being sensiblebeing sensitivebeing sensualbeing sensuousbeing sentimentalbeing sent to the benchbeing separatebeing sequentialbeing serialbeing seriousbeing set in stonebeing severely brokenbeing sexualbeing shabbybeing shallowbeing shamanisticbeing sharpbeing sharp-temperedbeing shatteredbeing shipshapebeing shockedbeing shockingbeing short-livedbeing short ofbeing shortsightedbeing short-temperedbeing shot to deathbeing sickbeing sick ofbeing sidelinedbeing sidetrackedbeing silentbeing similarbeing simultaneousbeing singlebeing singularbeing six of one and a half dozen of the otherbeing skepticalbeing skilledbeing skillfulbeing skinnybeing skyrocketingbeing slanderousbeing slantedbeing slightbeing slit-eyedbeing slybeing smallbeing small- and medium-sizedbeing smartbeing smashedbeing smearedbeing snobbishbeing soakedbeing soaringbeing so-calledbeing sociable
being sensible
being sensitive
being sensual
being sensuous
- The trait of something related to the senses or something keen.
- 감각에 관계되거나 예민한 것.
being sensuous; being sensitive
being sentimental
- The state of feeling sad or easily moved by small things, or things that evoke such emotions.
- 작은 일에도 쉽게 슬퍼하거나 감동하는 것. 또는 그런 감정을 불러일으키는 것.
being sentimental; being emotional
being sent to the bench
- During a sports game, an act of a player leaving the game, due to a foul, injury, etc.
- 경기 중에 선수가 반칙이나 부상 등으로 물러남.
being sent to the bench; being taken out
being separate
being sequential
being serial
- The state of being connected like a chain.
- 사슬처럼 서로 이어져 관련이 있는 것.
being serial; being successive
being serious
- A very dangerous and severe symptom of a disease.
- 몹시 위험하고 심한 병의 증세.
being serious; being acute
being set in stone
- A state in which something has been decided and cannot be changed.
- 한 번 정해지어 변하지 않음.
being set in stone
being severely broken
- A state in which something is severely broken.
- 물건이 아주 심하게 부서짐.
being smashed; being severely broken
being sexual
being shabby
- The state of looking very shabby and experiencing economic difficulties.
- 외모가 매우 초라하고 경제적으로 어려운 상태.
being shabby
being shallow
- The state of being related to or paying attention to only a visible phenomenon.
- 겉으로 드러나 보이는 현상에만 관련을 맺거나 관심을 가지는 것.
being superficial; being shallow
being shamanistic
being sharp
- The width, range, size, etc. of change, being very big.
- 변화의 폭이나 범위, 규모 등이 아주 큰 것.
being sharp; being substantial
being sharp-tempered
- Having the quality of being very sensitive so that one gets excited or mad about trivial things.
- 신경이 너무 예민하여 사소한 일에도 흥분하거나 화를 내는 성질이 있는 것.
being temperamental; being sharp-tempered
being shattered
- The state of being shattered and completely broken.
- 깨어져 완전히 부서짐.
being shattered; being crushed
being shipshape
- A state of being orderly without being in disarray.
- 질서가 잡혀 있어 조금도 흐트러지지 않음.
being in perfect order; being well-ordered; being shipshape
being shocked
- Suddenly being frightened or scared by something.
- 숨이 막힐 듯이 갑자기 놀라거나 겁에 질림.
astonishment; being shocked
being shocking
being short-lived
being short of
- The extent of not reaching a certain quantity or standard.
- 어떤 수량이나 기준에 미치지 못하는 정도.
being short of; being below; being out of reach
being shortsighted
- Seeing only the immediate or partial aspects of a phenomenon without the wisdom to anticipate the future, or the reduced ability to view the entirety of an object.
- 미래를 짐작하거나 사물 전체를 보는 지혜가 없고 당장의 부분적인 현상만 봄.
being shortsighted; being nearsighted
being short-tempered
being shot to death
- An act of killing by shooting a bow, gun, etc.
- 활이나 총 등으로 쏘아 죽임.
killing by shooting; being shot to death
being sick
being sick of
1. 신물
- A thought or feeling that one finds very boring or tedious; or such a reaction.
- 몹시 지겹거나 싫증이 난 생각이나 느낌. 또는 그런 반응.
being sick of; being tired of
2. 진절머리
- (slang) A state in which one shudders out of aversion, horror, or fear.
- (속된 말로) 몹시 싫거나 괴롭거나 끔찍할 때 몸을 떠는 것.
having enough of something; being sick of
being sidelined
- The act of failing to reach a certain standard or falling behind; or such a person.
