bringing aboutbringing downbringing inbringing in reliefbringing something upon oneselfbring into forcebring into reliefbring land under cultivationbring life tobring near tobring onbring on oneselfbring outbring someone into submissionbring someone to lifebring someone with onebring something downbring something forwardbring something into actionbring something to a closebring something to a conclusionbring something to an endbring something to match something elsebring something to prosperitybring something upon oneselfbring to a haltbring to an endbring to a stopbring togetherbring to lifebring to reasonbring two parties forbring under controlbring upbring up one's adorable child with the rodbring water at the request for firebring withbrining upbrinkbriquetbriquet ashesbriquet gasbrisketbrisklybristle upbroadbroad and roundedbroad-billed rollerbroadcastbroadcasterbroadcastingbroadcasting boothbroadcasting circlebroadcasting circles
bringing about
- An act of causing a certain problem or event to happen.
- 일이나 사건 등을 일으킴.
causing; bringing about; leading to
bringing down
- Attacking and bringing down a flying object.
- 날아가는 비행 물체를 공격하여 떨어뜨림.
shooting down; bringing down
bringing in
- An act of carrying goods out of a certain place and bringing it into another place.
- 다른 곳으로부터 물건을 운반하여 들여옴.
carrying in; bringing in
bringing in relief
- The act of making a characteristic of something stand out.
- 어떤 특징을 두드러지게 함.
bringing in relief
bringing something upon oneself
bring into force
1. 발효시키다¹
- To make a treaty, legislation, official document, etc., enter into force.
- 조약, 법, 공문서 등의 효력이 나타나게 하다.
bring into force
2. 발효하다¹
- For a treaty, legislation, official document, etc., to enter into force or to put such things into force.
- 조약, 법, 공문서 등의 효력이 나타나다. 또는 그 효력을 나타내다.
come into effect; bring into force
bring into relief
bring land under cultivation
- To plow up a patch of ground to grow crops.
- 농사를 짓기 위해 땅을 파서 일으키다.
cultivate; bring land under cultivation; break up the soil
bring life to
- To make someone or something which is dead or disappeared, return to life or come into existence.
- 죽거나 없어졌던 것을 다시 살아나거나 생겨나게 하다.
bring to life; bring life to
bring near to
- To make one thing touch another thing, or be very close to it.
- 다른 물체와 맞닿게 하거나 다른 물체와의 거리를 아주 가깝게 하다.
put close to; bring near to
bring on
- To make one's thought or intellectual capacity reach a significant level.
- 생각이나 지적 능력을 상당한 수준에 이르게 하다.
bring on; improve
bring on oneself
- To knowingly do something that deserves blame or complaint.
- 벌을 받거나 욕먹을 일을 스스로 하다.
bring on oneself; deserve
bring out
bring someone into submission
- To discourage someone and make him/her succumb to one's way or order by force.
- 힘으로 남의 뜻을 꺾어 자신의 뜻이나 명령에 따르게 하다.
bring someone into submission; make someone give in
bring someone to life
- To make someone or something maintain his/her or its life.
- 생명을 지니게 하다.
keep someone alive; bring someone to life; save someone's life
bring someone with one
- To make someone follow one, and thus come with him/her.
- 자기를 따라오게 하여 함께 오다.
bring someone with one; come in company with
bring something down
- For something to strike from an upward position with a downward motion while using full strength.
- 물체가 위에서 아래로 힘차게 치다.
bring something down
bring something forward
- To make an object, etc., come forward by force.
- 물건 등을 힘을 주어 앞으로 가까이 오게 하다.
bring something forward
bring something into action
- To put one's thought or resolution into action.
- 생각이나 결심을 행동으로 나타나게 하다.
fulfill; practice; bring something into action
bring something to a close
- To finally distinguish between right and wrong, or winner and loser.
- 옳고 그름 또는 이기고 지는 것을 마지막으로 가려내다.
settle; fix; bring something to a close
bring something to a conclusion
- To cause a discussion or action to reach a conclusion or result.
- 논의나 행동 등을 어떤 결론이나 결과에 이르게 하다.
bring something to a conclusion
bring something to an end
- To cause a phenomenon or event to end or disappear.
- 어떤 현상이나 일을 끝나게 하거나 없어지게 하다.
bring something to an end
bring something to match something else
- To make things in comparison not different so that they become the same or match each other.
- 비교되는 대상을 서로 다르지 않고 꼭 같게 하거나 들어맞게 하다.
bring something to match something else
bring something to prosperity
- To begin something or make it prosper.
- 무엇을 시작하거나 잘되어 번성하게 만들다.
revive; bring something to prosperity; restore
bring something upon oneself
- To create a certain result by oneself.
- 자기 스스로 어떤 결과가 생기게 하다.
incur; bring something upon oneself
bring to a halt
- To make someone or something that was going or moving stop.
- 가거나 움직이는 것을 멈추게 하다.
bring to a halt; stop; bring to a stop
bring to an end
- To finish or stop what one has been doing, here.
