being unilateral
    being one-sided; being unilateral
  • A state of leaning toward one party or side.
  • 어느 한쪽이나 한편으로 치우친 것.
being unimpeded
    being unimpeded; being unhindered
  • An act of going forward without being hindered by any obstacle or blockage.
  • 걸리거나 막히는 것이 없는 상태.
being uninformed
    being uninformed; being ignorant
  • A state in which one has neither knowledge of nor relations to a person or thing.
  • 어떤 것에 대해 전혀 알지 못하거나 관계가 없는 상태.
being unintentional
    being unintentional
  • Not realizing by oneself due to lack of thought or intention.
  • 아무런 생각이나 의도가 없어 스스로 깨닫지 못하는 사이.
    being unintentional
  • Not realizing by oneself due to lack of thought or intention.
  • 아무런 생각이나 의도가 없어 스스로 깨닫지 못하는 사이.
being unique
    being unique; being novel; being uncommon
  • The quality of having an unusual property unlike other common things.
  • 보통과 달리 색다른 성질을 지닌 것.
    being unusual; being unique; being special
  • The state of being noticeably different from others.
  • 보통과 매우 차이가 나게 다름.
    being unusual; being unique
  • The state of something or someone being noticeably different from others.
  • 보통의 것에 비해 뚜렷하게 다름.
being unisex
    being unisex
  • Something that has sexual characteristics that are neither distinctively male nor female.
  • 성적인 특징이 남성이나 여성 중 어느 한쪽의 특성을 뚜렷하게 갖지 않는 것.
being universal
    being universal
  • A state in which something is commonly used or attracts the sympathy of many people.
  • 일반적으로 통용되거나 대부분의 사람들이 공감할 수 있는 것.
    being general; being popular; being universal
  • A quality of being extensively applicable, not being limited to some parts.
  • 일부에 한정되지 않고 두루 해당될 수 있는 것.
being unknowing
    being unknowing; being unwitting
  • While one is unaware.
  • 알지 못하는 동안.
being unknowing and ignorant
    being unknowing and ignorant
  • A state in which one has little understanding of the reality and is ignorant of how the world works.
  • 세상 물정도 잘 모르고 세상 이치에도 어두움.
being unknown
    being unknown; being nameless; being anonymous
  • A state of being without a name or unable to know by name.
  • 이름이 없거나 이름을 알 수 없음.
  • namelessness; obscurity; being unknown
  • A state in which one's name is not widely known.
  • 이름이 널리 알려져 있지 않음.
    being unknown
  • The state of being not known for sure.
  • 확실하게 알려지지 않음.
    being unknown
  • The state of being not yet known.
  • 아직 알지 못함.
    being unknown
  • A number whose value is to be discovered in mathematics.
  • 수학에서, 아직 값이 밝혀지지 않은 수.
    being unknown
  • A state in which something is not identified, and therefore uncertain.
  • 밝혀지지 않아 확실하게 알 수 없음.
being unlawful
    being unlawful; being unruly
  • The state of acting uncontrollably without regard for the law.
  • 법을 상관하지 않고 제멋대로임.
    being illegal; being unlawful
  • The quality of being against the law.
  • 법에 어긋나는 것.
    being illegal; being unlawful
  • The state of being against the law.
  • 법을 어기는 것.
being unlicensed
    being unlicensed
  • The state of having no license.
  • 면허가 없음.
    being unlicensed
  • The state of having no license or permission to do something.
  • 허가를 받지 않거나 허가가 없음.
being unlimited
    being unlimited
  • The state of having no fixed limit or range.
  • 정해진 한도나 범위가 없음.
being unmanned
    being unmanned
  • The state of being run or operated automatically without a person.
  • 사람이 없음.
being unmarried
    being single; being unmarried
  • The state of being not yet married, or such a person.
  • 아직 결혼하지 않음. 또는 그런 사람.
being unmovable
    being unmovable; being unshakeable
  • A state of not bulging even an inch when shaken.
  • 흔들어도 조금도 움직이지 않음.
being unnecessary
    being unnecessary
  • A state of being not necessary.
  • 필요하지 않음.
being unnecessary and non-urgent
    being unnecessary and non-urgent
  • A state in which something is neither necessary nor urgent.