- 정해 놓은 기준에 이르지 못하거나 처짐. 또는 그런 사람.
being sidelined; being exempted
being sidetracked
- A direction in which a story or plan moves, deviating from an initially planned direction.
- 이야기나 계획 등이 원래의 기본 방향에서 벗어난 다른 방향.
being sidetracked; distraction
being silent
being similar
being simultaneous
- The state in which several things happen at the same time.
- 여러 가지 일이 같이 일어나는 성질.
being simultaneous
being single
1. 독신
- The state of living alone without a spouse, or such a person.
- 배우자가 없이 혼자 사는 것. 또는 그런 사람.
being single
2. 미혼
- The state of being not yet married, or such a person.
- 아직 결혼하지 않음. 또는 그런 사람.
being single; being unmarried
3. 홀몸
- A person without a wife or husband, or siblings.
- 아내나 남편 또는 형제가 없는 사람.
being alone; being single
being singular
being six of one and a half dozen of the other
- A state in which two things or persons are not different after all even if one of them is a little bit better or worse than the other.
- 조금 더 낫고 못한 차이는 있으나 결국은 다르지 않음.
being nearly the same; being six of one and a half dozen of the other
being skeptical
- A state of considering something doubtful.
- 어떤 일에 의심을 품는 것.
being skeptical; being suspicious; being doubtful
being skilled
being skillful
being skinny
- A person who is thin because his/her body is slim or cheeks have little fat.
- 몸이 가냘프거나 볼에 살이 없이 마른 사람.
being lanky; being bony; being skinny
being skyrocketing
- (figurative) A state in which the prices of goods, etc., keep rising.
- (비유적으로) 물건값 등이 끝없이 오르기만 함.
being skyrocketing; being soaring
being slanderous
- An act of speaking ill of another or cursing him/her; or such curses uttered.
- 남을 헐뜯는 말이나 욕을 함. 또는 그 욕.
being foul-mouthed; being slanderous; curse
being slanted
being slight
being slit-eyed
being sly
- The quality of pretending to be foolish and ignorant, but actually being not so.
- 겉으로는 어리석은 척, 모르는 척 하지만 속은 전혀 다름.
being double-faced; being sly; being double-hearted
being small
2. 미니
- A state of being small in standard, scale or shape.
- 규격이나 규모, 모양이 작음.
being small; being minimal
3. 소형
- The one that is small in size or scale among objects of the same kind.
- 같은 종류의 사물 가운데 크기나 규모가 작은 것.
being small
4. 영세¹
- The state of a business or household being poor or small on a financial scale.
- 사업이나 살림의 규모가 매우 작고 가난함.
being petty; being small
5. 중소
- The state of a size, level, etc., being intermediate or lower.
- 규모나 수준 등이 중간이거나 그 이하인 것.
being small; being small- and medium-sized
6. 중소형
- The state of a size or magnitude being medium or small.
- 크기나 규모가 중간인 것과 작은 것.
being small; being small- and medium-sized
being small- and medium-sized
being smart
- The state of being able to remember something for a long time, or such an ability.
- 어떤 것을 오래 기억하는 힘이 있음. 또는 그 힘.
being smart; being clever
being smashed
being smeared
- (figurative) A state in which a body is covered with very watery and sticky things.
- (비유적으로) 물기가 많고 몹시 진 것이 몸에 잔뜩 묻은 상태.
being covered; being soaked; being smeared
being snobbish
- Prioritizing money and fame and being concerned only with one's own interests.
- 돈이나 명예를 제일로 치고 자신의 이익에만 관심을 가지는 것.
being snobbish; being materialistic
being soaked
- (figurative) A state in which a body is covered with very watery and sticky things.
- (비유적으로) 물기가 많고 몹시 진 것이 몸에 잔뜩 묻은 상태.
being covered; being soaked; being smeared
being soaring
- (figurative) A state in which the prices of goods, etc., keep rising.
- (비유적으로) 물건값 등이 끝없이 오르기만 함.
being skyrocketing; being soaring
being so-called
being sociable
1. 사교적¹
- A knack for easily associating with and mixing with many people.
- 여러 사람과 잘 사귀고 쉽게 어울리는 것.
being sociable; being outgoing
2. 사회성
- A nature of adapting oneself to a society, getting along with others, and forming a community.
- 사람이 사회에 적응하고 다른 사람과 원만하게 어울리며 집단을 이루어 살려고 하는 성질.
sociability; sociality; being sociable
3. 주변¹
- The act of working as a mediator or handling work in a flexible manner to bring about successful results, or such an ability.
- 일이 잘되도록 중간에서 힘쓰거나 일을 융통성 있게 함. 또는 그런 재주.
being sociable; being a people person
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