as well asa sword like frostasylumasymmetry-at-a table that was receivedat a certain angleat a glanceat a gulpat allat all timesA tall tower standing on the sandat a lossat a mouthfulat any costat any momentat any rateat a short distanceat a simmerA taste is attachedat a stretchat a strokeat bestat dawnat daybreak-atdeon-atdeoni-atdeoramyeonat easeA telephone set is on fireatelierA ten thousand kilometer journey starts with the first stepat every mealat every momentat face valueatheismatheistA thief who has learned stealing later than others will not even realize that the dawn breaks time while committing a theftA thief who has learned stealing later than others will not even realize that the day breaks while committing a theft
as well as
Idioma sword like frost
관용구서리 같은 칼[칼날]
- A sharp sword which shines like frost.
- 서리처럼 빛이 나는 날카로운 칼.
[the blade of] a sword like frost
1. 망명
- Leaving one's own country secretly for another country, to avoid suppression or threats one faces due to a political belief, ideology, etc.
- 정치, 사상 등을 이유로 받는 탄압이나 위협을 피하기 위해 몰래 자기 나라를 떠나 다른 나라로 감.
asylum; exile; flight from one's own country
2. 피난지
- The area to which one ran away from such calamity as war, natural disaster, etc.
- 전쟁, 자연재해 등의 재난을 피해 도망간 지역.
a place of refuge; shelter; asylum; haven
- A state in which both sides of something are not identical in shape or size.
- 양쪽의 크기나 모양이 같지 않은 것.
Ending of a Word어미
- An ending of a word used to indicate that an event happened in the past.
- 사건이 과거에 일어났음을 나타내는 어미.
- An ending of a word used to indicate that an event was completed in the past or its result continues in the present.
- 어떤 사건이 과거에 완료되었거나 그 사건의 결과가 현재까지 지속되는 상황을 나타내는 어미.
- An ending of a word used to state assertively that a future event will be so.
- 미래의 일을 그럴 것이라고 단정하여 말할 때 쓰는 어미.
Proverbsa table that was received
속담받아 놓은 밥상
- A situation where something looks beyond doubt and very certain.
- 어떤 일이 조금의 틀림도 없이 확실하게 보이는 경우.
a table that was received
at a certain angle
at a glance
at a gulp
1. 꼴까닥
- A word imitating the sound or describing the motion of a small amount of liquid or food passing through one's throat.
- 적은 양의 액체나 음식물이 목구멍으로 넘어가는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
gulp; at a gulp
2. 꼴딱
- A word imitating the sound or describing the motion of swallowing a small amount of food, etc., at once.
- 적은 양의 음식물 따위를 목구멍으로 한꺼번에 삼키는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
gulp; at a gulp
3. 꿀꺼덕
- A word imitating the sound or describing the motion of water or food passing through the throat or a narrow hole at once.
- 물이나 음식물이 목구멍이나 좁은 구멍으로 한꺼번에 넘어가는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
gulp; at a gulp
4. 꿀꺽
- A word imitating the sound or describing the motion of water or food passing through the throat or a narrow hole at once.
- 물이나 음식물이 목구멍이나 좁은 구멍으로 한꺼번에 넘어가는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
gulp; at a gulp
5. 꿀떡²
- A word imitating the sound or describing the motion of swallowing food, etc., through the throat at once.
- 음식물 등을 목으로 한꺼번에 삼키는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
gulp; at a gulp
6. 홀딱
- A word describing the motion of eating a small amount of food voraciously, completely at once.
- 적은 양을 남김없이 한 번에 먹어 치우는 모양.
at a gulp; at a mouthful
7. 홀짝
- A word imitating the sound or describing the motion of drinking up a small amount of liquid, etc., at once.
- 적은 양의 액체를 한 번에 남김없이 들이마시는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
slurp; at a gulp
8. 훅
- A word imitating the sound or describing the motion of drinking up liquid, etc., in one fell swoop.
- 액체를 단숨에 들이마시는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
at a gulp; slurp
9. 훌떡
- A word describing the motion of eating a small amount of food voraciously, completely.
- 남김없이 빠르게 먹어 치우는 모양.
at a gulp; at a mouthful
10. 훌쩍
- A word imitating the sound or describing the motion of drinking up a small amount of liquid, etc., at once.
- 액체 등을 단숨에 남김없이 들이마시는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
slurp; at a gulp
11. 훌쩍훌쩍
- A word imitating the sound or describing the motion of drinking up liquid, etc., in small quantities.
- 액체 등을 남김없이 계속 들이마시는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
in sips; at a gulp
at all
8. 하등²
- An adverb used to mean "any," "at all," or a "bit."
- ‘아무런’, ‘아무’ 또는 '얼마만큼'의 뜻을 나타내는 말.
any; at all; bit
at all times
ProverbsA tall tower standing on the sand
- (figurative) An object or task whose foundation is so weak that it may collapse soon.
- (비유적으로) 기초가 튼튼하지 못하여 곧 허물어질 수 있는 물건이나 일.
A tall tower[house] standing on the sand
at a loss
at a mouthful
at any cost
2. 꼭²
- By all means under any circumstances.
