Idiombecome one handful of ash
    become one handful of ash[earth]
  • (figurative) To die.
  • (비유적으로) 죽다.
Idiombecome one's very blood and flesh
    become one's very blood and flesh
  • To be of great help.
  • 큰 도움이 되다.
    become one's very blood and flesh
  • For nutrients to be completely digested and become a part of one's body.
  • 영양분 등이 완전히 소화되어 자기 것이 되다.
Idiombecome one's vey blood and flesh
    become one's vey blood and flesh
  • To be of great help.
  • 큰 도움이 되다.
become overripe
    become overripe
  • For a plant to become overly ripe.
  • 식물이 지나치게 익은 상태가 되다.
Idiombecome pagimchipakimchi, green onion gimchikimchi
    become pagimchi/pakimchi, green onion gimchi/kimchi
  • To become very exhausted and tired.
  • 몹시 지치고 피곤한 상태가 되다.
become passionate
    become passionate
  • (figurative) For an emotion, passion, etc., to become fierce.
  • (비유적으로) 감정이나 열정 등이 격렬해지다.
    get mad; become passionate
  • For one's mind to become hot like fire.
  • 마음이 불같이 뜨거워지다.
become penitent
    repent; become penitent
  • To regret one's mistakes and correct them.
  • 잘못을 뉘우치고 바르게 고치다.
become permanent
    be fixed; become permanent
  • To become hardened in a certain state and unchanged.
  • 일정한 상태로 굳어져 변하지 않게 되다.
    be fixed; become permanent
  • To become hardened in a certain state and unchanged.
  • 일정한 상태로 굳어져 변하지 않게 되다.
become perverse
    get warped; become perverse
  • To become displeased and malicious because one is dissatisfied with something.
  • 마음에 들지 않아 기분이 매우 언짢고 감정이 사납게 되다.
    get warped; become perverse
  • To become displeased and malicious because one is dissatisfied with something.
  • 마음에 들지 않아 기분이 매우 언짢고 감정이 사납게 되다.
Idiombecome pitch-dark
    become pitch-dark
  • To be very fretful with anxiety, restlessness or worry.
  • 불안, 초조, 근심 등으로 속이 몹시 타다.
become placid
    become calm; become placid
  • For a mood, personality, temper, etc., to become soft.
  • 분위기나 성질, 기운 등이 부드러워지다.
become pop-eyed
    become pop-eyed; become round-eyed
  • For eyes to become large and round, wide open, being frightened or scared by something.
  • 놀라거나 무서워서 눈이 크고 둥그렇게 되다.
become popular
    become popular
  • (slang) To become famous as one gains popularity.
  • (속된 말로) 인기를 얻어 유명해지다.
become possessed
    become possessed
  • For a ghost to possess one's body.
  • 귀신이 몸에 들어오다.
become possible
    occur; inspire; become possible
  • To come to think of or understand a certain thing.
  • 어떤 것에 대해 생각이나 이해가 되다.
become pregnant
    conceive; fertilize; become pregnant
  • For a person or animal to have a baby in the womb.
  • 사람이나 짐승이 배 속에 아이나 새끼를 가지다.
    be pregnant; become pregnant; be in the family way
  • To conceive a child or be big with young.
  • 아이나 새끼를 배다.
become proficient
    become proficient
  • To become proficient at something and do it skillfully.
  • 익숙하게 잘 알고 솜씨 있게 잘하게 되다.
    become proficient
  • For a technique or type of work to be mastered skillfully.
  • 어떤 기술이나 일이 능숙하게 익혀지다.
become pure
    become clean; become innocent; become pure
  • For one's mind or facial expression to be in a pure state, neither fierce nor violent.
  • 마음이나 표정이 사납거나 험하지 않고 순수하게 되다.
    become pure
  • For one's mind to become pure and clean.
  • 마음이 순수하고 깨끗해지다.
become qualified
    become qualified; become eligible
  • To become fit for a given condition.
  • 일정한 조건이 갖추어지다.
    become qualified; become eligible
  • To become fit for a given condition.
  • 일정한 조건을 갖추다.
become red
    redden; blush; become red
  • To turn red.
  • 뻘겋게 되다.
become reddish
    become reddish
  • To become slightly reddish in a dark shade.
  • 어둡고 연하게 붉어지다.
become red-hot
    heat up; become red-hot
  • For an uninflammable thing such as metal and stone to be heated and become very hot.
