being unyieldingbeing up in the airbeing upper-intermediatebeing upper low-endbeing uprightbeing up-to-datebeing upwardbeing urbanbeing urban and ruralbeing urgentbeing usefulbeing usualbeing utilitarianbeing utterly exhaustedbeing validbeing valuablebeing variablebeing variousbeing vegetablebeing veiledbeing verticalbeing very earlybeing very lowbeing very smallbeing very speedybeing very urgentbeing viciousbeing violentbeing virtualbeing virtuelessbeing visiblebeing visualbeing vividbeing volatilebeing voluntarybeing washed-outbeing waterloggedbeing waterproofbeing wavelikebeing wavybeing wealthybeing wealthy and powerfulbeing wearybeing weeklybeing wellbeing well-groomedbeing well-knownbeing well-offbeing well-orderedbeing well-roundedbeing well-starchedbeing well-versedbeing westernbeing when necessarybeing while doing somethingbeing while dreamingbeing while rainingbeing white-collarbeing wholeheartedbeing wickedbeing widely popularbeing widely readbeing widthwisebeing wildbeing willfulbeing willing tobeing wireless
being unyielding
1. 비타협적¹
- An attitude of adhering firmly to one's own stance without compromise.
- 타협하지 않고 자신의 입장을 굳게 유지하는 것.
being uncompromising; being unyielding
2. 억척
- An attitude of doing everything very stubbornly and persistently despite any difficulties; or a person with such an attitude.
- 어려움에도 불구하고 어떤 일이든 몹시 억세고 끈덕지게 해 나가는 태도. 또는 그런 사람.
being unyielding; being persistent; being relentless
3. 오기¹
- An attitude of being stubborn, not given to losing despite one's lack of ability.
- 능력은 부족하면서 지기 싫어하는 고집스러운 마음.
being obstinate; being headstrong; being unyielding
being up in the air
- A state of being in which it is difficult to determine how things will go.
- 어떻게 될지 예상하기 어려운 일.
being to be known; being uncertain; being up in the air
being upper-intermediate
- A grade or level that is a little higher than intermediate.
- 등급이나 단계가 중간보다 조금 더 높은 것.
being upper-intermediate
being upper low-end
- The price of an item that is slightly lower than average.
- 보통보다 조금 싼 상품의 가격.
being upper low-end
being upright
- A state in which an object goes down or falls in a straight line.
- 사물이 아래로 곧게 내려가거나 떨어지는 상태.
being vertical; being straight; being upright
being up-to-date
- The newest or the most developed method in technology.
- 기술적으로 가장 새롭거나 발전된 방식.
the latest; being up-to-date
being upward
being urban
- An atmosphere that emanates a feeling of urban life or culture.
- 도시의 생활이나 문화를 느끼게 해 주는 분위기.
being urban
being urban and rural
- A collective term for cities and countries, or being urban and rural.
- 도시와 농촌.
city and country; being urban and rural
being urgent
- The state of someone not having much time left, as the due date approaches quickly.
- 마감이 바싹 다가와서 시간이 별로 없음.
being tight; being imminent; being urgent
being useful
being usual
being utilitarian
- Considering whether one can benefit from an action before acting.
- 어떤 일을 할 때 그 행위가 자신에게 이익이 되는지를 먼저 생각하는 것.
being utilitarian
being utterly exhausted
- A state of feeling weak and drained, due to exhaustion.
- 맥이 풀어져 힘을 못 쓰고 축 늘어진 상태.
being utterly exhausted; being dog-tired
being valid
being valuable
- Being high and prestigious in class or position.
- 신분이나 지위가 높고 귀함.
being valuable; being precious
being variable
being various
being vegetable
being veiled
- (figurative) A state of being secretly hidden.
- (비유적으로) 비밀스럽게 감추어져 있는 상태.
being veiled; being hidden
being vertical
1. 수직
- A state in which an object goes down or falls in a straight line.
- 사물이 아래로 곧게 내려가거나 떨어지는 상태.
- A state in which straight lines or planes meet each other at an angle of 90 degrees.
- 직선이나 평면 등이 서로 만나 90도를 이루는 상태.
being vertical; being straight; being upright
being vertical; being perpendicular
2. 종적¹
- The state of elements or objects being in a hierarchical relationship.
- 어떤 일이나 사물의 관계가 위와 아래로 연결되어 있는 것.
being vertical
being very early
being very low
- (figurative) A thing that is very small in stature or very low in height.
- (비유적으로) 키가 아주 작거나 높이가 아주 낮은 것.
being very small; being very low
being very small
- (figurative) A thing that is very small in stature or very low in height.
- (비유적으로) 키가 아주 작거나 높이가 아주 낮은 것.
being very small; being very low
being very speedy
being very urgent
- The state of needing immediate attention or action, with a literal meaning of "an eyebrow on fire".
