lose one armlose oneselflose one's footinglose one's ground to stand onlose one's hearinglose one's judgmentlose one's lifelose one's mindlose one's positionlose one's sightlose one's spiritlose one's temperlose one's waylose one's wifelose one's wordslose patienceloserlose sight oflose the hearts and minds of peoplelose the lightlose vigorlose weightlosing a caselosing an electionlosing effectLosing is equal to winninglosing lotlosing no pointslosing one's wifelosing strengthlossloss and profitloss by decisionloss in waterloss of a jobloss of a pointloss of fameloss of one's hometownloss of one's wealthloss of positionloss of sightlost and found centerlost articlelost battlelost goodslost in reading
Idiomlose one arm
관용구한 팔을 잃다
- To lose the most important person who can be of great help.
- 도움이 되는 가장 중요한 사람을 잃다.
lose one arm
Idiomlose oneself
관용구자기를 잃어버리다
- To be unable to properly understand one's situation or self.
- 자신의 상황이나 존재를 제대로 이해하지 못하다.
- To be unable to think in a normal manner.
- 정상적인 사고를 하지 못하다.
lose oneself
lose oneself
lose one's footing
Idiomlose one's ground to stand on
관용구설 땅을[자리를] 잃다
- To lose one's foothold to survive.
- 존재 기반이 없어지다.
lose one's ground[space] to stand on
lose one's hearing
- To become unable to hear as the ears do not function properly.
- 귀의 기능이 나빠져서 소리를 듣지 못하게 되다.
become deaf; lose one's hearing
lose one's judgment
- (figurative) To fall into a state of vague thoughts and lose one's ability to judge.
- (비유적으로) 어떤 생각에 빠져 판단력을 잃다.
lose one's judgment
Idiomlose one's life
관용구목숨을 잃다
- To die.
- 죽다.
lose one's life
lose one's mind
- To speak and act in a way that is different from others due to a mental disorder.
- 정신에 이상이 생겨 보통 사람과 다른 말과 행동을 하다.
go mad; lose one's mind
lose one's position
- To lose one's power and resign one's post.
- 세력을 잃고 지위에서 물러나다.
lose one's position; fall from power
lose one's sight
- To not be able to see due to the loss of one's eyesight.
- 시력을 잃어 앞을 못 보게 되다. 또는 시력을 잃어 앞을 못 보다.
go blind; lose one's sight
Idiomlose one's spirit
관용구넋(을) 잃다
- To lose one's senses and go blank or black out.
- 제정신을 잃고 멍한 상태가 되거나 정신을 잃다.
- To be engrossed in watching something.
- 어떤 사물을 보는 데 열중하여 정신이 없다.
lose one's spirit
lose one's spirit
lose one's temper
2. 팔딱거리다
- To become very angry and repeatedly express one's anger, rather than controlling it.
- 화가 나서 참지 못하고 자꾸 팔팔 뛰다.
get mad; lose one's temper
3. 팔딱대다
- To become very angry and repeatedly express one's anger, rather than controlling it.
- 화가 나서 참지 못하고 자꾸 팔팔 뛰다.
get mad; lose one's temper
4. 팔딱팔딱하다
- To become very angry and repeatedly express one's anger, rather than controlling it.
- 화가 나서 참지 못하고 팔팔 뛰다.
get mad; lose one's temper
5. 펄떡거리다
- To become very angry and repeatedly express one's anger, rather than controlling it.
- 매우 화가 나서 참지 못하고 자꾸 펄펄 뛰다.
get mad; lose one's temper
6. 펄떡대다
- To become very angry and repeatedly express one's anger, rather than controlling it.
- 매우 화가 나서 참지 못하고 자꾸 펄펄 뛰다.
get mad; lose one's temper
7. 펄떡펄떡하다
- To become very angry and repeatedly express one's anger, rather than controlling it.
- 매우 화가 나서 참지 못하고 자꾸 펄펄 뛰다.
get mad; lose one's temper
lose one's way
lose one's wife
Idiomlose one's words
관용구말을 잃다
- For words to not come out due to astonishment or shock.
- 놀라거나 충격을 받아 말이 나오지 않다.
lose one's words
lose patience
1. 낙오자
- A person who falls behind in competition or fails to keep up with changes in society.
- 경쟁에서 뒤떨어지거나 사회나 시대의 변화에 뒤쳐진 사람.
failure; loser
2. 낙제생
- (figurative) A person who fails to meet a certain standard.
- (비유적으로) 일정한 기준에 미치지 못하는 사람.
failure; loser
3. 실패자
- A person who failed to achieve what he/she wanted or pursued.
- 원하거나 목적한 것을 이루지 못한 사람.
failure; social failure; loser
lose sight of
Idiomlose the hearts and minds of people
관용구인심(을) 잃다
- To fail to gain a good reputation from others.
