  • Feeling like to scratch one's skin.
  • 살갗을 긁고 싶은 느낌이 있다.
  • Feeling constantly itching.
  • 자꾸 간지럽다.
    itchy; scratchy
  • Having an itchy feeling on one's body.
  • 몸의 한 부분이 가려운 느낌이 있다.
  • Feeling itchy repeatedly.
  • 자꾸 가렵다.
  • In a manner that one's skin itches as if insects are crawling on it.
  • 피부에 벌레가 기어 다니는 것처럼 자꾸 근지러운 모양.
itchy feet
    itchy feet; wanderlust
  • A state of feeling destined to continue traveling around without being able to stay in one place.
  • 한곳에 머무르지 못하고 여기저기 떠돌아다니며 사는 운명.
Auxiliary Verb보조 동사
  • An auxiliary verb used to indicate the continuation of the state of the preceding statement.
  • 앞의 말이 뜻하는 상태가 계속됨을 나타내는 말.
  • itda
  • An auxiliary verb used to indicate the continuation of the action of the preceding statement.
  • 앞의 말이 뜻하는 행동이 계속 진행됨을 나타내는 말.
  • itda
  • An auxiliary verb used to indicate the continuation of the result of the action of the preceding statement.
  • 앞의 말이 뜻하는 행동의 결과가 계속됨을 나타내는 말.
    item; detail; description
  • Details of goods, expenses, etc.
  • 물품이나 경비 등의 세부적인 내용.
    item; description
  • Detailed contents or specific items related to a matter.
  • 어떤 일에 관련된 자세한 내용이나 구체적인 항목.
    article; thing; item; goods
  • A certain substance in a specific form.
  • 일정한 모양을 갖춘 어떤 물질.
    part; item
  • Each component that comprises something.
  • 하나의 일을 구성하는 각각의 부분.
    item; discipline; event
  • Any of the categories into which something is classified.
  • 여러 가지 종류에 따라 나눈 항목.
    category; item
  • The act of dividing something into different kinds, or the state of being divided into different kinds.
  • 종류에 따라 나눔. 또는 그렇게 나누어 놓은 것.
    clause; article; item
  • Each of many sections of a law or rule, etc.
  • 법률이나 규정 등의 각각의 부분.
itemized statement
    itemized statement
  • A document in which the details or list of goods and the amount of money are written.
  • 물품이나 금액 등의 내용이나 목록을 적은 양식.
item name
    item name
  • The name of an item.
  • 물품 종류의 이름.
item of personal preference
    item of personal preference
  • A food or beverage consumed to enjoy its unique taste or flavor, such as liquor, cigarettes or coffee.
  • 술, 담배, 커피 등과 같이 독특한 향기나 맛이 있어 즐기고 좋아하는 물품.
  • item of personal preference
  • An item that people favor for a hobby or personal enjoyment.
  • 사람들이 취미로 즐기거나 좋아하는 물건.
item on the agenda
    item on the agenda; case
  • The item or content to be reviewed or discussed in a meeting, etc.
  • 여럿이 모여 의논하거나 살펴보아야 할 항목이나 내용.
  • item on the agenda; case
  • A word meaning an 'items on the agenda.'
  • ‘안건’의 뜻을 나타내는 말.
    item on the agenda; case
  • The item or content to be reviewed or discussed in a meeting, etc.
  • 여럿이 모여 의논하거나 살펴보아야 할 항목이나 내용.
    details; items; subdivisions
  • A detailed list of items or provisions.
  • 자세하게 나눈 조항이나 목록.
    goods; articles; items
  • Things used appropriately for a certain task or purpose.
  • 어떤 일이나 목적에 맞게 쓰이는 물품.
ProverbsIt goes ill with the house where the hen sings and the cock is silent
    If a hen crows, the family will fail; It goes ill with the house where the hen sings and the cock is silent; It is a sad house where the hen crows lower than the cock
  • If a woman instead of a man takes care of and intervenes in family affairs, nothing will go right.
