fu fufugitivefulfillfulfillmentfulfill one's personalityfullfull account offull amountfull bloomfull bodyfull body exercisefull breadthfull collectionfull coveragefull dressfull forcefull housefull inclusionfull in onefull-length novelfull mapfull marksfull maturityfull memberfull mobilizationfull mobilization orderfull moonfull morphemefull namefull of difficultiesfull of lifefull of meaningfull of patchesfull of rumorsfull of shitfull of small holesfull of ups and downsfull paymentfull professorfull recoveryfull ripenessfull ripening periodfull-scale attackfull share of years in life
fu fu
- A word imitating or describing the sound or motion of laughing insidiously.
- 엉큼하게 웃는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
heh heh; fu fu
- A person who leaves his/her own country secretly for another country, to avoid suppression or threats he/she faces due to a political belief, ideology, etc.
- 정치, 사상 등을 이유로 받는 탄압이나 위협을 피하기 위해 몰래 자기 나라를 떠나 다른 나라로 간 사람.
refugee; exile; fugitive; defector
1. 실천하다
- To put one's theory, plan, thought, etc., into action.
- 이론이나 계획, 생각한 것을 실제 행동으로 옮기다.
practice; fulfill
2. 옮기다
- To put one's thought or resolution into action.
- 생각이나 결심을 행동으로 나타나게 하다.
fulfill; practice; bring something into action
3. 이행하다²
- To keep one's promise or carry out a contract, etc.
- 약속이나 계약 등을 실제로 행하다.
fulfill; execute; carry out
1. 관철
- The act of achieving a goal after enduring opposition or disturbance.
- 반대나 방해를 견뎌 내고 목적을 이루어 냄.
accomplishment; attainment; fulfillment; achievement
2. 성취
- The act of achieving something that one has aimed for.
- 목적한 것을 이룸.
achievement; accomplishment; fulfillment
3. 수행²
- The act of doing something as one has thought or planned.
- 일을 생각하거나 계획한 대로 해냄.
fulfillment; execution
4. 이행²
- An act of keeping one's promise, carrying out a contract, etc.
- 약속이나 계약 등을 실제로 행함.
fulfillment; execution; carrying out
Idiomfulfill one's personality
- To be satisfied with something.
- 무엇에 만족하다.
fulfill one's personality
1. 가득
- In a quantity or amount that reaches full capacity.
- 양이나 수가 정해진 범위에 꽉 찬 모양.
- In such a large quantity that there is no empty space.
- 빈 곳이 없을 정도로 무엇이 많은 모양.
- In a state in which a smell, light, sound, etc., pervades a space.
- 냄새나 빛, 소리 등이 공간에 널리 퍼져 있는 상태.
- With a strong emotion or thought.
- 어떤 감정이나 생각이 강한 모양.
3. 굵다
- The scope of thinking, behavior, etc., being wide and broad.
- 생각이나 행동 등의 폭이 넓고 크다.
4. 그득하다
- Being in full the quantity or number of something within a designated scope.
- 양이나 수가 정해진 범위에 아주 꽉 찬 상태에 있다.
- A certain feeling or thought being extremely strong.
- 어떤 감정이나 생각이 아주 강하다.
8. 만⁸
- A word used to indicate that a certain period of time, including a day, week, month, year, age, etc., has fully passed.
- 날, 주, 달, 해, 나이 등의 일정한 기간이 꽉 찼음을 나타내는 말.
full; whole
9. 배부르다
- Being in a state of not wanting to eat anymore because one is stuffed.
- 배가 차서 더 먹고 싶지 않은 상태이다.
10. 벅차다
- One's heart being filled with joy or hope.
- 기쁘거나 희망에 차서 가슴이 뿌듯하다.
full; be overcome by
12. 부르다²
- Feeling one's stomach is stuffed after eating food.
- 음식을 먹어서 배 속이 가득 찬 느낌이 있다.
15. 전폭적²
- Complete and not lacking anything across a certain range.
