broadcasting companybroadcasting industrybroadcasting stationbroadcasting universitybroadcasting writerbroadcast livebroadcast networkbroadcast vehiclebroad daylightbroadenbroadeningbroad-facedbroad jumpbroad-leaved treebroadlybroad-mindedbroad-mindedlybroad-mindednessbroad oceanbroad overviewbroad sensebroad smilebroad streetbroad widthbrochurebroken heartbroken-line graphbroken mirrorbroken piecesbrokerbrokeragebrokerage feebrokerage firmbronchial tubebronchitisbronzeBronze Agebronze medalbronze prizebronze statuebronzewarebroochbroodbrood overbrookbrooksidebroombroomingbrotherbrother and sisterbrotherhoodbrother-in-law
broadcasting company
- A company that transmits all kinds of broadcasting programs by radio, television, etc.
- 라디오나 텔레비전 등을 통하여 여러 가지 방송 프로그램을 내보내는 회사.
broadcasting company
broadcasting industry
1. 방송가
- The society of people who work in broadcasting such as celebrities, newscasters, producers, etc.
- 연예인, 아나운서, 제작자 등 방송과 관련된 일을 하는 사람들의 사회.
broadcasting industry; broadcasting circles
2. 방송계
- The field of people who work in broadcasting.
- 방송과 관련된 일을 하는 사람들의 활동 분야.
broadcasting circle; broadcasting industry
broadcasting station
- An outlet equipped with facilities for broadcasting by radio or television.
- 시설을 갖추고 라디오나 텔레비전을 통해 방송을 내보내는 기관.
broadcasting station
broadcasting university
- A high educational institution that teaches the fields of study related to broadcasting.
- 방송과 관련된 분야를 주로 가르치는 고등 교육 기관.
broadcasting university
broadcasting writer
- A person who writes the scripts of broadcasted programs.
- 방송으로 내보내는 프로그램의 대본을 쓰는 사람.
broadcasting writer
broadcast live
1. 생방송하다
- To broadcast something at the same time as it is being produced on site or in the studio, without recording in advance.
- 미리 녹음하거나 녹화한 것을 틀지 않고, 현장이나 스튜디오에서 제작하며 동시에 방송하다.
broadcast live
2. 생중계하다
- To broadcast live the situation of a scene as it is occurring.
- 일이 벌어지고 있는 현장의 상황을 바로 연결하여 방송하다.
broadcast live
broadcast network
- A system that broadcasts programs by television or radio over a group of broadcasting stations simultaneously.
- 각 방송국을 연결하여 텔레비전이나 라디오로 같은 프로그램을 동시에 방송하는 체제.
broadcast network
broadcast vehicle
- A car that is sent to a place, equipped with devices needed to bring an actual situation to the viewers or listeners.
- 현장에서 실제로 일어나는 일을 중계하기 위해 필요한 장치를 싣고 현장에 나가는 차.
broadcast vehicle
broad daylight
- A bright daytime when the sun is high in the sky.
- 해가 하늘 높이 떠있어 환하게 밝은 낮.
bright day; broad daylight
1. 넓히다
- To enlarge a certain area such as the side or surface of something.
- 면이나 바닥 등의 면적을 크게 하다.
- To make the content or scope of something cover wider areas.
- 내용이나 범위를 널리 미치게 하다.
broaden; widen
expand; widen; broaden
2. 확장하다
- To increase the size or scope of a facility, business, force, etc., to make it larger.
- 시설, 사업, 세력 등을 늘려서 넓히다.
expand; extend; broaden
- An act of increasing the size or scope of a facility, business, force, etc., to make it larger.
- 시설, 사업, 세력 등을 늘려서 넓힘.
expansion; extension; broadening
- Having wide facial features, making the face seem broad.
- 얼굴이나 이목구비가 옆으로 퍼져 넓은 듯하다.
broad-faced; flat
broad jump
- A track and field event in which athletic participants compete to leap as far as possible by running and then jumping from a fixed spot.
