give a bathgive a blowgive a cautiongive a contented smilegive a definite answergive a discountgive advicegive a false reportgive a favorable reviewgive a flat refusalgive a giftgive a glassgive a handgive a handicapgive a hard timegive aidgive a lessongive all to a persongive a lookgive a namegive and receive wordsgive and takegive an edgegive an eye signalgive an iron clubgive an oral testgive a private lessongive a reasongive a ridegive a rolegive a sarcastic remarkgive a scornful laughgive a sermongive a side glancegive a signgive a signalgive a silent prayergive a sparce footgive a speechgive a stimulus togive a strict ordergive a stringent commandgive a tipgive a traditional performancegive a treatgive backgive birthgive birth togive changegive fearGive him an inch and he will take a milegive hopegive in a lumpgive it a gogive little by littlegive medicinegive me just a drinkgive money backgiven namegive noticegive off
give a bath
give a blow
give a caution
- To admonish and release a person who has committed a minor crime in daily life.
- 일상생활에서 가벼운 죄를 지은 사람을 훈계하여 풀어 주다.
release on warning; give a caution
give a contented smile
give a definite answer
give a discount
- To subtract a certain amount of money from the original price.
- 정해진 가격에서 얼마를 빼다.
give a discount; reduce
give advice
- To talk to someone sincerely to correct his/her fault or mistake.
- 남의 허물이나 잘못을 진심으로 타이르다.
advise; give advice
give a false report
give a favorable review
- To evaluate someone or something positively.
- 좋게 평하다.
comment favorably; give a favorable review
give a flat refusal
- To refuse or not listen to someone's demand, opinion, etc., decisively.
- 다른 사람의 요구나 의견 등을 분명한 태도로 거절하거나 들어주지 않다.
refuse flatly; give a flat refusal
give a gift
- To give an object to another person in order to show thanks or celebrate something.
- 고마움을 표현하거나 어떤 일을 축하하기 위해 다른 사람에게 물건을 주다.
give a gift
Idiomgive a glass
관용구잔(을) 드리다
- To pour a drink for one's senior.
- 윗사람에게 술을 따라 드리다.
give a glass
give a hand
- To help or assist someone in working or saying.
- 다른 사람이 하는 일이나 말을 돕거나 거들다.
give a hand; side with
give a handicap
give a hard time
1. 몰아붙이다
- To criticize someone very harshly or make him/her be in trouble.
- 다른 사람을 심하게 비난하거나 좋지 않은 상황에 빠지게 하다.
corner; give a hard time
2. 몰아세우다
- To criticize someone or make him/her fall into a bad situation without a reasonable reason or basis.
- 합리적인 이유나 근거가 없이 다른 사람을 비난하거나 나쁜 상황에 빠지게 하다.
give a hard time
give aid
- To help and take care of the victim of a disaster or calamity.
- 재난이나 재해를 당한 사람을 도와서 보호하다.
give aid; help
give a lesson
- For a teacher to teach a student certain studies or skills.
- 교사가 학생에게 지식이나 기술을 가르쳐 주다.
teach; give a lesson; teach a course
give all to a person
- To give to one person all of what is supposed to be distributed to many people.
- 여러 사람에게 나누어 줄 것을 한 사람에게 모두 모아 주다.
give all to a person
give a look
- To pretend to know well or pay attention to something.
- 잘 아는 듯이 행동하거나 관심 있게 돌보다.
give a look; pay attention
give a name
Idiomgive and receive words
관용구말을 주고받다
- To have a conversation.
- 대화를 하다.
give and receive words
give and take
- To send out or take in money or goods.
- 돈이나 물건을 내주거나 받아들이다.
receive and disburse; give and take
give an edge
give an eye signal
- To communicate a message by rolling one's eyes slightly.
- 눈알만 살짝 움직여서 무슨 뜻을 알리다.
give an eye signal
Idiomgive an iron club
관용구철퇴(를) 가하다
- To punish someone severely or take a heavy toll on someone.
- 엄하게 처벌하거나 큰 타격을 주다.
give an iron club
give an oral test
- To evaluate an applicant by meeting him/her in person and asking questions.
- 직접 만나서 질문과 대답을 하는 형식으로 응시자를 평가하다.
interview; give an oral test
give a private lesson
- To give or take extracurricular lessons outside of school.
- 학교 수업 이외에 따로 공부를 가르치거나 배우다.
take a private lesson; give a private lesson
give a reason
give a ride
give a role
give a sarcastic remark
- To speak scornfully in a manner displeasing to the other party.
- 상대방의 기분이 나쁘게 비웃는 태도로 말하다.
give a sarcastic remark; be sarcastic
Idiomgive a scornful laugh
관용구코웃음(을) 치다
- To ignore and mock someone.
- 다른 사람을 무시하고 비웃다.
give a scornful laugh; snort; sniff
give a sermon
- For a preacher to explain the Christian doctrines, mainly in Christianity.
- 주로 기독교에서, 목사가 기독교의 교리를 설명하다.
preach; give a sermon
Idiomgive a side glance
관용구곁눈을 주다
- To express interest implicitly.
- 은근한 관심을 나타내다.
give a side glance
give a sign
- To deliver a message or give an order by using a previously agreed sound, light, letter, or gesture, etc.
- 미리 정해 놓은 소리, 빛, 문자, 몸짓 등으로 어떤 내용을 전달하거나 지시를 하다.
signal; make a sign; give a sign
give a signal
- To communicate one's thoughts using a body gesture or moving one's eyes.