- 어떤 범위 전체에 걸쳐 남김없이 완전한.
complete; full
18. 충실하다¹
- The contents of something being full and compact.
- 내용이 알차고 단단하다.
substantial; full; solid
full account of
- The whole story from beginning to end.
- 처음부터 끝까지의 모든 과정.
all the details; whole story; full account of
full amount
full bloom
full body
full body exercise
- An exercise where one moves one's entire body.
- 온몸을 빠짐없이 골고루 움직이는 운동.
full body exercise
full breadth
full collection
full coverage
- An act of gathering and including everything, with nothing left behind.
- 빠뜨리는 것 없이 모두 모아 넣음.
full inclusion; full coverage
full dress
full force
full house
full inclusion
- An act of gathering and including everything, with nothing left behind.
- 빠뜨리는 것 없이 모두 모아 넣음.
full inclusion; full coverage
Idiomfull in one
관용구하나 가득
- Filling the whole size of a certain space.
- 어떤 정해진 양에 가득하게.
full in one
full-length novel
1. 장편
- A long novel with a complex plot, comprehensive elements or theme and a variety of characters.
- 구성이 복잡하고 다루는 내용이나 주제가 넓으며 등장인물도 다양한 긴 소설.
full-length novel
2. 장편 소설
- A long novel with a complex plot, comprehensive elements or theme and a variety of characters.
- 구성이 복잡하고 다루는 내용이나 주제가 넓으며 등장인물도 다양한 긴 소설.
full-length novel
full map
full marks
full maturity
- The state of a fruit, etc., having ripen completely.
- 열매 등이 완전히 익음.
- The state of a person or animal having matured completely.
- 사람이나 동물이 완전히 성숙함.
full ripeness; full maturity
full maturity
full member
- A member who is officially qualified to act as a member.
- 회원으로 활동할 수 있는 정식 자격을 갖춘 회원.
full member
full mobilization
- An act of gathering and focusing all the available human resources, physical resources, etc.
- 사람이나 물건 등을 모두 모아 집중시킴.
full mobilization
full mobilization order
- An order to gather and focus all the available human resources, physical resources, etc.
- 사람이나 물건 등을 모두 모아 집중시키라는 명령.
full mobilization order
full moon
full morpheme
- A morpheme indicating an actual meaning such as a specific subject, action, state, etc.
- 구체적인 대상이나 동작, 상태 등 실제 의미를 나타내는 형태소.
full morpheme
full name
full of difficulties
- Having a lot of difficulties and incidents.
- 여러 가지 일도 많고 어려움도 많다.
eventful; full of difficulties
full of life
full of meaning
full of patches
- Having so many patches sewn on something as to make it look shabby.
- 보기 흉할 만큼 지저분하게 여기저기 기워 놓은 데가 많다.
full of patches
full of rumors
- Thoughts, words, rumors, etc., spreading widely and being talked about much.
- 생각, 말, 소문 등이 잔뜩 퍼져서 많다.
full of rumors
full of shit
- (slang) Something or someone very disagreeable or unlikable.
- (속된 말로) 사물이나 사람이 몹시 마음에 안 들거나 보기 싫다.
full of shit; rotten; ridiculous
full of small holes
full of ups and downs
- A task or life being full of big changes and big troubles.
- 일이나 인생이 변화가 심하고 여러 가지 어려움이 많다.
turbulent; full of ups and downs
full payment
full professor
- An academic rank of university professors of which the title is higher than the associate professor.
- 대학교수의 직위 중 하나로, 부교수보다 위인 직위.
full professor
full recovery
full ripeness
- The state of a fruit, etc., having ripen completely.
- 열매 등이 완전히 익음.
full ripeness; full maturity
full ripening period
full-scale attack
- An act of attacking with all the soldiers and military equipment.
- 군대의 모든 군사와 장비를 모아 한꺼번에 공격함.
all-out attack; full-scale attack
full share of years in life
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