being low-end
    being cheap; being low-end
  • A low price.
  • 싼 가격.
being low-fat
    being low-fat
  • The state of a food containing a small amount of fat.
  • 식품 등에 지방이 적게 들어 있는 상태.
being low-pitched
    being low-pitched; being deep; low note
  • A sound that is low-pitched.
  • 낮은 소리.
    being low-pitched; low pitch
  • Being low in pitch or such a pitch.
  • 가락이 낮음. 또는 그런 가락.
being low-quality
    being low-quality; being indecent
  • Having low, crude or bad quality.
  • 낮고 좋지 못한 품질.
being low-skilled
    being low; being low-skilled
  • Quality, level, etc. being low.
  • 품질이나 수준 등이 낮음.
being lukewarm
    being lukewarm; being half-hearted
  • One's attitude being passive.
  • 태도가 소극적인 것.
being luxurious
    being extravagant; being lavish; being luxurious
  • A state of living beyond one's means, overspending or using expensive items.
  • 필요 이상의 돈을 쓰거나 값비싼 물건을 사용하며 분수에 지나친 생활을 하는 성질.
    being luxurious; being sumptuous; being lavish
  • The look or state of being extremely luxurious and fancy.
  • 화려하고 사치스러운 상태나 형편.
being lyrical
    being lyrical
  • The beauty found in emotions or sentiments.
  • 감정이나 정서를 담고 있는 아름다움.
    being lyrical
  • The quality found in emotions and sentiments.
  • 감정이나 정서를 많이 담고 있는 특성.
    being lyrical
  • The quality found in emotions and sentiments.
  • 감정이나 정서를 많이 담고 있는 것.
being machine-like
    machine; being machine-like
  • (figurative) A person who is accurate and skilled in doing something, like a machine; or a person who does something repeatedly over and over like a machine.
  • (비유적으로) 기계처럼 정확하고 능숙하게 어떤 일을 하는 사람. 또는 기계처럼 반복적으로 되풀이해서 어떤 일을 하는 사람.
  • machine; robot; being machine-like
  • (figurative) A person who acts independent of his/her thoughts or will.
  • (비유적으로) 자신의 생각이나 의지와는 상관없이 행동하는 사람.
    being mechanical; being machine-like
  • A state of being accurate and regular like a machine.
  • 기계처럼 정확하고 규칙적인 것.
  • being machine-like; being robotic
  • The act of doing something blindly and passively without any human feelings or creativity.
  • 인간의 감정이나 창의성 없이 맹목적이고 수동적으로 하는 것.
being macroscopic
    being macroscopic; being comprehensive
  • Consideration of a phenomenon or object from point of view of the big picture, not from its details.
  • 어떤 사물이나 현상을 개별이나 부분으로 나누지 않고 전체적으로 생각함.
    being macroscopic
  • Considering a phenomenon or object from the big picture, not from the details.
  • 어떤 사물이나 현상을 작은 부분이 아닌 전체로 생각하는 것.
being made by
    being made by
  • A word used to mean "an object made by the person".
  • '그 사람이 만든 물건'의 뜻을 나타내는 말.
being made of gold
    being made of gold; goldwork
  • An act of making something with gold, or something made of gold.
  • 금으로 만듦. 또는 그런 물건.
being made of silver
    being made of silver; something silver
  • The state of being made of silver, or such an object.
  • 은으로 만듦. 또는 그런 물건.
being made-up
    being fictional; being fabricated; being made-up
  • A state of making something untrue or unreal look true through fabrication.
  • 사실과 다르거나 실제로는 없었던 일을 사실처럼 꾸며 만드는 성질을 띤 것.
being magnified
    spreading; growing; being magnified
  • A state in which a certain event develops into a bigger event or triggers a chain of other events.
  • 하나의 일이 그 일로 끝나지 않고 더 큰 일로 번지거나 많은 일로 이어짐.
being maiden
    being maiden
  • The act of doing something or performing an action for the first time.
  • 일이나 행동을 처음으로 함.
being main
    being main
  • Something that serves as a basis or center.
  • 기본이나 중심이 되는 것.
    being main; being chief
  • The act of holding a certain responsibility at a workplace or group, or such a person.
  • 직장이나 단체 등에서 어떤 일을 주로 담당함. 또는 그런 사람.
    being main
  • The act of playing a central role in a match, game, fight, etc., or a person with such a role.
