hotpackhotpackinghot pantshot pepperhot seathot springhot-temperedhotteokhot waterhot windhoundhourhourglasshour handhourlyhourly wagehourshours of livinghousehouse behindhouse building gamehouse callhouse deedhousedresshouse for an employeehouse for dwellinghouseholdhousehold accounthousehold account bookhousehold applianceshousehold budgethousehold choreshousehold economyhouseholderhousehold expenseshousehold financehousehold goodshousehold incomehousehold utensilhouse in mourninghouse in one's homehouse in the fronthouse just belowhousekeeperhousekeepinghousemaidhousematehouse-movinghouse next door
- To relieve pain by applying a warm wet cloth pad or a pocket with ice to a body part.
- 더운물을 적신 헝겊이나 얼음을 넣은 주머니를 아픈 곳에 대어 병을 고치다.
hotpack; coldpack
1. 찜
- An act of relieving pain by applying a warm wet cloth pad or a pocket with ice to a body part.
- 더운물을 적신 헝겊이나 얼음을 넣은 주머니를 아픈 곳에 대어 병을 고치는 일.
hotpacking; coldpacking
2. 찜질
- An act of relieving pain by applying a warm wet cloth pad or a pocket with ice to a body part.
- 더운물을 적신 헝겊이나 얼음을 넣은 주머니를 아픈 곳에 대어 병을 고치는 일.
hotpacking; coldpacking
hot pants
- Extremely short, skinny, tight-fitting trousers usually worn by women.
- 길이가 아주 짧고 통이 좁아 몸에 꼭 맞는 바지.
hot pants
hot pepper
- A finger-sized, spicy fruit, whose initial green color changes to red when ripe.
- 손가락만한 크기로 처음에는 초록색이나 익으면 빨갛게 되고 매운 맛이 나는 열매.
red pepper; hot pepper
hot seat
1. 가시방석
- (figurative) The state in which one has to deal with a very uncomfortable person or situation.
- (비유적으로) 앉아 있기가 몹시 거북하고 불안한 자리.
hot seat; bed of nails
2. 바늘방석
- (figurative) The state in which one has to deal with a very uncomfortable person or situation.
- (비유적으로) 앉아 있기가 몹시 거북하고 불안한 자리.
hot seat; bed of nails; bed of thorns
3. 바람¹
- An unstable position that is susceptible to criticism or influence.
- 남의 비난의 목표가 되거나 어떤 힘의 영향을 잘 받아 불안정한 자리.
hot seat
hot spring
- A facility for taking a bath with underground water heated by geothermal heat; or a place where such spring water comes out.
- 지열로 뜨겁게 데워진 지하수로 목욕할 수 있게 만든 시설. 또는 그런 지하수가 나오는 장소.
- A spring where underground water heated by geothermal heat comes out.
- 지열로 뜨겁게 데워진 지하수가 솟아 나오는 샘.
hot spring
hot spring
- A Korean pancake, which originated from China, made by pan-frying a flat, round dough kneaded with wheat or glutinous rice flour and stuffed with sweet fillings such as sugar.
- 밀가루나 찹쌀가루를 반죽하여 설탕으로 소를 넣고 프라이팬 등에 둥글고 넓적하게 구운 중국식 떡.
hotteok; Korean pancake with sweet fillings
hot water
hot wind
- A glass container with a slim middle and sand on the top, which tells the time by making the sand drop to the bottom little by little.
- 가운데가 잘록한 유리그릇 위쪽에 모래를 넣고, 그 모래가 아래로 조금씩 떨어지게 하여 시간을 재는 시계.
hourglass; sandglass
hour hand
hourly wage
- An interval from the time something starts to the time it ends.
- 어떤 일이 시작되어 끝날 때까지의 동안.
time; hours
hours of living
- The division of daily hours according to their uses.
- 하루의 시간을 사용 내용에 따라 나눈 시간.
hours of living
5. 전각
- A big house that has the Chinese character 'jeon(殿)' or 'gak(閣)' in its name.
- ‘전(殿)’이나 ‘각(閣)’ 자가 붙은 커다란 집.
quarters; house
6. 주택
- A building constructed for human habitation.
- 사람이 살 수 있도록 만든 건물.
- A housing unit built individually for habitation by a single family.
- 한 가구만 살 수 있게 한 채씩 따로 지은 집.
7. 집¹
- A structure built by a human or animal to serve as protection from cold, heat, etc., and as a place to live in.
- 사람이나 동물이 추위나 더위 등을 막고 그 속에 들어 살기 위해 지은 건물.
- A unit of counting houses built by humans or animals to live in.
- 사람이나 동물이 살기 위해 지은 건물을 세는 단위.
8. 집구석
- (disparaging) A community consisting of family members who live together, or close relatives.
