being perennial
    being perennial; being permanent
  • A state in which something remains as it is all the time.
  • 늘 그 모양 그대로 변함없이 한결같은 상태.
being perfect
    being perfect
  • The state of an opportunity, time, etc., being really appropriate to do something.
  • 무엇을 하기에 기회나 시기 등이 아주 좋음.
    being perfect; being immaculate
  • The quality of being complete without flaws because one is very careful about something.
  • 어떤 일을 하는 데 있어서 매우 조심하여 부족함이 없이 완벽함.
being perfunctory
    being perfunctory
  • The quality of having just form, without sincerity.
  • 마음은 없으면서 형식만 갖춘 것.
being periodic
    being periodic
  • The state of a deadline or period being set at a defined interval, or such deadline or period.
  • 기한이나 기간이 일정하게 정해져 있음. 또는 그 기한이나 기간.
    being periodic
  • The state of a deadline or period being set at a defined interval.
  • 기한이나 기간이 일정하게 정해져 있는 것.
    being periodic
  • Something that is done regularly.
  • 정기적으로 계속하는 일.
    being periodic; being regular
  • The act of the same phenomenon or feature appearing again at regular intervals.
  • 일정한 간격을 두고 같은 현상이나 특징이 다시 나타나는 것.
being peripheral
    being peripheral
  • The very end part of an object.
  • 사물의 맨 끝부분.
being permanent
    being perennial; being permanent
  • A state in which something remains as it is all the time.
  • 늘 그 모양 그대로 변함없이 한결같은 상태.
    permanent establishment; being permanent; being standing
  • An act of arranging a set of equipment and facilities to be used at all times.
  • 언제든지 이용할 수 있도록 설비와 시설을 마련해 둠.
    being permanent
  • The state of lasting endlessly without changing with time.
  • 시간이 오래 지나도 변하지 않고 무한히 계속되는 것.
    being permanent; being perpetual
  • The state of lasting forever.
  • 영원히 계속되는 것.
    being permanent; being eternal; being everlasting
  • The state of lasting long without changing over time.
  • 변하지 않고 오래가는 것.
being perpendicular
    being vertical; being perpendicular
  • A state in which straight lines or planes meet each other at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • 직선이나 평면 등이 서로 만나 90도를 이루는 상태.
being perpendicular and horizontal
    being perpendicular and horizontal
  • Width and length.
  • 세로와 가로.
being perpetual
    being permanent; being perpetual
  • The state of lasting forever.
  • 영원히 계속되는 것.
    being eternal; being perpetual
  • Lasting forever or being timeless.
  • 오랜 세월 동안에도 나타나기 어려운 일.
being persistent
    being unyielding; being persistent; being relentless
  • An attitude of doing everything very stubbornly and persistently despite any difficulties; or a person with such an attitude.
  • 어려움에도 불구하고 어떤 일이든 몹시 억세고 끈덕지게 해 나가는 태도. 또는 그런 사람.
being personal
    being personal; being private; being in person
  • A state of relating to an individual.
  • 개인에 관계된 것.
    being personal; being private
  • One's personal situation or circumstances.
  • 한 개인의 사정이나 형편.
    being for private use; being personal
  • The quality of being used for an individual or at home, not for business.
  • 영업을 위한 것이 아니라 개인 또는 개인의 가정에서 쓰이는 것.
being perverse
    pervert; being perverse; being abnormal
  • A state in which a person is not normal in acts or psychology related to sex, or such a person.
  • 성에 관련된 행동이나 심리가 정상적이지 않은 상태. 또는 그런 사람.
being perverted
    being perverted
  • Sexual behavior or mentality being abnormal.
  • 성에 관련된 행동이나 심리가 정상적이지 않은 것.
being pessimistic
    being pessimistic; being world-weary
  • The state of feeling disgust at and having a negative view of the world.
  • 세상을 부정적으로 보고 싫어하는 것.
being petit bourgeois
    being petit bourgeois
  • A state of exhibiting the characteristics of the petit bourgeois who stands in the middle ground without leaning toward any particular side.
  • 어느 쪽에도 속하지 않고 중간 입장을 지니는 소시민의 특징을 나타내는 것.
being petty
    being petty; being small
  • The state of a business or household being poor or small on a financial scale.
