Idiomgive off a stink
    give off a stink; stink
  • To suspect something dubious.
  • 수상쩍어 의심스러운 생각이 들다.
give offerings
    give offerings; tithe
  • To donate money to god in a church.
  • 교회에서, 하나님에게 돈을 바치다.
Idiomgive off the smell of breast milk
    give off the smell of breast milk; be still suckling; be babyish
  • For one's behavior, attitude, etc., to be immature and look like that of a child.
  • 어떤 행동이나 기색 등이 성숙하지 못하고 어린아이 같아 보이다.
give one contented smile
    grin; give one contented smile
  • To laugh quietly once, feeling happy.
  • 좋아서 슬쩍 한 번 웃다.
    grin; give one contented smile
  • To laugh quietly once, feeling happy.
  • 좋아서 슬쩍 한 번 웃다.
give one contented smile after another
    grin; give one contented smile after another
  • To laugh quietly, continuously, feeling happy.
  • 좋아서 슬쩍 자꾸 웃다.
    grin; give one contented smile after another
  • To laugh quietly, continuously, feeling happy.
  • 좋아서 슬쩍 자꾸 웃다.
    grin; give one contented smile after another
  • To laugh quietly, continuously, feeling happy.
  • 좋아서 자꾸 슬쩍 웃다.
    grin; give one contented smile after another
  • To laugh quietly, continuously, feeling happy.
  • 좋아서 슬쩍 자꾸 웃다.
    grin; give one contented smile after another
  • To laugh quietly, continuously, feeling happy.
  • 좋아서 슬쩍 자꾸 웃다.
Proverbsgive one doe, a Korean unit of measure equivalent to 1.8 liters, of something and get ten times of it back
    give one doe, a Korean unit of measure equivalent to 1.8 liters, of something and get ten times of it back
  • To give others a small quantity of something and get a much larger quantity of it or something else.
  • 다른 사람에게 조금 주고 훨씬 많은 양을 돌려받다.
Proverbsgive one more tteok, rice cake, to a hateful child
    give one more tteok, rice cake, to a hateful child[guy]
  • It is advised to be particularly nice to someone whom one hates and keep on good terms with him/her.
  • 미워하는 사람일수록 더 잘 대해 주고 나쁜 감정을 쌓지 않아야 한다.
give oneself up
    give oneself up; become desperate; abandon oneself
  • To give up everything and not take care of oneself in despair.
  • 절망에 빠져서 스스로 자신을 돌보지 않고 모든 일을 포기하다.
Idiomgive one's inside
    give one's inside; open one's inside
  • To open one's heart without concealing.
  • 마음속에 있는 것을 감추지 않고 솔직하게 드러내 보이다.
Idiomgive one's mind
    give one's mind
  • To come to like someone.
  • 누구를 좋아하게 되다.
Idiomgive one's side
관용구곁을 주다
    give one's side
  • To open oneself up to and make friends.
  • 친하게 지낼 수 있게 속마음을 터놓다.
give out
    give out; emit
  • To eject or put out a substance made inside of something.
  • 안에서 만들어진 물질을 밖으로 내보내다.
    donate; give out
  • To give out all of what one has, leaving nothing out.
  • 자기가 가지고 있는 것을 남김없이 내다.
give over
    give over; entrust
  • To give goods, rights, obligations, tasks, etc., over to another person, or entrust such things to him/her.
  • 물건이나 권리, 책임, 일 등을 다른 사람에게 주거나 맡기다.
give prenatal education
    give prenatal education
  • For a pregnant woman to think of good things and watch her language, to give good influence to her fetus.
  • 아이를 가진 여자가 태아에게 좋은 영향을 주기 위해 마음을 바르게 하고 말을 조심하다.
give priority
    give priority
  • To handle something before all other things.
  • 다른 일은 다 제쳐두고 우선으로 하다.
give proof
    give proof; vindicate; demonstrate
  • To prove a certain fact by presenting proof.
  • 증거를 들어서 어떤 사실을 증명하다.
    verify; testify; give proof
  • To establish that an event, some certain content, or a decision is true by presenting proof.
  • 어떤 사건이나 내용이나 판단이 진실인지 아닌지를 증거를 들어서 밝히다.
Idiomgive rice
    give rice
  • To wind up a spring to make a clock work.
  • 시계가 정상적으로 작동하도록 태엽을 감아 주다.
give rise to
    raise; cause; give rise to
  • To cause or begin a certain incident, matter, etc.
  • 어떤 사건이나 일 등을 벌이거나 터뜨리다.
give rise to some trouble
    provoke a problem; give rise to some trouble
  • To cause an accident or trouble.
