brief and clearbriefcasebrief commentbriefingbrieflybriefly and continuouslybriefly askancebrief periodbrief personal historybrief remarkbrief reviewbriefsbrief time periodbrigadier generalbrigandbrightbright and starrybright beginning and dull finishbright but fruitless attemptsbright colorbright daybrightenbrighten upbright futurebright ideabright lightbrightlybright moonbrightnessbright redbright-redbright smilebrilliance
brief and clear
brief comment
- An act of giving a very short review, or such a review.
- 매우 짧게 비평함. 또는 그런 비평.
brief review; brief comment
- A brief report or explanation that summarizes key points, or a document or meeting for such a report or explanation.
- 요점을 간추린 간단한 보고나 설명. 또는 그런 보고나 설명을 하기 위한 문서나 모임.
3. 설핏
- In the manner of appearing or coming to one's mind for a brief moment.
- 잠깐 나타나거나 떠오르는 모양.
4. 얼씬
- In a manner of appearing for a moment and disappearing in front of a place or one's eyes.
- 어떤 장소나 눈앞에 잠깐 나타났다 없어지는 모양.
5. 얼씬얼씬
- In a manner of appearing for a moment and disappearing in front of a place or one's eyes again and again.
- 어떤 장소나 눈앞에 잠깐씩 나타났다 없어졌다 하는 모양.
briefly and continuously
- In the state of coming in and out of view briefly, repeatedly.
- 눈에 잠깐잠깐 자꾸 띄는 모양.
briefly and continuously
briefly askance
1. 흘깃
- A word describing the motion of looking askance at something quickly one time.
- 가볍게 한 번 흘겨보는 모양.
briefly askance
2. 흘깃흘깃
- A word describing the motion of looking askance at something quickly one time.
- 가볍게 자꾸 흘겨보는 모양.
briefly askance
3. 흘낏
- A word describing the motion of looking askance at something quickly one time.
- 가볍게 한 번 흘겨보는 모양.
briefly askance
brief period
Bound Noun의존 명사
- A bound noun used to refer to brief time during which one can afford to do something.
- 어떤 일을 할 만한 잠시 동안의 시간.
brief period
brief personal history
- One's brief personal record that contains important information.
- 간략하게 중요한 것만 적은 이력.
profile; brief personal history
brief remark
brief review
- An act of giving a very short review, or such a review.
- 매우 짧게 비평함. 또는 그런 비평.
brief review; brief comment
brief time period
brigadier general
- The lowest rank among military generals that is beneath major general and above colonel.
- 군대에서, 소장보다 아래이고 대령보다 위인, 장군 계급에서 가장 낮은 계급.
brigadier general
1. 광명하다
- Light and brilliant.
- 밝고 환하다.
- (figurative) The future being rosy and hopeful.
- (비유적으로) 미래가 밝거나 희망적이다.
bright; promising
5. 밝다²
- A place being light as a result of getting a lot of sun.
- 빛을 많이 받아 어떤 장소가 환하다.
- A facial expression, personality, mood, etc., being lively and pleasant.
- 표정, 성격, 분위기 등이 유쾌하고 활발하다.
- One's expected future being positive.
- 예측되는 미래가 긍정적이다.
cheerful; bright
bright; promising
8. 찬란하다
- Being in a state in which a bright light is flashing or many lights are shining, or the lights being very bright.
- 강한 빛이 번쩍이거나 수많은 불빛이 빛나는 상태이다. 또는 그 빛이 매우 밝고 환하다.
- One's emotion, etc., being very excited and joyful.
- 감정 등이 매우 들뜨고 즐겁다.
bright; radiant
bright; cheerful
10. 해사하다
- Having a beautiful-looking face with a fair complexion.
- 얼굴이 희고 곱다.
- One's face or laughter being bright and pure.
- 표정이나 웃음소리 등이 맑고 깨끗하다.
fair-faced; radiant; bright
bright; pure
13. 환하다
- Being very clear and bright as light shines.
- 빛이 비치어 맑고 밝다.
- One's face or personality being bright and cheerful.
- 표정이나 성격이 명랑하고 밝다.
- Color being bright and clear.
- 색이 밝고 맑다.
bright; light; radiant
bright; beaming; radiant
bright; light
bright and starry
- A sky being clear and bright with dense stars.
- 촘촘하게 떠 있는 별들이 맑고 또렷하다.
bright and starry
Proverbsbright beginning and dull finish
- To start something with great ambitions, but produce anticlimactic results in the end.
- 어떤 일을 시작할 때 크고 훌륭하게 하려고 했으나 처음과 달리 끝은 초라하고 엉뚱하다.
One plans to paint a tiger, but ends up painting a puppy[cat]; bright beginning and dull finish
2. 속담호랑이를 잡으려다가 토끼를 잡는다
- To start something with great ambitions, but produce anticlimactic results in the end.
- 어떤 일을 시작할 때 크고 훌륭하게 하려고 했으나 처음과 달리 끝은 초라하고 엉뚱하다.
One plans to catch a tiger, but ends up catching a rabbit; bright beginning and dull finish; bright but fruitless attempts
Proverbsbright but fruitless attempts
- To start something with great ambitions, but produce anticlimactic results in the end.
- 어떤 일을 시작할 때 크고 훌륭하게 하려고 했으나 처음과 달리 끝은 초라하고 엉뚱하다.
One plans to catch a tiger, but ends up catching a rabbit; bright beginning and dull finish; bright but fruitless attempts
bright color
bright day
- A bright daytime when the sun is high in the sky.
- 해가 하늘 높이 떠있어 환하게 밝은 낮.
bright day; broad daylight
brighten up
- To light up a dark place with a torch, lamp, etc.
- 불이나 전등 등으로 어두운 곳을 환하게 하다.
light up; brighten up
bright future
bright idea
- A smart and good method for coping with and solving unexpected difficulties.
- 생각지 않은 어려움을 당했을 때 그것을 해결할 수 있는 뛰어나고 좋은 방법.
bright idea; excellent plan
bright light
2. 빤히
- In the state of being slightly bright as a light shines in darkness.
- 어둠 속에서 밝은 빛이 비치어 환하게.
3. 찬란히
- In the state of a bright light flashing or many lights shining, or in the manner of the lights being very bright.
- 강한 빛이 번쩍이거나 수많은 불빛이 빛나는 상태로. 또는 그 빛이 매우 밝고 환하게.
brightly; radiantly
4. 초롱초롱
- A word describing one's eyes as being full of life and clear.
- 눈이 생기가 있고 맑은 모양.
- A word describing clear and bright stars, light, etc.
- 별빛이나 불빛 등이 밝고 분명한 모양.
5. 총총¹
- With clear, bright, and dense stars in the sky.
- 촘촘히 떠 있는 별들이 맑고 또렷하게.
brightly; starrily
6. 환히
- In the state of being very clear and bright as light shines.
- 빛이 비치어 맑고 밝게.
- In the state of one's face or personality being bright and cheerful.
- 표정이나 성격이 명랑하고 밝게.
brightly; radiantly
brightly; beamingly; radiantly
7. 활짝
- A word describing the state of the weather clearing up or becoming bright and sunny.
- 날이 맑게 개거나 환하게 밝은 모양.
clearly; brightly
bright moon
bright red
bright smile
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