  • 필요하지도 않고 급하지도 않음.
being unorthodox
    being heretical; being unorthodox
  • The quality of rejecting an authoritative idea, theory, etc.
  • 권위 있는 사상이나 학설 등에 반항하는 것.
  • being heretical; being unorthodox
  • The quality of being not recognized as an orthodoxy because it is against the orthodox doctrines of a certain religion.
  • 정통 교리에 어긋나는 주장을 하여 정통으로 인정되지 않는 것.
being unpaid
    being unpaid
  • The state of not getting paid for one's workload.
  • 일에 대한 대가를 받지 않음.
    being unpaid
  • The state of not getting paid for one's work.
  • 어떤 일에 대한 대가가 없음.
being unpleasant
    being unpleasant; displeasure; discomfort
  • A state of feeling bad due to dissatisfaction with a certain matter.
  • 어떤 일이 마음에 들지 않아 기분이 좋지 않음.
being unprecedented
    being unprecedented
  • A state in which there has not been anything comparable.
  • 비교할 만한 것이 이전에는 없음.
    being unprecedented; being unheard-of
  • A state in which something has not been heard of before, or has not happened before.
  • 이전까지 듣지 못함. 또는 이전까지 없었음.
    being unheard-of; being unprecedented
  • Something that has never happened before.
  • 지금까지 한 번도 있어 본 적이 없음.
    being unprecedented; being rare
  • Being extraordinary and unique.
  • 보통의 경우에서 벗어나 특이한 것.
    being unprecedented
  • Something surprising or new that has been unheard of so far.
  • 이제까지 들어 본 적이 없는 매우 놀랍거나 처음 있는 일.
    being the first; being unprecedented
  • The state of something being the first of its kind.
  • 처음으로 있음.
being unpublished
    being unpublished
  • A state in which a book or material has not been printed yet.
  • 책이나 인쇄물이 아직 인쇄되어 나오지 않은 상태.
    being unpublished
  • A piece of literary or musical work having not yet been released.
  • 문학이나 음악 등의 작품이 아직 발표되지 않음.
    being unpublished; being closed-door; non-disclosure
  • An act of not opening or disclosing a certain fact or matter to the outside.
  • 어떤 사실이나 내용을 외부에 알리거나 보이지 않음.
being unqualified
    being unqualified
  • The state of being unqualified for something.
  • 어떤 일을 할 자격이 없음.
    being unqualified
  • A state of being not qualified for something.
  • 어떤 것에 자격이 맞지 않음.
being unreal
    being unrealistic; being unreal; being improbable
  • A thing that is not real or cannot be realized.
  • 실제로 존재하지 않거나 실현될 수 없는 것.
being unrealistic
    being unrealistic; being unreal; being improbable
  • A thing that is not real or cannot be realized.
  • 실제로 존재하지 않거나 실현될 수 없는 것.
being unreasonable
    being unreasonable; being illogical
  • A state of being contrary to logic or reason.
  • 이론이나 이치에 맞지 않음.
    being irrational; being unreasonable; being illogical
  • A state of being contrary to a theory, reason or logic.
  • 이론이나 이치에 맞지 않는 것.
being unregistered
    being unregistered; absence of registration
  • A state in which one's record such as home, nationality, school, etc. is not documented.
  • 호적이나 국적, 학적 등이 문서에 기록되어 있지 않음.
    being unregistered
  • The state of being not registered.
  • 등록하지 않음.
    being undeclared; being unregistered; being unreported
  • The state of having not reported a certain fact to a relevant authority.
  • 관련 기관 등에 어떤 사실을 아직 보고하지 않음.
being unreported
    being undeclared; being unregistered; being unreported
  • The state of having not reported a certain fact to a relevant authority.
  • 관련 기관 등에 어떤 사실을 아직 보고하지 않음.
being unresolved
    being unresolved
  • A state in which a matter or incident has not been resolved yet.
  • 일이나 사건이 아직 해결되지 않음.
    being unresolved
  • The state of being not yet resolved.
  • 아직 해결하지 못함.
being unresponsive
    being unresponsive
  • The act of not responding to a question.
