being social
    socializing; social life; being social
  • An act of getting along and associating with others.
  • 다른 사람과 어울려 사귐.
    being social
  • A state of relating to a society or having a social nature.
  • 사회에 관계되는 것이나 사회성을 지닌 것.
being sold-out
    being sold-out
  • The state of every unit of a certain product being sold, with nothing left.
  • 물건이 다 팔리고 없음.
being sole
    being sole
  • The state of being the only one.
  • 오직 하나만 있음.
    being sole; being exclusive
  • The act of the government commissioning a project to a single company or person.
  • 나라에서 특정 회사 또는 사람에게만 사업을 맡기는 것.
being solid
    being substantial; being full; being solid
  • The state of the contents of something being full and compact.
  • 내용이 알차고 단단함.
being solitary
    being alone; being solitary
  • A state of being all alone without a family.
  • 가족이 하나도 없이 혼자인 사람.
  • being alone; being solitary
  • A state of being all alone with nobody on his/her side.
  • 곁에 아무도 없는 혼자의 몸.
being something in name only
    being something in name only; being nominal
  • A name that is not real but used ostensibly for official representation.
  • 공식적으로 알리기 위해 실제와 다르게 겉으로만 내세우는 이름.
    being something in name only; being nominal
  • One's name that only looks good on the surface yet does not hold any real authority or power.
  • 실질적인 권위나 힘, 내용이 없이 겉보기에만 좋은 이름.
being sorry
    being sorry
  • A state of feeling uncomfortable and shame after doing wrong to someone.
  • 남에게 잘못을 하여 마음이 편하지 않고 부끄러움.
being southbound
    being southbound; being bound for south
  • A transportation means such as a train, bus, etc., that is bound away from Seoul for other regions of Korea.
  • 서울에서 지방으로 내려가는 기차나 버스 등의 교통수단.
being sparse
    being scattered; being dotted; being sparse
  • A state of being distributed here and there.
  • 여기저기 흩어져 있음.
being spatial
    being spatial
  • Relating to a space.
  • 공간에 관계되는 것.
being special
    being distinctive; being special
  • The state of being very different from a normal one.
  • 보통 것과 크게 다름.
    being special
  • The state of something being different from the norm, with a noticeable gap.
  • 보통과 차이가 나게 다름.
    being special
  • The state of something being different from what is normal, with a noticeable gap.
  • 보통과 차이가 나게 다름.
    being unusual; being unique; being special
  • The state of being noticeably different from others.
  • 보통과 매우 차이가 나게 다름.
being specially-made
    being specially-made
  • An act of making something specially or uniquely, unlike the normal type; or such a product.
  • 보통의 것보다 특별하거나 특수하게 만듦. 또는 그런 제품.
being specific
    being detailed; being specific
  • A state of being substantial and detailed.
  • 실제적이고 자세한 것.
    being specific; being particular
  • An act of fixing a specific target, place, etc.
  • 특별히 가리켜 분명하게 정함.
being speculative
    being speculative; being theoretical; being conjectural
  • An act of discerning a reality or thing and making a judgment solely based on logical thinking without relying on experience.
  • 경험에 의하지 않고 순수한 논리적 사고만으로 현실이나 사물을 분별하고 판단하는 것.
    speculation; being speculative
  • An act of wishing for an unexpected luck or a windfall, which is unlikely to come true.
  • 이루어질 가능성이 거의 없는 뜻밖의 행운을 바람.
    being speculative
  • The characteristic of investing money or buying and selling goods, in order to gain the profit created by a price change.
  • 가격 변화로 생기는 이익을 얻기 위해 돈을 투자하거나 물건을 사고파는 일을 하는 성질.
being speedy
    being speedy
  • A way of working that creates an effect as soon as possible.
  • 빠른 시간 안에 효과를 내도록 일을 추진하는 방식.
being spicy
    being spicy; being hot
  • A sharp, biting taste felt when eating pepper, etc.
  • 고추 등을 먹을 때 느껴지는 아리고 자극적인 맛.
    being irritating; being irritable; being pungent; being spicy
  • The characteristic of something that strongly irritates one's feeling or emotion.
  • 감각이나 감정 등에 강한 반응이 일어나게 하는 성질.
being spiritless
    being spiritless; being dejected; being absent-minded; being dazed
  • Draining of one's energy, leading to absent-mindedness; or such a state.
