being on board
    being on board
  • A state of being on board a ship.
  • 배를 타고 항해하고 있는 상태.
being on brotherly terms
    being on brotherly terms; being on fraternal terms
  • A state of being very close friends with someone, calling each other brothers.
  • 서로 형이니 아우니 하고 부를 정도로 매우 가까운 친구로 지냄.
being on duty
    being on duty; one's turn; shift
  • Becoming one's turn to do something, or the person in this turn.
  • 어떤 일을 할 차례가 됨. 또는 그 차례가 된 사람.
    being on duty; being on watch
  • One's turn to watch the workplace during weekends or nights, or a person in this turn.
  • 근무하는 곳에서 휴일이나 밤에 직장을 지키는 일을 하는 순서가 됨. 또는 그 순서가 된 사람.
being one
    unity; being one
  • A state in which something more than two join together and becomes one, or an act of uniting something.
  • 둘 이상이 합하여 하나가 됨. 또는 그렇게 만듦.
    unison; working as one; being one
  • A state in which one's thoughts, actions, will, etc., unite to form a perfect whole.
  • 생각, 행동, 의지 등이 완전히 하나가 됨.
being one-dimensional
    being one-sided; being one-dimensional
  • A state of leaning in one direction.
  • 한 방면으로 치우치는 것.
being one-eyed
    being one-eyed
  • The eye that is open when the other eye is closed.
  • 두 눈 중에서 한쪽 눈을 감고 다른 한쪽 눈으로 볼 때 뜬 눈.
being on emergency duty
    emergency working; being on emergency duty; emergency operation
  • A state of being on duty to solve urgent matters when they occur unexpectedly.
  • 뜻밖에 긴급한 일이 생겼을 때 이를 해결하기 위하여 하는 근무.
being one-sided
    being one-sided; being one-dimensional
  • A state of leaning in one direction.
  • 한 방면으로 치우치는 것.
    being one-sided; being unilateral
  • A state of leaning toward one party or side.
  • 어느 한쪽이나 한편으로 치우친 것.
being one-storied
    being one-storied
  • A state in which a building has one floor.
  • 건물이 하나의 층으로 된 것.
being one-time
    being one-time
  • A state in which something happens only once, not repeatedly.
  • 어떤 일이 계속되지 않고 단 한 번만 일어남.
    being one-time
  • A state in which something happens only once, not repeatedly.
  • 일이 계속되지 않고 단 한 번만 일어나는 성질.
being one-track minded
    person with a one-track mind; being one-track minded
  • The state of devoting oneself to only one field or thing, or such a person.
  • 단 하나의 분야나 일에만 파고드는 것. 또는 그런 사람.
being on everyone's lips
    being on everyone's lips; being talked about
  • A state of being talked about and praised by many people.
  • 칭찬을 받으며 사람의 입에 자주 오르내림.
being one with
    teamwork; being one with
  • The state of being in harmony with people that one works with, or such harmony.
  • 함께 일을 하는 사람들과 조화를 이룸. 또는 그 조화.
being on fraternal terms
    being on brotherly terms; being on fraternal terms
  • A state of being very close friends with someone, calling each other brothers.
  • 서로 형이니 아우니 하고 부를 정도로 매우 가까운 친구로 지냄.
being only
    merely existing; being only
  • A state of being worthless and trivial.
  • 보잘것없이 하찮음.
    being only
  • The practice of allowing access to certain individuals and groups only.
  • 특정한 부류의 사람이나 집단만 사용함.
  • being exclusive; being only
  • The practice of using something for a specific purpose only.
  • 특정한 목적으로만 사용함.
  • being only
  • The practice of using something only.
  • 오직 한 가지만을 사용함.
being on one hand
    one side; one aspect; being on one hand
  • One facet of a certain matter.
  • 어떤 일의 한 측면.
being on one's way up
    being on one's way up; being on track
  • (figurative) A state in which one continues with his/her success without facing any blockage.
  • (비유적으로) 성공이나 출세 등이 막힘없이 계속됨.
being on the brink of death
    being on the brink of death; deadly situation; being near death; being between life and death
  • A state or situation where one is about to die.
  • 거의 죽을 것 같은 상태나 상황.
being on the deck
    being on the deck
  • A state of being on the deck of a ship.
  • 배의 갑판 위.
being on the decline
    being on the decline; being on the wane
  • A state in which something is gradually collapsing, outpaced by a new thing.
