Idiomhave a long way ahead
    have a long way ahead
  • To have a lot of things ahead to do.
  • 앞으로 해야 할 일들이 많이 남아 있다.
Idiomhave a long way to go
    have a long way to go
  • To have much work to do in order to complete a certain task.
  • 어떤 일을 마치기 위해 앞으로 해야 할 일이 많이 남아 있다.
  • have a long way to go
  • To have a long time before one's life ends.
  • 앞으로 살아갈 날이 많이 남아 있다.
Idiomhave a lot of tears
    have a lot of tears
  • To burst into tears easily and often.
  • 울기를 잘한다.
Idiomhave a lot of words
    have a lot of words
  • To talk much and be talkative.
  • 말을 많이 하여 수다스럽다.
Idiomhave a matching set
관용구죽이 맞다
    have a matching set; hit it off; click
  • For the intention or mind of two people to harmonize.
  • 서로 뜻이 통하거나 마음이 맞다.
have a mind to
    think of; plan; have a mind to
  • To decide to do something in one's mind.
  • 어떤 일을 하려고 마음속으로 결심하다.
have an abortion
    have an abortion
  • To make an unborn child die in one's womb.
  • 태어나지 않은 아기를 뱃속에서 죽게 하다.
have an adventure
    have an adventure
  • To do something although one knows that it can be hard or dangerous.
  • 힘들거나 위험할 줄 알면서도 어떤 일을 하다.
have an affair
    have an affair; commit adultery
  • For a man and woman who are not married to each other to have sex.
  • 부부가 아닌 남녀가 몰래 성관계를 갖다.
    have an affair
  • To have an inappropriate relationship with another person even though one is married or in a relationship.
  • 결혼했거나 연애하는 사람이 있으면서도 다른 이성과 부적절한 관계를 가지다.
    have an affair
  • To have a romantic relationship with another person, keeping it a secret from one's spouse or lover.
  • 배우자나 애인 몰래 다른 이성과 애정 관계를 가지다.
    have an affair
  • (slang) For a man and a woman to date without thinking about the consequences.
  • (속된 말로) 남녀가 분별없이 사귀다.
    have an affair
  • For a man and a woman who are not married to have a love affair.
  • 부부가 아닌 남녀의 정이 서로 통하게 되다.
    have an affair
  • For a man and a woman who are not married to have a love affair.
  • 부부가 아닌 남녀가 서로 정을 통하다.
    have an affair
  • To have a sexual intercourse with a person other than one's spouse.
  • 배우자가 아닌 사람과 성관계를 가지다.
have an affection for
    have an affection for; become attached to
  • To develop a bond with and gain a stronger affection for someone.
  • 정이 생겨서 마음이 깊어지다.
    have an affection for
  • To have feelings of affection or intimacy.
  • 사랑하거나 친하다고 느끼는 마음을 가지다.
Idiomhave a name
    have a name
  • For the name of someone or something to be well-known to the world.
  • 세상에 이름이 널리 알려져 있다.
have an appetite
    have an appetite
  • To eat food well.
  • 음식을 잘 먹게 되다.
Idiomhave a narrow mind
    have a narrow mind
  • To be inconsiderate and intolerant.
  • 이해심이 없다.
have an attack of
    have an attack of; fall ill; be taken ill
  • To show the symptoms that one has contracted a disease or is not well.
  • 병이나 몸의 이상을 알리는 어떤 증상이 나타나다.
have an audience
    have an audience; consult; interview
  • To visit and meet a higher-ranking person.
  • 지위가 높은 사람을 찾아가 만나다.
have an easy labor
    have a safe delivery; have an easy labor
  • To give birth to a child without any difficulty.
  • 아무런 탈 없이 아이를 잘 낳다.
Idiomhave an empty brain
    have an empty brain
  • (disparaging) To not know anything or have an idea or opinion.
  • (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 아는 것이나 자신의 생각이 없다.
Idiomhave an empty head
    have an empty head
  • To know nothing.
  • 아는 것이 없다.
Idiomhave an empty mind
    have an empty mind
  • To feel at ease without complicated thoughts.
  • 복잡한 생각이 없이 마음이 편안하다.
Idiomhave an empty pocket
    have an empty pocket
  • To have no money in hand.
  • 가지고 있는 돈이 없다.
Idiomhave an empty skull
    have an empty skull
  • (slang) To know nothing.
  • (속된 말로) 아는 것이 없다.
Idiomhave an excited mind
    have an excited mind
  • To feel anxious due to a good occasion.