  • 몸의 기운이 빠지고 정신이 멍함. 또는 그런 상태.
being spiritual
    being spiritual
  • The state of being related to a soul or spirit.
  • 정신적이거나 영혼과 관계된 것.
being spontaneous
    being spontaneous; being autogenous
  • The quality of coming out or being created naturally.
  • 저절로 나거나 생기는 것.
    being natural; being spontaneous
  • The quality of occurring automatically without special efforts.
  • 특별한 노력 없이도 저절로 되는 것.
being stable
    being stable
  • The state of maintaining a steady state, not being changed or agitated.
  • 변하거나 흔들리지 않고 일정한 상태를 유지하게 되는 것.
being staggering
    being unspeakable; being staggering; being absurd
  • A person or thing that is big beyond one's imagination.
  • 상상 밖의 엄청나게 큰 물건이나 사람.
    being unspeakable; being staggering; being absurd
  • A person or thing that is big beyond one's imagination.
  • 상상 밖의 엄청나게 큰 물건이나 사람.
being stalled
    rut; being stalled
  • An affair, situation, etc., failing to progress or develop and remaining in a certain state.
  • 어떤 일이나 상황 등이 성장하거나 발전하지 못하고 일정한 정도에 그침.
    being stalled
  • A situation where something stays put without making any progress, or such a state.
  • 상태가 더 나아가지 못하고 계속 그 자리에 있는 것. 또는 그런 상태.
being standardized
    being uniform; being monolithic; being standardized
  • A state in which everything is the same without showing any differences.
  • 모두가 하나와 같아서 다름이 없는 것.
being standing
    permanent establishment; being permanent; being standing
  • An act of arranging a set of equipment and facilities to be used at all times.
  • 언제든지 이용할 수 있도록 설비와 시설을 마련해 둠.
being stand-up
    being stand-up
  • A way of doing something in a standing position, or any structure that requires such a position.
  • 선 자세로 하는 방식. 또는 그렇게 하도록 만든 구조.
being state
    being official; being state
  • An official procedure recognized by a country or society.
  • 국가나 사회가 인정한 공적인 방식.
    being national; being state
  • A state of being related to a nation.
  • 국가에 관련되는 것.
being stated clearly
    being stated clearly
  • A clear statement, the quality of being clear in expression.
  • 내용이나 뜻을 분명하게 드러내 보이는 것.
being state-owned
    being state-owned
  • The state of being owned by the nation.
  • 나라의 소유.
being state-run
    being state-run
  • The direct management of a company or broadcasting network by the government.
  • 기업이나 방송국 등을 나라에서 직접 경영함.
being stationed
    being stationed
  • The state of troops staying at a place for a certain period of time to perform a mission.
  • 군대가 임무를 수행하기 위해 어떤 곳에 얼마 동안 머무름.
    being stationed
  • The act of being sent to a place and staying there to perform a task.
  • 어떤 일을 담당하기 위해 어떤 곳으로 보내어져 머물러 있음.
being statistical
    being statistical
  • The state of depending on statistics.
  • 통계에 따르는 것.
being step by step
    being step by step
  • A format or method characterized by a step-by-step process.
  • 차례로 단계를 이루고 있는 형식이나 방식.
being step-like
    being step-like; be terraced; being tiered
  • A thing that looks like stairs, composed of several floors of different height.
  • 계단 모양으로 높이가 다른 여러 평면으로 된 것.
being stiff
    stiffness; being stiff
  • A state in which the body or a part of it becomes stiff and rigid.
  • 몸이나 몸의 일부가 굳어서 뻣뻣하게 됨.
being stimulating
    being stimulating; being sensatioinal
  • A state of focusing solely on corporal preasure, fun, and interest without stirring emotion.
  • 정신적인 감동을 주지 못하는 육체적 쾌락, 재미, 흥미 위주의 것.
being stopgap
    being makeshift; being stopgap; being temporary
  • The state of approaching a problem tentatively, not fundamentally.
  • 어떤 문제에 대하여 근본적으로 접근하지 않고 임시적으로 접근함.
being straight
    being vertical; being straight; being upright
  • A state in which an object goes down or falls in a straight line.
  • 사물이 아래로 곧게 내려가거나 떨어지는 상태.
being strategic
    being strategic
  • Something that relates to ways and plans to win a war.
  • 전쟁에서 이기기 위한 방법과 계획에 관한 것.
  • being strategic
  • Something that relates to ways and plans needed for social activities such as politics, business, etc.
