become a part of life
    habituate; become a part of life
  • To become a habit or part of life.
  • 생활의 한 부분이나 습관이 되다.
become a reality
    be realized; be actualized; become a reality
  • To become real.
  • 현실로 되다.
become a shaman
    become a shaman
  • To accept a ghost into one's soul and earn a magical power.
  • 귀신을 받아들여 신통력을 가지다.
become attached to
    have an affection for; become attached to
  • To develop a bond with and gain a stronger affection for someone.
  • 정이 생겨서 마음이 깊어지다.
become automatic
    be automated; become automatic
  • To come to operate by itself without depending on external power.
  • 다른 힘을 빌리지 않고 스스로 움직이게 되다.
become a victim
    become a victim
  • To become the victim of a bad incident.
  • 좋지 않은 일을 당하다.
become aware of
    realize; become aware of
  • To know a certain truth by realizing it in one's mind.
  • 어떤 사실을 마음속으로 깨달아 알다.
become aware of something
    become aware of something
  • To come to be aware of something by realizing or thinking about it.
  • 어떤 대상에 대해 깨닫거나 생각하게 되어 의식을 갖게 되다.
become bare
    become bare; be denuded
  • (figurative) For a mountain to lack plants or grass to such an extent that its soil is revealed.
  • (비유적으로) 산에 풀이나 나무가 없어 흙이 드러나 보일 정도가 되다.
  • become bare; be denuded
  • (figurative) For a tree to shed all of its leaves so that its branches are revealed.
  • (비유적으로) 나무가 잎이 다 떨어져 가지가 드러나 보이다.
    wear ragged clothes; become bare
  • Wearing old and tattered clothes out of poverty, making one look almost naked.
  • 가난하여 옷이 다 해지고 낡아 벗다시피 하다.
  • become bare; be denuded
  • (figurative) For a mountain to show bare soil or a tree to show bare branches for lack of trees or leaves.
  • (비유적으로) 나무나 풀이 없어 산의 맨바닥이 드러나거나 잎이 다 떨어지고 없어 나무의 가지가 드러나다.
Idiombecome bean powder
    become bean powder
  • For a family or organization to completely fail.
  • 집안이나 어떤 조직이 완전히 망하다.
become bigger
    become bigger
  • For one's body, etc., to get bigger.
  • 몸집 등이 커지다.
become blue
    become blue
  • For the color of something to become blue.
  • 빛깔이 새파랗게 되다.
become blunt
    become blunt
  • For the blade or edge of a knife, scissors, etc., to become blunt.
  • 칼이나 가위 등의 날이나 끝이 날카롭지 못하게 되다.
become bogged down
    come to a standstill; become bogged down; be deadlocked
  • For a certain state to be permanent, with no change or no improvement.
  • 어떤 상태가 굳어져 달라지거나 나아지지 않고 그대로 있다.
    come to a standstill; become bogged down; be deadlocked
  • For a certain state to be permanent, with no change or no improvement.
  • 어떤 상태가 굳어져 달라지거나 나아지지 않고 그대로 있다.
Idiombecome bones and flesh
    become bones and flesh
  • To be helpful.
  • 도움이 되다.
become broad-minded
    become broad-minded
  • To expand one's mind or thoughts, and become broad-minded
  • 마음이나 생각을 크고 너그럽게 하다.
become calm
    become calm; become placid
  • For a mood, personality, temper, etc., to become soft.
  • 분위기나 성질, 기운 등이 부드러워지다.
become chilly
    grow cold; become chilly; cool down
  • To turn to a cold state in temperature, or to start to feel cold.
  • 추운 상태가 되거나 추위를 느끼게 되다.
become chronic
    become chronic
  • For a certain property or phenomenon to persist or be repeated for such a long time that they become difficult to change or be rectified.
  • 어떤 성질이나 현상이 오래 지속되거나 반복되어 쉽게 바뀌거나 고쳐지지 않는 상태가 되다.
  • become chronic
  • For a disease to progress slowly with moderate symptoms and not heal well.
  • 병의 증세가 심하지 않으면서 천천히 진행되고 잘 낫지 않는 상태가 되다.
    become chronic; make something become chronic
  • For a certain property or phenomenon to persist or be repeated for such a long time that they become difficult to change or be rectified, or make this happen.
