다.
    growl; rumble
  • For the growling sound made in the stomach when one is hungry to be made repeatedly.
  • 배가 고파서 배 속에서 자꾸 소리가 나다.
    growl; rumble
  • To keep producing a growling sound in the stomach as one is hungry.
  • 배가 고파서 배 속에서 자꾸 소리가 나다.
    growl; rumble
  • For a growling sound to keep being made in the stomach when one is hungry.
  • 배가 고파서 배 속에서 자꾸 소리가 나다.
    growl; rumble
  • For a growling sound to be made in the stomach as one is hungry.
  • 배가 고파서 배 속에서 소리가 나다.
    complain; grumble; growl
  • To badger someone for more of something or for a new one, when something is in shortage or is not satisfactory.
  • 무엇이 모자라거나 마음에 들지 않아 떼를 쓰며 조르다.
growl growl
    growl growl; rumble rumble
  • A word used to describe the sounds made in the stomach when one is hungry.
  • 배가 고플 때 배 속에서 자꾸 나는 소리.
    complaining; grumbling; growling
  • An act of badgering someone for more of something or for a new one, when something is in shortage or is not satisfactory.
  • 무엇이 모자라거나 마음에 들지 않아 떼를 쓰며 조르는 일.
grow naturally
    grow naturally; grow spontaneously
  • For something to come out and grow by itself.
  • 저절로 나고 자라다.
    adult; grown-up
  • A person who is an adult.
  • 어른이 된 사람.
  • A married person.
  • 결혼을 한 사람.
  • A being that has certain qualifications and character.
  • 일정한 자격이나 인격을 갖춘 존재.
grown-up baby
    adult baby; grown-up baby
  • An adult who acts or thinks like a child.
  • 하는 짓이나 생각이 아이 같은 어른.
grow old in vain
    grow old in vain
  • To grow old without being productive or mature.
  • 나이를 보람 없이 먹다.
grow old together
    grow old together
  • For a couple to grow old together happily as husband and wife for the rest of their lives.
  • 부부가 평생을 같이 살며 함께 늙다.
grow out
    grow out
  • For a branch, vine, root, etc., to grow so it is long.
  • 가지나 덩굴, 뿌리 등이 길게 자라나다.
grow rapidly
    grow rapidly
  • To develop very fast; to grow very fast to become bigger.
  • 아주 빠르게 발전하다. 또는 아주 빨리 자라 커지다.
    grow rapidly
  • For the scale of something to increase very fast.
  • 규모가 매우 빠르게 커지다.
grow sallow
    grow sallow
  • For one's face to become swollen and yellowish due to sickness.
  • 병 때문에 얼굴이 붓고 누렇게 되다.
grow sick of
    grow sick of
  • To lose a liking and develop a dislike for something.
  • 좋아하던 마음이 없어지고 싫은 마음이 생기다.
grow slim
    become thin; grow slim
  • To lose one's weight.
  • 살이나 몸무게 등이 줄어들다.
grow spontaneously
    grow naturally; grow spontaneously
  • For something to come out and grow by itself.
  • 저절로 나고 자라다.
grow strong
    grow fierce; grow intense; grow strong
  • To become wild and violent.
  • 거칠고 세차게 되다.
grow tame
    grow tame; become domesticated
  • For an animal to lose its wild quality and be better for a person to handle.
  • 짐승이 야생의 성질을 잃어서 사람이 부리기 좋게 되다.
    development; growth
  • The process of becoming bigger, better in one's body, emotion, intelligence, etc.
  • 신체, 정서, 지능 등이 성장하거나 성숙함.
    growth; development
  • The growth of an organism.
  • 생물체가 자라남.
    progress; growth
  • The act of unfolding in a certain direction.
  • 일이 어떤 방향으로 전개됨.
    birth; growth
  • A state of a living creature being born and raised.
  • 생물이 나서 길러짐.
    growth; development
  • The growth of an organism, or such a process.
