struggle against Japanstruggle desperatelystruggle for existencestruggle to createstruggle to escapestrugglingstrugglinglystrutstruttinglystubstubbornstubbornlystubbornnessstubborn persistencestubbystubby pencilstudstudentstudent apprenticestudent backpackstudent bagstudent councilstudent governmentstudent identificationstudent identification cardstudent ID numberstudent jobstudent lifestudent on leave of absencestudent preparing for an entrance examstudent proteststudent recordstudent recordsstudent's associationstudent's clothesstudent strikestudent studying abroadstudent taking a break from studystudent who works while studying to earn school expensesstud farmstudiesstudies in classical Chinesestudio
struggle against Japan
- An act of fighting against the invasion and rule of Japanese imperialism.
- 일본 제국주의의 침략과 통치에 맞서서 싸움.
anti-Japan; struggle against Japan
struggle desperately
- To face difficulty and hardships in proceeding with certain work.
- 어떤 일을 어렵고 힘들게 진행하다.
struggle desperately
struggle for existence
- Fights among living creatures to secure better positions to survive or to make offspring.
- 생물이 살아남거나 자손을 만드는 데에 더 좋은 조건을 얻기 위하여 하는 다툼.
struggle for existence
struggle to create
- To concentrate and think hard about different options.
- 이리저리 고민하고 정신을 집중하여 생각하다.
struggle to create; wreck
struggle to escape
- To struggle to get out of a difficult situation.
- 어려운 상태에서 벗어나려고 애쓰다.
struggle to escape; try to get out
1. 발버둥
- The act of twisting and thrashing as one sits or lies on one's back, bending and stretching out one's two legs alternately.
- 앉거나 누워서 두 다리를 빨리 번갈아 굽혔다 폈다 하면서 몸부림을 치는 것.
struggling; writhing
2. 발버둥질
- The act of struggling hard with all kinds of strength and methods.
- 갖은 힘이나 방법을 다하여 매우 애를 쓰는 짓.
3. 발악
- The act of struggling desperately by employing all sorts of actions or moves.
- 온갖 행동을 다 하며 마구 악을 씀.
struggling; desperateness
1. 허덕허덕
- A word describing a state of feeling flustered or having a hard time because something is beyond one's ability or power.
- 힘에 부쳐 자꾸 쩔쩔매거나 힘들어하는 모양.
strugglingly; with difficulty
2. 허우적허우적
- A word describing the state of making a desperate effort continuously to get out of a difficult situation.
- 어려운 처지에서 벗어나려고 몹시 자꾸 애쓰는 모양.
- A word imitating the sound or describing the movement of walking continuosly, making clear sounds of footsteps.
- 발자국 소리를 매우 분명하게 내며 계속 걸어가는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
- A short remainder of something long that has been cut or used up.
- 긴 것이 잘라지거나 쓰고 남아서 짤막해진 부분.
stub; piece
1. 바득바득
- In the manner of persisting or importuning unreasonably over and over.
- 억지를 쓰며 자꾸 우기거나 조르는 모양.
stubbornly; obstinately
5. 박박
- In the manner of persisting continuously to an excessive degree.
- 자꾸 무리하게 고집을 피우는 모양.
stubbornly; obstinately
6. 벅벅
- In the manner of persisting or shouting unreasonably again and again.
- 억지를 부리며 자꾸 우기거나 소리치는 모양.
stubbornly; obstinately
7. 부득부득¹
- With the attitude of persisting or importuning unreasonably over and over, in order to get one's own way.
- 자기 생각대로만 하려고 억지를 쓰며 자꾸 우기거나 조르는 모양.
obstinately; stubbornly
8. 빡빡
- In the manner of keeping insisting unreasonably.
- 자꾸 무리하게 고집을 피우는 모양.
stubbornly; obstinately
9. 뻑뻑¹
- In the manner of keeping insisting unreasonably.
- 억지를 부리며 자꾸 우기는 모양.
stubbornly; obstinately
1. 고집
- An attitude of insisting on an idea or opinion.
- 자기의 생각이나 주장을 굽히지 않고 버팀.
persistence; stubbornness; obstinacy
2. 쇠고집
- An extreme stubbornness, or a person with such stubbornness.
- 몹시 센 고집. 또는 그런 고집이 있는 사람.
stubbornness; persistence
3. 악착
- One's attitude in work being strong and persistent.
- 일을 해 나가는 태도가 억세고 끈질김.
stubbornness; tenacity
4. 외고집
- The attitude of being inflexibly and futilely obstinate or a person who shows such an attitude.
- 융통성이 없고 쓸데없이 부리는 고집. 또는 그런 사람.
stubbornness; pigheaded person
stubborn persistence
- The state of making an unreasonable demand or throwing a tantrum about an absurd matter.
- 당치도 않은 일에 억지를 부리거나 떼를 쓰는 것.
stubborn persistence
1. 몽땅하다
- Looking short as if it were a stump left after being cut.
- 끊어서 한 덩어리가 된 것처럼 조금 짧은 듯하다.
stubby; stumpy
2. 뭉떵하다
- Looking short as if it were a stump left after being cut.
- 짧게 베어서 뭉쳐 놓은 것처럼 짤막하다.
stubby; stumpy
3. 뭉뚝하다
- Thick and short with obtuse ends instead of being pointed.
