being other thanbeing outbeing outboundbeing outdatedbeing outdoorsbeing outerbeing outgoingbeing outmodedbeing outnumberedbeing out ofbeing out of controlbeing out of linebeing out of one's mindbeing out of reachbeing out of servicebeing out of the questionbeing outsidebeing outside governmentbeing outside the companybeing outside the mainstreambeing outside-the-parkbeing outstandingbeing outward boundbeing overallbeing overbearingbeing overduebeing overpoweringbeing over someone's shouldersbeing over-the-counterbeing over the linebeing overwhelmingbeing ownbeing owner-drivenbeing paidbeing panicbeing pan-nationalbeing paradoxicalbeing parallelbeing partialbeing particularbeing particularly funbeing partisanbeing passed downbeing passed down orallybeing passed onbeing passed overbeing passionatebeing passivebeing pastoralbeing patheticbeing pathologicalbeing patriarchalbeing patrioticbeing peacefulbeing peculiarbeing pedanticbeing peerlessbeing penniless
being other than
being out
- In tennis, table tennis, basketball, volleyball, etc., a state in which the ball goes out a certain line.
- 테니스, 탁구, 농구, 배구 등에서 공이 일정한 선 밖으로 나가는 일.
- In baseball, a state in which a hitter or runner loses his right to continue to play.
- 야구에서, 타자나 주자가 공격할 자격을 잃는 일.
being out
being out
being outbound
- A state in which a vessel or plane travels overseas.
- 배나 비행기가 외국으로 다님.
being outward bound; being outbound
being outdated
being outdoors
being outer
being outgoing
- A knack for easily associating with and mixing with many people.
- 여러 사람과 잘 사귀고 쉽게 어울리는 것.
being sociable; being outgoing
being outmoded
- Something which existed in the old days only or which became too old for a new era.
- 예전 시대에만 있거나 새로운 시대에 맞지 않게 오래된 것.
being outdated; being outmoded
being outnumbered
- The state of being outnumbered and unable to fight off the opponents.
- 적은 수로 많은 수에 맞서지 못함.
being outnumbered
being out of
- The part that goes beyond a certain range or limit.
- 어떤 범위나 한도에 들지 않는 부분.
being beyond; being out of
being out of control
- A state in which things get done sloppily and in a disorderly manner.
- 일이 아무렇게나 마구 되는 지경.
disorder; mess; being out of control
being out of line
being out of one's mind
- A state in which one's state of mind or behavior becomes abnormal.
- 마음이나 행동이 정상이 아닌 듯한 상태가 됨.
going crazy; going mad; being out of one's mind
being out of reach
being out of service
- A state in which transportation or communication facilities do not work, being interrupted or disconnected.
- 교통 시설이나 통신 시설의 연결이 막히거나 끊어져 서로 통하지 않음.
being cut-off; being out of service; being down
being out of the question
- No possibility of something happening.
- 어떤 일이 일어날 가능성이 전혀 없음.
being out of the question; no possibility
being outside
2. 사외
- Outside of a company, or a person who is not an employee or involved in the company.
- 회사의 밖. 또는 회사의 직원이나 관계자가 아닌 사람.
being outside the company; being outside
3. 외적²
- A state of being related to the outside of an object, organization, or group.
- 사물 또는 조직이나 단체의 바깥과 관련된 것.
being external; being outside
4. 외형적¹
- A state of relating to the outer shape of an object.
- 사물의 겉모양과 관련된 것.
being in appearance; being outside; being external
5. 원외
- The outside of an institution or parliament whose name ends with 'won' such as hospital, nursing home, etc.
- 병원, 연구원 등과 같이 ‘원’자가 붙은 기관이나 국회의 밖.
being outside; being external
being outside government
- The state of being among the general public and not belonging to a government agency.
- 정부 기관에 속하지 않고 일반 국민들 사이에 있음.
being outside government
being outside the company
- Outside of a company, or a person who is not an employee or involved in the company.
- 회사의 밖. 또는 회사의 직원이나 관계자가 아닌 사람.
being outside the company; being outside
being outside the mainstream
- A group engaged in political activities without having an official capacity.
- 제도권 안에 있지 않은 채로 정치적 활동을 하는 정치 세력.
being outside the mainstream
being outside-the-park
being outstanding
- A state of being outstanding among others.
- 여럿 중에서 특히 뛰어남.
being outstanding; being exceptional
being outward bound
- A state in which a vessel or plane travels overseas.
- 배나 비행기가 외국으로 다님.
being outward bound; being outbound
being overall
being overbearing
- The manner of pressing someone mentally by using strong power or an attitude of making him/her feel afraid.
- 두려움을 느끼게 하는 태도나 강력한 힘 등으로 정신적으로 내리누르는 것.
being coercive; being overbearing; being high-handed
being overdue
- The state of being late in paying money or returning an object.
- 내야 하는 돈이나 물건 등을 기한이 지나도록 내지 않음.
being overdue; arrearage
being overpowering
- A state of defeating the opponent completely with superior force or ability.
- 뛰어난 힘이나 능력으로 상대방을 눌러 꼼짝 못하게 하는 것.
being overwhelming; being sweeping; being overpowering
being over someone's shoulders
- A figurative expression for learning something just by watching or listening to others doing something.