  • 시합, 경기, 싸움 등에서 중심이 되어 싸움. 또는 그런 사람.
    being main
  • One among many that plays a central role.
  • 여러 가지 가운데 중심이 되는 것.
    being central; being main
  • Something that is very important and fundamental.
  • 매우 중요하고 기본이 되는 것.
being main and secondary
    being main and secondary
  • An important thing and another thing that depends on it.
  • 중요한 것과 그에 딸린 것.
being majestic
    being majestic; being imposing; being commanding
  • The quality of one's appearance or spirit being dignified enough to overwhelm others.
  • 다른 사람을 압도할 만큼 겉모양이나 기운이 위엄이 있고 대단함.
being makeshift
    being makeshift; being stopgap; being temporary
  • The state of approaching a problem tentatively, not fundamentally.
  • 어떤 문제에 대하여 근본적으로 접근하지 않고 임시적으로 접근함.
being malformed
    being deformed; being malformed
  • The state of being abnormal in the structure and appearance of an object.
  • 사물의 구조나 생김새 등이 정상과 다른 것.
    being malformed
  • The state of the structure or appearance of an object being abnormal; the act of making something in such a way.
  • 사물의 구조나 생김새가 정상과 다르게 됨. 또는 그렇게 만듦.
being mandatory
    being mandatory; being obligatory; being compulsory
  • The quality of having to be done as a matter of duty.
  • 마땅히 해야 하는 것.
being manned
    being manned; being human-operated
  • The state of a car, airplane, spaceship, etc., being operated or driven by a person.
  • 차나 비행기, 우주선 등에 그것을 작동하고 운전하는 사람이 있음.
being manual
    being manual
  • Moving only by the human hand without the energy of a machine, etc., or something that is made to move only by the human hand.
  • 기계 등의 힘을 사용하지 않고 사람이 직접 손의 힘만으로 움직임. 또는 손의 힘만으로 움직이도록 되어 있는 것.
    being manual
  • A method in which a thing is worked by external force and does not work by itself, or such a thing.
  • 스스로 움직이지 않고 남의 힘을 받아 움직이는 방식. 또는 그런 것.
    being manual; being handmade
  • Work done by hand.
  • 손으로 직접 하는 작업.
being marine
    marine goods; being marine; fishery
  • A state of coming from the ocean, from a river, etc., or such a thing.
  • 바다나 강 등의 물에서 나는 것. 또는 그런 물건.
being marital
    being conjugal; being marital
  • A relationship between husband and wife.
  • 남편과 아내 사이.
being maritime
    being oceanic; being maritime
  • The unique characteristics of the ocean.
  • 바다가 가지는 특별한 성질.
being married
    being married
  • The state of already being married.
  • 이미 결혼함.
being marvelous
    being wonderful; being marvelous; being amazing
  • Something wonderful and amazing.
  • 놀랍고 신기하게 여길 만한 것.
being masterful
    being masterful; being great; being famous; being leading
  • A state in which one's talent or skill is outstanding in a certain area.
  • 어떤 방면에서 꽤 훌륭한 재주나 솜씨.
being matching
    being matching
  • A state of being harmonized and well suited.
  • 서로 조화를 이루어 잘 어울림.
being material
    being concrete; being material
  • A state of being equipped with recognizable forms.
  • 눈으로 직접 볼 수 있게 형태를 갖춘 것.
    being physical; being material
  • Something that is material.
  • 물질적인 것.
    being material
  • A quality of being related to material things.
  • 물질에 관련된 것.
being materialistic
    being snobbish; being materialistic
  • Prioritizing money and fame and being concerned only with one's own interests.
  • 돈이나 명예를 제일로 치고 자신의 이익에만 관심을 가지는 것.
being matrilineal
    mother's side; being matrilineal
  • A maternal line in one's blood ties.
  • 혈연 관계에서 어머니 쪽의 계통.
being meager
    being meager
  • (figurative) A very small quantity or number.
  • (비유적으로) 양이나 수가 매우 적은 것.
being meaningful
    being meaningful
  • The state of something having a meaning.
  • 의미가 있음.
being mechanical
    being mechanical
  • A method that uses a machine.
  • 기계를 이용하는 방식.
    being mechanical
  • A state of using a machine.