  • 새로운 것에 밀려 점점 몰락해 가는 중.
    being downward; being on the decline
  • A state in which one's power or force, etc., grows weak.
  • 힘이나 세력 등이 약해져 감.
  • being downward; being on the decline
  • A state in which price, grade, or status, etc., goes down.
  • 물가나 점수, 지위 등이 떨어짐.
being on the line
    being on the line
  • A state of being on a line that has been drawn.
  • 그어 놓은 줄의 위.
being on the sea
    being on the sea
  • A state of being on the sea.
  • 바다의 위.
being on the spot
    being on the spot
  • The very place where a certain affair is unfolding.
  • 어떤 일이 진행되는 바로 그 자리.
being on the throne
    being on the throne
  • The state of holding the post of king, or such a period.
  • 임금의 자리에 있음. 또는 그런 동안.
being on the tip of one's tongue
    being on the tip of one's tongue
  • Something almost coming to one's mind, but in the end, disappearing.
  • 생각이 날 듯하면서도 나지 않다.
being on the verge of death
    being near death; dying; being on the verge of death
  • A state of being almost dead.
  • 거의 죽은 것과 같은 상태.
being on the wane
    being on the decline; being on the wane
  • A state in which something is gradually collapsing, outpaced by a new thing.
  • 새로운 것에 밀려 점점 몰락해 가는 중.
being on the water
    water way; being on the water
  • The surface of water or a path along which water flows.
  • 물의 위. 또는 물이 흐르는 길.
being on the way
    being in the middle; being on the way
  • A state of being in the middle of going somewhere.
  • 길을 가는 중간.
    being in the middle; being on the way
  • A state of being in the middle of going somewhere.
  • 오가는 길의 가운데.
    being in the middle; being on the way
  • A state of being in the middle of going somewhere.
  • 오가는 길의 가운데.
being on the way down
    decent; downhill; being on the way down
  • The time or stage in which one's energy or spirit weakens, being past its peak.
  • 한창때를 지나 기운이나 기세가 약해지는 시기나 단계.
being on track
    being on one's way up; being on track
  • (figurative) A state in which one continues with his/her success without facing any blockage.
  • (비유적으로) 성공이나 출세 등이 막힘없이 계속됨.
being on visiting terms
    being on visiting terms
  • The state of keeping company with each other, exchanging visits.
  • 서로 오고 가며 친하게 지냄.
being on watch
    being on duty; being on watch
  • One's turn to watch the workplace during weekends or nights, or a person in this turn.
  • 근무하는 곳에서 휴일이나 밤에 직장을 지키는 일을 하는 순서가 됨. 또는 그 순서가 된 사람.
being open
    being open
  • The customs, system, etc., of a society being free and open.
  • 사회의 풍습이나 제도 등이 자유롭고 열려 있는.
  • being frank; being open
  • One's mindset or attitude being free and open.
  • 생각이나 태도가 자유롭고 열려 있는.
being open-access
    being open-access; open shelves system
  • A way of managing library stacks in such a way that visitors can freely look for whatever books they want.
  • 도서관을 이용하는 사람들이 원하는 책을 자유롭게 찾아볼 수 있도록 하는 운영 방식.
being open-ended
    being open-ended
  • A type of problem in a test where the test-taker answers freely to a question being asked.
  • 주어진 물음에 따라 답안을 직접 작성하는 시험 문제의 형식.
being open for business
    being open for business
  • A state of being in business.
  • 영업을 하고 있음.
being open year-round
    being open year-round
  • The state of not closing for even one day a year.
  • 일 년 내내 하루도 쉬지 않음.
being operational
    working-level ; being operational
  • The state of being associated with the actual handling of work.
  • 실제로 하는 업무나 사무와 관계되는 것.
being opposite
    being totally different; being opposite
  • A totally different state or attitude.
  • 전혀 다른 모습이나 태도.
  • being totally different; being opposite
  • A totally different circumstance or situation.
  • 아주 다른 형편이나 형세.
being oppressive
    being coercive; being oppressive
  • Forcibly suppressing using power or authority.
  • 힘이나 권력을 이용해 강제로 억누르는 것.
    being high-handed; being oppressive; being domineering
  • An attitude of trying to control other people.
