become empty
    become empty
  • For a feeling of desire or attachment to disappear.
  • 욕심이나 집착이 사라지다.
become enemies
    become enemies
  • To become enemies with a feeling of resentment towards one another.
  • 서로 원한이 맺힌 사이가 되다.
become erect
    become erect; go up
  • For the penis to become erect.
  • 남자의 성기가 발기되다.
become estranged
    become estranged
  • For two people to not get along any more.
  • 서로 사이가 나빠지다.
    become estranged; be alienated
  • For a close relationship to become less close.
  • 친하던 사이가 다정하지 않게 되다.
    go sour; become estranged
  • For a relationship not to be in good shape or for two persons to come to be on bad terms with each other.
  • 관계나 사이가 나빠지다.
    become estranged; end a relationship
  • To completely sever a connection or relationship.
  • 인연이나 관계를 완전히 끊다.
become even
    become alike; become even
  • To cause to become the same.
  • 같게 되다.
become exhausted
    weaken; devastate; become exhausted
  • To become exhausted and weakened.
  • 지치고 힘이 약해지다.
become experienced
    become experienced; become skilled
  • To come to be good at doing something because one did it several times before.
  • 어떤 일을 여러 번 하여 서투르지 않게 되다.
become extinct
    become extinct
  • For a species on earth to disappear completely.
  • 생물의 한 종류가 지구에서 완전히 없어지다.
    exterminate; become extinct
  • For a species on earth to disappear completely; or to eliminate a species on earth completely.
  • 생물의 한 종류가 지구에서 완전히 없어지다. 또는 생물의 한 종류를 지구상에서 완전히 없애다.
    become extinct; be annihilated
  • To cease to exist due to death.
  • 죽어서 없어지다.
become fair
    become fair; become clean
  • For one's mind or behavior to be in an honorable, clear, and right state.
  • 마음씨나 행동이 떳떳하고 분명하여 올바르게 되다.
become familiar
    become familiar; become accustomed; become habituated
  • To become familiar and comfortable with someone or something because one has seen him/her or experienced it often.
  • 어떤 것을 자주 보거나 겪어서 낯설지 않고 편하게 되다.
become famous
    become famous
  • To have one's name be known to many.
  • 이름 등이 널리 알려지게 하다.
become far
    distance; become far; become uncomfortable
  • For a relationship between people to become distant or uncomfortable.
  • 사람들 사이의 관계가 멀어지거나 불편해지다.
become fatter
    gain; become fatter
  • For a body or something similar to become fleshier.
  • 몸 등에 살이 많아지다.
Idiombecome feces
    become feces
  • To lose one's face and fall into a miserable and hopeless situation.
  • 체면이나 면목이 서지 못하고 형편없게 되다.
become ferocious
    become fierce; become ferocious
  • For one's appearance to become scary and rough.
  • 생김새가 무섭고 험악하게 되다.
become feverish
    develop a fever; become feverish; run a fever
  • To come to have a fever.
  • 몸에서 열이 생기다.
become fierce
    become fierce; become ferocious
  • For one's appearance to become scary and rough.
  • 생김새가 무섭고 험악하게 되다.
become filthy
    become filthy
  • For an object, air, etc., to become very dirty due to dirt or oil.
  • 물건이나 공기 등에 때나 기름이 붙어서 몹시 더러워지다.
become firm
    become firm; become strong
  • For one's will, intention, resolution, etc., to become so strong that they do not change or shake.
  • 의지나 뜻, 결심 등이 변하거나 흔들리지 않을 만큼 강하게 되다.
  • become firm; become strong
  • For repeated occurrences, phenomena, words, behavior, etc., to become fixed.
  • 반복되어 나타나는 일이나 현상, 말이나 행동 등이 고정되어 남다.
Idiombecome fish food
    become fish food; go down to Davy Jones's locker
  • To drown.
  • 물에 빠져 죽다.
become fluffy
    become fluffy
  • For one's skin to swell a little or get blisters.
  • 살가죽이 조금 붓거나 부르트다.
    become fluffy; become fuzzy
  • For a piece of paper or cloth to get fluff.
  • 종이나 헝겊의 겉에 부풀이 일어나다.
become foggy
    become dark; become foggy
  • For fog, darkness, etc., to spread.