  • 가정에서 아내가 남편을 제쳐 놓고 집안일에 나서고 참견하면 일이 잘 안 된다.
IdiomIt has become bright in front of one's eyes
    It has become bright in front of one's eyes
  • To clearly learn and understand the ways of the world.
  • 세상 사정을 똑똑히 알게 되다.
  • It has become bright in front of one's eyes
  • For a prospect or future to become clear.
  • 전망이나 앞길이 뚜렷해지다.
  • A route or schedule to the destination.
  • 목적지까지의 경로나 일정.
    journey; itinerary
  • The path or schedule of a trip.
  • 여행의 과정이나 일정.
  • Routes that one has to travel on that day; a decided order in which locations will be visited.
  • 그날 하루에 가야 할 길. 또는 그 길을 가기 위해 정한 순서.
ProverbsIt is advised not to save an animal with black hair
    It is advised not to save an animal with black hair
  • An expression used to criticize people who tend to forget other's favors after receiving help.
  • 사람이 도와주어도 고마움을 모름을 핀잔하여 이르는 말.
IdiomIt is a grain of wheat in a bushel of chaff
    (It is) back to Amitabha; It is a grain of wheat in a bushel of chaff; be back where one started
  • For one's efforts and sufferings to achieve a certain goal to bear no fruit.
  • 어떤 것을 이루기 위해 노력하고 고생을 했지만 결국 아무것도 이루지 못함.
ProverbsIt is an earring if it is hung on the ear, and a nose ring if it is hung on the nose
    It is an earring if it is hung on the ear, and a nose ring if it is hung on the nose; Different people call it different things
  • For something or an object to become this or that depending on how it is explained or described.
  • 어떤 일이나 사물이 둘러대기에 따라 이렇게도 되고 저렇게도 될 수 있다.
ProverbsIt is a nose ring if it is hung on the nose, and an earring if it is hung on the ear
    It is a nose ring if it is hung on the nose, and an earring if it is hung on the ear
  • An expression to describe the attitude of making use of any grounds or excuses for one's own advantage.
  • 자신에게 유리하게 근거를 아무렇게나 갖다 대는 것을 뜻하는 말.
  • It is a nose ring if it is hung on the nose, and an earring if it is hung on the ear; Different people call it different things
  • An expression used to describe a situation where the same thing can be explained or interpreted in different ways depending on who explains or interpretes it.
  • 입장에 따라 다양하게 설명할 수 있는 경우를 뜻하는 말.
ProverbsIt is a sad house where the hen crows lower than the cock
    If a hen crows, the family will fail; It goes ill with the house where the hen sings and the cock is silent; It is a sad house where the hen crows lower than the cock
  • If a woman instead of a man takes care of and intervenes in family affairs, nothing will go right.
  • 가정에서 아내가 남편을 제쳐 놓고 집안일에 나서고 참견하면 일이 잘 안 된다.
IdiomIt is a waste of one's age
    It is a waste of one's age
  • For one's behavior or words to be too childish for one's age; to not act one's age.
  • 행동이나 말이 그 나이에 어울리지 않게 유치하다.
  • It is a waste of one's age
  • An expression used to show the sense of pity when someone dies young or suffers difficulties as a youth.
  • 어린 나이에 일찍 죽거나 불행을 당하여 안타깝다.
ProverbsIt is dark under the oil lamp
    It is dark under the oil lamp; The beacon does not shine on its own base
  • It is more difficult to notice something close.
  • 가까이 있는 것을 오히려 잘 알기 어렵다.
ProverbsIt is like a shot arrow and spilt water
    It is like a shot arrow and spilt water
  • You can never revoke something that you have already done.
  • 한 번 저지른 일은 돌이킬 수 없다.
ProverbsIt is much better than lying and being slapped on the cheek
    It is much better than lying and being slapped on the cheek
  • An expression used to advise someone to confess before his/her lie is revealed and he/she is put to shame.
