have a clear voice
    have a clear voice
  • For a voice hardly heard due to a sore throat, etc., to be heard again.
  • 막혀서 잘 나오지 않던 목소리가 나오다.
    have a clear voice
  • For a voice hardly heard due to a sore throat, etc., to be heard again.
  • 막혀서 잘 나오지 않던 목소리가 나오다.
have a close game
    toss about; have a close game
  • For the top and bottom of something to change continuously.
  • 계속해서 위와 아래가 바뀌다.
have a command of
    have a command of
  • To be able to utilize speech, a technique, etc., skillfully at one's will.
  • 말이나 기교 등을 마음대로 능숙하게 다루어 쓰다.
have a companionship
    have a companionship; keep company with
  • To make friends by hanging around together or visiting each other.
  • 함께 놀거나 왕래하며 사귀다.
Idiomhave a complicated head
    have a complicated head
  • To be disturbed due to a lot of thoughts or concerns.
  • 생각이나 고민이 많아 심란하다.
have a conference
    hold a meeting; have a conference
  • For people to gather and discuss a topic, issue, etc.
  • 여럿이 모여 의논하다.
have a conversation
    talk; have a conversation
  • To exchange a conversation freely.
  • 자유롭게 서로 이야기를 주고받다.
    talk with; have a conversation
  • To talk with another in a foreign language.
  • 외국어로 이야기를 나누다.
Idiomhave a corner
    have a corner
  • For a character or attitude to be sensitive and picky.
  • 성격이나 태도가 원만하지 않고 까다롭다.
have a crack
    widen; have a crack
  • For a crack, space, etc., to form.
  • 틈이나 간격 등이 생기다.
have a crick
    have a crick; feel a stitch
  • To feel pain and have difficulty in moving a body part due to muscular contraction.
  • 몸의 근육이 당겨 잘 움직여지지 않고 아픔이 느껴지다.
Idiomhave a deep mind
    have a deep mind
  • To be emotionally mature, thoughtful and reliable.
  • 정신적으로 성숙하고 생각이 깊으며 믿음직하다.
have a deep-rooted illness
    have a deep-rooted illness
  • To have an illness that does not appear on the surface but is seated deeply inside the body as a result of serious injury or hard work.
  • 심하게 다치거나 무리한 일 등을 해서 겉으로 드러나지 않게 속으로 깊이 병이 생기다.
have a deep sleep
    have a deep sleep; get a sound sleep
  • To fall into a deep sleep.
  • 잠이 깊이 들다.
have a desperate fight
    have a desperate fight; have a hard battle
  • To have a fight, battle, game, match, etc., using all one's energy, despite a very difficult condition.
  • 몹시 힘들고 어려운 조건에서 힘을 다해 싸우다.
have a dialogue
    talk with; chat with; have a dialogue
  • To meet another face-to-face and talk with him/her.
  • 만나서 서로 이야기를 나누다.
Idiomhave a different belly
    have a different belly
  • (for children of one father) To have different biological mothers.
  • (한 아버지 밑의 자식들 사이에) 낳은 어머니가 서로 다르다.
have a direct line
    have a direct line
  • For a telephone line, etc., to be connected directly.
  • 전화 등이 바로 통하다.
Idiomhave a distant relationship
    have a distant relationship
  • To have little or no relationship.
  • 관련이 적거나 전혀 없다.
have a doubt
    have a doubt; doubt; be doubtful of
  • To come to have the mind of considering something uncertain or mistrusting it.
  • 불확실하게 여기거나 믿지 못하는 마음이 생기다.
    have a doubt; doubt; be doubtful of
  • To come to have the mind of considering something uncertain or mistrusting it.
  • 불확실하게 여겨지거나 믿지 못하는 마음이 생기다.
have a drink
    have a drink
  • To have a drink in a good mood.
  • 기분 좋게 술을 마시다.
    have a drink; drink lightly
  • To have a cup of tea or a drink lightly.
  • 차나 술 등을 한 차례 조금 마시다.
Idiomhave a face
관용구낯이 있다
    have a face
  • To recognize someone's face since one has met him/her before.
  • 전에 본 적이 있어서 얼굴을 알아볼 수 있다.
Idiomhave a fast foot
    have a fast foot
  • To quickly come up with a countermeasure against something.
  • 어떤 일에 대한 대책을 빠르게 세우다.
Idiomhave a ferocious greed
    have a ferocious greed
  • To be very greedy.
  • 몹시 욕심이 많다.
Idiomhave a ferocious hand habit
    have a ferocious hand habit
  • To have a habit of stealing or destroying others' possessions or beating others.
