being resolutely
    being desperately; being resolutely
  • The act of pouring all one's energy into achieving something, risking one's life.
  • 죽음을 각오하고 있는 힘을 다함.
being respected for virtue
    moral reputation; being respected for virtue
  • Compliment and honor that a person receives from many people because of his/her virtuous, moral, and ethical personality.
  • 도덕적, 윤리적으로 인격이 훌륭하여 많은 사람으로부터 얻은 칭찬과 명예.
being responsible
    being responsible; being competent
  • The act of being responsible for and taking on work.
  • 사무를 책임지고 맡음.
being restrictive
    being limited; being restrictive
  • A state of setting a limit to the quantity or scope of something.
  • 수량이나 범위 등을 제한하여 정하는 것.
being retarded
    idiot; fool; being retarded
  • (disparagingly) A person who cannot judge properly due to lack of intelligence.
  • (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 지능이 모자라서 정상적으로 판단하지 못하는 사람.
being retro
    being retro
  • A state of trying to go back to the form, system, idea, custom, etc., of the past.
  • 과거의 모양, 제도, 사상, 풍습 등으로 돌아가려는 것.
being reverse
    being backward; being reverse
  • A state of moving backward.
  • 움직여서 뒤쪽으로 향하여 감.
being revolutionary
    being groundbreaking; being epoch-making; being revolutionary
  • The state of something being clearly distinguished from before, opening a whole new era in a certain process or sector.
  • 어떤 과정이나 분야에서 전혀 새로운 시기를 열어 놓을 만큼 이전의 것과 뚜렷이 구분되는 것.
being rhythmic
    being rhythmic
  • Repeated, harmonious movements of someone or something at an interval.
  • 사람이나 물체의 움직임이 일정한 사이를 두고 조화롭게 규칙적으로 되풀이되는 것.
being rich
    being strong; being rich
  • The state of having power or fortune.
  • 힘이나 재산이 있음.
    being rich; being abundant
  • The state of something being enough, and therefore being plenty.
  • 매우 많아서 넉넉함.
being ridiculous
    sight; being ridiculous
  • (sarcastic) A state in which a certain act or appearance is unsatisfactory or funny.
  • (비웃는 말로) 행동이나 모습 등이 마음에 들지 않거나 우스움.
    being stupid; being ridiculous
  • A thoughtless act done without following one's own opinion or belief.
  • 일정한 의견이나 주장이 없이 되는대로 하는 짓.
being rising
    being rising; being emerging; rising star
  • The act of emerging newly in a society or field, or such a person.
  • 어떤 사회나 분야에 새로 나섬. 또는 그런 사람.
being robbed
    theft; being robbed
  • An act of being robbed.
  • 도둑을 맞음.
being robotic
    being machine-like; being robotic
  • The act of doing something blindly and passively without any human feelings or creativity.
  • 인간의 감정이나 창의성 없이 맹목적이고 수동적으로 하는 것.
being romantic
    being romantic
  • A feeling about something which is imaginative and impractical, and not necessarily conforming to reality.
  • 어떤 것에 대한 느낌이 현실에 매이지 않고 환상적이고 공상적인 것.
  • being romantic
  • Being sweet and sentimental.
  • 감미롭고 감상적인 것.
being rose-colored
    rose-like color; being rose-colored
  • A color as red as rose petals.
  • 장미 꽃잎의 빛깔과 같은 붉은빛.
being rosy
    being rosy
  • (figurative) A hopeful state where one thinks positively of the future.
  • (비유적으로) 앞날의 일이 잘될 것이라고 믿는 희망적인 상태.
being rosy-faced
    being rosy-faced
  • A face with glowing complexion that a younger person has.
  • 젊어서 얼굴빛이 좋은 얼굴.
being rough
    being rough; being broad
  • A state of being simple without being specific.
  • 자세히 하지 않고 간단하게.
being roundabout
    being roundabout; being indirect
  • The state of taking the long way, not going by the shortest route.
  • 바로 가지 않고 돌아서 가는 것.
being routine
    being ordinary; being usual; being routine
  • A state of something not being special because it is a part of daily life.
  • 늘 있어서 특별하지 않은 것.
being ruined
    being messed up; being ruined
  • A state in which things do not go well, being messed up.
  • 일이 제대로 이루어지지 못하고 엉망이 됨.
    being destroyed; being ruined
  • A state in which something has been damaged to an irreparable degree or has collapsed.
  • 아주 망가져 손을 쓸 수 없게 되거나 거덜이 남.
being rusticated
    being rusticated; being countrified
  • An appearance or attitude that is simple, not polished.
  • 세련되지 못하고 어수룩한 모습이나 태도.
being sacred
    being sacred; being holy
  • The state of being so precious and great that one cannot easily get close.