  • 사고나 문제를 일으키다.
give service
    give service; provide service
  • To carry out such activities as sale, tourism, finance, medical care, etc., not the activity of making a product in person.
  • 제품을 직접 만들어 내는 것이 아닌, 판매, 관광, 금융, 의료 등의 활동을 하다.
give shape to
    give shape to; embody; incarnate
  • To make an idea, thought, plan, etc., appear in a concrete form.
  • 이념이나 사상, 계획 등을 구체적인 모습으로 나타나게 하다.
give somebody the creeps
    give somebody the creeps
  • To tremble or have goosebumps because of extreme fear or cold.
  • 몹시 무섭거나 추워서 자꾸 몸이 움츠러들거나 소름이 끼치다.
    give somebody the creeps
  • To shrivel or have goosebumps because of extreme fear or cold.
  • 몹시 무섭거나 추워서 자꾸 몸이 움츠러들거나 소름이 끼치다.
    give somebody the creeps
  • To tremble or have goosebumps because of extreme fear or cold.
  • 몹시 무섭거나 추워서 몸이 움츠러들거나 소름이 끼치다.
give someone a break
    give someone a break
  • To let someone take a rest for a certain period of time after doing work.
  • 어떤 일을 하다가 일정한 기간 동안을 쉬게 하다.
Proverbsgive someone a disease and then medicine
    give someone a disease and then medicine
  • To do harm to someone and then pretend to help him/her.
  • 다른 사람에게 피해를 주고 나서 도움을 주는 척한다.
give someone tit for tat
    give someone tit for tat; retort
  • To respond to someone's remark or behavior, etc., directly.
  • 남의 말이나 행동 등에 정면으로 대응하다.
    give someone tit for tat; retort
  • To respond to someone's remark or behavior instantly.
  • 남의 말이나 행동에 곧바로 대응하여 나서다.
give special care
    treat specially; give special care
  • At a hospital, for a specific doctor to treat a patient on request.
  • 종합 병원에서 환자의 요청에 따라 특정한 의사가 진료하다.
give testimony
    give testimony; testify
  • To make a spoken or written statement or fact given by a person or party related to a certain case at an investigative agency or in court.
  • 수사 기관이나 법정에서 사건의 당사자나 관련된 사람이 사실이나 의견을 말이나 글로 알리다.
give the correct answer
    be correct; give the correct answer
  • To give the correct answer to a question.
  • 문제에 대한 답을 옳게 대다.
ProverbsGive the devil his due
    Even if a virgin gives birth to a baby, she will have something to say; Give the devil his due; Every evil-doer has his reasons
  • Even a person who makes big mistakes has his/her own excuses or reasons.
  • 아무리 큰 잘못을 저지른 사람도 그것을 변명하고 이유를 붙일 수 있다.
give too much importance
    give too much importance; be unequally distributed
  • To lean too much toward one side.
  • 한쪽으로 치우치게 되다.
    give too much importance; be unequally distributed
  • To lean too much toward one side.
  • 한쪽으로 치우치다.
give trouble
    harass; annoy; give trouble
  • To make someone experience difficulties enough to feel distressed.
  • 속이 상할 정도로 어려움을 겪게 하다.
give unreserved criticism
    give unreserved criticism
  • To say about something too severely.
  • 어떤 일에 대해 너무 심하게 말하다.
give up
    give up
  • (slang) To get tired of something and give it up halfway.
  • (속된 말로) 어떤 일을 하다가 지쳐서 중간에 포기하다.
    give up; back down
  • To give up what one is doing or promises to do.
  • 하던 일이나 하기로 한 일을 하지 않고 중간에 못하겠다고 포기하다.
    exclude; give up
  • To exclude someone from a group or place, or give him/he up.
  • 어떤 대상이나 범위에서 빼거나 포기해 버리다.
    give up; dump
  • To dump or abandon something completely.
  • 어떤 것을 완전히 버리거나 포기하다.
    give up; abandon
  • To throw away or give up one's idea.
  • 가지고 있던 생각을 버리거나 포기하다.
    put aside; give up
  • To stop something that one has been doing and not touch it anymore.
  • 하던 일을 그만두고 더 이상 손대지 않다.
    quit; give up
  • To give up a job, etc., midway.
  • 일 등을 중도에 그만두다.
    quit; give up
  • To quit what one was doing.
  • 하던 일을 딱 잘라 그만두다.
    quit; give up
  • (slang) To quit a job or what one has been engaged in.