  • 안개나 어둠 등이 깔리다.
    cloud; become foggy
  • For the weather to become unclear due to clouds or fog.
  • 구름이나 안개 등이 끼어 어두워지다.
Idiombecome food for fish
    become food for fish; go down to Davy Jones's locker
  • To be drowned to death.
  • 물에 빠져 죽다.
become friends
    become friends
  • To consider someone as a friend and get along well with him/her.
  • 벗으로 여겨 가까이 지내다.
become full
    become full
  • For the moon to become fully round.
  • 달이 아주 둥글게 되다.
become furious
    become furious; become wild
  • For snow, rain, wind, etc., to become very severe.
  • 눈, 비, 바람 등이 몹시 세차게 되다.
become fuzzy
    become fluffy; become fuzzy
  • For a piece of paper or cloth to get fluff.
  • 종이나 헝겊의 겉에 부풀이 일어나다.
become gloomy
    cloud; become gloomy; become long-faced
  • To have a gloomy look on the face, feeling worried or annoyed.
  • 걱정이나 언짢은 감정으로 얼굴에 어두운 빛이 나타나게 되다.
become habituated
    become familiar; become accustomed; become habituated
  • To become familiar and comfortable with someone or something because one has seen him/her or experienced it often.
  • 어떤 것을 자주 보거나 겪어서 낯설지 않고 편하게 되다.
become haggard
    become haggard; become lean
  • To be not healthy or become thin from worry.
  • 건강이 좋지 않거나 걱정이 많아 야위다.
become happy
    become happy; become delighted; become elated
  • To get excited and come to feel very good.
  • 흥이 나고 기분이 아주 좋아지다.
become hazy
    become hazy
  • For one's calculation to become inaccurate.
  • 계산 등을 확실하게 못하는 상태가 되다.
become heavy
    become dark; become heavy
  • For a dark or heavy atmosphere to come down from a higher position and spread itself.
  • 어둡거나 무거운 기운이 위에서부터 내려와 깔리다.
    become heavy
  • To turn into a heavy state.
  • 무거운 상태로 되다.
become hoarse
    become hoarse; become husky
  • For one's throat to become hoarse or swollen, failing to make proper sounds.
  • 목이 쉬거나 부어서 소리가 제대로 나지 않다.
become hollow
    become hollow
  • For a body part such as the eye, cheek, etc., to sink in.
  • 눈이나 볼 등 몸의 어떤 부분이 우묵하게 들어가다.
become hot
    burn; become hot
  • For an object to become extremely hot.
  • 물체가 매우 뜨거워지다.
    become hot
  • For the temperature to go up; to feel the heat or hotness from it.
  • 온도가 올라가다. 또는 그로 인해 더위나 뜨거움을 느끼다.
    become hot; grow warm
  • For the temperature of something to rise as if it were near fire.
  • 불 가까이 있는 것처럼 온도가 높아지다.
  • become hot
  • For a human body to become hotter than a normal temperature.
  • 사람의 몸이 정상보다 열이 높아지다.
become husky
    become hoarse; become husky
  • For one's throat to become hoarse or swollen, failing to make proper sounds.
  • 목이 쉬거나 부어서 소리가 제대로 나지 않다.
become ill
    die; become ill
  • (euphemism) To come to be sick or die due to an unexpected accident or disease.
  • (완곡한 말로) 예상하지 못한 사고나 병으로 아프게 되거나 죽다.
become indented
    dent; become indented
  • For an object to bend inward.
  • 물체가 안쪽으로 오목하게 들어가게 되다.
    dent; become indented
  • For an object to bend inward.
  • 물체가 안쪽으로 우묵하게 들어가게 되다.
become independent
    become independent; rely on oneself; stand on one's own feet
  • To live on one's own without depending on others.
  • 남에게 매이거나 의지하지 않고 자기 힘으로 살아가다.
become indigenous
    become native; become indigenous; get to settle down
  • To be made to be born and live through generations in a region, or be made to move to and settle down in a region.
  • 대대로 그곳에서 태어나서 살게 되다. 또는 그곳에 들어와서 정착하게 되다.
become innocent
    become clean; become innocent; become pure
  • For one's mind or facial expression to be in a pure state, neither fierce nor violent.