  • 어떤 성질이나 현상이 오래 지속되거나 반복되어 쉽게 바뀌거나 고쳐지지 않는 상태가 되다. 또는 그렇게 되게 하다.
  • become chronic; make something become chronic
  • For a disease to progress slowly with moderate symptoms and not heal well, or make this happen.
  • 병의 증세가 심하지 않으면서 천천히 진행되고 잘 낫지 않는 상태가 되다. 또는 그렇게 되게 하다.
become clean
    become fair; become clean
  • For one's mind or behavior to be in an honorable, clear, and right state.
  • 마음씨나 행동이 떳떳하고 분명하여 올바르게 되다.
  • become clean; become innocent; become pure
  • For one's mind or facial expression to be in a pure state, neither fierce nor violent.
  • 마음이나 표정이 사납거나 험하지 않고 순수하게 되다.
    become clean; become clear
  • To become clean as messy or dirty stuff is gone.
  • 지저분하고 더러운 것이 사라져 깨끗해지다.
    become clean
  • For skin to become clearer as dead skin, freckles, etc., on it disappears.
  • 때나 기미 등이 없어져 말끔하게 되다.
become clear
    clear up; become clear
  • For snow, rain, fog, etc., to let up or disappear, leading to a clear weather.
  • 눈, 비, 안개 등이 그치거나 사라져 흐리던 날씨가 맑아지다.
    become clear
  • For rain to let up and for the sky to become clear.
  • 비가 그치고 맑게 개다.
    become clear
  • For rain to let up and for the sky to become clear.
  • 비가 그치고 날씨가 맑아지다.
    be unclogged; become clear
  • For something blocked to be broken through.
  • 막힌 것이 통하게 되다.
    become clean; become clear
  • To become clean as messy or dirty stuff is gone.
  • 지저분하고 더러운 것이 사라져 깨끗해지다.
  • become clear
  • For the weather to become good as the cloudiness or fog disappears.
  • 구름이나 안개가 걷히고 날씨가 좋아지다.
  • become clear
  • For a sound, etc., to become light and clear.
  • 소리 등이 밝고 분명해지다.
    be certain; become clear
  • To be considered as certain.
  • 틀림없이 그러할 것으로 여겨지다.
become close
    approach; become close
  • To approach someone so that one can be friends with him/her.
  • 어떤 사람과 친해지려고 그 사람과의 관계를 가깝게 하다.
    approach; become close
  • To go closer.
  • 가깝게 옮겨 서다.
  • approach; become close
  • To approach someone in order to become friends.
  • 친해지려고 가까이 가다.
become closer
    become closer
  • For two parties to become intimate with each other.
  • 서로의 사이가 친해지다.
  • approach; near; become closer
  • To nearly reach a certain number.
  • 어떤 수치에 거의 미치게 되다.
  • approach; near; become closer
  • To nearly reach a certain level or degree.
  • 일정한 수준이나 정도에 거의 이르게 되다.
become clouded
    become clouded
  • For the weather to become cloudy as if to rain.
  • 날씨가 비가 올 것처럼 흐려지다.
    become clouded
  • For the weather to become cloudy as if to rain.
  • 날씨가 비가 올 것처럼 흐려지다.
become cold-hearted
    become cold-hearted
  • For an emotion to disappear.
  • 감정이 없어지다.
become common sense
    become common sense
  • To become the knowledge or a sense of judgment, which people are normally supposed to know.
  • 사람들이 일반적으로 알아야 할 지식이나 가치관이 되다.
become complicated
    complicate; become complicated
  • For several things to become entangled or disordered, making it difficult to understand; to make it happen.
  • 갈피를 잡기 어려울 만큼 여러 가지가 얽히거나 어수선해지다. 또는 그렇게 만들다.
    get entangled; become complicated
  • For something to fail, not going as planned.
  • 일이 계획대로 되지 않고 엉망이 되다.
become compulsory
    become mandatory; become compulsory
  • To come to be something that should be done.
  • 반드시 해야 하는 것으로 만들어지다.
become dark
    become dark; become foggy
  • For fog, darkness, etc., to spread.
  • 안개나 어둠 등이 깔리다.
    become dark; become heavy
  • For a dark or heavy atmosphere to come down from a higher position and spread itself.
  • 어둡거나 무거운 기운이 위에서부터 내려와 깔리다.
    become dark; be overcast
  • For darkness, fog, etc., to become thick or spread widely.