  • 쇠나 돌 등의 타지 않는 물체가 열을 받아 매우 뜨거워지다.
become restless
    throb; thump; become restless
  • For one's heart to flutter out of excitement; to make one's heart flutter.
  • 마음이 자꾸 들뜨고 흥분해서 움직이다. 또는 그렇게 하다.
    throb; thump; become restless
  • For one's heart to flutter out of excitement; to make one's heart flutter.
  • 마음이 자꾸 들뜨고 흥분해서 움직이다. 또는 그렇게 하다.
    throb; thump; become restless
  • For one's heart to flutter out of excitement; to make one's heart flutter.
  • 마음이 자꾸 들뜨고 흥분해서 움직이다. 또는 그렇게 하다.
    throb; thump; become restless
  • For one's heart to flutter out of excitement; to make one's heart flutter.
  • 마음이 자꾸 들뜨고 흥분해서 움직이다. 또는 그렇게 하다.
    throb; thump; become restless
  • For one's heart to flutter out of excitement; to make one's heart flutter.
  • 마음이 들뜨고 흥분해서 움직이다. 또는 그렇게 되다.
become rich
    become strong; become rich
  • (figurative) To become stronger or richer.
  • (비유적으로) 힘이 강해지거나 돈이 많아지다.
    make money; become rich
  • To accumulate property and become rich.
  • 재물을 모아 부자가 되다.
become ripe
    ripen; become ripe; mature
  • For fruit, crops, etc., to grow grains and ripen well.
  • 과실이나 곡식 등이 알이 들어 딴딴하게 잘 익다.
become rough
    become rough
  • For waves, fire, etc., to rise wildly in a strong wind.
  • 바람이 심하게 불어 파도나 불길 등이 거칠게 일다.
    become rough
  • For waves, fire, etc., to move wildly in a strong wind.
  • 바람이 심하게 불어 파도나 불길 등이 거칠게 움직이다.
become round
    become round
  • To become round.
  • 동그랗게 되다.
    become round
  • To develop a big and clearly round shape.
  • 크고 뚜렷한 둥근 모양이 되다.
become round-eyed
    become pop-eyed; become round-eyed
  • For eyes to become large and round, wide open, being frightened or scared by something.
  • 놀라거나 무서워서 눈이 크고 둥그렇게 되다.
become routine
    become routine
  • For a behavior or life to be standardized so much that it feels inflexible.
  • 행동이나 생활이 딱딱하게 느껴질 정도로 규격화되다.
become rusty
    rust; become rusty
  • For a metal to become red or blue by combining with oxygen in the air.
  • 금속이 공기 중의 산소와 결합하여 붉은색이나 푸른색 등으로 변하다.
  • become rusty
  • (figurative) For one's ability or function to become weak because it has been unused for long.
  • (비유적으로) 오랫동안 쓰지 않아 능력이나 기능이 약해지다.
become scientific in structure or methods
    become scientific in structure or methods
  • To be equipped with scientific systems and methods, or make it happen.
  • 과학적인 체계와 방법을 갖추다. 또는 갖추게 하다.
become separate
    become separate; be unfit
  • For two or more objects to fail to mix well with one another and become separate.
  • 둘 이상의 사물이 서로 어울리지 못하고 따로따로 되다.
become shabby
    wear out; be tattered; become shabby
  • To wear out to have a hole or be torn.
  • 닳아서 구멍이 나거나 찢어지다.
    wear out; be tattered; become shabby
  • To wear out so as to have a hole or be torn.
  • 닳아서 구멍이 나거나 찢어지다.
    be worn out; become shabby
  • For an object to become worn out because it is old or has been used too much.
  • 물건이 오래되거나 많이 써서 낡아지다.
become sharp
    be sharpened; become sharp
  • For something blunt to become sharp.
  • 무딘 것이 날카롭게 되다.
become short-circuited
    become short-circuited
  • For electricity to come to leak out of an electric cable.
  • 전기가 전깃줄 밖으로 새어 흐르게 되다.
become sick
    become sick
  • To lie in bed as a patient.
  • 병에 걸려서 자리에 눕다.
    become sick
  • To catch a disease.
  • 병에 걸리다.
    fall ill; become sick
  • To become ill.
  • 몸에 병이 생기다.