  • 거짓말이 밝혀져 망신을 당하는 것보다 솔직하게 말하는 것이 낫다는 말.
IdiomIt is nonsensical to say so, but
관용구아닌 말로
    It is nonsensical to say so, but
  • Although it may be too extreme to say so.
  • 그렇게 말하기에는 조금 지나친 면도 있지만.
IdiomIt is not like a look
    It is not like a look
  • For something to be beyond one's reach or inappropriate for one's position.
  • 분수나 처지에 맞지 않다.
IdiomIt is not of one's concern
    It is not of one's concern
  • An expression meaning one does not care whether something goes this way or that way.
  • 어떻게 되든지 상관이 없음을 뜻하는 말.
ProverbsIt is not that money comes before a man, but that a man comes before money
    It is not that money comes before a man, but that a man comes before money
  • A person is more valuable than money, and not vice versa.
  • 사람이 돈보다 더 귀중하지 돈이 사람보다 더 귀중할 수 없다.
ProverbsIt is not the mother-in-law who beats you, but the sister-in-law who tries to stop her that is more hateful
    It is not the mother-in-law who beats you, but the sister-in-law who tries to stop her that is more hateful
  • Those who pretend to care, but in fact do harm and speak ill of you are more hateful.
  • 겉으로는 위해 주는 체하면서 속으로는 해하고 헐뜯는 사람이 더 밉다.
IdiomIt is pitch-black in front of one's eyes
    It is pitch-black in front of one's eyes
  • (emphasizing form) To be confused about what to do in the future.
  • (강조하는 말로) 앞으로 어떻게 해야 할지 모르다.
IdiomIt is pitch-dark in front of one's eyes
    It is pitch-dark in front of one's eyes
  • To be confused about what to do in the future.
  • 앞으로 어떻게 해야 할지 모르다.
ProverbsIt is said that you may want to lie down after checking the place where you will stretch your feet
    It is said that you may want to lie down after checking the place where you will stretch your feet
  • It is advisable to think about the consequences of something before starting to work on it.
  • 어떤 일을 하기 전에 미리 그 일의 결과가 어떻게 될지 생각하고 시작해야 한다.
  • It is said that you may want to lie down after checking the place where you will stretch your feet
  • It is advisable to behave depending on time and place.
  • 시간과 장소를 가려서 행동해야 한다.
ProverbsIt is something even a dog would laugh at
    It is something even a dog would laugh at
  • For something to be very absurd and nonsensical.
  • 어떤 일이 너무 어이없고 황당하다.
ProverbsIt is the thirsty guy who digs a well
    It is the thirsty guy who digs a well
  • The person who is most in need of something is bound to be the first one to take an action for it.
  • 제일 급하고 필요한 사람이 그 일을 서둘러 하게 되어 있다.
I told you so
    I told you so
  • A word used when one emphasizes that one's previous statement is right.
  • 예전에 했던 자신의 말이 옳았음을 상대방에게 강조할 때 쓰는 말.
IdiomIt's completely a sailfin sandfish
    It's completely a sailfin sandfish
  • (slang) A vain effort or attempt with no gain.
  • (속된 말로) 아무 소득이 없는 헛된 일이나 헛수고.
  • The state of being as it is.
  • 그 자체.
ProverbsIt will make you sick if you hear it, but if you do not, it will make you feel better
    It will make you sick if you hear it, but if you do not, it will make you feel better
  • It is better not to hear something that will not help.
  • 들어서 좋을 것이 없는 일은 안 듣는 것이 낫다.
IdiomIt would not matter if I didn't know
    It would not matter if I didn't know; if my guess is right
  • To not be one hundred percent sure, but almost sure.
  • 반드시 그렇다고 말할 수는 없지만 거의 확실히.
    tusk; ivory
  • Two long and pointed front teeth that extend out from the mouth of an elephant.
