being successive
    being serial; being successive
  • The state of being connected like a chain.
  • 사슬처럼 서로 이어져 관련이 있는 것.
being such
    being like this; being such
  • A state, shape, quality, etc., being like something that has happened now or something that has been mentioned earlier.
  • 상태, 모양, 성질 등이 지금 일어난 일이나 앞에서 말한 것과 같다.
being such and such
    being such and such
  • A term used when the speaker does not want to explain a certain fact, state, etc., in detail or in order to substitute for what was said earlier.
  • 어떠한 사실이나 상태 등을 굳이 자세히 나타내지 않거나 앞에서 이야기한 사실을 대신하여 나타내는 말.
    being such and such
  • A term used when the speaker does not want to explain a certain fact, state, etc., in detail or in order to substitute for what was said earlier.
  • 어떠한 사실이나 상태 등을 굳이 자세히 나타내지 않거나 앞에서 이야기한 사실을 대신하여 나타내는 말.
    being such and such
  • A word used when the speaker does not want to explain a certain fact, state, etc., in detail or in order to substitute for what was said earlier.
  • 어떠한 사실이나 상태 등을 굳이 자세히 나타내지 않거나 앞에서 이야기한 사실을 대신하여 나타내는 말.
    being such and such
  • A term used when the speaker does not want to explain a certain fact, state, etc., in detail or in order to substitute for what was said earlier.
  • 어떠한 상황이나 상태 등을 굳이 자세히 나타내지 않거나 앞에서 이미 말한 사실을 대신하여 나타내는 말.
    being such and such
  • A term used when the speaker does not want to explain a certain fact, state, etc., in detail or in order to employ a substitute for what was said earlier.
  • 어떠한 사실이나 상태 등을 굳이 자세히 나타내지 않거나 앞에서 이야기한 사실을 대신하여 나타내는 말.
being sudden
    being sudden
  • The act of happening in a great hurry.
  • 매우 급하게 시행함.
    being sudden
  • Something that happens in a great hurry.
  • 매우 급하게 시행하는 것.
being sufficient
    being full; being enough; being sufficient
  • The state of there being plenty and no shortage.
  • 넉넉하여 모자람이 없음.
being suggestive
    being implicative; being connotative; being suggestive
  • A state in which a speech or text contains many meanings or messages.
  • 말이나 글이 속에 어떤 뜻을 담고 있는 것.
being summarized
    being general; being summarized; being comprehensive
  • The state of gathering and connecting things scattered here and there.
  • 각각 떨어져 있는 것들을 한데 모아서 묶은 것.
being sumptuous
    being luxurious; being sumptuous; being lavish
  • The look or state of being extremely luxurious and fancy.
  • 화려하고 사치스러운 상태나 형편.
being sunken
    being sunken
  • (figurative) A state of looking haggard because one has lost a lot of weight.
  • (비유적으로) 평소에 비해 살이 많이 빠져 야윈 모습.
being superb
    being superb; being amazing
  • The quality of being very good and fine to enjoy.
  • 즐기기에 아주 좋고 훌륭함.
being supercilious
    being audacious; being supercilious
  • An attitude of looking down on others as if only you mattered in the world.
  • 세상에서 자기가 가장 잘난 듯이 남을 깔보고 업신여김.
being superficial
    being superficial
  • The state of someone discussing or expressing general facts only, as seen from the outside.
  • 겉으로 나타난 일반적인 사실만을 얘기하거나 표현하는 것.
    being superficial; being shallow
  • The state of being related to or paying attention to only a visible phenomenon.
  • 겉으로 드러나 보이는 현상에만 관련을 맺거나 관심을 가지는 것.
being superhuman
    being superhuman
  • The state of one's ability being excellent, beyond that of an ordinary person.
  • 사람이라고 생각할 수 없을 만큼 능력이 아주 뛰어난 것.
being superior
    higher class; upper grade; advanced level; being superior
  • A state of being higher in a rank, class, grade, etc.
  • 높은 등급이나 계급.
    being senior; being superior
  • The higher part in social status, position, etc.
  • 신분, 지위 등이 더 높은 쪽.
being supernatural
    being supernatural
  • Being done by a distinguished, mysterious being or power, which cannot be explained with the law of natural science.
  • 자연 과학의 법칙으로 설명할 수 없는 뛰어나고 신비한 존재나 힘에 의한 것.
being supplementary
    being supplementary
  • A state of being added to or helpful to the main one.
  • 주가 되는 것에 덧붙거나 도움을 주는 것.
being suppressive
    being suppressive; being oppressive; being repressive
  • A state of restraining someone from acting freely.