  • fall ill; become sick
  • To become mentally unhealthy and unsound.
  • 정신 상태가 건강하고 온전하지 못하게 되다.
become skilled
    become experienced; become skilled
  • To come to be good at doing something because one did it several times before.
  • 어떤 일을 여러 번 하여 서투르지 않게 되다.
become sloppy
    become watery; become sloppy
  • For something thick to become washy.
  • 걸쭉한 것이 묽어지다.
become smaller
    be reduced; become smaller
  • For length, width, volume, etc., of something to become smaller than as it was.
  • 길이, 넓이, 부피 등이 원래보다 작아지다.
    become weaker; become smaller
  • For one's temper, energy, etc., to disappear or die down.
  • 성질이나 기운 등이 없어지거나 꺾이다.
become sober
    become sober; be refreshed
  • For one's consciousness to become clear and sharp.
  • 정신이 명확하고 또렷해지다.
    become sober
  • For one's mind to suddenly become very clear.
  • 정신이 갑자기 아주 맑아지다.
become sodden
    swell up; become sodden
  • To be soaked in water for a long time, and thus become bigger and soft on the surface.
  • 오랫동안 물에 젖어서 부피가 커지고 표면이 무르게 되다.
become soft
    become soft; soften
  • For the substance that used to be hard to become soft.
  • 단단했던 것이 물렁물렁해지다.
become solid
    harden; become solid
  • For a soft thing to become hard or stiff.
  • 무르던 것이 단단하거나 딱딱하게 되다.
    harden; become solid
  • For a soft thing to become hard or stiff.
  • 무르던 것이 단단하거나 딱딱하게 되다.
become sore
    be inflamed; be festering; become sore
  • For the skin to become red and sore as a result of inflammation.
  • 피부가 헐어서 상한 자리가 생기다.
    be inflamed; be festering; become sore
  • To be hurt, becoming red and sore.
  • 몸에 상처 등이 나서 짓무르다.
become squashy
    become squishy; become squashy
  • For a vegetable or fruit to become mushy with age.
  • 채소나 과일이 오래되어 물렁물렁하게 되다.
become squishy
    become squishy; become squashy
  • For a vegetable or fruit to become mushy with age.
  • 채소나 과일이 오래되어 물렁물렁하게 되다.
become stagnant
    be depressed; become stagnant
  • For a certain project, object, etc., to not develop and stay where it is.
  • 어떤 일이나 사물 등이 발전하지 못하고 제자리에 머무르게 되다.
    be depressed; become stagnant
  • For a certain project, object, etc., to not develop and stay where it is.
  • 어떤 일이나 사물 등이 발전하지 못하고 제자리에 머무르다.
become strong
    become firm; become strong
  • For one's will, intention, resolution, etc., to become so strong that they do not change or shake.
  • 의지나 뜻, 결심 등이 변하거나 흔들리지 않을 만큼 강하게 되다.
  • become firm; become strong
  • For repeated occurrences, phenomena, words, behavior, etc., to become fixed.
  • 반복되어 나타나는 일이나 현상, 말이나 행동 등이 고정되어 남다.
    become strong; become rich
  • (figurative) To become stronger or richer.
  • (비유적으로) 힘이 강해지거나 돈이 많아지다.
become sullen
    get sulky; become sullen
  • (slang) To be full of discontent or be angry.
  • (속된 말로) 불만으로 가득 차 있거나 화가 나 있다.
    become sullen; sulk
  • For one's mind to be twisted because one feels angry or hurt.
  • 화가 나거나 서운해서 마음이 뒤틀리다.
    become sullen; sulk
  • For one's mind to be twisted because one feels angry or hurt.
  • 화가 나거나 서운해서 마음이 뒤틀리다.
become superfluous
    become superfluous
  • To come to be in excess as the quantity or amount is more than needed.
  • 수량이나 정도가 필요로 하는 것보다 지나치게 많아서 남게 되다.
become tasteless
    become tasteless; get stale
  • For the original taste or scent of a beverage to disappear and become tasteless.
  • 음료의 본래 맛이나 향이 없어져서 맛없게 되다.

'English - Korean > b' 카테고리의 다른 글

be compelled - be concluded  (0) 2020.02.07
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become empty - become one body  (0) 2020.02.07
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be clotted - become an orphan early in life  (0) 2020.02.07

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