- 일정한 지점에서 뛰어 올라 최대한 멀리 뛰어 그 거리를 겨루는 육상 경기.
long jump; broad jump
broad-leaved tree
- A tree such as the persimmon, paulownia, and oak, whose leaves are broad and flat.
- 감나무, 오동나무, 참나무 등과 같이 잎이 평평하고 넓은 나무.
broad-leaved tree
- A word describing the state of one's face looking bright or beaming with smiles.
- 얼굴이 밝거나 웃음을 가득 띤 모양.
broadly; beamingly
2. 굵직하다
- The scope of an idea or kind of behavior being large.
- 생각, 행동 등의 폭이 넓고 크다.
3. 너르다
- A person's thinking or mind being generous and magnanimous.
- 생각하는 것이나 마음 씀씀이가 너그럽고 크다.
tolerant; broad-minded
5. 대범하다
- Tolerant and relaxed, not caring about minor things.
- 작은 일에 신경을 쓰지 않고 너그럽고 여유가 있다.
broad-minded; bold
6. 호방하다
- Showing a gallant spirit and broad-mindedness, not being bothered by trivial things.
- 기상이 씩씩하고 마음이 넓어 작은 일에 거리낌이 없다.
magnanimous; broad-minded
7. 화통하다
- One's personality being generous or straightforward, or one's voice sounding powerful.
- 성격이나 목소리 등이 시원시원하고 마음이 넓다.
broad-minded; outspoken; unhesitating; energetic
9. 희떱다
- Being big-hearted and generous in spending even if one might be of no real help.
- 실속은 없어도 마음이 넓고 씀씀이가 후하고 크다.
generous; broad-minded
- In the manner of being broad-minded and big-hearted.
- 마음이 넓고 크게.
broad-mindedly; great-heartedly
- State of mind or thinking that can readily accept and deeply understand others.
- 너그럽게 받아들이고 깊게 이해할 수 있는 마음과 생각.
generosity; broad-mindedness
broad ocean
broad overview
- Something being shortened in length and containing only important points of an incident, story, etc.
- 어떤 일이나 사건의 내용을 짧게 줄인.
rough description; broad overview
broad sense
broad smile
broad street
broad width
- A thin, small booklet that is made to explain, advertise, or promote something.
- 설명이나 광고, 선전을 하기 위해서 만든 얇고 작은 책자.
pamphlet; brochure
broken heart
broken-line graph
- A graph expressed by connecting the ends of a bar graph with a broken line.
- 막대그래프의 끝을 꺾어진 선으로 연결하여 나타낸 그래프.
broken-line graph
broken mirror
- (figurative) A state in which a married couple is separated due to their estranged relationship.
- (비유적으로) 사이가 나빠서 부부가 헤어짐.
broken mirror; end of marriage; divorce
broken pieces
- A number of small pieces produced when an object is smashed or broken.
- 아주 작게 부서지거나 깨어진 여러 조각.
broken pieces; fragmented pieces
- An agency that matches people who want to sell or buy, or rent or lease, a house, land, etc.
- 집이나 토지 등을 사고팔거나 빌리고 빌려주려는 사람들을 서로 소개해 주는 곳.
- The business of introducing a potential marriage partner, job opening, house or land for rent or purchase, etc.
- 결혼 상대자나 일자리, 또는 사거나 빌릴 수 있는 집이나 토지 등을 소개하는 일.
brokerage; commission business
brokerage fee
- Money paid to a person who works so that matters progress smoothly for both sides, or who brings people together.
- 양쪽의 일이 잘 진행되게 힘쓰거나 서로 모르는 사람들 사이에서 관계를 맺어 준 사람에게 대가로 내는 돈.
brokerage fee
brokerage firm
- A company that sells and buys securities or deals with financial activities for investors.
- 투자자 대신 증권을 사고팔거나 금융 일을 하는 회사.
brokerage firm; trading firm
bronchial tube
- A section of the respiratory tract that begins at the larynx, splits into two parts, and ends at the lungs.
