become the next turnbecome thinbecome threadbarebecome tteok, rice cakebecome twistedbecome uglybecome uncomfortablebecome unconsciousbecome uniformbecome vacantbecome violentbecome warmbecome warpedbecome waterybecome weakbecome weakerbecome well knownbecome whitebecome widely affectedbecome wildbecome wordsbecome worn-outbecome worriedbecome worsebe comfortedbecomingbecoming a Buddhist monkbecoming an orphan early in lifebecoming commonbecoming common sensebecoming difficultbecoming effectivebecoming hardbecoming influentialbecoming left-leaningbecoming richbe coming soonbecoming unconsciousbecoming weakbe commandedbe commemoratedbe commencedbe commercializedbe commissionedbe committedbe committed tobe commonbe commonplacebe communalizedbe communicatedbe communizedbe commutedbe comparablebe comparable withbe comparedbe compared tobe compatible
become the next turn
become thin
become threadbare
- For clothes or shoes to become useless as they are old and worn out.
- 옷이나 신발 등이 낡고 닳아서 못 쓰게 되다.
wear out; wear away; fray; become threadbare
Idiombecome tteok, rice cake
관용구떡이 되다
- To be in a state where one cannot control one's body.
- 몸을 못 가눌 정도가 되다.
become tteok, rice cake
become twisted
- For one's personality to become bad and perverse.
- 성격이 바르지 못하고 빗나가다.
become distorted; become twisted; become warped
become ugly
become uncomfortable
- For a relationship between people to become distant or uncomfortable.
- 사람들 사이의 관계가 멀어지거나 불편해지다.
distance; become far; become uncomfortable
become unconscious
become uniform
- For everything to become identical without any differences.
- 모두가 하나와 같아서 다름이 없게 되다.
become uniform; become monolithic; be standardized
become vacant
- For a wanted object to appear or for a wanted position to open up.
- 바라던 대상이 나타나거나 자리가 생기다.
appear; become vacant
become violent
become warm
- For a hardened substance or body parts that have stiffened due to cold to become soft and tender.
- 추워서 굳어진 물질이나 신체 부위 등이 풀어지다.
be unfrozen; become warm
become warped
- For one's personality to become bad and perverse.
- 성격이 바르지 못하고 빗나가다.
become distorted; become twisted; become warped
become watery
become weak
become weaker
- For one's temper, energy, etc., to disappear or die down.
- 성질이나 기운 등이 없어지거나 꺾이다.
become weaker; become smaller
become well known
become white
- To turn as clearly bright and white as snow or milk.
- 눈이나 우유의 빛깔과 같이 밝고 선명하게 희게 되다.
become white; turn white
become widely affected
- For a disease, fire, war, etc., to spread farther and farther.
- 병이나 불, 전쟁 등이 점점 더 넓게 옮아가다.
spread; become widely affected
become wild
- For snow, rain, wind, etc., to become very severe.
- 눈, 비, 바람 등이 몹시 세차게 되다.
become furious; become wild
Idiombecome words
관용구말(이) 되다
- For words to make sense.
- 말이 이치에 맞다.
- For a fact to be agreed upon.
- 어떤 사실에 대하여 합의가 되다.
become words
become words
become worn-out
become worried
become worse
1. 기울다
- For one's conditions to become worse than before.
- 형편이 이전보다 못하여지다.
(one's situation) become worse
2. 기울어지다
- For a power or situation, etc., to become weaker or worse than before.
- 세력이나 형편 등이 전보다 약해지거나 나빠지다.
(one's situaton) become worse
3. 악화되다
- For an incident or situation to proceed in a wrong direction.
- 일이나 상황이 나쁜 방향으로 나아가다.
worsen; become worse; deteriorate
4. 악화하다
- For an incident or situation to proceed in a wrong direction.
- 일이나 상황이 나쁜 방향으로 나아가다.
worsen; become worse; deteriorate
be comforted
- Suitable for one's age, title, occasion, etc.
- 어울리게 알맞다.
well-matched; suitable; becoming
becoming a Buddhist monk
- In Buddhism, an act of leaving the world, which is full of agony, and start practicing asceticism.