- 다른 사람으로부터 좋은 평가를 얻지 못하다.
lose the hearts and minds of people
Idiomlose the light
관용구빛을 잃다
- To lose one's value.
- 가치가 떨어지거나 없어지게 되다.
lose the light
lose vigor
lose weight
2. 야위다
- To lose weight and become lean and pale.
- 살이 빠져 몸이 마르고 얼굴에 핏기가 없게 되다.
become thin; lose weight
3. 여위다
- To lose weight and become lean and pale.
- 살이 많이 빠져 몸이 마르고 얼굴에 핏기가 없게 되다.
become thin; lose weight
4. 축나다
- For one's body to become weak and for one to lose weight.
- 건강이 나빠지고 살이 빠지다.
grow weak; lose weight
5. 축내다
- To make one's body become weak and to make one lose weight.
- 건강이 나빠지고 살이 빠지게 하다.
grow weak; lose weight
losing a case
losing an election
losing effect
ProverbsLosing is equal to winning
- An expression meaning making a generous concession or avoiding a fight with your enemy will be more beneficial than confronting him/her.
- 맞서서 싸우는 것보다는 너그럽게 양보하거나 피하는 것이 이득이 된다는 말.
Losing is equal to winning
losing lot
- In drawing lots, etc., a state of losing the draw or not gaining any profit.
- 제비뽑기 등에서 아무 이득이 없는 것.
losing lot; nothing; blank
losing no points
losing one's wife
losing strength
1. 마이너스
- A state of bringing about loss or disadvantage, or affecting something negatively.
- 손해 또는 불이익이 되거나 부정적인 영향을 미치는 것.
minus; loss
3. 상실
- A state in which a certain quality, value, etc. is missing or disappears.
- 어떤 성질이나 가치 등이 없어지거나 사라짐.
loss; extinction
4. 손실
- The state of suffering a loss due to something reduced or lost.
- 줄거나 잃어버려서 손해를 봄.
loss; damage
7. 어안
- The inside of one's tongue that cannot speak in the face of something totally unexpected.
- 일이 너무 뜻밖이어서 말을 못하고 있는 혀 안.
8. 적자¹
- The amount of loss incurred as a result of spending more than one earns.
- 나간 돈이 들어온 돈보다 많아서 생기는 손실 금액.
loss; being in the red
11. 패¹
- A failure in doing something, or an act of losing a fight, game, etc.
- 어떤 일을 실패함. 또는 싸움이나 경기 등에서 짐.
failure; loss; defeat
13. 피해
- The act of suffering physical harm, or the loss of property, reputation, etc., or such a harm or loss.
- 생명이나 신체, 재산, 명예 등에 손해를 입음. 또는 그 손해.
harm; damage; loss
loss and profit
- A compound word referring to profit and loss, and benefit and harm.
- 이로움과 해로움, 얻음과 잃음을 아울러 이르는 말.
loss and profit; pluses and minuses
loss by decision
- An act of losing a match in a sport such as boxing, judo, wrestling, etc., by the decision of a judge or judges.
- 권투, 유도, 레슬링 등의 경기에서 심판의 판정으로 짐.
loss by decision
loss in water
- The state of something being washed out and gone.
- 물에 떠내려가서 없어짐.
being swept away; loss in water
loss of a job
1. 실업¹
- A state of losing a job.
- 직업을 잃음.
- A state in which a person willing or able to work loses a job or has not been given a chance to work.
- 일할 생각과 능력이 있는 사람이 일자리를 잃거나 일할 기회를 얻지 못하는 상태.
unemployment; loss of a job
being unemployed; being jobless; loss of a job
loss of a point
- The act of losing a point in a sports game, competition, etc.
- 운동 경기나 승부 등에서 점수를 잃음. 또는 그 점수.
loss of a point
loss of fame
- Going through the fall or loss of one's fame or honor.
- 명예나 체면 등을 떨어뜨리거나 잃음.
loss of fame; fall
loss of one's hometown
loss of one's wealth
loss of position
- The state of losing one's power and resigning one's post.
- 세력을 잃고 지위에서 물러남.
downfall; loss of position
loss of sight
- The state of not being able to see due to the loss of one's eyesight.
- 시력을 잃어 앞을 못 보게 됨.
loss of sight
lost and found center
- The place where lost objects are stored so that their owners can drop by and find them.
- 주인이 와서 찾아갈 수 있도록 잃어버린 물건을 한데 모아 보관하는 곳.
lost and found center
lost article
lost battle
lost goods
lost in reading
- A state in which a person is so absorbed in reading that he or she cannot think of anything else.
- 다른 생각은 전혀 하지 않고 책 읽기에만 빠져 있는 상태.
lost in reading
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