  • 자유롭게 행동하지 못하도록 억누르는 것.
being suspicious
    being skeptical; being suspicious; being doubtful
  • A state of considering something doubtful.
  • 어떤 일에 의심을 품는 것.
being sweeping
    being overwhelming; being sweeping; being overpowering
  • A state of defeating the opponent completely with superior force or ability.
  • 뛰어난 힘이나 능력으로 상대방을 눌러 꼼짝 못하게 하는 것.
being sweet
    being sweet
  • (figurative) A state of being extremely happy or satisfied.
  • (비유적으로) 아주 행복하거나 만족스러운 상태.
being swept away
    being swept away; loss in water
  • The state of something being washed out and gone.
  • 물에 떠내려가서 없어짐.
being symbolic
    being symbolic
  • Expressing an abstract matter or concept as a concrete thing.
  • 추상적인 사물이나 개념을 구체적인 사물로 나타내는 것.
being symmetrical
    being symmetrical
  • A state of symmetry.
  • 대칭이 되는 것.
being sympathetic
    being sympathetic
  • Feeling heartfelt pity or sympathy for a person in a difficult situation.
  • 어려운 처지에 있는 사람을 딱하고 가엾게 여기는 것.
    being sympathetic
  • Following the words, thoughts, or arguments, etc., of another person, thinking that he/she is right.
  • 다른 사람의 말이나 생각, 주장 등을 옳게 여겨 따르는 것.
being synonymous
    being synonymous
  • The same meaning, or having the same meaning.
  • 같은 뜻. 또는 뜻이 같음.
being systematic
    being systematic
  • A state in which a set of disparate parts organized into a collective entity according to certain rules.
  • 일정한 체계에 따라 서로 다른 여러 부분들이 관련되어 통일된 것.
    being organic; being systematic
  • The state in which each part of something cannot be separated from the other parts and is closely connected with them, constituting a whole, like in an organism.
  • 생물체와 같이 각 부분이 밀접한 관련을 맺으며 전체를 이루고 있어 따로 떼어 낼 수 없는 것.
    being systematic
  • The quality of being methodical in practice, behavior, etc.
  • 일이나 행동 등이 체계가 짜여 있는 것.
    being systematic
  • The state of a whole being organized in a systematic way according to certain rules.
  • 전체가 일정한 원리에 따라 단계적으로 잘 짜여진 것.
being tactical
    being tactical
  • Something that relates to tactics.
  • 전술과 관련된 것.
being tailored
    customizaton; being tailored
  • The act of receiving an order and making a thing as requested to suit one's individual charateristics or taste; or a thing made in such a manner.
  • 개인적인 특성이나 기호에 맞게 주문하여 만듦. 또는 그렇게 만든 물건.
being taken from nature
    being wild; being taken from nature
  • The quality of coming directly from nature, not being grown or raised by humans.
  • 인간이 기른 것이 아니라 자연에서 저절로 생산되는 것.
being taken out
    being sent to the bench; being taken out
  • During a sports game, an act of a player leaving the game, due to a foul, injury, etc.
  • 경기 중에 선수가 반칙이나 부상 등으로 물러남.
being talented
    being talented; being gifted
  • The state of being very smart and skilled.
  • 아주 영리하고 재주가 있음.
being talked about
    being on everyone's lips; being talked about
  • A state of being talked about and praised by many people.
  • 칭찬을 받으며 사람의 입에 자주 오르내림.
being tax-exempt
    being non-taxable; being tax-free; being tax-exempt
  • An act of not imposing taxes.
  • 세금을 매기지 않음.
being tax-free
    being non-taxable; being tax-free; being tax-exempt
  • An act of not imposing taxes.
  • 세금을 매기지 않음.
being technical
    being technical
  • Something related to technology or made by technology.
  • 기술에 관계가 있거나 기술에 의한 것.
being temperamental
    being temperamental; being sharp-tempered
  • Having the quality of being very sensitive so that one gets excited or mad about trivial things.
  • 신경이 너무 예민하여 사소한 일에도 흥분하거나 화를 내는 성질이 있는 것.
being temperate
    being temperate; being mild
  • The weather or climate being moderate.
  • 날씨나 기후가 따뜻함.
being temporary
    being makeshift; being stopgap; being temporary
  • The state of approaching a problem tentatively, not fundamentally.
  • 어떤 문제에 대하여 근본적으로 접근하지 않고 임시적으로 접근함.
    being momentary; being temporary
  • A state in which a situation lasts for a short period of time.
  • 짧은 기간 동안의 것.
    being temporary
  • Something for a short period that has not been decided in advance.