  • 정치, 경제 등의 사회적 활동을 하는 데 필요한 방법과 계획에 관한 것.
being strong
    being strong; being rich
  • The state of having power or fortune.
  • 힘이나 재산이 있음.
    being strong; being positive; being active
  • The state of being committed to something and thus acting positively and vigorously.
  • 어떤 일에 대하여 자신의 의지를 가지고 긍정적이며 활발하게 행동함.
being structural
    being structural
  • A state in which elements or constituents become interrelated to constitute a whole.
  • 부분이나 요소가 짜여서 하나의 전체를 이루는 것.
being stubborn
    being stubborn
  • The manner of ignoring what other people say because of stubbornness.
  • 지나치게 고집이 세서 남의 말을 듣지 않으려고 함.
being stuck
    enemies on all sides; being beleaguered; no way out; being stuck
  • A difficult situation or circumstance where one is not able to get help from anyone.
  • 아무에게도 도움을 받지 못하는 어려운 상황이나 형편.
being stupid
    being stupid; being ridiculous
  • A thoughtless act done without following one's own opinion or belief.
  • 일정한 의견이나 주장이 없이 되는대로 하는 짓.
being stylish
    being stylish
  • Looking beautiful and elegant thanks to one's clothes and demeanor.
  • 옷차림이나 몸가짐 등을 잘 꾸며서 아름답고 보기 좋은 모양.
    being stylish
  • A state in which certain clothes look good on someone.
  • 입은 옷이 어울리는 모양새.
  • being stylish
  • A state in which certain clothes look stylish.
  • 옷이 보기 좋게 생긴 모양.
    being stylish
  • The state of looking beautiful and elegant thanks to one's clothes and demeanor.
  • 옷차림이나 몸가짐 등을 잘 꾸며서 아름답고 보기 좋은 모양.
being subject
    being subject; being subordinate; subjugation
  • A state of being ruled by another.
  • 지배를 당함.
being subjective
    being subjective
  • The state of having one's own thoughts or perspectives as a standard.
  • 자신의 생각이나 관점을 기준으로 하는 것.
being submissive
    being submissive
  • The act of backing down miserably and obeying another person.
  • 비참할 정도로 자기 생각을 굽혀 남에게 복종하는 것.
being subordinate
    being younger; being subordinate
  • A relationship in which the other person is lower in age, status, etc., or a person in such a relationship.
  • 자기보다 나이나 지위 등이 아래인 관계. 또는 그런 관계에 있는 사람.
    being subordinate
  • A person lower in rank than oneself.
  • 직위가 자기보다 낮은 사람.
    being junior; being subordinate
  • The lower part in social status, age, position, etc.
  • 신분이나 나이, 지위 등에서 낮은 쪽.
    being subordinate
  • Something that depends on something else.
  • 어떤 것에 딸려 붙어 있는 것.
    being subject; being subordinate; subjugation
  • A state of being ruled by another.
  • 지배를 당함.
being subsequent
    being after the fact; being post; being subsequent; being ex-post facto
  • A time after a work is done, or one finishes a work.
  • 일이 끝난 뒤. 또는 일을 끝낸 뒤.
being subservient
    being subservient
  • A master and a servant.
  • 주인과 부하.
being substantial
    being sharp; being substantial
  • The width, range, size, etc. of change, being very big.
  • 변화의 폭이나 범위, 규모 등이 아주 큰 것.
    being essential; being substantial
  • The state of being the same as the actual content.
  • 실제의 내용과 같은 것.
    being substantial; being full; being solid
  • The state of the contents of something being full and compact.
  • 내용이 알차고 단단함.
being subversive
    being seditious; being subversive; being rebellious
  • A state in which words, actions, ideas, etc. are contrary or do not correspond to that of ruling power or system.
  • 말, 행동, 또는 사상 등이 통치 권력이나 체제에 반대되거나 맞지 않음.
    being destructive; being subversive; being disruptive
  • A quality of breaking an order, a relationship, etc. or dismantling an organization to ruin it completely.
  • 조직, 질서, 관계 등을 깨뜨려 무너뜨리려는 것.
being successful
    being successful
  • Achieving something one aimed at.
  • 목적한 것을 이루었다고 할 만한 것.
    success; being successful
  • One's state of rising to a high social position or becoming famous.
  • 사회적으로 높은 지위에 오르거나 유명하게 됨.

'English - Korean > b' 카테고리의 다른 글

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