  • 기계를 이용하는 것.
  • being mechanical
  • A state of being related to a machine.
  • 기계와 관련된 것.
  • being mechanical; being machine-like
  • A state of being accurate and regular like a machine.
  • 기계처럼 정확하고 규칙적인 것.
being mechanized
    being mechanized
  • The way a person thinks or behaves blindly or passively without showing his/her feelings or creativity.
  • 인간의 감정이나 창의성 없이 맹목적이나 수동적으로 생각하거나 행동하는 방식.
being medical
    being medical
  • A quality of being based on or related to medicine.
  • 의학에 바탕을 두거나 의학에 관계되는 것.
being meditative
    being meditative
  • Thinking deeply in a quiet and calm state.
  • 조용하고 평온한 상태에서 깊이 생각하는 것과 같은 느낌이 있는 것.
    being contemplative; being meditative
  • A state of thinking deeply about a certain thing and searching for its fundamental meaning.
  • 어떤 것에 대하여 깊이 생각하고 그 근본 뜻을 찾는 것.
being meek
    being docile; being meek
  • A state of being quiet and calm in terms of personality or attitude.
  • 성격이나 태도가 조용하고 차분함.
being memorable
    being memorable; being impressive
  • Staying in one's memory for a long time without a certain feeling or impression getting erased.
  • 어떤 느낌이나 인상이 지워지지 않고 오래 기억에 남는 것.
being menacing
    being threatening; being menacing
  • The manner of making someone feel afraid, with fierce words or behavior.
  • 무서운 말이나 행동으로 상대방이 두려움을 느끼도록 하는 것.
being mental
    being mental; being psychological
  • Being related to one's mind.
  • 마음과 관련된 것.
    being mental
  • Something that relates to the mind.
  • 정신에 관계되는 것.
being mentally challenged
    being mentally challenged
  • The state of being intellectually less developed and having difficulty dealing with things and adapting to the environment.
  • 정신의 발달이 뒤져 있어서 일을 처리하거나 환경에 적응하는 것이 어려운 상태.
    being mentally challenged
  • The state of being intellectually less developed, with difficulty in performing tasks and adapting to a given environment.
  • 정신의 발달이 뒤져 있어서 일을 처리하거나 환경에 적응하는 것이 어려운 상태.
being messed up
    being messed up; being ruined
  • A state in which things do not go well, being messed up.
  • 일이 제대로 이루어지지 못하고 엉망이 됨.
being metaphoric
    being metaphoric
  • In literature, an act of expressing something implicitly by using another expression without stating it directly.
  • 문학에서, 직접 말하지 않고 다른 말로 바꾸어 암시적으로 나타내는 것.
being metaphorical
    being analogical; being figurative; being metaphorical
  • A comparison of one thing with another that shares similarities for effective explanation.
  • 효과적인 설명을 위하여 어떤 것을 그것과 비슷한 다른 것에 빗대는 것.
being microscopic
    being microscopic
  • The state of considering an object or phenomenon alone or in very small parts.
  • 어떤 사물이나 현상을 개별이나 부분으로 작게 나누어 생각하는 것.
being mid
    being mid
  • A middle part of a certain period.
  • 어떤 기간의 중간이 되는 시기.
    being mid
  • The period from the eleventh to twentieth of a month.
  • 한 달 가운데 11일부터 20일까지의 기간.
being middle- and long-distance
    being middle- and long-distance
  • Any of the disciplines of middle- and long-distance running.
  • 중거리 달리기와 장거리 달리기.
being mid-range
    being mid-range
  • A middle distance that is neither short nor long.
  • 짧지도 길지도 않은 중간 정도의 거리.
being mid-size
    being mid-size
  • One among the same-type objects that is of a middle size or magnitude.
  • 같은 종류의 사물 가운데 크기나 규모가 중간 정도인 것.
being mid-term
    being mid-term
  • A middle-length period that is neither long nor short.
  • 길거나 짧지 않고 중간 정도 되는 기간.
being mild
    being temperate; being mild
  • The weather or climate being moderate.
  • 날씨나 기후가 따뜻함.
being military
    being military
  • A state of being related to an army, war, etc.
  • 군대, 전쟁 등 군에 관한 일.
    being military
  • Being related with wars, or martial arts and military tactics.
  • 전쟁에 관한 일. 또는 무술과 병법.

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