  • 마음이나 표정이 사납거나 험하지 않고 순수하게 되다.
become insensible
    become dull; become insensible
  • To become unable or slow to realize a certain fact or to express an emotion, etc.
  • 어떤 사실이나 감정 등을 깨닫거나 표현하는 힘이 부족해지고 둔하게 되다.
become intellectual
    become intellectual
  • For criminals, wrongdoers, etc., to become cleverer in their tactics, etc.
  • 범죄 등의 수법이 교묘해지다.
  • become intellectual
  • For a machine, etc., to be furnished with sensory and cognitive functions.
  • 기계 등이 감각 기능과 인식 기능을 가지게 되다.
    become intellectual
  • For criminals, wrongdoers, etc., to become cleverer in their tactics, etc.
  • 범죄 등의 수법이 교묘해지다.
become interested
    become interested
  • To become very curious at hearing unexpected news.
  • 기대하지 않은 소식에 호기심이 강하게 생기다.
    become interested
  • To become curious strongly to hear an unexpected news.
  • 기대하지 않은 소식에 호기심이 강하게 생기다.
become known
    be revealed; become known
  • For something to be revealed or become known through media sources.
  • 언론 매체를 통해 무엇이 드러나거나 알려지다.
  • become known
  • For words, facts, rumors, etc., to become known.
  • 말이나 사실, 소문 등이 알려지다.
    become known
  • For a name, rumor, etc., to become known.
  • 이름이나 소문 등이 알려지다.
    become known
  • For a matter, fact, etc., to be revealed.
  • 어떤 일이나 사실 등이 드러나다.
become lean
    become haggard; become lean
  • To be not healthy or become thin from worry.
  • 건강이 좋지 않거나 걱정이 많아 야위다.
become long-faced
    cloud; become gloomy; become long-faced
  • To have a gloomy look on the face, feeling worried or annoyed.
  • 걱정이나 언짢은 감정으로 얼굴에 어두운 빛이 나타나게 되다.
become loose
    become loose
  • For something that has been fixed to become slack and move.
  • 고정되어 있던 것이 헐거워 이리저리 움직이다.
become mandatory
    become mandatory; become compulsory
  • To come to be something that should be done.
  • 반드시 해야 하는 것으로 만들어지다.
become manifest
    show up; become manifest
  • For a sign of something imminent to occur or the outcome of a certain action, to be observable.
  • 어떤 일이 일어날 것 같은 낌새나 일의 결과가 겉으로 드러나다.
become mature
    become mature
  • To develop the ability to think rationally or make wise decisions.
  • 일의 이치나 세상 물정에 대해 바른 생각이나 판단을 하는 힘이 생기다.
become mixed up
    get confused; become mixed up; be jumbled
  • To fail to set a direction of a task as many things are mixed up.
  • 여러 가지가 뒤섞여 일의 방향을 잡지 못하다.
    get confused; become mixed up; be jumbled
  • To fail to set a direction of a task as many things are mixed up.
  • 여러 가지가 뒤섞여 일의 방향을 잡지 못하다.
become moist
    rise; become moist
  • For a plant to become moist in spring.
  • 봄철에 식물에 물기가 스며 오르다.
become monolithic
    become uniform; become monolithic; be standardized
  • For everything to become identical without any differences.
  • 모두가 하나와 같아서 다름이 없게 되다.
become muddy
    become muddy; become murky
  • For a pure substance to become impure or unclear when added with a foreign matter.
  • 잡것이 섞여 깨끗하지 못하거나 잘 보이지 않게 되다.
become murky
    become muddy; become murky
  • For a pure substance to become impure or unclear when added with a foreign matter.
  • 잡것이 섞여 깨끗하지 못하거나 잘 보이지 않게 되다.
become native
    become native; become indigenous; get to settle down
  • To be made to be born and live through generations in a region, or be made to move to and settle down in a region.
  • 대대로 그곳에서 태어나서 살게 되다. 또는 그곳에 들어와서 정착하게 되다.
become old
    become old; age
  • To become very old.
  • 나이가 많이 들다.
become one
    be unified; be merged; become one
  • To be united into one.
  • 하나로 합해지다.
Idiombecome one body
    become one body
  • To unite organizationally and ideologically.
  • 조직적으로 사상적으로 단합하다.

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