- 눈썹에 불이 붙었다는 뜻으로, 매우 급함.
being very urgent
being vicious
being violent
being virtual
- An actual state or situation where one is placed.
- 실제로 처한 상태.
being actual; being as a matter of fact; being virtual
being virtueless
being visible
being visual
being vivid
being volatile
- A very urgent situation in which something is likely to blow up even at the slightest touch.
- 한 번 건드리기만 해도 즉시 폭발할 것처럼 몹시 위급한 상황.
tinderbox; breaking point; being volatile
being voluntary
- The attitude of doing something of one's own accord, without being ordered or requested to.
- 남이 시키거나 부탁하지 않았는데도 자기 스스로 하는 것.
being voluntary
being washed-out
being waterlogged
being waterproof
- The act of preventing leaking, seeping in, flowing of water.
- 물이 새거나 스며들거나 흐르지 않도록 막음.
being waterproof
being wavelike
- The state of a certain incident being repeated after regular pauses.
- 어떤 일이 일정한 간격을 두고 자꾸 반복되는 것.
being wavy; being wavelike
being wavy
being wealthy
being wealthy and powerful
- A nation being affluent and having powerful military strength.
- 나라의 살림이 넉넉하고 군사력이 강함.
being wealthy and powerful; being prosperous
being weary
- A state of feeling terribly annoyed about or sick of something at the mere thought of it because it has been repeated many times.
- 여러 번 반복되어, 생각만 해도 끔찍할 정도로 몹시 귀찮거나 싫은 생각.
having enough of something; being weary
being weekly
being well
being well-groomed
being well-known
- The state of one's name being widely known to the world.
- 세상에 이름이 널리 알려져 있음.
being well-known; being prominent
being well-off
- A state of living in comfort, literally meaning dressing and eating well.
- 좋은 옷을 입고 좋은 음식을 먹음.
being well-off; living in affluence; living high
being well-ordered
- A state of being orderly without being in disarray.
- 질서가 잡혀 있어 조금도 흐트러지지 않음.
being in perfect order; being well-ordered; being shipshape
being well-rounded
- The state of being good at everything, or such a thing.
- 모든 일을 다 능숙하게 할 수 있음. 또는 그런 것.
being well-rounded
being well-starched
- The crisp feeling of starch permeated in clothes or a cloth.
- 옷이나 천 따위에 밴 풀의 빳빳한 기운.
being well-starched
being well-versed
- The state of someone being well aware of the logic of an object, knowledge, skill, etc., or being very skillful.
- 사물의 이치나 지식, 기술 등을 매우 잘 알거나 능숙하게 잘함.
being well-versed; having a good knowledge
being western
being when necessary
- A time when something is necessary.
- 꼭 있어야 할 때.
time of need; being when necessary; being in case of necessity
being while doing something
- Amid the noisy and complicated occurrence of a matter or incident.
- 어떤 일이나 사건이 시끄럽고 복잡하게 벌어지는 가운데.
being while doing something; being in the process of doing something
being while dreaming
being while raining
- A state of being in the middle of rain, or the time when it rains.
- 비가 오는 가운데. 또는 비가 올 때.
being in the rain; being while raining
being white-collar
- A position of working at an office, such as doing paperwork at a desk, etc.
- 책상에서 문서 등을 다루며 일을 하는 직책.
office job; being white-collar
being wholehearted
being wicked
being widely popular
- A state of being prevalent widely across the society at one point.
- 한때 사회에 널리 유행함. 또는 그런 것.
being widely popular; fad; craze
being widely read
1. 섭렵
- The act of experiencing and learning a wide range of things by reading a lot of books or going to many places.
- 책을 많이 읽거나 여기저기 찾아다니며 많은 것을 두루 경험하고 익힘.
being widely read
2. 애독
- A state of being fond of a certain book or magazine, and enjoying reading it.
- 어떤 책이나 잡지 등을 좋아하여 즐겨 읽음.
enjoying reading; being widely read
being widthwise
- A state of elements or objects being connected widthwise or being in a horizontal relationship.
- 어떤 일이나 사물의 관계가 가로로 연결되어 있는 것.
being horizontal; being widthwise
being wild
- The quality of coming directly from nature, not being grown or raised by humans.
- 인간이 기른 것이 아니라 자연에서 저절로 생산되는 것.
being wild; being taken from nature
being willful
- An attitude of being stubborn and insisting on an idea or opinion, or such a person.
- 자기의 생각이나 주장을 굽힐 줄 모르고 고집이 셈. 또는 그런 사람.
being headstrong; being willful
being willing to
being wireless
- The act of sending or receiving communication or broadcasts through radio waves without wires.
- 전선을 연결하지 않고 전파를 통해 통신이나 방송을 보내거나 받음.
being wireless
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