  • 함부로 가까이할 수 없을 만큼 귀하고 위대함.
being sacrificial
    being sacrificial
  • A state of giving away or relinquishing one's life, property, reputation, interest, etc., for another person or purpose.
  • 어떤 사람이나 목적을 위해 자신의 목숨, 재산, 명예, 이익 등을 바치거나 버리는 것.
being safe
    being safe; being intact
  • The state of being safe without any problem or difficulty.
  • 아무런 문제나 어려움 없이 편안함.
being same in name and reality
    being same in name and reality
  • Having consistency in something's appearance and its actual content.
  • 겉으로 드러난 것과 실제의 내용이 서로 꼭 맞는 데가 있다.
being sanitary
    being sanitary; being hygienic
  • The state of meeting criteria to be beneficial to or good for health.
  • 건강에 이롭거나 도움이 되도록 조건을 갖춘 것.
being sarcastic
    being cynical; being sarcastic
  • The state of having the attitude of showing a cold smile at someone.
  • 쌀쌀한 태도로 비웃는 것.
    being satirical; being sarcastic
  • Something involving the nature of a satire.
  • 풍자의 성격을 띤 것.
being satirical
    being satirical; being sarcastic
  • Something involving the nature of a satire.
  • 풍자의 성격을 띤 것.
being savage
    being uncivilized; being savage; being barbarous
  • A state in which civilization has not developed.
  • 문명이 발달하지 못한 상태.
    being barbarian; being savage
  • The state of being uncivilized and primitive.
  • 문명의 수준이 낮고 미개한 것.
  • being barbarian; being savage
  • The state of being ill-mannered and brutal in one's behavior.
  • 행동이 예의 없고 잔인한 것.
being scared to death
    being scared to death
  • The situation in which one goes through a danger, serious enough to almost cut one’s life expectancy by ten years.
  • 수명이 십 년이나 줄 정도로 큰 위험을 겪음.
    being scared to death; being frightened out of one's wits
  • A phrase literally meaning souls scatter in all directions, referring to a state of losing one's consciousness from fright.
  • 혼백이 이곳저곳으로 흩어진다는 뜻으로, 매우 놀라서 정신을 잃음.
being scattered
    being scattered; being dotted; being sparse
  • A state of being distributed here and there.
  • 여기저기 흩어져 있음.
being scattered in all directions
    being scattered in all directions
  • A state of things being strewn in many different directions and being scattered.
  • 여러 곳으로 날아 흩어짐.
being scholarly
    being academic; being scholarly; being intellectual
  • A state of being devoted to carrying out academic studies.
  • 학문 연구에 온 정신을 기울여 열중하는 것.
    being scholarly; being academic; studying hard
  • A person who is aborbed in doing academic research or studying; or a group of such persons.
  • 학문 연구 또는 공부에 열중하는 사람. 또는 그런 사람들의 집단.
    being academic; being learned; being scholarly
  • A state in which something is related to academic studies or in which its method or system has been academically established.
  • 학문과 관련되어 있거나 학문으로서의 방법이나 체계가 서 있는 것.
    being academic; being scientific; being scholarly
  • A state of involving academic knowledge and techniques.
  • 학문과 기술에 관한 것.
    being scholarly; being learned; being erudite
  • A state of having the qualification or attitude of a scholar.
  • 학자의 자질이나 자세를 갖춘 것.
being scientific
    being scientific
  • The quality of conforming to scientific reason or a scientific system.
  • 과학의 이치나 체계에 맞는 것.
    academics and academic techniques; being academic; being scientific
  • A compound noun for academic knowledge and techniques.
  • 학문과 기술.
    being academic; being scientific; being scholarly
  • A state of involving academic knowledge and techniques.
  • 학문과 기술에 관한 것.
being scientifically accurate
    being scientifically accurate
  • Accuracy or adequacy from the scientific perspective.
  • 과학적인 면에서 본 정확성이나 타당성.
being scornful
    being contemptuous; being scornful
  • Looking down on someone with an attitude of extreme dislike or disdain.
  • 매우 싫어하거나 무시하는 듯한 태도로 낮추어 보는.
being seasonal
    being seasonal
  • Being affected or changeable depending on seasons.
  • 계절에 따라 영향을 받거나 바뀌는 것.
being seated
    being seated
  • The act of being seated or taking a seat.
  • 자리를 잡고 앉거나 자리를 잡음.
being second
    being second; being secondary
  • The state of being the next after the first; the state of being annexed to a basic or primary thing.
  • 두 번째가 됨. 또는 기본적인 것이나 주된 것에 붙어서 따름.
    being second; being secondary
  • A state of being the next after the first, or being annexed to a basic or primary thing.
