thorny paththorny problemthoroughthoroughbredthorough ignorancethoroughlythoseThose who have beaten a person cannot sleep with their legs stretched out, but those who have been beaten can sleep with their legs stretched outThose who have hit a person sleeping with their legs bent, but those who have been hit sleeping with their legs stretched outThose who have sown the seeds must harvest themthoughthoughtthoughtfulthoughtfullythoughtfulnessthoughtlessthoughtlesslythoughtlessnessthoughtless personthoughts
thorny path
thorny problem
- A difficult problem or issue to solve.
- 해결하기 어려운 문제나 일.
brain-teaser; difficult problem; hard nut to crack; thorny problem
- A genetically pure line of animals or plants that has not been mixed with any other, or the breed of such a line.
- 동식물에서, 다른 계통과 섞이지 않아 유전적으로 순수한 계통. 또는 그런 동식물의 품종.
thorough ignorance
8. 철저히
- In the manner of being complete without flaws because one is very careful about something.
- 어떤 일을 하는 데 있어서 매우 조심하여 부족함이 없이 완벽하게.
perfectly; immaculately; thoroughly
10. 함빡
- In a state of being wet and soaked to the extent of dripping.
- 물이 밖으로 스며 나올 정도로 축축하게 젖은 모양.
to the skin; completely; thoroughly
11. 홀딱
- A word describing the state of having completely taken something off or being taken off.
- 남김없이 전부 벗거나 벗어진 모양.
- A word describing the state of losing all of what one has at once.
- 가지고 있던 것이 한 번에 없어지는 모양.
completely; thoroughly
completely; thoroughly
12. 홀라당
- A word describing the motion of being completely taken off or turned over to such an extent that the things inside are visible at once.
- 속의 것이 한꺼번에 다 드러나도록 완전히 벗어지거나 뒤집히는 모양.
- A word describing the state of one's small amount of money or wealth, etc., disappearing completely at once.
- 조금 가지고 있던 돈이나 재산 등이 한꺼번에 없어지는 모양.
completely; thoroughly
completely; thoroughly
13. 홀랑
- A word describing the motion of being completely taken off or turned over to such an extent that the things inside are visible at once.
- 속의 것이 한꺼번에 다 드러나도록 완전히 벗어지거나 뒤집히는 모양.
- A word describing the state of one's small amount of money or wealth, etc., being used up at once.
- 조금 가지고 있던 돈이나 재산 등이 한꺼번에 다 없어지는 모양.
completely; thoroughly
completely; thoroughly
14. 홀랑홀랑
- A word describing the motion of something being disrobed or turned inside out completely in a repeated manner so that what is inside is exposed in full view.
- 여럿이 다 또는 자꾸 속의 것이 한꺼번에 다 드러나도록 완전히 벗어지거나 뒤집히는 모양.
- A word describing the state of one's small amount of money or wealth, etc., being used up completely, at once.
- 여럿이 다 또는 자꾸 조금 가지고 있던 돈이나 재산 등이 한꺼번에 다 없어지는 모양.
completely; thoroughly
completely; thoroughly
15. 활짝
- A word describing the state of a door, etc., being completely open.
- 문 등이 완전히 열린 모양.
completely; thoroughly
16. 훌떡
- A word describing the state of having completely taken something off or being taken off.
- 아주 남김없이 벗거나 벗어진 모양.
completely; thoroughly
17. 훌러덩
- A word describing the motion of something being completely taken off or turned inside out so that the inside is clearly exposed.
- 속이 시원하게 드러나도록 완전히 벗어지거나 뒤집히는 모양.
- A word describing the state of losing all of one's money or wealth, etc.
- 가지고 있던 돈이나 재산 등을 다 날려 버리는 모양.
completely; thoroughly
completely; thoroughly
18. 훌렁
- A word describing the motion of something being completely taken off or turned inside out so that the inside is clearly exposed.
- 속이 시원하게 드러나도록 완전히 벗어지거나 뒤집히는 모양.
- A word describing the state of losing all of one's money or wealth, etc.
- 가지고 있던 돈이나 재산 등을 다 날려 버리는 모양.
completely; thoroughly
completely; thoroughly
19. 흠뻑
- In a state of being wet and soaked to the extent of dripping.
- 물이 밖으로 스며 나올 정도로 몹시 축축하게 젖은 모양.
to the skin; completely; thoroughly
3. 저쪽
- A pronoun used to indicate a persons or persons that are far from both the speaker and listener.
- 말하는 사람과 듣는 사람으로부터 멀리 있는 사람이나 사람들을 가리키는 말.
that; those
ProverbsThose who have beaten a person cannot sleep with their legs stretched out, but those who have been beaten can sleep with their legs stretched out
- Those who do harm to others feel anxious while those who are done harm feel easy.
- 남에게 해를 입힌 사람은 마음이 불안하나 해를 입은 사람은 오히려 마음이 편하다.
Those who have beaten a person cannot sleep with their legs stretched out, but those who have been beaten can sleep with their legs stretched out
ProverbsThose who have hit a person sleeping with their legs bent, but those who have been hit sleeping with their legs stretched out
- Those who have done damage to somebody feel uneasy, while to whom damage has been done are more at ease.
- 남에게 피해를 준 사람은 마음이 불안하지만 피해를 당한 사람은 오히려 마음이 편하다.
Those who have hit a person sleeping with their legs bent, but those who have been hit sleeping with their legs stretched out
ProverbsThose who have sown the seeds must harvest them
- You should take responsibility for the result of your action.
- 어떤 일을 벌이면 그에 따른 결과를 책임져야 한다.
Those who have sown the seeds must harvest them
- A word used to say something opposed to the proposition immediately preceding the word.