  • 사업이나 살림의 규모가 매우 작고 가난함.
    petty person; being petty
  • (figurative) A narrow-minded person or tiny object.
  • (비유적으로) 마음이 좁은 사람이나 작은 물건.
being pharmaceutical
    medicine production; being pharmaceutical
  • The act of producing medicine.
  • 약을 만듦.
being philosophical
    being philosophical
  • The state of being based on or related to philosophy.
  • 철학에 기초하고 있거나 철학에 관한 것.
being physical
    being physical
  • A state of being based on the principle of substance.
  • 물질의 원리에 기초한 것.
  • being physical; happening by force
  • A state of using the power of a body or weapon, etc.
  • 몸이나 무기 등의 힘을 사용하는 것.
    being physical; being material
  • Something that is material.
  • 물질적인 것.
    being physical
  • Being related to the body of a person.
  • 사람의 몸과 관련되어 있는 것.
    being physical
  • The state of being related to a body.
  • 몸과 관련된 것.
    being physical; being morphological
  • A state of being related to a certain form taken by an object that comprises a structure or whole.
  • 어떠한 구조나 전체를 이루고 있는 사물이 일정하게 갖추고 있는 모양에 관련된 것.
being physiological
    being physiological
  • Related to the principle of how the body system and organs operate.
  • 몸의 조직과 기관이 작용하는 원리와 관련되는 것.
being picked by the state
    being picked by the state
  • The state of being chosen by the government.
  • 나라에서 뽑음.
being picked out
    choice of the best; being chosen; being picked out
  • The act of choosing an outstanding person; or a person chosen in such a way.
  • 뛰어난 사람을 뽑음. 또는 그렇게 뽑힌 사람.
being picky
    being picky; being difficult
  • The state of being fastidious by nitpicking on something.
  • 트집을 잡아서 까다롭게 구는 일.
being picturesque
    being picturesque; being graceful
  • A quiet and quaint atmosphere.
  • 은근하고 그윽한 멋이 있는 분위기.
being piled
    being piled; being heaped; being in a heap; accumulation
  • A state in which a certain object, work, problem, etc. is placed on top of another.
  • 어떤 물건이나 일, 문제 등이 산더미같이 쌓임.
being pitiful
    being pitiful; being pathetic
  • The state of someone being poor and pathetic.
  • 가엾고 불쌍함.
being pivotal
    being pivotal; being central
  • A state of playing an important role as the center.
  • 중심이 되는 중요한 역할을 하는 것.
    being pivotal; being central
  • (figurative) A figure who plays a pivotal role in something.
  • (비유적으로) 중요한 중심적 역할을 하는 존재.
being place to place
    being here and there; being place to place; everywhere
  • A variety of places or locations that are not clearly specified.
  • 분명하게 정해지지 않은 여러 장소나 위치.
    being here and there; being place to place; everywhere
  • A variety of places or locations that are not clearly specified.
  • 분명하게 정해지지 않은 여러 장소나 위치.
being plain
    simplicity; being plain
  • A characteristic of being simple, not complicated.
  • 복잡하지 않고 간단한 성질.
    being plain
  • A state of having no pattern.
  • 무늬가 없는 것.
being planless
    being planless
  • A tendency to do something haphazardly without thinking properly about how to do it in advance.
  • 일을 어떻게 할 것인지 미리 제대로 생각하지 않고 되는대로 일을 하는 성향.
being planned
    being planned
  • Following a pre-devised plan.
  • 미리 정한 계획에 따름.
being playful
    being playful
  • An act of doing something for fun, not with a serious intention.
  • 진정이 아니라 즐기거나 놀이 삼아 하는 것.
being pleased
    rejoicing; being pleased
  • A state of showing great joy on one's face.
  • 매우 반가운 마음을 얼굴에 드러냄.
being pleasure-seeking
    being entertaining; being pleasure-seeking; being hedonic
  • A state of having fun and enjoying something.
  • 놀고 즐기는 것.
being pluralistic
    being pluralistic
  • A state of being based on a theory that explains the world or universe with more than two ultimate principles.
  • 세계나 우주를 둘 이상의 여러 가지 근원적인 원리로 설명하는 이론에 기반을 둔 것.
being poetic
    being poetic
  • Having a poetic feel.
  • 시의 느낌을 가진 것.
being point-blank
    being flatly; being point-blank; being forthright
  • An act of speaking in a straightforward and determined manner.