  • 생물이 나서 자람. 또는 그런 과정.
    maturity; growth
  • A state in which conditions or requirements have been fully prepared so that a certain social phenomenon can develop.
  • 어떤 사회 현상이 발전할 수 있도록 조건이나 상태가 충분히 마련됨.
  • The state of a person or animal getting older and becoming bigger gradually.
  • 사람이나 동물 등이 자라서 점점 커짐.
  • growth; development
  • The state of a person growing into an advanced being through continuous efforts or accumulated experiences.
  • 사람이 꾸준히 노력을 하거나 경험을 쌓아 발전된 모습으로 자람.
    growth; rise
  • An increase in the number or amount of something.
  • 수나 양이 더 늘어나거나 많아짐.
    growth; rise
  • The state of a number, size, power, etc., becoming bigger.
  • 수량이나 규모, 세력 등의 크기가 커짐.
grow thick
    grow thick; be densely covered
  • For grass, trees, etc., to grow very densely.
  • 풀이나 나무 등이 매우 빽빽하게 나다.
growth period
    growth period
  • The period of growth.
  • 성장하는 시기.
growth rate
    growth rate
  • The economic growth rate of a country or region expressed as a comparison to that of the previous year.
  • 한 나라나 지역의 경제 성장의 정도를 그 전 해와 비교하여 나타낸 비율.
    growth rate
  • The rate of increase.
  • 늘어나는 비율.
grow up
    grow up; become an adult
  • For someone to grow up and become an adult.
  • 사람이 자라서 어른이 되다.
grow violent
    grow violent; flourish; thrive
  • For something that is faint or weak to become strong.
  • 희미하거나 약하던 것이 왕성해지다.
grow warm
    become hot; grow warm
  • For the temperature of something to rise as if it were near fire.
  • 불 가까이 있는 것처럼 온도가 높아지다.
grow weak
    grow weak; be exhausted
  • For a spirit, energy, power, etc., to disappear.
  • 정신이나 기운, 힘 등이 없어지다.
    grow weak; lose weight
  • For one's body to become weak and for one to lose weight.
  • 건강이 나빠지고 살이 빠지다.
    grow weak; lose weight
  • To make one's body become weak and to make one lose weight.
  • 건강이 나빠지고 살이 빠지게 하다.
grow well
    grow well
  • For a plant to grow well.
  • 식물 등이 잘 자라다.
    grubby; filthy; squalid
  • Having a lot of dirt on clothes or the body.
  • 옷이나 몸에 때가 많아서 매우 더럽다.
    grubby; filthy
  • Looking dirty and shabby.
  • 모습이 지저분하고 초라하다.
    grudge; animosity
  • A bitter feeling or anger toward someone.
  • 원망하거나 화내는 마음.
    grudge; resentment
  • Hard feelings that remain pent up.
  • 풀리지 않고 남아 있는 좋지 않은 감정.
    grudge; resentment
  • Hard feelings that still remain after a certain affair has been wrapped up.
  • 일이 마무리 된 다음에도 여전히 남아 있는 좋지 않은 감정.
    grudge; enmity
  • A grudge that one has kept for a long time, or the object of the grudge.
  • 오랫동안 간직하고 있는 원한. 또는 그 원한의 대상.
  • A feeling of resentment that prompts one to get in the way or ruin someone else's affair.
  • 못마땅하여 방해하거나 잘못되게 하려는 마음.
  • To be not generous with something.
  • 아깝게 생각하다.
    grudge; malice; spite
  • A determined mind to take revenge on someone, bearing a grudge against him/her.
  • 원한을 품고 복수하려고 벼르는 마음.
    bitter feeling; grudge; resentment
  • The state of blaming or hating someone because one is displeased with something.
  • 마음에 들지 않아서 탓하거나 미워함.
    discord; grudge
  • (disparaging) An awkward or angry feeling created between people.
  • (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 사람들 사이에 생기는 거리.

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