  • (속된 말로) 하던 일을 그만두다.
    quit; give up
  • To give up and quit what one was doing.
  • 하던 일을 포기하고 그만두다.
    give up
  • To give up or abandon something in the middle of doing it because it is hard to handle by oneself.
  • 자기 힘으로 다루기 어려워서 중도에 그만두거나 포기하다.
    stop; give up
  • To quit or not do a certain act or certain work.
  • 어떤 일이나 행동을 하지 않거나 그만두다.
    cease; give up; leave off
  • To drop a plan or stop work.
  • 어떤 계획이나 일을 중간에 그만두다.
    throw away; give up
  • To quit one's job or work, or give up one's wealth, rights, etc.
  • 하던 일이나 행동을 그만두거나, 가지고 있던 재물이나 권리 등을 내놓다.
    abort; give up
  • To stop doing something while in the process of doing it.
  • 하던 일을 도중에 그만두다.
    stop; give up
  • To stop doing a certain thing in the middle of doing it.
  • 해 오던 일을 중간에 그만두다.
    give up
  • To stop doing something one intended to do or a thought.
  • 하려던 일이나 생각을 중간에 그만두다.
give up farming
    give up farming
  • For a farmer to give up farming and leave a farm village.
  • 농민이 농사를 그만두고 농촌을 떠나다.
give up school willingly
    drop out of school; leave school voluntarily; give up school willingly
  • To quit one's school voluntarily.
  • 다니던 학교를 스스로 그만두다.
give warning
    warn; give warning
  • To caution someone in advance to be careful of or refrain from dangerous things.
  • 위험한 일을 조심하거나 삼가도록 미리 일러서 주의를 주다.
give way to
    offer; yield; give way to
  • To give up one's seat, possession, etc., for another person.
  • 다른 사람을 위해 자리나 물건 등을 내주거나 넘겨주다.
    giving; provision
  • Giving something to or doing something that results in a profit for another party.
  • 어떤 물건이나 이익 등을 상대편에게 돌아가도록 함.
  • The act of giving food, thing, etc., to a beggar.
  • 구걸하는 사람에게 돈이나 음식, 물건 등을 줌.
    giving; blessing
  • The act of God allowing a person to have a child.
  • 신이 사람에게 자식을 갖게 해 줌.
giving a false report
    giving a false report; misinforming
  • The act of relaying false information.
  • 사실과 다르게 전함.
Idiomgiving and receiving
    giving and receiving
  • Exchanging objects or words.
  • 서로 물건이나 말을 계속 주고받으며.
giving and taking
    receipt and disbursement; giving and taking
  • An act of sending out or taking in money or goods.
  • 돈이나 물건을 내주거나 받아들임.
giving an eye signal
    giving an eye signal
  • The act of communicating a message by rolling one's eyes slightly.
  • 눈알만 살짝 움직여서 무슨 뜻을 알림.
giving back
    return; giving back; restoration
  • An act of going back to the original state; or an act of making this happen.
  • 원래의 상태로 다시 돌아감. 또는 그렇게 되게 함.
giving birth
    giving birth; rearing
  • An act of giving birth to and raising a child.
  • 낳아서 기름.
Proverbsgiving credit to oneself if something goes well while blaming the ancestors if it goes wrong
    giving credit to oneself[one's bliss] if something goes well while blaming the ancestors[others] if it goes wrong
  • To blame others when things go wrong.
  • 일이 잘 안될 때 그 책임을 다른 사람 때문이라고 생각함.
giving oneself up
    giving oneself up; desperation; self-abandonment
  • The state of giving up everything and not taking care of oneself in despair.
  • 절망에 빠져서 스스로 자신을 돌보지 않고 모든 일을 포기함.
giving proof
    giving proof; demonstration
  • Proving a certain fact by presenting proof.
  • 증거를 들어서 어떤 사실을 증명함.
giving too much importance
    giving too much importance; being unequally distributed
  • An act of leaning too much toward one side.
  • 한쪽으로 치우침.
giving up
    giving up
  • Leaving a state that way.
  • 그 정도로 하고.
    giving up; ceasing
  • The act of dropping a plan or stopping work.
  • 어떤 계획이나 일을 중간에 그만둠.
    giving up
  • An act of stopping doing something one intended to do or a thought.
  • 하려던 일이나 생각을 중간에 그만둠.
giving up candidacy
    not running for office; giving up candidacy
  • An act of not running in an election as a candidate.
  • 선거에 후보자로 나서지 않음.

'English - Korean > g' 카테고리의 다른 글

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