  • 두 번째가 되는 것. 또는 기본적인 것이나 주된 것에 붙어서 따르는 것.
being secondary
    being secondary
  • The state of being subordinate to the main thing.
  • 주된 것이 아니라 그것에 딸린 것.
    being second; being secondary
  • The state of being the next after the first; the state of being annexed to a basic or primary thing.
  • 두 번째가 됨. 또는 기본적인 것이나 주된 것에 붙어서 따름.
    being second; being secondary
  • A state of being the next after the first, or being annexed to a basic or primary thing.
  • 두 번째가 되는 것. 또는 기본적인 것이나 주된 것에 붙어서 따르는 것.
    being secondary
  • The education that comes between primary and tertiary education.
  • 초등 교육과 고등 교육의 사이.
being secondhand
    being secondhand
  • The state of an item not being new and showing signs of use or being old because it has been long since it was released or made.
  • 새것이 아니라 사용한 흔적이 있음. 또는 나오거나 만든 지 오래됨.
being second-handedly
    being indirectly; being second-handedly
  • A state in which one hears about something indirectly.
  • 어떤 말을 간접적으로 듣는 상황.
being second-to-none
    being second-to-none
  • The state of being rare or excellent that allows no comparison to anything in the world.
  • 매우 드물거나 뛰어나서 세상에서 비교할 것이 없음.
being secretly
    being secretly; being covertly; being implicitly
  • Being without others' knowing.
  • 남이 모르는 사이.
being secular
    being secular; being earthly
  • Following the general customs of the world without any high ideal or religious belief.
  • 높은 이상이나 종교적 믿음이 없이 세상의 일반적인 풍속을 따르는 것.
being seditious
    being seditious; being subversive; being rebellious
  • A state in which words, actions, ideas, etc. are contrary or do not correspond to that of ruling power or system.
  • 말, 행동, 또는 사상 등이 통치 권력이나 체제에 반대되거나 맞지 않음.
being segmental
    being segmental
  • The quality of being divided or being able to be divided into several parts.
  • 몇 개로 나누거나 나눌 수 있는 것.
being selected
    being selected; winning a prize
  • The state of having been chosen in a screening or selection.
  • 심사나 선발에서 뽑힘.
    being selected; being accepted; winning a prize
  • A state in which one's work is submitted, evaluated and then selected for a competition or an exhibition.
  • 대회나 전시회에 낸 작품이 심사에 합격하여 뽑힘.
being selective
    being selective
  • Sorting or picking out according to set standards.
  • 일정한 기준을 따라 가려서 따로 나누거나 추려 냄.
    being selective
  • Choosing what one needs among many.
  • 여럿 중에서 필요한 것을 골라 뽑는 것.
being self-confident
    being self-confident
  • The state of feeling confident about one's own value or ability and being proud of it.
  • 스스로 자신의 가치나 능력을 믿고 떳떳한 마음을 가짐.
being selfish
    ulterior motive; being selfish; self-interest
  • A state of mind pursuing personal and private purposes, or fulfilling a selfish desire.
  • 개인적이고 사사로운 마음. 또는 자기의 욕심을 채우려는 마음.
    being selfish; being egoistic; being egocentric
  • The state of caring only about one's own interests.
  • 자신의 이익만을 생각하는 것.
    being calculating; being selfish
  • The state of someone dealing with something after pondering on whether it serves one's own interest.
  • 자기에게 이득이 되는지를 따져서 헤아리는 것.
being selfless
    being altruistic; being selfless
  • A state of regarding others' interest as more important than one's own.
  • 자기의 이익보다는 다른 사람의 이익을 더 중요하게 생각하는 것.
being semi-permanent
    being semi-permanent
  • A state of staying almost unchanged even if time passes.
  • 오랜 세월이 흘러도 거의 변하지 않는 것.
being senior
    being senior; being superior
  • The higher part in social status, position, etc.
  • 신분, 지위 등이 더 높은 쪽.
    being prominent; being senior
  • A person with an important role or of substantial influence in a group or field.
  • 어떤 집단이나 분야에서 중요한 역할을 하거나 지도적인 영향력을 가진 인물.
being sensatioinal
    being stimulating; being sensatioinal
  • A state of focusing solely on corporal preasure, fun, and interest without stirring emotion.
  • 정신적인 감동을 주지 못하는 육체적 쾌락, 재미, 흥미 위주의 것.
being sensational
    being sensational
  • The quality of occurring suddenly to greatly influence society or become the focus of attention.
  • 갑자기 일어나 사회에 큰 영향을 미치거나 관심의 대상이 될 만한 것.

'English - Korean > b' 카테고리의 다른 글

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