being the youngest
    being the youngest
  • (endearing) The baby.
  • (귀엽게 이르는 말로) 막내.
    being the youngest
  • (endearing) The baby.
  • (귀엽게 이르는 말로) 막내.
being thinly veiled
    being undisguised; being thinly veiled
  • An attitude of revealing everything outright.
  • 숨김없이 모두를 있는 그대로 드러내는 것.
being third-class
    being third-rate; being third-class; low grade
  • A category of the lowest level or status in a certain field.
  • 어떤 분야에서 수준이나 지위가 가장 낮은 부류.
being third-rate
    being third-rate; being third-class; low grade
  • A category of the lowest level or status in a certain field.
  • 어떤 분야에서 수준이나 지위가 가장 낮은 부류.
being this way
    being this way; being like this
  • (disparaging or endearing) The state, shape, quality, etc., of something being as follows.
  • (낮잡아 이르거나 귀엽게 이르는 말로) 상태, 모양, 성질 등이 이와 같다.
being thorough
    being detailed; being thorough
  • Reaching the details.
  • 자세한 부분까지 미치는 것.
being thoroughly injured
    being thoroughly injured
  • A state in which one's entire body is injured.
  • 몸 전체에 상처를 입음.
being threatening
    being threatening; being menacing
  • The manner of making someone feel afraid, with fierce words or behavior.
  • 무서운 말이나 행동으로 상대방이 두려움을 느끼도록 하는 것.
being three-colored
    three colors; being three-colored
  • A set of three different colors.
  • 세 가지의 색.
being three-dimensional
    three dimensions; being three-dimensional
  • A state in which space consists of three dimensions including breadth, length, and height.
  • 공간이 가로, 세로, 높이의 세 차원으로 이루어져 있음.
being threefold
    three parts; three stages; triple; being threefold
  • A state of dividing a certain process, sequence, etc. into three.
  • 단계나 순서 등을 셋으로 구분한 것.
being three-folded
    three sides; being three-folded
  • Three sides or three directions.
  • 세 개의 면. 또는 세 방면.
being throughout the year
    four seasons; being throughout the year; being all year round; always
  • A period from spring, summer, fall and through winter.
  • 봄, 여름, 가을, 겨울 네 계절 내내의 동안.
being thrown into utter disorder
    being thrown into utter disorder
  • A state in which the world is being turned upside down and pushed into chaos.
  • 세상이 어지럽게 뒤집힘.
being tiered
    being step-like; be terraced; being tiered
  • A thing that looks like stairs, composed of several floors of different height.
  • 계단 모양으로 높이가 다른 여러 평면으로 된 것.
being tight
    being tight; being imminent; being urgent
  • The state of someone not having much time left, as the due date approaches quickly.
  • 마감이 바싹 다가와서 시간이 별로 없음.
being time-based
    being time-based
  • Relating to time.
  • 시간에 관한 것.
being time-limited
    being time-limited
  • Having a certain time limit in something.
  • 어떤 일에 일정한 시간의 기한을 둠.
being timely
    being timely
  • Relating to the right time or appropriate opportunity.
  • 알맞은 때나 기회에 관련된 것.
being time-worn
    being worn out; being time-worn
  • Facilities or an object being old and shabby from being aged.
  • 시설이나 물건 등이 오래되고 낡음.
being tinged with red
    being reddish; being tinged with red; red
  • A dark-red color like that of a ripe red pepper or blood.
  • 잘 익은 고추나 피의 빛깔과 같이 짙은 빨간 빛.
being tiny
    being tiny
  • (figurative) A lump that is smaller than a fist.
  • (비유적으로) 주먹보다 작은 크기의 덩이.
being tired of
    being sick of; being tired of
  • A thought or feeling that one finds very boring or tedious; or such a reaction.
  • 몹시 지겹거나 싫증이 난 생각이나 느낌. 또는 그런 반응.
being to be known
    being to be known; being uncertain; being up in the air
  • A state of being in which it is difficult to determine how things will go.
  • 어떻게 될지 예상하기 어려운 일.
being together and splitting
    meeting and parting; being together and splitting
  • A state of going back and forth between meeting and parting.
  • 헤어졌다가 만나고 모였다가 흩어짐.
being tolerable
    being tolerable; being bearable; being fair
  • A state or attribute being easy enough to be estimated or controlled.