- 불교에서, 괴로움이 가득한 현실 세상을 떠나 수행 생활에 들어감.
becoming a Buddhist monk
becoming an orphan early in life
- The act of losing one's parents at an early age.
- 어렸을 때 부모가 돌아가심.
becoming an orphan early in life
becoming common
- A state in which something is widespread across the society, or an act of making it prevail across the society.
- 사회에 널리 퍼짐. 또는 그렇게 되게 함.
generalization; becoming common; universal access
becoming common sense
- A state in which a certain thing becomes or is accepted as knowledge or values people are supposed to know.
- 사람들이 일반적으로 알아야 할 지식이나 가치관이 됨.
becoming common sense
becoming difficult
- Requiring much more attention and effort than before.
- 마음이 쓰이거나 애를 쓰게 되는 부분이 생기다.
becoming hard; becoming difficult
becoming effective
- The state of a treaty, legislation, official document, etc., entering into force or putting such things into force.
- 조약, 법, 공문서 등의 효력이 나타남. 또는 그 효력을 나타냄.
coming into effect; becoming effective
becoming hard
- Requiring much more attention and effort than before.
- 마음이 쓰이거나 애를 쓰게 되는 부분이 생기다.
becoming hard; becoming difficult
becoming influential
- The act of gaining collective power by gathering what has been divided.
- 흩어진 것이 뭉쳐 집단적인 힘을 갖게 됨.
becoming influential
becoming left-leaning
- The act of leaning or causing someone to lean toward socialism or communism.
- 급진적이거나, 사회주의나 공산주의 등의 사상으로 기울어지게 됨. 또는 그렇게 되게 함.
becoming left-leaning; making someone left-leaning
becoming rich
- The state of accumulating property and becoming rich.
- 재물을 모아 부자가 됨.
making money; becoming rich
be coming soon
becoming unconscious
- The state of becoming unconscious along with a scream due to a sudden shock or pain.
- 갑자기 몹시 놀라거나 아파서 소리를 지르면서 정신을 잃음.
becoming unconscious
becoming weak
be commanded
be commemorated
- For an admirable person, special event, etc., to be remembered for a long time without being forgotten.
- 훌륭한 인물이나 특별한 일 등이 오래도록 잊히지 않고 마음에 간직되다.
be commemorated
be commenced
be commercialized
be commissioned
- For a military cadet, officer candidate, etc., to be commissioned.
- 사관생도나 사관후보생, 장교 후보생이 장교로 임명되다.
be commissioned
be committed
- To be done as one pleases; to be done impudently.
- 제멋대로 해 나가게 되다. 또는 건방지게 행동하게 되다.
be committed; be perpetrated
be committed to
- For a task to be left to someone so that he/she takes charge of it.
- 어떤 일을 다른 사람이 책임지도록 맡겨지다.
be committed to; be charged to; be entrusted to
be common
be commonplace
be communalized
- For a private entity or ownership to be changed to a public entity or ownership, or to change so.
- 사적인 존재나 소유가 공적인 존재나 소유로 바뀌다. 또는 그렇게 바꾸다.
be communalized
be communicated
2. 주지되다
- For many people to come to know about something.
- 여러 사람이 골고루 알게 되다.
be established; be communicated
be communized
be commuted
be comparable
be comparable with
- For a person or thing to be compared to another person on an equal level or footing.
- 정도가 비슷하여 서로 비교하다.
equal; be comparable with; rank with
be compared
- For more than two things to be put together to observe their similarities and differences.
- 둘 이상의 것이 함께 놓여 어떤 점이 같고 다른지 살펴지다.
be compared
be compared to
1. 비유되다
- For something to be compared to another thing similar to it, for an effective explanation.
- 어떤 것이 효과적으로 설명되기 위하여 그것과 비슷한 다른 것에 빗대어져 설명되다.
be compared to; be likened to
2. 비하다
- To be higher in degree in comparison to something.
- 어떤 것을 기준으로 판단해 볼 때 그보다.
- To be lower in degree in comparison to something.
- 어떤 것을 기준으로 볼 때 그것에 반하여.
be compared to
be compared to
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