- 다른 사람이 하는 것을 옆에서 보거나 들음.
being over someone's shoulders
being over-the-counter
- A place other than the stock market where marketable securities such as stocks and bonds are traded.
- 주식이나 채권 등의 유가 증권이 거래되는, 증권 거래소 이외의 장소.
being over-the-counter
being over the line
- One's speech or behavior not befitting his/her position and being presumptuous or excessive.
- 말이나 행동이 자신의 처지에 맞지 않게 건방지고 지나친 데가 있다.
crossing the line; being over the line
being overwhelming
- A state of defeating the opponent completely with superior force or ability.
- 뛰어난 힘이나 능력으로 상대방을 눌러 꼼짝 못하게 하는 것.
being overwhelming; being sweeping; being overpowering
being own
being owner-driven
being paid
being panic
- A state in which a person is at a loss what to do as he/she is frightened or in a hurry.
- 놀라거나 매우 급하여 어떻게 해야 할지를 모름.
embarrassment; being panic; being flustered
being pan-national
- Having all citizens in a nation participating, or involving all citizens in a nation
- 모든 시민이 함께 참여하는 것.
being pan-national; involving all citizens
being paradoxical
- A state of being a seemingly incoherent statement that represents truth in substance.
- 표면적으로는 앞뒤가 맞지 않지만, 실질적인 내용은 진리를 나타내고 있는 것.
being paradoxical
being parallel
1. 병렬
- A state of standing in a row; the act of arranging things in a row.
- 나란히 늘어섬. 또는 나란히 늘어놓음.
being parallel; being in a row
2. 평행
- An act of two straight lines being placed in parallel, so that they never meet however long they are extended; or such a state.
- 두 개의 직선이 나란히 있어 아무리 길게 늘려도 서로 만나지 않음. 또는 그런 상태.
being parallel
being partial
1. 단면적²
- A state in which only partial aspects of a thing or event are being exposed.
- 사물이나 사건의 부분적인 측면만을 나타내는 것.
being partial
2. 부분적¹
- A state of having a relationship with only one part of something.
- 전체 중 한 부분에만 관련되는 것.
being partial
3. 편파적¹
- The state of not being fair and leaning toward a certain side.
- 올바르지 못하고 어느 한쪽으로 치우친 것.
being partial; being biased
being particular
being particularly fun
- Special fun thing or a thing that gives such fun.
- 특별한 재미. 또는 그런 재미를 가진 일.
being particularly fun; thing that is especially fun
being partisan
- A quality of being unconditionally sided with one's own party.
- 자신이 속한 당을 무조건 편드는 성질.
being partisan; being factional
being passed down
being passed down orally
being passed on
- The act of being passed on from generation to generation in a family.
- 집안 대대로 전해 내려옴.
being passed on
being passed over
- To be looked at and ignored without receiving particular interest.
- 큰 관심 없이 대강 보아 그냥 넘겨지다.
be overlooked; be ignored; being passed over
being passionate
being passive
1. 소극적¹
- Lacking the will to do something by oneself and being inactive.
- 스스로 하려는 의지가 부족하고 활동적이지 않은 것.
being passive
2. 수동적¹
- Moving when affected by others, not taking action by oneself.
- 스스로 움직이지 않고 남의 힘을 받아 움직이는 것.
being passive
3. 피동적¹
- The state of being moved by someone’s power, not by one’s own.
- 스스로 움직이지 않고 남의 힘에 의해 움직이는 것.
being passive
being pastoral
- Being simple, peaceful and sentimental as the countryside is.
- 시골처럼 소박하고 평화로우며 서정적인 것.
being pastoral
being pathetic
being pathological
- A state in which one's words or behavior are too excessive to be considered normal.
- 말이나 행동 등이 정상적인 상태에서 벗어나 지나친 것.
being abnormal; being pathological
being patriarchal
- A system or state in which all family issues are controlled by the eldest male of the family.
- 한 집안에서 가장 나이가 많고 권위가 있는 남자가 가족에 대한 지배권을 행사하는 것.
patriarchy; being patriarchal
being patriotic
being peaceful
being peculiar
- The state of something being noticeable because it is especially different from what is normal.
- 다른 것에 비해 특별히 달라 눈에 띄는 것.
being distinct; being peculiar
being pedantic
- A state of boasting that one has acquired extensive knowledge through learning.
- 배워서 얻은 지식이 많음을 자랑하고 뽐내는 것.
being pedantic; being inkhorn
being peerless
being penniless
1. 개털
- (slang) A person who is penniless without any possessions or substantial property.
- (속된 말로) 가진 것이나 실속이 없는 빈털터리.
being penniless; being broke
2. 발가숭이
- (figurative) A person who has nothing because he/she spent or lost all of his money or wealth.
- (비유적으로) 가지고 있던 돈이나 재산을 모두 쓰거나 잃어 가진 것이 없는 사람.
being broke; being penniless
3. 벌거숭이
- (figurative) A person who has nothing because he/she spent or lost all of his money or wealth.
- (비유적으로) 가지고 있던 돈이나 재산을 모두 쓰거나 잃어 가진 것이 없는 사람.
being broke; being penniless
4. 빈털터리
- A person who loses all of his/her wealth and has nothing left.
- 재산을 다 잃어 아무것도 가진 것이 없게 된 사람.
being penniless; being broke; person without money
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