  • 상태나 성질 등의 짐작하거나 다스릴 수 있을 만한 정도.
being tongue-in-cheek
    being pranksome; being tongue-in-cheek
  • The tone of a remark intended to sound fun or to tease someone.
  • 장난으로 다른 사람을 놀리거나 웃기려고 하는 말투.
being too little
    being too little
  • Excessive lack of people or buildings, etc.
  • 인구나 건물 등이 지나치게 모자람.
being too much
    being too much; unreasonableness; impracticality; being out of reach
  • An act that goes too far, being against common sense.
  • 상식에서 벗어나게 정도가 지나침.
being toothless
    being toothless
  • (disparaging) A person who is toothless with his/her cheeks sunken and lips pursed.
  • (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 이가 빠져서 입과 볼이 움푹 들어간 사람.
being totally different
    being totally different; being opposite
  • A totally different state or attitude.
  • 전혀 다른 모습이나 태도.
  • being totally different; being opposite
  • A totally different circumstance or situation.
  • 아주 다른 형편이나 형세.
being touched
    being touching; being touched
  • The state of someone or something being very touching or touched.
  • 마음에 느끼는 감동이 큰 것.
being touching
    being touching; being touched
  • The state of someone or something being very touching or touched.
  • 마음에 느끼는 감동이 큰 것.
being toward one direction
    being toward one direction
  • The tendency of something developing in a certain direction.
  • 그렇게 되어 가는 경향.
being traditional
    being traditional
  • Following a long-observed order or custom in a society.
  • 한 사회에서 오랫동안 지켜진 질서나 풍습에 따른 것.
    being traditional
  • Being passed on from the past.
  • 예전부터 있어 전해 내려옴.
    being traditional
  • A way that has been passed on from the past.
  • 예전부터 전해 내려오는 방식.
    being passed down; being traditional
  • The act of being passed on from the past.
  • 예로부터 전해 내려옴.
    being traditional
  • Something that has been passed on from previous generations in a group or community.
  • 어떤 집단이나 공동체에서 지난 시대부터 전해 내려오는 것.
being tragic
    being tragic
  • A feeling of angst about one's sad and unfortunate life.
  • 이야기나 인생이 슬프고 불행하여 안타까운 것.
being transcendental
    being transcendental
  • An attitude in which one regards things transcending reality as noble.
  • 현실을 벗어난 것을 고상하게 여기는 것.
being transitional
    being transitional
  • The state of having the transitional feature of the state of something changing to another state.
  • 한 상태에서 새로운 상태로 옮아가는 과도기의 특징을 지닌 것.
being triangular
    triangle; being triangular
  • A triangular shape that has three edges.
  • 세 개의 모서리가 있는 세모 모양.
    being triangular
  • A shape that has three edges.
  • 세 개의 모서리가 있는 모양.
  • triangle; being triangular
  • A plane figure formed by three lines connecting three dots that are not on a straight line.
  • 일직선 위에 있지 않는 세 개의 점을 세 직선으로 이은 평면 도형.
being tricky
    being tricky; being coy
  • The state of acting or speaking differently from what one would normally do, to impress someone.
  • 남에게 잘 보이기 위해서 자신의 원래 모습과는 다르게 말과 행동을 꾸미는 것.
being trifling
    being trifling; being minor; being trivial
  • A state of being minor or trivial, neither fundamental nor important.
  • 근본적이거나 중요하지 않은 하찮거나 사소한 것.
being triple
    being triple; three times
  • A state of being folded in three, or repeated three times.
  • 세 겹. 또는 세 번 거듭됨.
being trivial
    being trifling; being minor; being trivial
  • A state of being minor or trivial, neither fundamental nor important.
  • 근본적이거나 중요하지 않은 하찮거나 사소한 것.
being troubled
    being troubled
  • The state of feeling bad because of an unnecessary worry or trouble.
  • 필요 없는 근심이나 걱정 때문에 상하는 마음.
being true to life
    being realistic; being true to life
  • An act of showing something exactly as it is.
  • 실제 있는 그대로를 보여 주는 것.
being turbulent
    being turbulent; being full of ups and downs
  • The state of a task or life being full of big changes and big troubles.
  • 일이나 인생이 변화가 심하고 여러 가지 어려움이 많음.
being two-dimensional
    two dimensions; being two-dimensional
  • A state in which a plane consists of two dimensions like top and bottom, and left and right.