- 하던 일을 이 정도로 끝내거나 멈추다.
quit; bring to an end
bring to a stop
- To make someone or something that was going or moving stop.
- 가거나 움직이는 것을 멈추게 하다.
bring to a halt; stop; bring to a stop
bring together
2. 모으다
- To make many people come to a place or join an organization altogether.
- 여러 사람을 한곳에 오게 하거나 한 단체에 들게 하다.
call; gather; bring together
bring to life
- To make someone or something which is dead or disappeared, return to life or come into existence.
- 죽거나 없어졌던 것을 다시 살아나거나 생겨나게 하다.
bring to life; bring life to
bring to reason
bring two parties for
- To make people begin a competition, fight, etc.
- 경쟁이나 싸움 등의 겨루는 일을 서로 시작하게 하다.
bring two parties for; arrange
bring under control
- To prevent someone from speaking or behaving rashly.
- 말이나 행동을 함부로 하지 못하게 하다.
suppress; bring under control; oppress
bring up
2. 거두어들이다
- To take in a child, orphan, etc., and then take care of or protect him/her.
- 자식이나 고아 등을 받아들여 보살피거나 보호하다.
raise; bring up
3. 거둬들이다
- To take in a child, orphan, etc., and then take care of or protect him/her.
- 자식이나 고아 등을 받아들여 보살피거나 보호하다.
raise; bring up
4. 거론하다
- To bring up or mention something as a subject of discussion or an object of criticism.
- 어떤 것을 이야기의 주제나 문제로 삼아 논의하다.
mention; bring up
6. 끄집어내다
- To bring up a problem, weakness, subject in front of other people.
- 어떤 문제, 약점, 이야깃거리를 다른 사람들 앞에 들춰내다.
raise; bring up
8. 보육하다
- To take care of, teach, and bring up children.
- 어린아이들을 돌보아 가르치고 기르다.
nurture; bring up; take care of
Proverbsbring up one's adorable child with the rod
- An expression used to advise parents to raise their beloved child under the strict discipline even through corporal punishment.
- 자식이 귀할수록 매로 때려서라도 버릇을 잘 가르쳐야 한다.
bring up one's adorable child with the rod
Proverbsbring water at the request for fire
- To do something completely different from what one was asked to do.
- 시켰던 일과는 전혀 다른 일을 한다.
be asked for fire, but bring water; bring water at the request for fire
bring with
brining up
- Fuel made by compressing powdered anthracite, charcoal, etc., into a round mass.
- 무연탄과 목탄 등의 가루를 굳혀서 덩어리로 만든 연료.
briquet ashes
briquet gas
bristle up
2. 대체적²
- Viewing a certain subject or content in the context of the whole.
- 어떤 일이나 내용을 큰 흐름을 따라 전체적으로 본.
general; broad; rough
3. 두껍다
- The size of a group being larger than the average.
- 어떠한 집단의 규모가 보통의 정도보다 크다.
large; broad
4. 딱³
- In a state in which one's chest and shoulders are wide, or one's eyes and mouth are open wide.
- 가슴, 어깨가 바라지거나 눈, 입이 활짝 벌어진 모양.
5. 딱딱³
- In a state in which all of several people straighten up their shoulders, puff their chests out, or open their eyes or mouths wide at the same time or in succession.
- 여럿이 다 또는 잇따라 가슴, 어깨가 바라지거나 눈, 입이 활짝 벌어진 모양.
6. 떡²
- In a state in which one's chest and shoulders are wide, or one's eyes and mouth are open wide.
- 가슴, 어깨가 넓게 바라지거나 눈, 입이 크게 벌어진 모양.
broad and rounded
broad-billed roller
- A summer migratory bird of dark blue color, which flies to Japan, Korea, China, etc., after spending winters in tropical regions.
- 몸통은 진한 청록색이며, 열대 지방에서 겨울을 보내고 일본, 한국, 중국 등으로 날아오는 여름 철새.
broad-billed roller
1. 방송하다
- To transmit sounds, visual images, etc., by television or radio in the form of radio waves so that people can watch or listen to them.
- 텔레비전이나 라디오를 통하여 사람들이 보고 들을 수 있게 소리나 화면 등을 전파로 내보내다.
- The act of transmitting sounds, visual images, etc., by television or radio in the form of radio waves so that people can watch or listen to them.
- 텔레비전이나 라디오를 통하여 사람들이 보고 들을 수 있게 소리나 화면 등을 전파로 내보내는 것.
broadcasting booth
- A room with broadcasting equipments that sends out broadcasts.
- 방송 장비를 갖추고 방송을 내보내는 방.
studio; broadcasting booth
broadcasting circle
- The field of people who work in broadcasting.
- 방송과 관련된 일을 하는 사람들의 활동 분야.
broadcasting circle; broadcasting industry
broadcasting circles
- The society of people who work in broadcasting such as celebrities, newscasters, producers, etc.
- 연예인, 아나운서, 제작자 등 방송과 관련된 일을 하는 사람들의 사회.
broadcasting industry; broadcasting circles
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