- (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 가족을 구성원으로 하여 생활을 하는 공동체. 또는 가까운 일가.
house; home
9. 집안
- A community consisting of family members who live together, or close relatives.
- 가족을 구성원으로 하여 생활을 하는 공동체. 또는 가까운 일가.
house; home
house behind
house building game
- A children's game of pretending to build a house with wood or plastic, or such building materials.
- 어린아이가 나무나 플라스틱으로 집 짓는 흉내를 내며 하는 놀이. 또는 그 재료.
house building game
house call
- A doctor visiting a patient in his/her home to examine and cure him/her.
- 의사가 병원 밖의 환자가 있는 곳으로 직접 가서 진찰하고 치료함.
house call
house deed
- A document proving that a house is legally owned by its holder.
- 집의 소유에 대한 법적 권리가 있음을 증명하는 서류.
house deed; property deed; house registry certificate
house for an employee
- A house or residence built by a company or an institution to rent to its employees.
- 회사나 기관에서 직원에게 빌려주려고 지은 살림집.
house for an employee; employee residence
house for dwelling
2. 가구¹
- A group of people who live together in a house.
- 한 집에서 함께 사는 사람들의 집단.
- A unit for counting each group of people living together in a house.
- 한 집에서 함께 사는 사람들의 집단을 세는 단위.
3. 세대²
- A group of people who live together in a house.
- 한 집에서 같이 사는 사람들의 집단.
- A unit for counting each group of people living together in a house.
- 한 집에서 같이 사는 사람들의 집단을 세는 단위.
household account
- A status of income and expenses occurring in the life of a family.
- 한 집안이 살아가는 데 따른 수입과 지출의 상태.
household account
household account book
- A household ledger to keep track of income and expenses.
- 집안 살림의 수입과 지출을 기록하는 책.
household account book
household appliances
household budget
- The total sum of money a household plans to spend during a fixed period.
- 한 집안이 살아가는 데 드는 비용.
household expenses; household budget
household chores
1. 가정일
- Work for a household, such as the laundry, cleaning, cooking, etc.
- 가정생활에 필요한 빨래, 요리, 청소 등의 일.
housework; household chores
2. 집안일
- Work done in a household, such as the laundry, cleaning, cooking, etc.
- 청소나 빨래, 요리 등 집 안에서 하는 일.
housework; household chores
3. 집일
- Work for a household, such as cleaning, laundry, etc.
- 청소나 빨래같이, 집 안에서 살림을 꾸려 나가며 하는 일.
housework; household chores
household economy
household expenses
- The total sum of money a household plans to spend during a fixed period.
- 한 집안이 살아가는 데 드는 비용.
household expenses; household budget
household finance
- A way of managing the economy within a family or the family's financial situation.
- 한 집안의 경제를 이끌어 나가는 방법이나 형편.
household finance; housekeeping
household goods
household income
- The total income of a household.
- 한 가정의 전체 소득.
household income
household utensil
house in mourning
1. 상가³
- A house where people are grieving for a deceased person.
- 사람이 죽어 장례를 지내고 있는 집.
house in mourning
2. 상갓집
- A house where people are grieving for a deceased person.
- 사람이 죽어 장례를 지내고 있는 집.
house in mourning
3. 초상집
- A house where people are grieving for a deceased person.
- 사람이 죽어 장례를 치르고 있는 집.
house in mourning
house in one's home
- A house in one's hometown where one's parents or relatives still live.
- 부모님이나 친족이 사는 고향에 있는 집.
house in one's home
house in the front
- A neighbor on the front side of one's house or across the street.
- 앞쪽으로 나란히 또는 가까이 있는 집.
house in the front; neighbor across the street
house just below
- The house, apartment unit, etc. which is below one's own place or which is the next door down the street.
- 아래쪽에 이웃해 있거나 낮은 곳에 있는 집.
house just below; house next door
- A way of managing the economy within a family or the family's financial situation.
- 한 집안의 경제를 이끌어 나가는 방법이나 형편.
household finance; housekeeping
1. 가정부
- A person who gets paid to do household chores such as cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.
- 돈을 받고 빨래, 요리, 청소 등의 집안일을 해 주는 사람.
housekeeper; housemaid
2. 식모
- A woman hired to take care of the domestic affairs of a household.
- 남의 집에 고용되어 주로 집안일을 맡아 하는 여자.
3. 파출부
- A person who gets paid to do household chores at someone's house.
- 돈을 받고 남의 집에 가서 집안일을 해 주는 여자.
housekeeper; housemaid
- The act of leaving the place where one has lived, and moving into another place.
- 살던 곳을 떠나 다른 곳으로 옮김.
house-moving; removal
house next door
1. 아랫집
- The house, apartment unit, etc. which is below one's own place or which is the next door down the street.
- 아래쪽에 이웃해 있거나 낮은 곳에 있는 집.
house just below; house next door
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