- 후두에서 시작되어 좌우로 갈라져 허파에 이르는 기도의 한 부분.
bronchial tube
- A disease that infests bronchial tubes and causes symptoms like cough, phlegm or breathing difficulties.
- 기관지에 염증이 생겨 기침, 가래, 고열, 호흡 곤란 등의 증세가 나타나는 병.
Bronze Age
- In human history, an era in which people made items such as weapons or production tools out of bronze.
- 인류의 역사에서 무기나 생산 도구와 같은 주요 기구를 청동으로 만들어 사용하던 시대.
Bronze Age
bronze medal
- A medal made of bronze, awarded to the person who finishes third in a competition or contest.
- 각종 경기나 대회에서 3위를 차지한 사람에게 주는 구리로 만든 메달.
bronze medal
bronze prize
- The prize for third place when prizes are divided into gold, silver, and bronze.
- 상의 등급을 금, 은, 동으로 나누었을 때 삼 등에 해당하는 상.
bronze prize
bronze statue
- A statue of a person or animal that is made of bronze or covered with the color bronze, such as a bronze glaze.
- 구리로 사람이나 동물의 모양을 만들거나 그 모양에 구릿빛을 입혀서 만든 것.
bronze statue
brood over
- To think carefully about a certain remark, idea, matter, etc., several times.
- 말이나 생각, 사건 등을 여러 번 곰곰이 생각하다.
brood over; dwell on
1. 개울
- A small stream of water running through a valley or a meadow.
- 골짜기나 들에 흐르는 작은 물줄기.
brook; small stream; creek
2. 개천
- A water stream that is bigger than a streamlet and smaller than a river.
- 시내보다 크고 강보다 작은 물줄기.
brook; creek
4. 시냇물
- The water of a small stream that flows in a valley or plain.
- 골짜기나 들판에 흐르는 작은 물줄기의 물.
stream; brook
- The surroundings of a small stream flowing through a valley or a meadow.
- 골짜기나 들에 흐르는 작은 물줄기의 주변.
- An act of sweeping the floor, etc. with a broom.
- 빗자루로 바닥 등을 쓰는 일.
the sweeping of a broom; brooming
1. 동생
- A word used to refer to or address a person who is younger than oneself among one's siblings or relatives.
- 같은 부모에게서 태어난 형제나 친척 형제들 중에서 나이가 적은 사람을 이르거나 부르는 말.
- A word used to refer to or address a younger person than oneself in a friendly manner.
- 나이가 더 많은 사람이 나이가 어린 사람을 친숙하게 이르거나 부르는 말.
brother; sister
brother; sister
2. 아우
- A word used to refer to or address another who is younger than oneself, usually between brothers.
- 주로 남자 형제들 사이에서 손아랫사람을 이르거나 부르는 말.
- A word used to refer to or address another who is younger than oneself, usually between close friends.
- 남자끼리 또는 여자끼리 친한 사이에서 자기보다 나이가 적은 사람을 이르거나 부르는 말.
brother; sister
brother and sister
1. 동서¹
- A word used to refer to or address the husband of one's wife's elder sister or younger sister.
- 아내의 언니나 동생의 남편을 이르거나 부르는 말.
2. 매제
- A word used to refer to or address the husband of one's younger sister.
- 여동생의 남편을 이르거나 부르는 말.
5. 제부
- A word used by a woman to refer to or address the husband of her little sister.
- 언니가 여동생의 남편을 이르거나 부르는 말.
6. 처남
- A word used to refer to or address the brother of one's wife.
- 아내의 남동생을 이르거나 부르는 말.
7. 형님
- A word used to refer to or address one's wife's elder brother, who is older than oneself.
- 아내의 오빠를 이르거나 부르는 말.
8. 형부
- A word used to refer to or address one's elder sister's husband.
- 언니의 남편을 이르거나 부르는 말.
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