being other than
    the others; being other than
  • Outside of a certain range.
  • 어떤 범위의 밖.
being out
    being out
  • In tennis, table tennis, basketball, volleyball, etc., a state in which the ball goes out a certain line.
  • 테니스, 탁구, 농구, 배구 등에서 공이 일정한 선 밖으로 나가는 일.
  • being out
  • In baseball, a state in which a hitter or runner loses his right to continue to play.
  • 야구에서, 타자나 주자가 공격할 자격을 잃는 일.
being outbound
    being outward bound; being outbound
  • A state in which a vessel or plane travels overseas.
  • 배나 비행기가 외국으로 다님.
being outdated
    being outdated; being outmoded
  • Something which existed in the old days only or which became too old for a new era.
  • 예전 시대에만 있거나 새로운 시대에 맞지 않게 오래된 것.
    being old-fashioned; being outdated
  • An old thing that falls behind the times.
  • 아주 오래되어 시대에 뒤떨어진 것.
    being outdated
  • Being stuck in the levels of the pre-modern era.
  • 근대 이전의 수준을 벗어나지 못한 것.
being outdoors
    being outside; being outdoors
  • A space not enclosed by something.
  • 무엇에 둘러싸이지 않은 공간.
being outer
    outskirts; being outer; outside border
  • The border of a region or place.
  • 일정한 장소를 기준으로 한 바깥 테두리.
    being external; being outer
  • A state of being related to a matter or outer appearance.
  • 물질이나 겉모습에 관한 것.
being outgoing
    being sociable; being outgoing
  • A knack for easily associating with and mixing with many people.
  • 여러 사람과 잘 사귀고 쉽게 어울리는 것.
being outmoded
    being outdated; being outmoded
  • Something which existed in the old days only or which became too old for a new era.
  • 예전 시대에만 있거나 새로운 시대에 맞지 않게 오래된 것.
being outnumbered
    being outnumbered
  • The state of being outnumbered and unable to fight off the opponents.
  • 적은 수로 많은 수에 맞서지 못함.
being out of
    being beyond; being out of
  • The part that goes beyond a certain range or limit.
  • 어떤 범위나 한도에 들지 않는 부분.
being out of control
    disorder; mess; being out of control
  • A state in which things get done sloppily and in a disorderly manner.
  • 일이 아무렇게나 마구 되는 지경.
being out of line
    sideline; being out of line
  • The space beyond a line
  • 늘어선 줄의 바깥.
being out of one's mind
    going crazy; going mad; being out of one's mind
  • A state in which one's state of mind or behavior becomes abnormal.
  • 마음이나 행동이 정상이 아닌 듯한 상태가 됨.
being out of reach
    being too much; unreasonableness; impracticality; being out of reach
  • An act that goes too far, being against common sense.
  • 상식에서 벗어나게 정도가 지나침.
    being short of; being below; being out of reach
  • The extent of not reaching a certain quantity or standard.
  • 어떤 수량이나 기준에 미치지 못하는 정도.
being out of service
    being cut-off; being out of service; being down
  • A state in which transportation or communication facilities do not work, being interrupted or disconnected.
  • 교통 시설이나 통신 시설의 연결이 막히거나 끊어져 서로 통하지 않음.
being out of the question
    being out of the question; no possibility
  • No possibility of something happening.
  • 어떤 일이 일어날 가능성이 전혀 없음.
being outside
    being outside; being outdoors
  • A space not enclosed by something.
  • 무엇에 둘러싸이지 않은 공간.
    being outside the company; being outside
  • Outside of a company, or a person who is not an employee or involved in the company.
  • 회사의 밖. 또는 회사의 직원이나 관계자가 아닌 사람.
    being external; being outside
  • A state of being related to the outside of an object, organization, or group.
  • 사물 또는 조직이나 단체의 바깥과 관련된 것.
    being in appearance; being outside; being external
  • A state of relating to the outer shape of an object.
  • 사물의 겉모양과 관련된 것.
    being outside; being external
  • The outside of an institution or parliament whose name ends with 'won' such as hospital, nursing home, etc.
  • 병원, 연구원 등과 같이 ‘원’자가 붙은 기관이나 국회의 밖.
being outside government
    being outside government
  • The state of being among the general public and not belonging to a government agency.
  • 정부 기관에 속하지 않고 일반 국민들 사이에 있음.
being outside the company
    being outside the company; being outside
  • Outside of a company, or a person who is not an employee or involved in the company.
  • 회사의 밖. 또는 회사의 직원이나 관계자가 아닌 사람.
being outside the mainstream
    being outside the mainstream
  • A group engaged in political activities without having an official capacity.