  • 남의 물건을 훔치거나 망가뜨리거나 남을 때리는 등의 버릇이 있다.
have affection
    have affection
  • To love and long for someone of the opposite sex.
  • 이성을 사랑하여 몹시 그리워하다.
have a finger in
    touch; have a finger in
  • To get involved in something bad.
  • 좋지 않은 일에 관여하다.
Idiomhave a firm and tight dream
    have a firm and tight dream
  • (sarcastic) For an expectation or hope to be so big that it has little chance of being realized.
  • (비꼬아 이르는 말로) 기대나 희망이 너무 커서 이루어질 가능성이 없다.
Idiomhave a fishy smell of milk
    have a fishy smell of milk
  • For one's behavior or thoughts to be immature like a child.
  • 하는 행동이나 생각이 어린아이와 같이 성숙하지 못하다.
Idiomhave a foul mouth
관용구입이 걸다
    have a foul mouth
  • To talk in a crude and vulgar manner.
  • 말을 거칠고 상스럽게 하다.
Idiomhave a frame
    have a frame
  • For the social position or status of one's family to have been high for generations.
  • 대대로 내려오는 그 집안의 사회적 신분이나 지위가 높다.
have a frank talk
    have a frank talk
  • To express one's thoughts to someone.
  • 남에게 자신의 생각을 표현함.
    have a frank talk
  • To express one's thoughts to someone.
  • 남에게 자신의 생각을 표현하다.
Idiomhave a frequent foot
관용구발이 잦다
    have a frequent foot
  • To visit a certain place often.
  • 어떤 곳에 자주 다니다.
have a friendly talk
    have a friendly talk; chat enjoyably
  • To have a friendly, agreeable conversation.
  • 정답고 즐겁게 이야기를 나누다.
have a friendship with
    have a friendship with
  • To become acquainted with someone or have a close relationship for a specific purpose.
  • 어떤 목적을 위하여 다른 사람과 사귀어 가깝게 지내다.
Idiomhave a full stomach
    have a full stomach
  • To lack nothing because one makes a good living.
  • 형편이 넉넉하여 아쉬울 것이 없다.
have a gap
    have a gap
  • To have difference between or resulting from conflicting facts.
  • 서로 어긋나 차이가 생기다.
Idiomhave a god descend upon oneself
    have a god descend upon oneself
  • To be possessed by a spiritual being and have supernatural powers.
  • 영적인 존재가 붙어 초자연적인 힘을 갖게 되다.
have a good knowledge
    be well versed; have a good knowledge
  • To be well aware of the logic of an object, knowledge, skill, etc., or be very skillful.
  • 사물의 이치나 지식, 기술 등을 매우 잘 알거나 능숙하게 잘하다.
Idiomhave a good-looking but deceptive outward appearance
관용구허울 좋다
    have a good-looking but deceptive outward appearance
  • For the content of something to be not so good as its appearance.
  • 안에 들어 있는 내용은 좋지 않은데 겉으로 드러나 보이는 모습만 좋다.
Idiomhave a good pocket situation
    have a good pocket situation
  • To have enough money to spend money on something.
  • 돈이 넉넉하여 쓸 형편이 된다.
    have a good pocket situation
  • For one's financial status to be good.
  • 경제적 형편이 좋다.
Idiomhave a good sense of direction
    have a good sense of direction
  • To be good at remembering streets to which one has gone a couple of times before.
  • 한두 번 가 본 길은 잘 찾아갈 만큼 길을 잘 기억하다.
have a good shape
    have a good shape
  • For one's appearance, figure, etc., to be well-balanced.
  • 생김새나 몸매 등이 균형이 잘 잡히다.
Idiomhave a good winning streak
    have a good winning streak
  • To have a streak of high scores in gambling.
  • 노름에서 좋은 점수가 계속 나오다.
  • have a good winning streak
  • (slang) To have great energy or power.
  • (속된 말로) 기세나 권력이 강하다.
have a gossip
    chat; gab; have a gossip
  • To have a talk when one feels bored or is not busy; or to have an insignificant conversation.
  • 심심하거나 바쁘지 않을 때 이야기를 나누다. 또는 별로 중요하지 않은 이야기를 하다.
have a hard battle
    have a desperate fight; have a hard battle
  • To have a fight, battle, game, match, etc., using all one's energy, despite a very difficult condition.
  • 몹시 힘들고 어려운 조건에서 힘을 다해 싸우다.
have a hard time
    suffer hardships; have a hard time
  • To experience difficulties enough to feel distressed.