  • 어둠이나 안개 등이 짙어지거나 덮여 오다.
become deaf
    become deaf; lose one's hearing
  • To become unable to hear as the ears do not function properly.
  • 귀의 기능이 나빠져서 소리를 듣지 못하게 되다.
    become deaf
  • (slang) To lose one's hearing.
  • (속된 말로) 귀로 소리를 듣지 못하게 되다.
become decomposed
    become decomposed
  • To be rotten and lose the original form.
  • 썩어서 본래의 모양이 없어지게 되다.
become delighted
    become happy; become delighted; become elated
  • To get excited and come to feel very good.
  • 흥이 나고 기분이 아주 좋아지다.
become desiccated
    become desiccated; be dried up
  • To become dry, twisted and wrinkled.
  • 말라서 쭈글쭈글하게 뒤틀리다.
become desperate
    give oneself up; become desperate; abandon oneself
  • To give up everything and not take care of oneself in despair.
  • 절망에 빠져서 스스로 자신을 돌보지 않고 모든 일을 포기하다.
become despondent
    become despondent
  • To become despondent and smaller, pressured by another power.
  • 다른 힘에 눌려 기운을 펴지 못하고 작아지다.
become different
    become different
  • To become different from before.
  • 전과 다르게 되다.
    become different
  • For a content, state, etc., to become changed or different.
  • 내용이나 상태 등이 변하거나 달라지다.
    change; turn; become different
  • For something to become something else or become different in nature.
  • 무엇이 다른 것이 되거나 성질이 달라지다.
become dirty
    become dirty
  • For a clean thing to become dirty and messy.
  • 깨끗하던 것이 때가 생기고 지저분해지다.
become disgusted with
    become disgusted with; get sick of
  • To come to dislike something.
  • 마음에 들지 않게 되다.
become disordered
    get confused; become disordered; descend into chaos
  • To feel dizzy and confused.
  • 정신이 어지럽고 혼란스럽게 되다.
    get confused; become disordered; descend into chaos
  • To feel dizzy and confused.
  • 정신이 어지럽고 혼란스럽게 되다.
become disorderly
    be thrown into confusion; be messed up; become disorderly
  • To be mixed up to become chaotic without order.
  • 뒤죽박죽이 되어 어지러워지고 질서가 없어지다.
become distant
    recede; become distant
  • For a distance to increase.
  • 거리가 많이 떨어지게 되다.
become distorted
    get crooked; become distorted
  • For one's mindset, thinking, behavior, etc., to become wicked, not right or desirable.
  • 생각이나 행동이 옳거나 바람직하지 않고 못되어지다.
    become distorted; become twisted; become warped
  • For one's personality to become bad and perverse.
  • 성격이 바르지 못하고 빗나가다.
become domesticated
    grow tame; become domesticated
  • For an animal to lose its wild quality and be better for a person to handle.
  • 짐승이 야생의 성질을 잃어서 사람이 부리기 좋게 되다.
become dull
    become dull; flag; droop
  • To lose energy due to decrease in one's interest or desire.
  • 의욕이나 흥미가 떨어져서 힘이 빠지다.
    become dull; flag; droop
  • To lose spirit or energy because joy or excitement has disappeared.
  • 즐거움 또는 흥분이 사라져서 기운이나 힘이 빠지다.
    slow down; become dull
  • For progress or reaction to become slow.
  • 반응이나 진행 속도가 느려지다.
    become dull; not respond
  • (figurative) To be accustomed to a repeated stimulus, and end up being unresponsive and insensitive to it..
  • (비유적으로) 자꾸 반복되는 자극에 익숙해져서 반응이 없이 무감각해지다.
    become dull; become insensible
  • To become unable or slow to realize a certain fact or to express an emotion, etc.
  • 어떤 사실이나 감정 등을 깨닫거나 표현하는 힘이 부족해지고 둔하게 되다.
  • become dull
  • For a skill, talent, etc., to become dull.
  • 솜씨나 재주 등이 둔하게 되다.
become elated
    become happy; become delighted; become elated
  • To get excited and come to feel very good.
  • 흥이 나고 기분이 아주 좋아지다.
become eligible
    become qualified; become eligible
  • To become fit for a given condition.
  • 일정한 조건이 갖추어지다.
    become qualified; become eligible
  • To become fit for a given condition.
  • 일정한 조건을 갖추다.

'English - Korean > b' 카테고리의 다른 글

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