- 앞의 내용과 반대되는 내용을 이야기할 때 쓰는 말.
but; however; though
1. 사고²
- An act of thinking deeply about something.
- 어떤 것에 대하여 깊이 있게 생각함.
thought; thinking; contemplation
2. 사념
- An array of thoughts that one comes across.
- 마음 속으로 하는 여러 가지 생각.
thought; consideration; worries
3. 사려
- An array of thoughts including worry, anxiety, etc.
- 걱정하고 애를 태우는 등의 여러 가지 생각.
thought; consideration; worries
4. 사상²
- A certain view on society, politics, etc.
- 사회나 정치 등에 대한 일정한 견해.
- A certain sense or thought drawn from deep contemplation.
- 깊은 생각을 통해 얻어진 특정한 의식이나 사고.
thought; idea
thinking; thought
5. 생각
- The act of a human being using his/her brains to judge or perceive something.
- 사람이 머리를 써서 판단하거나 인식하는 것.
- The memory of something.
- 무엇에 대한 기억.
- The act of imagining what may happen in the future, or such a daydream.
- 앞으로 일어날 일에 대해 상상함. 또는 그런 상상.
thought; memory
thought; expectation; imagination
6. 소갈머리
- (disparaging) A thought that a person has in his/her mind.
- (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 마음이나 속에 품고 있는 생각.
thought; opinion
9. 요량
- An act of planning and thinking carefully of things to do in the future; or such a thought.
- 앞으로 할 일을 잘 계산해 생각함. 또는 그런 생각.
intention; thought
- With compassion for others and a sincere mind to do all one can for them.
- 인정이 많고 온갖 힘을 다하려는 마음이 깊게.
considerately; attentively; thoughtfully
1. 깊이¹
- A state of being prudent, not careless in one's thought.
- 생각이 가볍지 않고 신중함.
prudence; thoughtfulness
2. 배려
- An act of being considerate about someone, caring for or helping him/her.
- 관심을 가지고 보살펴 주거나 도와줌.
consideration; thoughtfulness
3. 사려
- The act of thinking deeply and carefully about something, or such a thought.
- 어떤 일에 대하여 깊고 조심스럽게 생각함. 또는 그런 생각.
thoughtfulness; consideration
4. 생각
- The act of distinguishing and judging right from wrong, or such an action.
- 세상 일의 옳고 그름을 분별하고 판단함. 또는 그런 일.
mind; thoughtfulness
1. 가볍다
- A thought, remark, behavior, etc., being not discreet and calm.
- 생각이나 말, 행동 등이 신중하지 않고 침착하지 못하다.
thoughtless; careless; rash
2. 몰지각하다
- Having no understanding and awareness of a certain matter, or showing the inability to make a good judgment.
- 어떤 것을 알아서 깨닫거나 분별함이 전혀 없다.
indiscreet; thoughtless; insensible
3. 무모하다
- Lacking the carefulness with which one can think about the cause or effect of an incident.
- 일의 앞뒤를 생각하는 신중함이 없다.
reckless; thoughtless
4. 얕다
- One's thinking or mind being not careful or generous.
- 생각이나 마음이 신중하거나 너그럽지 못하다.
shallow; thoughtless; imprudent
5. 주책맞다
- Unreliable because one is fickle and does not have one's own opinion or belief.
- 일정한 줏대가 없이 이랬다저랬다 하여 몹시 실없는 데가 있다.
stupid; thoughtless
6. 주책스럽다
- Unreliable because one is fickle and does not have one's own opinion or belief.
- 일정한 줏대가 없이 이랬다저랬다 하여 몹시 실없는 데가 있다.
stupid; thoughtless
7. 주책없다
- Unreliable because one is fickle and does not have his/her own opinion or belief.
- 일정한 의견이나 주장이 없이 이랬다저랬다 하여 몹시 실없다.
stupid; thoughtless
1. 무모히
- Without the carefulness with which one can think about the cause or effect of an incident.
- 일의 앞뒤를 생각하는 신중함이 없이.
recklessly; thoughtlessly
2. 무작정²
- Without thinking about or considering something to come in the future.
- 앞으로의 일에 대해 미리 생각하거나 정한 것이 없이.
blindly; thoughtlessly
3. 무턱대고
- At random without considering anything or without any special reason or plan.
- 잘 생각해 보지도 않거나 특별한 이유나 계획도 없이 마구.
blindly; thoughtlessly
5. 주책없이
- In such a manner that one is unreliable because he/she is fickle and does not have his/her own opinion or belief.
- 일정한 의견이나 주장이 없이 이랬다저랬다 하여 몹시 실없이.
6. 함부로
- Recklessly without being careful or thinking deeply.
- 조심하거나 깊이 생각하지 않고 마구.
thoughtlessly; carelessly; rashly; indiscreetly
1. 경솔
- A state in which one's words or acts are careless and imprudent.
- 말이나 행동이 조심성 없고 신중하지 못함.
thoughtlessness; hastiness; imprudence
2. 몰지각
- A state of having no understanding and awareness of a certain matter, or showing the inability to make a good judgment.
- 어떤 것을 알아서 깨닫거나 분별함이 전혀 없음.
indiscretion; thoughtlessness
thoughtless person
- (teasing) A person who is unreliable because he/she is fickle and does not have his/her own opinion or belief.
- (놀리는 말로) 일정한 의견이나 주장이 없이 이랬다저랬다 하여 몹시 실없는 사람.
thoughtless person
1. 감상²
- Feelings or thoughts arising in the mind in response to an incident or thing.
- 어떤 일에 대하여 마음속에 일어나는 느낌이나 생각.
feelings; thoughts
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