  • 미리 기간을 정하지 않은 잠시 동안.
    being provisional; being temporary; being tentative
  • The state of having been agreed upon provisionally.
  • 임시로 정함.
    being temporary; being provisional; being tentative
  • The state of having been agreed upon provisionally.
  • 임시로 정하는 것.
    being temporary; being for the time being
  • A state in which a certain period of time is set for a task, job, etc.
  • 일정한 기간이 정해져 있는 것.
being temptation-proof
    being temptation-proof
  • A state of not surrendering to temptation.
  • 유혹에 흔들리지 않음.
being tempting
    being tempting; being inviting
  • The state of something making someone want to do something.
  • 어떤 일을 하고 싶게 만드는 것.
being tensible
    being tensible
  • The state of having the strength to leap or maintain tension like a spring.
  • 용수철처럼 튀거나 팽팽하게 버티는 힘이 있는 것.
being tentative
    being tentative
  • The act of trying something out in order to find out the result, function, etc., in advance.
  • 결과나 기능 등을 미리 알아보기 위하여 실제로 해 보는 것.
    being provisional; being tentative; being interim
  • The quality of being decided according to circumstances, without being decided in advance.
  • 미리 정하지 않고 그때그때 필요에 따라 정한 것.
    being provisional; being temporary; being tentative
  • The state of having been agreed upon provisionally.
  • 임시로 정함.
    being temporary; being provisional; being tentative
  • The state of having been agreed upon provisionally.
  • 임시로 정하는 것.
being terrible at
    being deaf; being terrible at
  • (figurative) A person who is deaf or has difficulty understanding others.
  • (비유적으로) 귀가 들리지 않거나 남의 말을 잘 알아듣지 못하는 사람.
being that much
    being that much
  • A state, shape, property, etc., of something being about that much.
  • 상태, 모양, 성질 등이 고 정도이다.
being theatrical
    being theatrical
  • A state of having the characteristic of theater.
  • 연극의 특성이 있는 것.
being the beginning
    being the beginning; being the motive
  • Something that is the beginning or motive of an incident or some business.
  • 어떤 사건이나 일의 시작, 또는 사건이나 일이 일어나게 된 동기가 되는 것.
being the best
    being the best
  • The quality of being excellent and having the energy to move forcefully ahead of others, or such a talented person.
  • 능력이 뛰어나 여럿 가운데서 기운차게 앞질러 나갈 힘이 있음. 또는 그런 인재.
being the first
    being the first; being primary
  • The quality of being the source of, or the first in, something.
  • 어떤 일에서 근본이 되거나 맨 처음이 되는 것.
    being the first; being primary
  • The quality of being the first among many.
  • 여럿 가운데 첫 번째가 되는 것.
    being the first; being unprecedented
  • The state of something being the first of its kind.
  • 처음으로 있음.
    being the first; being original
  • The first of its kind.
  • 맨 처음.
being the last
    being the last; being final
  • Something coming last.
  • 맨 나중의 것.
being the least
    the minimum; being the least
  • The least or lowest range of something under a certain condition.
  • 일정한 조건에서 가장 작거나 적은 한도.
    the minimum; being the least
  • The least or lowest range of something under a certain condition.
  • 일정한 조건에서 가장 작거나 적은 한도.
being the motive
    being the beginning; being the motive
  • Something that is the beginning or motive of an incident or some business.
  • 어떤 사건이나 일의 시작, 또는 사건이나 일이 일어나게 된 동기가 되는 것.
being the one and only
    being the one and only
  • The state of being the only one.
  • 둘도 없이 오직 하나뿐임.
being theoretical
    being speculative; being theoretical; being conjectural
  • An act of discerning a reality or thing and making a judgment solely based on logical thinking without relying on experience.
  • 경험에 의하지 않고 순수한 논리적 사고만으로 현실이나 사물을 분별하고 판단하는 것.
    being theoretical
  • The quality of being the base or essence of something.
  • 어떤 것의 본질이나 바탕이 되는 것.
    being theoretical
  • The quality of being based on a theory.
  • 이론에 바탕을 둔 것.
being the same
    being fixed; being the same
  • Being positioned or nailed to one spot and not moving.
  • 한곳에서 움직이지 않음. 또는 움직이지 않게 함.
    being the same
  • Being the same without any difference after comparison.
  • 비교해 본 결과 별다른 차이점이 없이 똑같다.
    being the same
  • A state in which the conditions of two things appear to be or are the same.
  • 둘 이상의 사물의 모양이나 일의 형편이 서로 같음.
    being the same
  • A state of being the same in shape, quality, behavior, etc.
  • 모양, 성질, 행동 등이 서로 같음.

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