  • 물음에 아무 대답도 하지 않음.
being unrivaled
    being unequaled; being peerless; being unrivaled
  • The state of one's talent or ability being very good and excellent; such an excellent talent or ability.
  • 재주나 능력이 아주 좋고 훌륭함. 또는 그 재주나 능력.
being unruly
    being unlawful; being unruly
  • The state of acting uncontrollably without regard for the law.
  • 법을 상관하지 않고 제멋대로임.
being unsanitary
    being unhygienic; being unsanitary
  • A state of not being good or right for staying healthy.
  • 건강을 지키는 데 좋지 않거나 알맞지 않은 것.
being unscientific
    being unscientific
  • Something which is not based on knowledge or a scientific system.
  • 과학의 내용이나 체계를 근거로 하지 않는 것.
being unscrupulous
    being unconscientious; being unscrupulous
  • A state of being in which a person knowingly commits immoral acts without apparent concern.
  • 양심에 어긋나는 것.
being unshakable
    being immovable; being immobile; being unshakable
  • A state in which a thing, body, or status does not change.
  • 물건이나 몸, 지위가 움직이지 않음.
  • being unshakable; being unchallenged
  • A state in which a person's thought or will is unshakable.
  • 생각이나 의지가 흔들리지 않음.
being unshakeable
    being unmovable; being unshakeable
  • A state of not bulging even an inch when shaken.
  • 흔들어도 조금도 움직이지 않음.
being unskilled
    being poor; being inexperienced; being unskilled
  • The state of being not familiar with and therefore being not adept at something.
  • 일에 익숙하지 않아 서투르다.
    being unskilled
  • The state of being not yet adept at and familiar with a technique or task.
  • 어떤 기술이나 일을 아직 능숙하게 익히지 못함.
being unsold in presale
    being unsold in presale; unsold home
  • A state in which some or all of a predetermined number of houses of a multi-dwelling unit such as an apartment building have not been sold in pre-sale, or such a unsold house.
  • 아파트 등의 다세대형 주택이 정해진 양의 일부 또는 전부가 분양되지 않음. 또는 그런 집.
being unspeakable
    being unspeakable; being staggering; being absurd
  • A person or thing that is big beyond one's imagination.
  • 상상 밖의 엄청나게 큰 물건이나 사람.
    being unspeakable; being staggering; being absurd
  • A person or thing that is big beyond one's imagination.
  • 상상 밖의 엄청나게 큰 물건이나 사람.
being unspecific
    being unspecific; not being particular
  • An act of not fixing a specific target, place, etc.
  • 대상이나 장소 등을 특별히 정하지 않음.
being unsuccessful
    being unsuccessful; being rejected
  • A state of failing to pass a test or to be selected.
  • 심사나 선발에서 떨어짐.
being unsuitable
    being unsuitable; being unfit; being inappropriate
  • A state of being not suitable for a certain job or situation.
  • 어떤 일이나 조건에 알맞지 않음.
being unsure
    being uncertain; being unsure
  • A state of not being certain.
  • 확실하지 않음.
being unsurpassed
    being unsurpassed; being peerless
  • A state of being incomparable to anything.
  • 세상 어디에도 비할 데가 없음.
being unthinkable
    not daring to do something; being unthinkable
  • An expression literally meaning one cannot dare to do something, referring to a state in which one has never thought or dreamt about doing such a thing.
  • 감히 그러한 마음을 품을 수 있겠냐는 뜻으로, 전혀 그런 마음이 없다는 말.
being unusual
    being abnormal; being unusual
  • The state of being defective because of changes or problems.
  • 바뀌거나 탈이 생겨 제대로가 아닌 상태.
    being unusual; being unique; being special
  • The state of being noticeably different from others.
  • 보통과 매우 차이가 나게 다름.
    being unusual; being unique
  • The state of something or someone being noticeably different from others.
  • 보통의 것에 비해 뚜렷하게 다름.
being unwavering
    being absolute; being unwavering
  • The state of no conditions or constraints being imposed.
  • 아무런 조건이나 제약이 붙지 않음.
being unwitting
    being unknowing; being unwitting
  • While one is unaware.
  • 알지 못하는 동안.

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