  • 좋은 일이 있어서 마음이 안정되지 않다.
Idiomhave an eye on
    have an eye on
  • To watch something with strong interest out of greed.
  • 욕심이 나서 매우 관심 있게 보다.
have an idea
    have an idea
  • To conceive an idea for a project or creative work.
  • 어떤 일이나 창작의 바탕이 되는 중심 생각을 떠올리다.
have an ill feeling
    have an unpleasant feeling; have an ill feeling
  • For an unresolved bad feeling to remain like a lump in one's mind.
  • 풀지 못한 나쁜 감정이 마음에 쌓여 덩어리처럼 되다.
have an illness
    have an illness
  • To suffer from and overcome an illness.
  • 병을 앓아 겪어 내다.
have an infarction
    have an infarction
  • To have a problem with blood circulation due to clogged blood vessels.
  • 혈관이 막히어 몸의 피가 제대로 통하지 않다.
have an insight
    have an insight; discern
  • To accurately and sharply see through an object, phenomenon, etc.
  • 사물이나 현상 등을 정확하고 날카롭게 꿰뚫어 보다.
    have an insight
  • For one's thought or intelligence to reach a substantially high level from a low level.
  • 생각이나 지적 능력이 낮은 수준에서 꽤 높은 수준에 이르게 되다.
have an interview
    interview; have an interview
  • To talk with an individual or group to collect information for a specific purpose.
  • 어떤 목적에 맞는 정보를 얻기 위해 개인이나 집단을 만나 이야기를 나누다.
have an intuition
    have a hunch; have an intuition
  • To sense and know something instantly, without conscious thought.
  • 어떤 일을 접했을 때 설명하지 않아도 거짓 없는 모습이나 내용을 곧바로 느껴 알다.
    have an intuition
  • To understand something right away without having to go through the thinking process.
  • 생각하는 과정을 거치지 않고 대상을 접하여 바로 파악하다.
have an itch to
    itch; have an itch to
  • To have a strong and persistent desire to do something, which one cannot resist.
  • 어떠한 일을 참기 어려울 정도로 자꾸 하고 싶어 하다.
    itch; have an itch to
  • To have a strong and persistent desire to do something, which one cannot resist.
  • 어떠한 일을 참기 어려울 정도로 자꾸 하고 싶어 하다.
    itch; have an itch to
  • To have a strong and persistent desire to do something, which one cannot resist.
  • 어떠한 일을 참기 어려울 정도로 자꾸 하고 싶어 하다.
have an one-on-one talk
    interview; have an one-on-one talk
  • To discuss personal problems or issues in private.
  • 고민이나 문젯거리를 가지고 서로 만나서 이야기하다.
Idiomhave an opening
    A position is created; have an opening
  • To have a job vacancy.
  • 취직할 곳이 생기다.
Idiomhave another pocket
    have another pocket
  • To have a secret design or plan other things.
  • 몰래 다른 속셈을 가지거나 다른 일을 계획하다.
  • have another pocket
  • To withdraw money to separately store it.
  • 돈을 빼서 따로 보관하다.
Idiomhave a numb foot
    have a numb foot
  • To feel anxious or uneasy because one did something wrong.
  • 잘못한 게 있어서 마음이 불안하거나 편하지 않다.
have an unpleasant feeling
    have an unpleasant feeling; have an ill feeling
  • For an unresolved bad feeling to remain like a lump in one's mind.
  • 풀지 못한 나쁜 감정이 마음에 쌓여 덩어리처럼 되다.
have an upset stomach
    have an upset stomach
  • To feel heavy on the stomach due to difficulty in digesting food.
  • 먹은 음식이 잘 소화되지 않아 배 속에 답답하게 남아 있다.
Idiomhave a past
    have a past
  • To have a bad experience or have done something wrong in the past.
  • 지난날에 좋지 않거나 잘못한 경험이 있다.
Idiomhave a pitch-black inside
    have a pitch-black inside
  • To be worldly-wise and think in a sly and crafty manner.
  • 마음이 순수하지 않고 생각하는 것이 엉큼하고 음흉하다.
have a premature delivery
    have a premature delivery
  • To give birth to a baby preterm.
  • 아이를 낳을 달이 되기 전에 아이를 낳다.
have a premonition
    have a premonition; have a hunch
  • To feel that something is about to happen.
  • 무슨 일이 생길 것 같은 느낌을 느끼다.
Idiomhave a prospect
    have a prospect
  • To have a high chance of success.
  • 잘될 가능성이 크다.
have a purpose
    have a purpose
  • To want to achieve something or take it as the direction one wants to head.