- 끝이 뾰족하지 않고 굵고 짤막하다.
blunt; stubby
stubby pencil
student apprentice
- A student learning skills or knowledge through practice in the real world.
- 배운 기술이나 지식을 실제로 해 보고 익히는 학생.
student apprentice; apprentice; intern
student backpack
- A bag designed mainly for students to carry books, notebooks, pencil cases, etc., on the back or shoulder.
- 주로 학생들이 책이나 공책, 필통 등을 넣어서 들거나 메고 다니는 가방.
student backpack; student bag
student bag
- A bag designed mainly for students to carry books, notebooks, pencil cases, etc., on the back or shoulder.
- 주로 학생들이 책이나 공책, 필통 등을 넣어서 들거나 메고 다니는 가방.
student backpack; student bag
student council
1. 총학생회
- A student organization that represents all student organizations of a school.
- 한 학교 안의 학생 단체들을 총괄하는 학생 단체.
student government; student council
2. 학생회
- An organization within a school, or a meeting in which students discuss problems, make decisions, and perform certain tasks.
- 학생이 중심이 되어 어떤 일을 의논하여 결정하고 실행하는 조직이나 모임.
student's association; student council
student government
- A student organization that represents all student organizations of a school.
- 한 학교 안의 학생 단체들을 총괄하는 학생 단체.
student government; student council
student identification
- A document proving that one is a student at a certain school.
- 어떤 학교에 소속된 학생임을 증명하는 문서.
student identification
student identification card
- An identification document that enables a person to take a class or course.
- 강의나 강습을 받을 수 있는 증명서.
student identification card
student ID number
- A unique number assigned to each student in a university or graduate school according to his/her major and year of entrance to the school.
- 대학교나 대학원에서, 입학 연도와 학과에 따라 학생에게 부여한 고유 번호.
student ID number
student job
1. 아르바이트
- A temporary job one has to make money or to make more money, besides one's main job or role.
- 돈을 벌기 위해 자신의 본업 외에 임시로 하는 일.
part-time job; side job; student job; moonlighting
2. 파트타임
- A type of employment arrangement in which one works for fewer hours than those of a permanent, full-time job, or such a job.
- 정규 근무 시간보다 짧게 정해진 몇 시간만 일하는 방식. 또는 그런 일.
part-time job; side job; student job; moonlighting
student life
student on leave of absence
- A student who takes a break from school during a certain period of time.
- 일정한 기간 동안 학교를 쉬는 학생.
student on leave of absence; student taking a break from study
student preparing for an entrance exam
- A student who is preparing for an entrance examination to be admitted to a college, etc.
- 입학하기 위해 치르는 시험을 준비하는 학생.
student preparing for an entrance exam
student protest
- A state in which students temporarily boycott classes at a school.
- 학생이 학교에서 수업을 받는 일을 한동안 쉼.
student strike; student protest
student record
1. 생활 기록부
- In school, the paper containing such student records as the name, address, grade, entrance date, graduation date, etc.
- 학교에서, 학생의 이름, 주소, 성적, 입학, 졸업 등의 기록을 적어 놓은 종이.
student record
2. 학적부
- In a school, documents containing such student information as name, address, grade, entrance date, graduation date, etc.
- 학교에서, 학생의 이름, 주소, 성적, 입학, 졸업 등의 기록을 적어 놓은 종이.
student record
student records
- Records of students' academic profiles kept at a school.
- 학교에 보관하여 두는 학생에 관한 기록.
school register; student records
student's association
- An organization within a school, or a meeting in which students discuss problems, make decisions, and perform certain tasks.
- 학생이 중심이 되어 어떤 일을 의논하여 결정하고 실행하는 조직이나 모임.
student's association; student council
student's clothes
student strike
- A state in which students temporarily boycott classes at a school.
- 학생이 학교에서 수업을 받는 일을 한동안 쉼.
student strike; student protest
student studying abroad
- A student who stays abroad and studies.
- 외국에 머물러 살면서 공부하는 학생.
international student; student studying abroad
student taking a break from study
- A student who takes a break from school during a certain period of time.
- 일정한 기간 동안 학교를 쉬는 학생.
student on leave of absence; student taking a break from study
student who works while studying to earn school expenses
- A student who studies while working hard to earn school expenses.
- 스스로 학비를 벌어서 고생하며 학교에 다니는 학생.
student who works while studying to earn school expenses
stud farm
- A place for raising livestock or animals by feeding and taking care of them.
- 가축이나 짐승을 먹이고 돌보아 기르는 곳.
breeding farm; stud farm
- The act of studying to acquire knowledge, usually in school.
- 주로 학교에서 지식을 배우기 위해 공부하는 일.
learning; studies
studies in classical Chinese
3. 방송실
- A room with broadcasting equipments that sends out broadcasts.
- 방송 장비를 갖추고 방송을 내보내는 방.
studio; broadcasting booth
4. 스튜디오
- The space for recording or broadcasting something in a broadcasting station.
- 방송국에서 녹음하거나 방송하는 공간.
- A professional space for taking a photo or painting a picture.
- 사진을 찍거나 그림 작업을 하는 장소.
5. 원룸
- A house in which one room functions as a bedroom, living room, and kitchen.
- 방 하나가 침실, 거실, 부엌, 식당의 기능을 모두 하는 집.
8. 촬영장
- The area for shooting and producing a film, photograph, etc.
- 영화나 사진 등을 촬영하는 곳.
studio; filming site
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