  • 남을 억누르는 것.
    being suppressive; being oppressive; being repressive
  • A state of restraining someone from acting freely.
  • 자유롭게 행동하지 못하도록 억누르는 것.
being optical
    being visual; being optical
  • Seeing with the eyes.
  • 눈으로 보는 것.
being optimal
    the most suitable; being optimal
  • The state of something best meeting a certain condition, standard, etc.
  • 어떤 조건이나 기준 등에 가장 알맞음.
being optimistic
    being positive; being optimistic
  • A state of being desirable or considered favorably.
  • 바람직하거나 좋게 볼 만한 것.
    being optimistic
  • A state of believing that things will go well in the future.
  • 앞날의 일이 잘될 것이라고 믿는 것.
    being optimistic
  • Viewing the world and life with hope.
  • 세상과 인생을 즐겁고 좋게 생각하는 것.
    being hopeful; being optimistic
  • A state of having expectations for the future.
  • 앞일에 대하여 기대를 가지고 바라는 것.
  • being hopeful; being optimistic
  • A state of having the potential to be successful in the future.
  • 앞으로 잘될 수 있는 가능성이 있는 것.
being optional
    being optional; being discretionary; being arbitrary
  • The act of doing something as one wants without any rule or standard.
  • 일정한 규칙이나 기준 없이 하고 싶은 대로 함.
  • being optional
  • A state in which the object or place for something has not been fixed.
  • 대상이나 장소를 일정하게 정하지 않음.
    being optional; being discretionary; being arbitrary
  • The state of doing something as one wants without any rule or standard.
  • 일정한 규칙이나 기준 없이 하고 싶은 대로 하는 것.
  • being optional
  • A state in which the object or place for something has not been fixed.
  • 대상이나 장소를 일정하게 정하지 않은 것.
being oral
    being oral
  • Being spoken.
  • 입으로 하는 말.
being ordinary
    being ordinary; being average
  • The quality of being common and ordinary as opposed to extraordinary, or being average as opposed to excellent or sub-par.
  • 흔히 볼 수 있어 특별하지 않고 평범함. 또는 뛰어나지도 뒤떨어지지도 않은 중간 정도.
    the public; being common; being ordinary
  • An average level, which is not special or extraordinary; people at such a level.
  • 특별하거나 뛰어나지 않은 평범한 수준. 또는 그런 사람들.
    being ordinary; being common; being usual
  • A quality of not coming under a certain professional or special area.
  • 전문적이거나 특별한 분야에 속하지 않는 것.
    being ordinary; being usual; being routine
  • A state of something not being special because it is a part of daily life.
  • 늘 있어서 특별하지 않은 것.
    being ordinary; being average
  • The quality of something being common, not special.
  • 특별하지 않고 보통임.
being organic
    being organic; being systematic
  • The state in which each part of something cannot be separated from the other parts and is closely connected with them, constituting a whole, like in an organism.
  • 생물체와 같이 각 부분이 밀접한 관련을 맺으며 전체를 이루고 있어 따로 떼어 낼 수 없는 것.
being oriental
    being oriental
  • The way or characteristic of Asia's eastern and southern region.
  • 아시아 동쪽과 남쪽 지역의 방식이나 형식.
    being oriental
  • Having the characteristics of a country or culture that belongs to Asia's eastern and southern region.
  • 아시아 동쪽과 남쪽 지역에 속하는 나라나 문화의 특징을 지닌 것.
being original
    being original; being fundamental
  • A state of being related to the root of a thing or phenomenon.
  • 사물이나 현상의 근원과 관련된 것.
    being original; being pristine; being primeval
  • Being in the same state as something began.
  • 처음 시작된 그대로의 상태인 것.
    being primitive; being original
  • The quality of being the very start of a certain thing or phenomenon.
  • 일이나 현상이 시작하는 맨 처음이 되는 것.
    being the first; being original
  • The first of its kind.
  • 맨 처음.
being other-directed
    heteronomy; being other-directed
  • An act of doing things following a fixed rule or someone's order, regardless of one's own intention.
  • 자신의 의지와 상관없이 정해진 규칙이나 다른 사람의 명령에 따라 행동하는 일.
    heteronomy; being other-directed
  • An act of doing things following a fixed rule or someone's order, regardless of one's own intention.
  • 자신의 의지와 상관없이 정해진 규칙이나 다른 사람의 명령에 따라 행동하는 것.

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