  • 어떤 것을 이루려고 하거나 나아갈 방향으로 삼다.
Idiomhave a ripe hand
    have a ripe hand
  • To work in a very seamless and meticulous manner.
  • 일하는 것이 빈틈없고 매우 꼼꼼하다.
have a rush of
    be flooded with; have a rush of
  • For words, voices, etc., that show interest in something, to continue strongly without interruption.
  • 관심을 나타내는 말이나 소리 등이 끊이지 않고 세차게 계속되다.
have a safe delivery
    have a safe delivery; have an easy labor
  • To give birth to a child without any difficulty.
  • 아무런 탈 없이 아이를 잘 낳다.
have a sale
    have a sale
  • To sell something cheaper than the original price.
  • 정해진 값보다 싸게 할인해서 팔다.
have a seizure
    have a seizure
  • For a symptom of a disease, emotion, movement, etc., to occur suddenly and violently.
  • 어떤 병의 증세나 감정, 움직임 등이 갑작스럽고 세차게 일어나다.
have a serious look on one's face
    have a serious look on one's face
  • To have a sharp, strict look on one's face.
  • 얼굴에 날카롭고 엄격한 표정을 나타내다.
Idiomhave a shape
관용구모양 있다
    have a shape
  • To look good.
  • 보기에 좋다.
Idiomhave a short foot
    have a short foot
  • To have no chance to eat something for free as one has shown up after others have eaten all the food offered.
  • 남들이 다 먹은 뒤에 나타나 공짜로 음식을 먹을 기회가 없다.
Idiomhave a short mouth
관용구입이 짧다
    have a short mouth
  • To hate or be unable to eat so many kinds of food and eat little.
  • 못 먹거나 싫어하는 음식이 많고 적게 먹다.
Idiomhave a short tongue
관용구혀가 짧다
    have a short tongue
  • To speak with an unclear pronunciation.
  • 발음이 명확하지 않다.
have a side job
    do a part time job; have a side job; moonlight
  • To do a temporary job to make money or to make more money, besides one's main job or role.
  • 짧은 기간 동안 돈을 벌기 위해 자신의 본업 외에 임시로 하는 일을 하다.
have a sleep
    sleep; have a sleep
  • To stop the activities of one's body and mind and rest for a while.
  • 몸과 정신이 활동을 멈추고 한동안 쉬다.
have a slight nap
    have a slight nap; have fuzz
  • For fuzz to come out on the surface of paper or a cloth.
  • 종이나 헝겊의 겉에 보풀이 일어나다.
have a smaller misfortune
    have a smaller misfortune
  • To avoid a form of major bad luck by substituting it with a form of small trouble.
  • 아주 나쁜 운을 작은 괴로움으로 대신하여 면하다.
Idiomhave a small hand
관용구손이 작다
    have a small hand
  • To use money or things little by little.
  • 돈이나 물건을 매우 조금씩 쓰다.
Idiomhave a small liver
    have a small liver
  • To be very chicken-hearted.
  • 겁이 많다.
have a sound rest
    have a sound rest; have a sound sleep
  • To make oneself comfortable, or rest in a carefree fashion.
  • 몸을 마음껏 펴거나 근심 걱정없이 쉬다.
have a sound sleep
    have a sound rest; have a sound sleep
  • To make oneself comfortable, or rest in a carefree fashion.
  • 몸을 마음껏 펴거나 근심 걱정없이 쉬다.
Idiomhave a spicy fingertip
    have a spicy fingertip
  • For one's slight hit to hurt very much.
  • 손으로 살짝 때려도 아프다.
  • have a spicy fingertip
  • To work in a shrewd and seamless manner.
  • 일하는 것이 야무지고 완벽하다.
Idiomhave a spicy hand
관용구손이 맵다
    have a spicy hand
  • For one's slight hit to hurt very much.
  • 손으로 살짝 때려도 몹시 아프다.
  • have a spicy hand
  • To work in a shrewd and seamless manner.
  • 일하는 것이 야무지고 완벽하다.
Idiomhave a spicy trace of one's touch
    have a spicy trace of one's touch
  • For one's slight hit to hurt very much.
  • 손으로 살짝 때려도 아프다.
  • have a spicy trace of one's touch
  • To work in a shrewd and seamless manner.
  • 일하는 것이 야무지고 완벽하다.
have a stillbirth
    have a stillbirth
  • To have a stillborn baby, past about four months of pregnancy.
  • 임신한 지 사 개월이 지난 후 죽은 아이를 낳다.

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