  • 제도권 안에 있지 않은 채로 정치적 활동을 하는 정치 세력.
being outside-the-park
    being outside-the-park; being off-the-court
  • An area beyond a certain place.
  • 일정한 장소의 바깥.
being outstanding
    being outstanding; being exceptional
  • A state of being outstanding among others.
  • 여럿 중에서 특히 뛰어남.
being outward bound
    being outward bound; being outbound
  • A state in which a vessel or plane travels overseas.
  • 배나 비행기가 외국으로 다님.
being overall
    being overall
  • Something that relates to the whole.
  • 전체에 관계된 것.
    being general; being overall
  • The state of something being added or bound into one whole.
  • 모두 하나로 합치거나 묶은 것.
being overbearing
    being coercive; being overbearing; being high-handed
  • The manner of pressing someone mentally by using strong power or an attitude of making him/her feel afraid.
  • 두려움을 느끼게 하는 태도나 강력한 힘 등으로 정신적으로 내리누르는 것.
being overdue
    being overdue; arrearage
  • The state of being late in paying money or returning an object.
  • 내야 하는 돈이나 물건 등을 기한이 지나도록 내지 않음.
being overpowering
    being overwhelming; being sweeping; being overpowering
  • A state of defeating the opponent completely with superior force or ability.
  • 뛰어난 힘이나 능력으로 상대방을 눌러 꼼짝 못하게 하는 것.
being over someone's shoulders
    being over someone's shoulders
  • A figurative expression for learning something just by watching or listening to others doing something.
  • 다른 사람이 하는 것을 옆에서 보거나 들음.
being over-the-counter
    being over-the-counter
  • A place other than the stock market where marketable securities such as stocks and bonds are traded.
  • 주식이나 채권 등의 유가 증권이 거래되는, 증권 거래소 이외의 장소.
being over the line
    crossing the line; being over the line
  • One's speech or behavior not befitting his/her position and being presumptuous or excessive.
  • 말이나 행동이 자신의 처지에 맞지 않게 건방지고 지나친 데가 있다.
being overwhelming
    being overwhelming; being sweeping; being overpowering
  • A state of defeating the opponent completely with superior force or ability.
  • 뛰어난 힘이나 능력으로 상대방을 눌러 꼼짝 못하게 하는 것.
being own
    being own
  • Something made by oneself, not by something else.
  • 다른 것에 의한 것이 아닌 스스로에 의한 것.
being owner-driven
    being owner-driven
  • The owner of a car driving his/her own car.
  • 차 주인이 자신의 차를 직접 운전하는 일.
being paid
    being paid
  • The state of receiving money for working.
  • 일을 한 대가로 받는 돈이 있음.
    being paid; being charged
  • The state of charging toll, fare, fee, etc.
  • 요금을 내게 되어 있음.
being panic
    embarrassment; being panic; being flustered
  • A state in which a person is at a loss what to do as he/she is frightened or in a hurry.
  • 놀라거나 매우 급하여 어떻게 해야 할지를 모름.
being pan-national
    being pan-national; involving all citizens
  • Having all citizens in a nation participating, or involving all citizens in a nation
  • 모든 시민이 함께 참여하는 것.
being paradoxical
    being paradoxical
  • A state of being a seemingly incoherent statement that represents truth in substance.
  • 표면적으로는 앞뒤가 맞지 않지만, 실질적인 내용은 진리를 나타내고 있는 것.
being parallel
    being parallel; being in a row
  • A state of standing in a row; the act of arranging things in a row.
  • 나란히 늘어섬. 또는 나란히 늘어놓음.
    being parallel
  • An act of two straight lines being placed in parallel, so that they never meet however long they are extended; or such a state.
  • 두 개의 직선이 나란히 있어 아무리 길게 늘려도 서로 만나지 않음. 또는 그런 상태.
being partial
    being partial
  • A state in which only partial aspects of a thing or event are being exposed.
  • 사물이나 사건의 부분적인 측면만을 나타내는 것.
    being partial
  • A state of having a relationship with only one part of something.
  • 전체 중 한 부분에만 관련되는 것.
    being partial; being biased
  • The state of not being fair and leaning toward a certain side.
  • 올바르지 못하고 어느 한쪽으로 치우친 것.
being particular
    something; being particular
  • A thing that is strange, not common.
  • 흔하지 않은 이상한 것.
    being particular
  • A state of being different from normal.
  • 보통과 다름.
    being specific; being particular
  • An act of fixing a specific target, place, etc.