  • 평면이 상하와 좌우의 두 차원으로 이루어져 있음.
    being flat; being two-dimensional
  • The state of something taking or being in a flat form.
  • 평면으로 되어 있는 것.
being two fold
    being double; being two fold; two times
  • The state of being folded in two, or repeated two times.
  • 두 겹. 또는 두 번 겹치는 것.
being two-sided
    being double-faced; being two-sided
  • A state in which one object has two opposing qualities.
  • 한 가지 사물에 속하여 있으며 서로 맞서는 두 가지의 성질.
being typical
    being representative; being typical
  • A quality of being extremely outstanding or excellent enough to represent a certain group or sector.
  • 어떤 집단이나 분야를 대표할 만큼 가장 두드러지거나 뛰어난 것.
    being typical
  • A characteristic that belongs to a certain type.
  • 어떤 유형에 속하는 성질.
    being typical; being classic
  • Something that best represents the characteristics of things that belong to the same category
  • 같은 갈래에 속하는 것들의 특징을 가장 잘 나타내는 것.
being ugly-looking
    being ugly-looking
  • An ugly-looking face, or a person with such a face.
  • 못생긴 얼굴. 또는 그렇게 생긴 사람.
being ultimate
    being ultimate
  • The last of a process.
  • 어떤 과정의 맨 마지막.
    being ultimate; being final
  • Reaching the last stage or end of a certain work.
  • 어떤 일의 마지막이나 끝에 도달하는 것.
    being extreme; being ultimate
  • A stage in which a situation or state is hard to be sustained or progress any further.
  • 상황이나 상태가 더 이상 유지되거나 진행되기 힘든 것.
being ultra-modern
    being ultra-modern
  • The state of exceeding an ordinary level of the present.
  • 오늘날의 일반적인 수준을 넘어서는 것.
Idiombeing unable to die
관용구죽지 못해
    being unable to die
  • Without alternative ways; against one's will.
  • 다른 방법이 없어서. 마지못해.
being unanimous
    unanimous voice; being unanimous
  • A state in which several people's opinions are the same as if they were given by one person.
  • 여러 사람의 말이 한입으로 말하는 것처럼 같음.
being unarmed
    demilitarization; being unarmed
  • A state of not being armed with equipment like weapons in an army, police, etc.
  • 군대나 경찰이 갖추어야 할 무기 등의 장비를 갖추지 않음.
being unassailable
    being impregnable; being unassailable
  • A state in which something does not topple or is not occupied easily because it cannot be easily attacked.
  • 공격하기 어려워 쉽게 무너지거나 빼앗기지 않음. 또는 그런 대상.
being unavoidable
    being unavoidable; being uncontrollable
  • A state of being beyond human power.
  • 사람의 힘으로는 막을 수 없는 것.
    being inevitable; being unavoidable
  • A state in which the outcome of an event or the relationship among certain things is predetermined to be in a certain way.
  • 어떤 일의 결과나 사물의 관계가 반드시 그렇게 될 수밖에 없는 것.
being unbalanced
    being unbalanced
  • An item with legs any of which is broken.
  • 발 달린 물건의 한쪽 발이 멀쩡하지 못한 것.
being unbearable to see
    being unbearable to see
  • Being unable to bear to look at what is unfolding in front of one's eyes.
  • 눈앞에 벌어진 상황을 차마 눈 뜨고 보기 힘듦.
being unbeaten
    being undefeated; being unbeaten
  • The act or an instance of never having lost a single fight or game.
  • 싸움이나 경기에서 한 번도 진 적이 없음.
    invincibility; being unbeaten; being without any failure
  • A state in which one never loses or fails.
  • 지지 않음. 또는 실패하지 않음.
being unbiased
    being bias-free; being unbiased
  • The state of not having any useless thoughts, bias, etc.
  • 쓸데없는 생각이나 선입관 등이 없는 상태.
being uncertain
    being to be known; being uncertain; being up in the air
  • A state of being in which it is difficult to determine how things will go.
  • 어떻게 될지 예상하기 어려운 일.
    being uncertain; being unsure
  • A state of not being certain.
  • 확실하지 않음.
being unchallenged
    being unshakable; being unchallenged
  • A state in which a person's thought or will is unshakable.
  • 생각이나 의지가 흔들리지 않음.
being uncivilized
    being uncivilized; being savage; being barbarous
  • A state in which civilization has not developed.
  • 문명이 발달하지 못한 상태.

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