  • 코끼리의 입 밖으로 길고 날카롭게 뻗어 있는 두 개의 앞니.
  • A color of yellowish-white like the tusk of an elephant.
  • 코끼리의 긴 앞니의 빛깔과 같이 하얀빛을 띤 노랑.
  • The color of whitish yellow like that of a long front tooth of an elephant.
  • 코끼리의 긴 앞니의 빛깔과 같이 하얀빛을 띤 노랑.
ivory tower
    ivory tower
  • A life of getting away from everyday reality and being absorbed in arts or study.
  • 일반적인 현실에서 벗어나서 예술이나 학문에만 열중하는 생활.
  • ivory tower
  • (figurative) Universities.
  • (비유적으로) 대학.
  • A plant which sprawls while being twisted with other things and spreads down to the ground.
  • 뻗어 나가 다른 물건에 감기기도 하고 땅바닥에 퍼지기도 하는 식물의 줄기.
  • A plant that creeps up a fence or wall.
  • 담이나 벽 등에 달라붙어서 덩굴을 뻗어 올라가는 식물.
  • A plant that creeps up a fence or wall.
  • 담이나 벽 등에 달라붙어서 덩굴을 뻗어 올라가는 식물.
ProverbsI will burn my palm
    I will burn my palm
  • An expression used to guarantee that someone will not be able to achieve something.
  • 상대방이 어떤 일을 하는 것에 대해 도저히 할 수 없을 것이라고 장담할 때 하는 말.
  • I will burn my palm
  • An expression used to guarantee that one's argument will turn out to be true.
  • 자기가 주장하는 것이 틀림없다고 장담하는 말.
ProverbsI will eat my hat
    I will set fire to my fingers; I will eat my hat
  • An expression used to guarantee one's own opinion or prediction will turn out to be right by swearing to do something cruel or extreme to oneself.
  • 모진 일을 담보로 해서 자기가 옳다는 것을 장담하다.
IdiomI will kill you and kill myself
    I will kill you and kill myself
  • An expression used to describe a situation where one fights against someone risking one's own death.
  • 자신도 죽을 각오를 하고 상대방과 맞서 싸울 때 하는 말.
ProverbsI will set fire to my fingers
    I will set fire to my fingers; I will eat my hat
  • An expression used to guarantee one's own opinion or prediction will turn out to be right by swearing to do something cruel or extreme to oneself.
  • 모진 일을 담보로 해서 자기가 옳다는 것을 장담하다.
ProverbsI wish things were always like they are on Hangawi, the Korean Thanksgiving Day, neither more than that nor less than that
    I wish things were always like they are on Hangawi, the Korean Thanksgiving Day, neither more than that nor less than that
  • An expression which conveys the wish that everything could be as abundant as it is on the Hangawi holliday, the Korean Thanksgiving Day, to help people enjoy a carefree life.
  • 모든 것이 한가위 때만큼만 풍성해서 사는 것이 편안했으면 좋겠다는 말.
ProverbsI would rather die than suffer
    I would rather die than suffer
  • It is better to gain satisfactory results by doing something for oneself even if it takes much more effort than having others do it and making less effort only to have poor results.
  • 수고를 조금 덜 하려고 남을 시켜서 만족스러운 결과를 얻지 못하는 것보다 힘이 들더라도 자기가 직접 해서 만족스러운 결과를 얻는 편이 더 낫다.
Postpositional Particle조사
  • A postpositional particle used to emphasize the preceding word.
  • 강조의 뜻을 나타내는 조사.
Postpositional Particle조사
  • A postpositional particle used to emphatically state something.
  • 강조하여 확인하는 뜻을 나타내는 조사.
Postpositional Particle조사
  • A postpositional particle indicating that one is referring to someone or something politely, usually with admiration for or used when making appeal to him/her or it.
  • 주로 감탄이나 호소의 뜻을 담아 무엇을 정중하게 부름을 나타내는 조사.

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