  • 특별히 가리켜 분명하게 정함.
being particularly fun
    being particularly fun; thing that is especially fun
  • Special fun thing or a thing that gives such fun.
  • 특별한 재미. 또는 그런 재미를 가진 일.
being partisan
    being partisan; being factional
  • A quality of being unconditionally sided with one's own party.
  • 자신이 속한 당을 무조건 편드는 성질.
being passed down
    being passed down; being traditional
  • The act of being passed on from the past.
  • 예로부터 전해 내려옴.
being passed down orally
    being passed down orally
  • Something descended orally from a long time ago.
  • 옛날부터 말로 전하여 내려온 것.
being passed on
    being passed on
  • The act of being passed on from generation to generation in a family.
  • 집안 대대로 전해 내려옴.
being passed over
    be overlooked; be ignored; being passed over
  • To be looked at and ignored without receiving particular interest.
  • 큰 관심 없이 대강 보아 그냥 넘겨지다.
being passionate
    being passionate
  • The attitude of doing something hard with enthusiasm.
  • 어떤 일에 뜨거운 애정을 가지고 열심히 하는 것.
    being passionate
  • Something that carries a spontaneous feeling arising intensely and strongly.
  • 마음속에서 뜨겁고 강하게 일어나는 적극적인 감정을 지닌 것.
being passive
    being passive
  • Lacking the will to do something by oneself and being inactive.
  • 스스로 하려는 의지가 부족하고 활동적이지 않은 것.
    being passive
  • Moving when affected by others, not taking action by oneself.
  • 스스로 움직이지 않고 남의 힘을 받아 움직이는 것.
    being passive
  • The state of being moved by someone’s power, not by one’s own.
  • 스스로 움직이지 않고 남의 힘에 의해 움직이는 것.
being pastoral
    being pastoral
  • Being simple, peaceful and sentimental as the countryside is.
  • 시골처럼 소박하고 평화로우며 서정적인 것.
being pathetic
    being pitiful; being pathetic
  • The state of someone being poor and pathetic.
  • 가엾고 불쌍함.
being pathological
    being abnormal; being pathological
  • A state in which one's words or behavior are too excessive to be considered normal.
  • 말이나 행동 등이 정상적인 상태에서 벗어나 지나친 것.
being patriarchal
    patriarchy; being patriarchal
  • A system or state in which all family issues are controlled by the eldest male of the family.
  • 한 집안에서 가장 나이가 많고 권위가 있는 남자가 가족에 대한 지배권을 행사하는 것.
being patriotic
    being patriotic
  • A state of loving one's own country.
  • 자신의 나라를 사랑하는 것.
being peaceful
    being peaceful; not being ill
  • One's state of having no worries or troubles, or being well, healthy, and safe.
  • 걱정이나 탈이 없음. 또는 무사히 잘 있음.
    being peaceful; not being ill
  • One's state of having no worries or troubles, or being well, healthy and safe.
  • 걱정이나 탈이 없음. 또는 무사히 잘 있음.
being peculiar
    being distinct; being peculiar
  • The state of something being noticeable because it is especially different from what is normal.
  • 다른 것에 비해 특별히 달라 눈에 띄는 것.
being pedantic
    being pedantic; being inkhorn
  • A state of boasting that one has acquired extensive knowledge through learning.
  • 배워서 얻은 지식이 많음을 자랑하고 뽐내는 것.
being peerless
    being unsurpassed; being peerless
  • A state of being incomparable to anything.
  • 세상 어디에도 비할 데가 없음.
    being unequaled; being peerless; being unrivaled
  • The state of one's talent or ability being very good and excellent; such an excellent talent or ability.
  • 재주나 능력이 아주 좋고 훌륭함. 또는 그 재주나 능력.
being penniless
    being penniless; being broke
  • (slang) A person who is penniless without any possessions or substantial property.
  • (속된 말로) 가진 것이나 실속이 없는 빈털터리.
    being broke; being penniless
  • (figurative) A person who has nothing because he/she spent or lost all of his money or wealth.
  • (비유적으로) 가지고 있던 돈이나 재산을 모두 쓰거나 잃어 가진 것이 없는 사람.
    being broke; being penniless
  • (figurative) A person who has nothing because he/she spent or lost all of his money or wealth.
  • (비유적으로) 가지고 있던 돈이나 재산을 모두 쓰거나 잃어 가진 것이 없는 사람.
    being penniless; being broke; person without money
  • A person who loses all of his/her wealth and has nothing left.
  • 재산을 다 잃어 아무것도 가진 것이 없게 된 사람.

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