- 몸짓이나 눈짓으로 어떤 뜻을 전달하다.
give a signal
give a silent prayer
- To pray to oneself without speaking out loud.
- 말없이 마음속으로 빌다.
pay a silent tribute; give a silent prayer
Idiomgive a sparce foot
관용구발이 뜸하다
- To seldom visit a certain place where one used to go often.
- 자주 다니던 곳에 한동안 자주 가지 않다.
give a sparce foot
give a speech
- To express one's thought or opinion in front of many people.
- 여러 사람 앞에서 자기의 생각이나 주장을 발표하다.
give a speech; address
give a stimulus to
- For something from the outside to work on one's body and cause it to react.
- 외부에서 몸에 작용을 주어 어떤 반응을 일으키게 하다.
stimulate; give a stimulus to
give a strict order
give a stringent command
give a tip
- To let another person know about something by tipping him/her beforehand.
- 어떤 일에 대해 상대방이 알 수 있도록 미리 슬그머니 말해 주다.
give a tip; tip off
give a traditional performance
- To show a traditional performance or play a traditional game, which is played by many people according to a certain rule, on a national holiday or in a special event.
- 명절이나 특별한 행사에서 여러 사람이 일정한 규칙에 따라 하는 전통 오락이나 공연을 하다.
play a traditional game; give a traditional performance
give a treat
- To give someone a party or pay the bill for him/her.
- 다른 사람에게 음식 등을 베풀거나 음식 값을 내다.
give a treat; treat someone
give back
1. 게우다
- To give back properties one has illegitimately obtained.
- 정당하지 않게 얻은 재물을 도로 내놓다.
give back; bring back; return
2. 돌려주다
- To give back or pay back something borrowed, taken, or received from the owner.
- 빌리거나 뺏거나 받은 것을 주인에게 도로 주거나 갚다.
give back; return
4. 환원하다
- To go back to the original state or to make this happen.
- 원래의 상태로 다시 돌아가다. 또는 그렇게 되게 하다.
return; restore; give back
give birth
1. 낳다
- To deliver a baby or egg out of one's womb.
- 배 속의 아이, 새끼, 알을 몸 밖으로 내보내다.
give birth; deliver
give birth to
give change
- To give or receive back the balance from the money paid for a price.
- 치러야 할 돈을 빼고 남은 돈을 도로 주거나 받다.
give change; receive change
Idiomgive fear
관용구겁을 주다
- To make someone afraid or concerned.
- 무서워하거나 걱정하는 마음을 가지게 하다.
give fear
ProverbsGive him an inch and he will take a mile
- People's greed is endless.
- 사람의 욕심은 끝이 없다.
Once mounted on a horse, one wants to have a groom lead it by the halter; Give him an inch and he will take a mile; The appetite grows with what it feeds on
give hope
give in a lump
- To give all at once what is supposed to be given over a period of several occasions.
- 여러 번에 나누어 줄 것을 한꺼번에 모두 주다.
give in a lump
give it a go
- To challenge a person or attempt a thing to decide the winner, or to fight.
- 대들어 승부를 가리거나 싸우다.
try; take a chance; give it a go
give little by little
1. 질금거리다
- To spend or give away things or money in small quantities.
- 물건이나 돈을 조금씩 자꾸 쓰거나 여러 번 나눠서 자꾸 주다.
spend in dribs and drabs; give little by little
2. 질금대다
- To spend or give away things or money in small quantities.
- 물건이나 돈을 조금씩 자꾸 쓰거나 여러 번 나눠서 자꾸 주다.
spend in dribs and drabs; give little by little
3. 질금질금하다
- To spend or give away things or money in small quantities.
- 물건이나 돈을 조금씩 주거나 여러 번 나누어서 주다.
spend in dribs and drabs; give little by little
4. 질금하다
- To spend or give away things or money in small quantities.
- 물건이나 돈을 조금씩 쓰거나 나눠서 주다.
spend in dribs and drabs; give little by little
5. 찔끔거리다
- To spend or give away things or money in small quantities.
- 물건이나 돈 등을 조금씩 자꾸 쓰거나 여러 번 나누어서 주다.
spend in dribs and drabs; give little by little
6. 찔끔대다
- To spend or give away things or money in small quantities.
- 물건이나 돈 등을 조금씩 자꾸 쓰거나 여러 번 나누어서 주다.
spend in dribs and drabs; give little by little
7. 찔끔찔끔하다
- To spend or give away things or money in small quantities.
- 물건이나 돈 등을 조금씩 자꾸 쓰거나 여러 번 나누어서 주다.
spend in dribs and drabs; give little by little
8. 찔끔하다¹
- To spend or give away things or money in small quantities.
- 물건이나 돈 등을 조금씩 쓰거나 나누어서 주다.
spend in dribs and drabs; give little by little
give medicine
- To feed medicine to or give a shot to someone.
- 약 등을 어떤 사람에게 먹이거나 주사하다.
give medicine; medicate
give me just a drink
- To ask for, or drink only alcohol without doing anything else.
- 다른 일은 하지 않고 술만 찾거나 마시다.
drink only; give me just a drink
give money back
given name
- A word used with the family name to refer to or address a specific person.
- 사람의 성 다음에 붙여 그 사람만을 부르는 말.
name; given name
give notice
- To convey to or inform someone of a certain fact or news in writing or speech.
- 어떤 사실이나 소식을 글이나 말로 전하여 알리다.
notify; give notice
give off
2. 뿜어내다
- To cause a strong light or smell to be emitted.
- 빛이나 냄새 같은 것을 세게 드러내어 나오게 하다.
emit; give off
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