being within an organizationbeing within a palacebeing within one monthbeing within the campusbeing with lightning speedbeing without any failurebeing without a rolebeing without feelingbeing without hesitationbeing without pricebeing wittybeing womanlybeing wonderfulbeing woodenbeing world-wearybeing worldwidebeing worn outbeing worried to deathbeing worthlessbeing wreckedbeing wrongfulbeing yearlybeing year-roundbeing yellowishbeing youngerbeing zealousbe inhaledbe in harmonybe in harmony withbe inheritedbe in hidingbe initiatedbe injectedbe injuredbe in keeping withbe in motionbe innocentbe innovatedbe in one-sided lovebe in one's mindbe in painbe in progressbe in proportionbe inputbe in rutbe inscribed
being within an organization
- The inside of an institution or parliament whose name ends with 'won' such as hospital, nursing home, etc.
- 병원, 양로원 등과 같이 ‘원’자가 붙은 기관이나 국회의 안.
being internal; being within an organization
being within a palace
being within one month
- The time between a certain day to the last day of the month.
- 정해진 때로부터 그달의 마지막 날까지의 사이.
being within one month
being within the campus
being with lightning speed
- Literally meaning that streams run quickly, traveling a thousand miles; a state in which a certain work proceeds quickly without any interruption or break.
- 강물이 빨리 흘러 천 리를 간다는 뜻으로, 어떤 일이 중간에 걸리거나 막힘이 없이 빨리 진행됨.
being with lightning speed; winning by leaps and bounds; being rapid
being without any failure
- A state in which one never loses or fails.
- 지지 않음. 또는 실패하지 않음.
invincibility; being unbeaten; being without any failure
being without a role
- A state of being assigned no particular individual role other than a common duty.
- 공통적인 업무 외에 따로 맡은 일이 없음.
being without a role
being without feeling
- (figurative) A state in which one shows an absence of emotions like an inanimate object, or his/her body becomes stiff.
- (비유적으로) 생명체가 아닌 것처럼 감정이 없거나 몸이 굳은 것.
stone; being without feeling
being without hesitation
- An incident or behavior being unhindered or without hesitation.
- 일이나 행동 등이 중간에 머뭇거림이나 막힘이 없다.
unhindered; being without hesitation
being without price
being witty
being womanly
being wonderful
- Something wonderful and amazing.
- 놀랍고 신기하게 여길 만한 것.
being wonderful; being marvelous; being amazing
being wooden
- The act of making an object out of wood, or such an object.
- 나무로 물건을 만듦. 또는 그런 물건.
being wooden
being world-weary
- The state of feeling disgust at and having a negative view of the world.
- 세상을 부정적으로 보고 싫어하는 것.
being pessimistic; being world-weary
being worldwide
being worn out
being worried to death
- (emphasizing form) The state of being nervous in one's heart.
- (강조하는 말로) 초조한 마음속.
being worried to death; liver and intestines
being worthless
- (insult) A person who is very filthy, ugly and useless; or a feeling that one has when he/she meets such a person.
- (욕하는 말로) 몹시 더럽고 추하며 보잘것없는 사람. 또는 그런 사람을 봤을 때의 기분.
beggar; scum; being worthless
being wrecked
being wrongful
- A state of being contrary to reason, and therefore considered unjust.
- 도리에 어긋나서 정당하지 않음.
injustice; being unfair; being wrongful
being yearly
- A state of using one year as a standard unit of something.
- 한 해를 기준 단위로 한 것.
being annual; being yearly
being year-round
- A state of taking place throughout the year.
- 한 해 동안 계속.
being all year around; being year-round
being yellowish
1. 누런색
- Yellow color having both a dark and a light tone.
- 어둡고 흐린 빛이 섞인 노란색.
being yellowish; straw color
2. 황²
- A yellow color tinged with a dark and dim hue.
- 어둡고 흐린 빛이 섞인 노란색.
amber; brownish yellow; being yellowish
3. 황색
- Yellow color having both a dark and a light tone.
- 어둡고 흐린 빛이 섞인 노란색.
being yellowish; straw color
being younger
1. 손아래
- A relationship in which the other person is lower in age, status, etc., or a person in such a relationship.
- 자기보다 나이나 지위 등이 아래인 관계. 또는 그런 관계에 있는 사람.
being younger; being subordinate
2. 손아래뻘
- A word that shows that a person is lower in age, status, etc., than oneself.
- 자기보다 나이나 지위 등이 아래인 관계에 있음을 나타내는 말.
being younger
4. 연하
- The state of being younger than someone; a person who is younger than someone.
- 자기보다 나이가 적음. 또는 그런 사람.
being younger; younger person
being zealous
- The attitude of putting great earnestness into something.
- 어떤 일에 매우 정성을 쏟는 것.
being enthusiastic; being zealous
be inhaled
- For gas or liquid to be sucked into a certain place.
- 기체나 액체 등이 빨려 들어가다.
be sucked; be inhaled
be in harmony
1. 녹아들다
- For thoughts, ideas, culture, etc., to be naturally mixed and harmonized with each other.
- 생각이나 사상, 문화 등이 서로 자연스럽게 섞여서 조화를 이루다.
be fused; be in harmony
2. 맞다¹
- For a certain behavior, opinion, situation, etc., to be same as others.
