earflapearholeear infectionearlierearlier and later statementsearlier timeearlobeearlyearly arrivalearly autumnearly birdearly childhoodearly childhood educationearly dawnearly deathearly educationearly eveningearly frostearly graduationearly in lifeearly marketearly marriageearly maturityearly modern timesearly morningearly old ageearly phaseearly-ripeningearly-ripening riceearly springearly stageearly summerearly winterearly yearsearmuffsearnearn an overwhelming victoryearned incomeearned run averageearnestearnestlyearnest requestearningearning a scanty livingearning one's own livingearningsearnings and expenses
ear infection
4. 전자¹
- A previous turn or time that came before the time of speaking.
- 말하고 있는 때 이전의 지나간 차례나 때.
earlier; the other day
earlier and later statements
earlier time
2. 이르다³
- Preceding or earlier than a point in time that serves as the baseline.
- 기준이 되는 때보다 앞서거나 빠르다.
early; premature
3. 일찌감치
- Quite early enough to be considered a little bit early.
- 조금 이르다고 할 만큼 꽤 일찍.
- As early as possible.
- 가능한 한 일찍.
4. 일찍
- Before the specified time.
- 정해진 시간보다 빠르게.
- Earlier than something or someone.
- 보통 다른 일이나 다른 사람보다 먼저.
early; earlier
early arrival
early autumn
early bird
early childhood
- The period from one year of age to before going to an elementary school.
- 만 한 살부터 초등학교에 들어가기 전까지의 시기.
early childhood
early childhood education
- The education provided to children before they start their elementary school.
- 초등학교에 들어가기 전의 아이들에게 하는 교육.
early childhood education
early dawn
early death
- The life of a creature such as a human and animal being short.
- 사람이나 동물 등 생명이 있는 것의 목숨이 짧음.
early death; dying young
early education
- An education program conducted in accordance with a curriculum and designed for intellectually advanced pre-school children.
- 지능 발달이 빠른, 학교에 들어가기 전의 어린이를 대상으로 일정한 교과 과정에 따라 실시하는 교육.
early education
early evening
early frost
early graduation
- The practice of allowing a student who meets the conditions and requirements for graduation to graduate early.
- 졸업에 필요한 조건을 빨리 충족하여 정해진 때보다 이르게 졸업함.
early graduation
early in life
early market
- The early phase after the opening of a market, or a market that has just opened.
- 장이 서기 시작한 무렵. 또는 막 서기 시작한 장.
early market
early marriage
- The act of getting married at a young age, or such marriage.
- 어린 나이에 일찍 결혼함. 또는 그렇게 한 결혼.
early marriage
early maturity
early modern times
- The time period between medieval and modern times as divided by historical studies.
- 역사학의 시대 구분의 하나로, 중세와 근대의 중간 시대.
early modern times
early morning
early old age
early phase
- An early period near the beginning of a disease or event.
- 병이나 사건이 생긴 지 얼마 지나지 않은 이른 시기.
early phase
early-ripening rice
- Rice which ripens earlier than the usual ripening period.
- 보통 익는 시기보다 더 일찍 익는 벼.
early-ripening rice
early spring
1. 새봄
- The time when spring begins after winter.
- 겨울이 지나고 봄이 시작되는 때.
- (figurative) The season when new force comes into being or a person is full of hope.
- (비유적으로) 새로운 힘이 생기거나 희망이 가득 찬 시절.
early spring
early spring
early stage
early summer
early winter
early years
earn an overwhelming victory
- To win a competition, election, etc., by a large margin.
- 시합이나 선거 등에서 크게 이기다.
earn an overwhelming victory; win by a landslide
earned income
- Money that one gained by doing a physical or mental work.
- 육체적인 일이나 정신적인 일을 해서 얻는 돈.
earned income
earned run average
- The average number of points that the pitcher allowed to the opponent in one baseball game.
- 야구에서, 투수가 한 경기에서 상대편에게 내준 점수의 평균적 수치.
earned run average
1. 간곡하다
- Having an attitude of desperately and earnestly requesting something.
- 태도나 자세 등이 매우 간절하고 정성스럽다.
desperate; earnest
3. 계약금
- Money paid upon contract signing, as a sign of commitment.
- 계약을 할 때 계약을 지키기로 약속하고 미리 치르는 돈.
down payment; earnest; deposit
4. 구구절절하다
- In a letter, etc., the story being detailed and revealing one's heart.
- 편지글 등에서 사연이나 내용이 매우 자세하고 정성이 지극하다.
earnest; touching
earnest request
- An act of pleading with someone heartily or such a request.
- 간절히 부탁함. 또는 그런 부탁.
plea; entreaty; earnest request
1. 소득
- Money paid in return for doing a certain task during a certain period.
- 일정 기간 동안에 정해진 일을 하고 그 대가로 받는 수입.
income; earning
2. 수입¹
- The act of obtaining money or goods, etc., for one's work; or the money or goods thus obtained.
- 어떤 일을 하여 돈이나 물건 등을 거두어들임. 또는 그 돈이나 물건.
- Money that an individual, nation, or organization earns.
- 개인이나 국가, 단체가 벌어들이는 돈.
earning; income
income; earning; revenue
earning a scanty living
- The act of barely managing to support oneself or earn a living; or a person living in such a situation.
- 하루하루를 어렵게 겨우 살아가는 사람. 또는 그런 생활.
living hand to mouth; earning a scanty living; making ends meet
earning one's own living
- The act of making a living by one's own labor and efforts.
- 스스로의 힘과 노력으로 살아감.
self-support; earning one's own living
earnings and expenses
- A collective noun for earnings and expenses.
- 수입과 지출.
earnings and expenses; income and expenditure
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