  • 속이 상할 정도로 어려움을 겪다.
    have a hard time
  • To go through a very tough experience.
  • 몹시 고생스러운 일을 겪다.
    struggle; have a hard time; be dying
  • To get extremely startled or exhausted to the extent of losing one's senses.
  • 매우 놀라거나 힘들어서 정신이 나갈 지경에 이르다.
Idiomhave a heavy head
    have a heavy head
  • To not feel good or have a headache.
  • 기분이 좋지 않거나 머리가 아프다.
Idiomhave a heavy mind
    have a heavy mind
  • To have worry and burden as a problem that has yet to be solved.
  • 해결되지 않은 일이 있어 걱정과 부담이 있다.
Idiomhave a heavy mouth
    have a heavy mouth
  • To not talk much and keep a secret.
  • 말이 많지 않고 비밀을 잘 지키다.
Idiomhave a high nose
관용구코가 높다
    have a high nose
  • To put on airs and be arrogant.
  • 잘난 체하며 거만하다.
Idiomhave a high nose ridge
    have a high nose ridge
  • To act in a conceited and arrogant manner.
  • 잘난 체하고 뽐내는 태도가 있다.
have a high regard
    have a high regard
  • To respect and love someone.
  • 공경하고 사랑하다.
have a hole
    have a hole; be pierced
  • For a hole to be made.
  • 구멍이 생기다.
Idiomhave a hot taste
    have a hot taste; taste the heat
  • To be harshly scolded or go through difficulties.
  • 심하게 혼이 나거나 어려움을 겪다.
have a hunch
    have a premonition; have a hunch
  • To feel that something is about to happen.
  • 무슨 일이 생길 것 같은 느낌을 느끼다.
    have a hunch; have an intuition
  • To sense and know something instantly, without conscious thought.
  • 어떤 일을 접했을 때 설명하지 않아도 거짓 없는 모습이나 내용을 곧바로 느껴 알다.
    have a hunch
  • To guess something by intuition.
  • 미루어 생각해 본 결과 어떠할 것으로 짐작되다.
Idiomhave air in one's lungs
    have air in one's lungs
  • To act silly or laugh hard.
  • 실없이 행동하거나 너무 많이 웃어 대다.
Idiomhave a large liver
    have a large liver
  • To be fearless.
  • 겁이 없다.
Idiomhave a large skull
    have a large skull
  • (slang) To come to think or judge like an adult.
  • (속된 말로) 어른처럼 생각하거나 판단하게 되다.
Idiomhave a leisurely destiny
    have a leisurely destiny
  • To live a very carefree and comfortable life.
  • 근심이나 걱정이 없고 사는 것이 아주 편안하다.
Idiomhave a light head
    have a light head
  • For one's feeling or body to be light and refreshed.
  • 기분이나 몸이 가뿐하고 상쾌하다.
Idiomhave a light mind
    have a light mind
  • To have no burdens and worries because a problem has been solved.
  • 문제가 해결되어 부담과 걱정이 없다.
Idiomhave a light mouth
    have a light mouth
  • To be talkative and frequently leak a secret.
  • 말이 많고 비밀을 잘 지키지 않다.
Idiomhave a light pocket
    have a light pocket
  • To have little money in hand.
  • 가지고 있는 돈이 적다.
    have a light pocket
  • To have little money in one's hands.
  • 돈이 별로 없다.
Idiomhave a light trap
    have a light[cheap] trap
  • (slang) To tend to leak someone's secret.
  • (속된 말로) 비밀을 남에게 잘 옮기다.
Idiomhave a liver as small as a bean
    have a liver as small as a bean
  • To be very chicken-hearted and timid.
  • 매우 겁이 많고 소심하다.
have all going well
    have all going well
  • To achieve everything as hoped.
  • 모든 일이 다 바라는 대로 이루어지다.
have a long face
    cloud; have a long face; look gloomy
  • To look gloomy, being worried or upset about something.
  • 걱정이나 언짢은 감정으로 얼굴에 어두운 빛을 나타내다.
Idiomhave a long foot
    have a long foot; be in time for a treat
  • To be blessed with things to eat as a result of a chance visit to a place that offers food.
  • 음식을 먹는 자리에 우연히 가게 되어 먹을 복이 있다.
Idiomhave a long tail
    have a long tail
  • To keep doing something secret for a long time.
  • 비밀스러운 일을 오랫동안 계속하다.
  • have a long tail
  • Not to close the door when coming in and out.
  • 드나들 때 문을 닫지 않다.

'English - Korean > h' 카테고리의 다른 글

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