  • 한 마디로 잘라 말함.
being poised
    being poised; being calm
  • The state of being still.
  • 멈춘 상태에 있는 것.
being poisoned
    being poisoned
  • The state of one's life being in danger or body in a sick state due to poisonous elements in a food or medicine.
  • 음식물이나 약물의 독 성분 때문에 목숨이 위태롭게 되거나 몸에 이상이 생긴 상태.
being political
    being political
  • Something used as a political stratagem.
  • 정치적인 책략을 목적으로 하는 것.
    being political
  • Something that relates to politics.
  • 정치와 관련된 것.
  • being political
  • The act of doing something as a political means or method.
  • 정치의 수단이나 방법으로 하는 것.
being poor
    being poor
  • The state of being materially and mentally poor.
  • 물질적으로나 정신적으로 가난하고 여유가 없는 상태.
    being poor; being inexperienced; being unskilled
  • The state of being not familiar with and therefore being not adept at something.
  • 일에 익숙하지 않아 서투르다.
    zero point; being poor
  • (figurative) A state of being insufficient and terrible.
  • (비유적으로) 부족하고 형편이 없음.
    being poor
  • (slang) Something of a dismal quality.
  • (속된 말로) 형편없는 것.
    being low; being inferior; being poor
  • A state of being below average or a standard in terms of quality, level, etc.
  • 정도나 수준이 낮거나 뒤떨어지는 것.
    being inferior; being poor
  • A state of being below another in a certain skill or ability; or a person with such a skill or ability.
  • 남보다 낮은 솜씨나 실력. 또는 그런 솜씨나 실력을 가진 사람.
    being awful; being no good; being poor
  • A state of being unfit for a certain purpose.
  • 어떤 일을 이루는 데 들어맞지 아니함.
ProverbsBeing poor is being guilty
    Being poor is being guilty
  • Poverty drives people to commit crimes or makes them suffer misfortunes.
  • 가난 때문에 사람이 범죄를 저지르거나 불행을 겪게 된다.
being popular
    being public; being popular
  • Something cheap or commonplace, enjoyed by many people because it suits the public's taste.
  • 많은 사람들이 이용하고 즐길 수 있을 정도로 값이 싸거나 여러 사람의 취향에 맞는 평범한 것.
    being popular; mass
  • A state of revolving around the public or suiting public taste.
  • 대중을 중심으로 한 것. 또는 대중의 취향에 맞는 것.
    being popular
  • The state of centering on the public or being done by the public.
  • 민중을 중심으로 하거나 민중에 의한 것.
    being famous; being popular
  • The state of one's name being widely known.
  • 이름이 널리 알려져 있음.
    being popular
  • A state of gaining increasing attention and love from the public.
  • 사람들의 관심과 사랑을 받는 가운데.
    being general; being popular; being universal
  • A quality of being extensively applicable, not being limited to some parts.
  • 일부에 한정되지 않고 두루 해당될 수 있는 것.
    being common; being popular
  • The characteristic of something being common or popular.
  • 통속적인 성질.
being portable
    being portable
  • A state of carrying an object, or holding it in hand.
  • 어떤 물건을 손에 들거나 몸에 지니고 다님.
    being portable
  • A portable object that a person can carry with him/her or hold in hand.
  • 손에 들거나 몸에 지니고 다닐 수 있게 만든 물건.
being positive
    being positive; being affirmative
  • The act of admitting that a certain fact is true or one's thought is right.
  • 어떤 사실이나 생각이 맞다거나 옳다고 인정하는 것.
  • being positive; being optimistic
  • A state of being desirable or considered favorably.
  • 바람직하거나 좋게 볼 만한 것.
    being positive
  • The act of viewing the world or life positively with hope.
  • 인생이나 세상을 긍정적이고 희망적으로 보는 것.
    being positive; being empirical
  • A tendency to prove a fact through experiences, observations, experiments, etc., not through hard thinking.
  • 머리로 깊이 생각하고 따져서 증명하는 것이 아니고, 경험, 관찰, 실험 등에 따라 적극적으로 증명하는 것.
    being strong; being positive; being active
  • The state of being committed to something and thus acting positively and vigorously.
  • 어떤 일에 대하여 자신의 의지를 가지고 긍정적이며 활발하게 행동함.

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