being uncommonbeing uncommunicativebeing uncompromisingbeing unconditionalbeing unconfirmedbeing unconquerablebeing unconscientiousbeing unconsciousbeing unconsciouslybeing unconstitutionalbeing uncontrollablebeing unconventionalbeing uncookedbeing uncooperativebeing uncoveredbeing uncriticalbeing uncrownedbeing undauntedbeing undecidedbeing undeclaredbeing undefeatablebeing undefeatedbeing underbeing under commandbeing under controlbeing underdevelopedbeing under firebeing underfootbeing underhandbeing under influencebeing under one's nosebeing underprivilegedbeing underqualifiedbeing under school agebeing understood without clarificationbeing under the government's thumbbeing under the influence of alcoholbeing under the namebeing under the pretextbeing under the rule ofbeing underwaterbeing undevelopedbeing undisguisedbeing undividedbeing unearthedbeing unemployedbeing unequaledbeing unequally distributedbeing unethicalbeing unevenbeing unexpectedbeing unexpectedlybeing unexploredbeing unfairbeing unfitbeing unfortunatebeing unhappy with strangersbeing unheard-ofbeing unhinderedbeing unhygienicbeing unidentifiedbeing uniform
being uncommon
- The quality of having an unusual property unlike other common things.
- 보통과 달리 색다른 성질을 지닌 것.
being unique; being novel; being uncommon
being uncommunicative
- A poor speaker who often stumbles over words.
- 말이 자꾸 막히고 유창하지 않는 말솜씨.
being not a good speaker; being not good with words; being uncommunicative
being uncompromising
1. 강경
- An attitude that is strong and not compromising or yielding.
- 태도나 주장 등이 타협하거나 양보하지 않을 정도로 강함.
being firm; being determined; being uncompromising
2. 반골
- A disposition to resist a certain power or authority without obeying it, or a person with such a disposition.
- 어떤 권력이나 권위에 따르지 않고 저항하는 기질. 또는 그런 기질을 지닌 사람.
being uncompromising; being defiant
3. 비타협적¹
- An attitude of adhering firmly to one's own stance without compromise.
- 타협하지 않고 자신의 입장을 굳게 유지하는 것.
being uncompromising; being unyielding
being unconditional
being unconfirmed
being unconquerable
- (figurative) A place difficult to enter; or a person difficult to persuade or beat in a competition.
- (비유적으로) 진출하기 어려운 곳. 또는 설득하거나 경쟁에서 이기기 어려운 상대.
being undefeatable; being unconquerable
being unconscientious
- A state of being in which a person knowingly commits immoral acts without apparent concern.
- 양심에 어긋나는 것.
being unconscientious; being unscrupulous
being unconscious
being unconsciously
- The moment when one has not expected or thought of.
- 미처 생각하지 못하거나 뜻하지 않은 순간.
being unexpectedly; being unconsciously
being unconstitutional
- A state in which the content or procedure of a law, order, rule, etc., violates the constitution.
- 법률, 명령, 규칙 등의 내용이나 절차가 헌법을 어김.
violation of the constitution; being unconstitutional
being uncontrollable
- A state of being beyond human power.
- 사람의 힘으로는 막을 수 없는 것.
being unavoidable; being uncontrollable
being unconventional
being uncooked
being uncooperative
- A refusal or failure to work together and help.
- 힘을 합쳐 돕지 않음.
being uncooperative; noncooperation
being uncovered
being uncritical
being uncrowned
being undaunted
- Ability to carry on something through difficulty or crisis.
- 어려움이나 위기를 극복하고 어떤 일을 해 나가는 능력.
being a daredevil; being undaunted
being undecided
being undeclared
- The state of having not reported a certain fact to a relevant authority.
- 관련 기관 등에 어떤 사실을 아직 보고하지 않음.
being undeclared; being unregistered; being unreported
being undefeatable
- (figurative) A place difficult to enter; or a person difficult to persuade or beat in a competition.
- (비유적으로) 진출하기 어려운 곳. 또는 설득하거나 경쟁에서 이기기 어려운 상대.
being undefeatable; being unconquerable
being undefeated
- The act or an instance of never having lost a single fight or game.
- 싸움이나 경기에서 한 번도 진 적이 없음.
being undefeated; being unbeaten
being under
1. 미만
- The state of not reaching a certain quantity or amount.
- 일정한 수량이나 정도에 이르지 못함.
being under; being below
2. 산하²
- A state of belonging to a certain organization or force, being under the influence of such an entity.
- 어떤 조직이나 세력에 속하여 그 영향이 미치는 범위.
being under; being under control; being affiliated
being under command
- A state of being under a general's command; or a person who follows his/her command.
- 장군의 지휘 아래. 또는 그 지휘를 따르는 사람.
being under command; subordinate under command
being under control
- A state of belonging to a certain organization or force, being under the influence of such an entity.
- 어떤 조직이나 세력에 속하여 그 영향이 미치는 범위.
being under; being under control; being affiliated
being underdeveloped
being under fire
- A state of being subject to a bad reputation or hatred.
- 나쁜 평판을 듣거나 미움을 받음.
frowning; scowling; being under fire
being underfoot
- Surface beneath or below one's feet, or the surrounding area.