- 어떤 일이 있어도 반드시.
without fail; at any cost; certainly
at any moment
at any rate
1. 가부간
- Regardless of whether something is right or wrong or whether one is for or against something.
- 옳고 그르거나, 찬성하거나 반대하거나 간에 어쨌든.
at any rate
3. 어쨌든¹
- Regardless of what happened, or how something turned out.
- 무엇이 어떻게 되든. 또는 어떻게 되어 있든.
anyway; anyhow; at any rate
5. 여하간
- Regardless of what has happened or whatever reasons a person might have.
- 일이 어떻게 되었든지 또는 어떤 이유가 있든지 상관없이.
anyway; anyhow; at any rate
6. 여하튼
- Regardless of what has happened or whatever reasons a person might have.
- 일이 어떻게 되었든지 또는 어떤 이유가 있든지 상관없이.
anyway; anyhow; at any rate
7. 하여간
- Regardless of what has happened or whatever reasons a person might have.
- 일이 어떻게 되었든지. 또는 어떤 이유가 있든지 상관없이.
anyway; anyhow; at any rate
at a short distance
at a simmer
1. 부르르
- A word imitating the sound or describing the motion of a large amount of liquid boiling lightly.
- 많은 양의 액체가 가볍게 끓을 때 나는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
at a simmer
2. 푸르르
- A word imitating the sound or describing the motion of a large amount of liquid boiling lightly.
- 많은 양의 액체가 가볍게 끓을 때 나는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
at a simmer
IdiomA taste is attached
관용구맛(이) 붙다
- To have an interest in something.
- 어떤 일에 재미가 나다.
A taste is attached
at a stretch
at a stroke
2. 한꺼번에
- In one stroke, or all at the same time.
- 몰아서 한 번에. 또는 전부 다 동시에.
at a stroke; at one blow; all at once; at the same time; all together
3. 한숨에
- A very short period of time during which one takes a breath once.
- 숨을 한 번 쉴 동안과 같이 매우 짧은 시간에.
in one breath; in a single gulp; at a stroke; in one fell swoop
at best
at dawn
at daybreak
- An expression used to recall a past incident or state, and indicate that activity related to the incident or state has been suspended, and remains incomplete.
- 과거의 사건이나 상태를 다시 떠올리거나 그 사건이나 상태가 완료되지 않고 중단되었다는 의미를 나타내는 표현.
- An expression used to indicate that there is a new incident or situation, different from a past one.
- 과거의 사실이나 상황과 다른 새로운 사실이나 상황이 있음을 나타내는 표현.
- An expression used to indicate that a past incident or situation becomes the cause or reason for the following statement.
- 과거의 사실이나 상황이 뒤에 오는 말의 원인이나 이유가 됨을 나타내는 표현.
- An expression used to indicate that it is not the case now by hypothesizing a situation that is opposite of what occurred in the past.
- 현재 그렇지 않음을 표현하기 위해 과거 상황과 반대되는 가정을 할 때 쓰는 표현.
- An expression used to indicate one's remorse or regret about an incident that already happened.
- 이미 일어난 일에 대한 후회나 아쉬움을 나타내는 표현.
at ease
- With composure, not hurrying.
- 서두르지 않고 마음의 여유가 있게.
comfortably; in a relaxed manner; at ease
IdiomA telephone set is on fire
관용구전화통에 불이 나다
- To receive a lot of phone calls.
- 전화가 아주 많이 오다.
A telephone set is on fire
ProverbsA ten thousand kilometer journey starts with the first step
- However great a work is, it starts with a very small thing.
- 아무리 큰일이라도 작은 일에서부터 시작된다.
- However great a person is, he/she has to make steady efforts to become so.
- 훌륭한 사람도 꾸준한 노력을 통해 훌륭하게 된다.
A ten thousand kilometer journey starts with the first step
A ten thousand kilometer journey starts with the first step
at every meal
at every moment
at face value
- As it is without any alteration or fabrication.
- 거짓이나 꾸밈이 없이 있는 그대로.
truly; honestly; at face value
- An idea or theory that does not acknowledge the existence of a god and rejects religious belief.
- 신의 존재를 인정하지 않고 그에 대한 신앙을 거부하는 사상이나 이론.
- A person who argues or believes the nonexistence of a god.
- 신이 존재하지 않는다고 믿거나 주장하는 사람.
ProverbsA thief who has learned stealing later than others will not even realize that the dawn breaks time while committing a theft
- For a person who becomes interested in a certain thing later than others to tend to be more enthusiastic about it.
- 남보다 늦게 어떤 일에 흥미를 느낀 사람이 그것을 더 열심히 하게 된다.
A thief who has learned stealing later than others will not even realize that the dawn breaks time while committing a theft
ProverbsA thief who has learned stealing later than others will not even realize that the day breaks while committing a theft
- For a person who becomes interested in a certain thing later than others to tend to be more enthusiastic about it.
- 남보다 늦게 어떤 일에 흥미를 느낀 사람이 그것을 더 열심히 하게 된다.
A thief who has learned stealing later than others will not even realize that the day breaks while committing a theft
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