- 어떤 행동, 의견, 상황 등이 다른 것과 어긋나지 않고 같다.
be in harmony
3. 맞아떨어지다
- For tunes, teamwork, etc., to be good together and become well harmonized.
- 가락이나 호흡 등이 잘 어울려 조화를 이루다.
be in harmony
5. 어우러지다
- For several people or things to mingle with each other and become one.
- 여럿이 함께 어울려 하나를 이루다.
be in harmony; mix well
7. 인화하다¹
- For a number of people to get along together.
- 여러 사람이 서로 화목하게 어울리다.
be harmonious; be in harmony
be in harmony with
1. 조응되다
- For two or more things, phenomena, words, passages, etc., to be in contextual agreement with each other.
- 둘 이상의 사물이나 현상, 말과 글의 앞뒤 등이 서로 알맞게 어울리다.
fit with; agree; be in harmony with
2. 조응하다
- For two or more things, phenomena, words, passages, etc., to be in contextual agreement with each other.
- 둘 이상의 사물이나 현상, 말과 글의 앞뒤 등이 서로 알맞게 어울리다.
fit with; agree; be in harmony with
be inherited
1. 계승되다
- For the tradition, culture, achievements, etc., of ancestors to continue.
- 조상의 전통이나 문화, 업적 등이 계속 이어져 나가다.
be inherited
2. 상속되다
- For someone's property to be given or taken over after his/her death.
- 사람이 죽은 후에 그 사람의 재산이 다른 사람에게 넘겨지다.
be inherited; be succeeded
3. 세습되다
- For one's property, status, occupation, etc., to be bequeathed and inherited.
- 재산이나 신분, 직업 등이 대를 이어 물려지고 물려받게 되다.
be inherited
4. 유전되다
- To take over for the preceding generations or be given to the next generation.
- 물려받아 내려오거나 후세에 전해지다.
be inherited
5. 유전하다
- To take over for the preceding generations or be given to the next generation.
- 물려받아 내려오거나 후세에 전하다.
be inherited
6. 전승되다
- For a culture, custom, institution, etc., to be handed down and continued.
- 문화, 풍속, 제도 등이 물려받아져 이어지다.
be passed on; be inherited
be in hiding
be initiated
- For a new task to be planned and started at a group's initiative for a certain purpose and mission.
- 어떤 일이 어떤 목적과 뜻으로 앞장서서 꾸며져 새롭게 일으켜지다.
be initiated
be injected
1. 맞다³
- To receive treatment by getting acupuncture or injection, etc.
- 침, 주사 등을 몸에 놓아 치료를 받다.
be injected
2. 주입되다
- For a liquid or gas to be injected so it can flow into something.
- 액체나 기체가 흘러 들어가도록 부어져 넣어지다.
be injected
3. 투약되다
- For medicine to be prescribed or for an injection to be given to a patient.
- 약이 지어져 주어지거나 주사로 놓이다.
be prescribed; be dosed; be injected
be injured
1. 까이다
- (slang) To be wounded because of being kicked or hit by someone.
- (속된 말로) 남에게 발로 차이거나 맞아서 상처가 나다.
be wounded; be injured; be hurt
3. 다치다
- To be hit or bumped into by something or someone, so that one's body or body part is injured; to make an injury.
- 부딪치거나 맞거나 하여 몸이나 몸의 일부에 상처가 생기다. 또는 상처가 생기게 하다.
be injured
6. 상하다
- To be wounded or become unhealthy.
- 몸을 다치거나 건강하지 못한 상태가 되다.
- To feel bad or uncomfortable because one has experienced something unpleasant.
- 싫은 일을 당하여 기분이 안 좋아지거나 마음이 불편해지다.
be hurt; be injured
be hurt; be injured
7. 손상되다
- To fall sick; for a part of one's body to be hurt.
- 병이 들거나 몸의 일부분이 다치다.
be injured; be harmed; be impaired
be in keeping with
- To be harmonious with each other naturally.
- 자연스럽게 서로 조화를 이루다.
harmonize; be in keeping with; go well with
be in motion
be innocent
- To be clean and pure without being stained.
- 때가 묻지 않고 맑고 깨끗하다.
- To be innocent without artificiality.
- 꾸밈없이 본래 그대로 순박하다.
be innocent; be pure
be innocent; be pure
be innovated
- For an old custom, convention, organization, method, etc., to be changed into a completely new one.
- 오래된 풍속, 관습, 조직, 방법 등이 완전히 바뀌어서 새롭게 되다.
be innovated; be reformed; be overhauled
be in one-sided love
- To love someone who does not reciprocate.
- 서로 사랑하는 것이 아니라 한쪽만 상대편을 사랑하다.
be in unrequited love; be in unanswered love; be in one-sided love
Idiombe in one's mind
관용구마음에 있다
- To have no inclination to do or have something.
- 무엇을 하거나 가지고 싶은 생각이 있다.
be in one's mind
be in pain
be in progress
be in proportion
- For a number or amount to change consistently in relation to the change of another number or amount.
- 한쪽의 수나 양이 변함에 따라 다른 쪽의 수나 양도 일정하게 변하다.
be in proportion
be input
- For data like words, numbers, etc., to be entered into the computer and remembered by it.
- 문자나 숫자 등의 정보가 컴퓨터에 기억되다.
be input
be in rut
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