- 발의 밑이나 발의 아래. 또는 그 주변.
being at one's feet; being underfoot
being underhand
- The part of an event or an object that is not exposed outwardly.
- 어떤 일이나 사건의 겉으로 드러나지 않은 부분.
being behind; being underhand
being under influence
- A state of being under the influence of a certain person.
- 어떤 사람의 영향력 아래.
being under influence
being under one's nose
being underprivileged
- A state in which one's living or situation is difficult and pitiful.
- 살림이나 처지가 딱하고 어려움.
being underprivileged; being unfortunate; being disadvantaged
being underqualified
- The state of having none or few of the qualifications needed for a certain job or position.
- 어떤 일을 하는 데 필요한 자격이 없거나 모자람.
disqualification; being underqualified
being under school age
being understood without clarification
- A state of being able to clearly understand without asking.
- 묻지 않아도 명백하게 알 수 있음.
being understood without clarification
being under the government's thumb
- (disparaging) An act of following a person or an institution in power for self-interest.
- (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 자신의 이익을 위하여 권력자나 권력 기관을 좇아 행동하는 것.
government-patronized; government-controlled; being under the government's thumb
being under the influence of alcohol
- The time during which one is drunk.
- 술에 취한 동안.
being drunk; being under the influence of alcohol
being under the name
- A name with authority and responsibility on an official document.
- 공식 문서에서 권한과 책임이 있는 이름.
name; being under the name
being under the pretext
- An ostensible reason or excuse to cover something.
- 무엇을 하기 위해 겉으로 내세우는 이유나 핑계.
pretext; cause; being under the pretext
being under the rule of
- The state of being ruled by a certain nation or person.
- 어떤 나라나 사람에게 다스림을 당하는 상황.
being under the rule of
being underwater
being undeveloped
being undisguised
being undivided
- The state of being not yet divided into multiple different forms.
- 여러 다른 형태로 아직 나누어지지 않은 채로 있음.
being undivided
being unearthed
- The state of a buried, old object coming out on the surface, or an act of digging such a thing.
- 땅속에 묻혀 있던 오래된 물건이 밖으로 나옴. 또는 그것을 파냄.
excavation; being unearthed
being unemployed
being unequaled
1. 불세출
- The state of having an outstanding talent that is rarely found in this world.
- 좀처럼 세상에 나타나지 않을 만큼 매우 뛰어남.
being extraordinary; being unequaled
2. 일품
- The state of one's talent or ability being very good and excellent; such an excellent talent or ability.
- 재주나 능력이 아주 좋고 훌륭함. 또는 그 재주나 능력.
being unequaled; being peerless; being unrivaled
being unequally distributed
- An act of leaning too much toward one side.
- 한쪽으로 치우침.
giving too much importance; being unequally distributed
being unethical
1. 부도덕
- A state of not following ethical standards or not being moral.
- 도덕에 어긋나거나 도덕적이지 않음.
being immoral; being unethical
2. 비도덕적¹
- A state of being contrary to the duties and principles that one is supposed to follow as a human being.
- 인간으로서 따르고 지켜야 할 도리에 맞지 않는 것.
being immoral; being unethical
3. 비윤리적¹
- A state of being contrary to the duties and principles that one is supposed to follow as a human being.
- 사람이 마땅히 지켜야 할 도리를 따르지 않는 것.
being unethical; being immoral
being uneven
being unexpected
being unexpectedly
- The moment when one has not expected or thought of.
- 미처 생각하지 못하거나 뜻하지 않은 순간.
being unexpectedly; being unconsciously
being unexplored
being unfair
- A state of being contrary to reason, and therefore considered unjust.
- 도리에 어긋나서 정당하지 않음.
injustice; being unfair; being wrongful
being unfit
- A state of being not suitable for a certain job or situation.
- 어떤 일이나 조건에 알맞지 않음.
being unsuitable; being unfit; being inappropriate
being unfortunate
- A state in which one's living or situation is difficult and pitiful.
- 살림이나 처지가 딱하고 어려움.
being underprivileged; being unfortunate; being disadvantaged
being unhappy with strangers
- A state in which a baby cries or does not like it when seeing a stranger.
- 아기가 낯선 사람을 보고 울거나 싫어하는 것.
being unhappy with strangers
being unheard-of
being unhindered
- An act of going forward without being hindered by any obstacle or blockage.
- 걸리거나 막히는 것이 없는 상태.
being unimpeded; being unhindered
being unhygienic
- A state of not being good or right for staying healthy.
- 건강을 지키는 데 좋지 않거나 알맞지 않은 것.
being unhygienic; being unsanitary
being unidentified
- The state of an identity not being clear or certain, or something with such an identity.
- 정체가 분명하거나 확실하지 않음. 또는 그러한 것.
being mysterious; being unidentified
being uniform
1. 일률적¹
- A state in which a way or mindset of dealing with a certain work is uniform.
- 일을 처리하는 태도나 방식이 한결같은 것.
being uniform; being even
2. 천편일률적¹
- A state in which many things are similar to each other without any unique character.
- 여럿이 각각의 특성이 없이 모두 거의 비슷한 것.
being monotonous; being uniform
3. 획일적¹
- A state in which everything is the same without showing any differences.
- 모두가 하나와 같아서 다름이 없는 것.
being uniform; being monolithic; being standardized
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