being knowledgeable
    being erudite; being knowledgeable
  • The state of having a great breadth of learning and knowledge.
  • 학문의 지식이 넓고 아는 것이 많음.
    being knowledgeable; being intelligent
  • The state of having much knowledge from learning.
  • 배워서 아는 것이 많음.
being Korean
    being Korean; Korean style
  • A state of having a unique quality of Korea or being right for Korea.
  • 한국 고유의 특징이 있거나 한국에 알맞은 것.
    Korean style; being Korean
  • A unique Korean style or method.
  • 한국 고유의 형식이나 방식.
being Korean-American
    Korea and the United States; being Korean-American
  • A compound noun for Korea and the United States.
  • 한국과 미국.
being lackluster
    being low; being lackluster
  • Being low in efficiency or performance.
  • 능률이나 성적이 낮음.
being lanky
    being lanky; being bony; being skinny
  • A person who is thin because his/her body is slim or cheeks have little fat.
  • 몸이 가냘프거나 볼에 살이 없이 마른 사람.
being large
    large size; being large
  • A thing large in size or scale among the same kind of objects.
  • 같은 종류의 사물 가운데 크기나 규모가 큰 것.
being large-scale
    being large-scale; being large-sized
  • A state of being large in size or wide in scope.
  • 어떤 것의 크기나 범위가 큼.
being large-sized
    being large-scale; being large-sized
  • A state of being large in size or wide in scope.
  • 어떤 것의 크기나 범위가 큼.
being latent
    being potential; being latent
  • The quality of hiding without being exposed.
  • 겉으로 드러나지 않고 속에 숨어 있는 것.
being later
    next time; being later
  • A state in which a certain time has passed since something happened.
  • 시간이 지난 뒤.
    next time; being later
  • A state in which a certain time has passed since something happened.
  • 시간이 지난 뒤.
    being later
  • The moment not far after a certain incident.
  • 일이 지나간 얼마 뒤.
being lavish
    being flowery; being lavish
  • The act of making something look good or seem plausible.
  • 어떤 것을 보기 좋고 그럴듯하게 만드는 것.
    being extravagant; being lavish; being luxurious
  • A state of living beyond one's means, overspending or using expensive items.
  • 필요 이상의 돈을 쓰거나 값비싼 물건을 사용하며 분수에 지나친 생활을 하는 성질.
    being luxurious; being sumptuous; being lavish
  • The look or state of being extremely luxurious and fancy.
  • 화려하고 사치스러운 상태나 형편.
being lawful
    being legal; being legitimate; being lawful
  • A state of being in accordance with law and rule.
  • 법과 규범에 맞는 것.
being lawless
    being lawless; being disorderly
  • The absence of order due to improper establishment of a law or system.
  • 법이나 제도가 바로 서지 않아 무질서함.
being layered
    being layered
  • A state in which multiple objects are overlapped.
  • 여러 물건이 포개짐.
    being layered
  • A state in which multiple objects are overlapped.
  • 여러 물건이 포개짐.
being leader-like
    being leader-like
  • The quality of a person or group being appropriate to serve as a leader at the forefront of a class struggle, etc.
  • 계급 투쟁 등에서 무리의 가장 앞에서 서서 지도하는 사람이나 집단으로 알맞은 것.
being leading
    being masterful; being great; being famous; being leading
  • A state in which one's talent or skill is outstanding in a certain area.
  • 어떤 방면에서 꽤 훌륭한 재주나 솜씨.
being learned
    being learned; being educated; knowledge
  • (figurative) A person who is learned or his/her knowledge.
  • (비유적으로) 배움이 많은 사람이나 그 사람의 학식.
    being academic; being learned; being scholarly
  • A state in which something is related to academic studies or in which its method or system has been academically established.
  • 학문과 관련되어 있거나 학문으로서의 방법이나 체계가 서 있는 것.
    being scholarly; being learned; being erudite
  • A state of having the qualification or attitude of a scholar.
  • 학자의 자질이나 자세를 갖춘 것.
being left alone
    loner; solitary person; being left alone
  • A person who is alone without any friend or family around.
  • 주위에 친구나 가족이 없이 혼자인 사람.
    loner; solitary person; being left alone
  • A person who is alone without any friend or family around.
  • 주위에 친구나 가족이 없이 혼자인 사람.
being left-handed
    left-hander; being left-handed
  • A person who uses his/her left hand more often or skillfully than the right one.
  • 오른손보다 왼손을 더 많이 쓰거나 잘 쓰는 사람.
    being left-handed
  • The left arm.
  • 왼쪽 팔.
being left-wing
    leftist; being left-wing
  • A group or political party that is progressive or radical.
  • 진보주의적이거나 급진주의적인 성향을 가진 단체나 정당.
being legal
    being legal
  • Being related to the law.
  • 법과 관계되는 것.
    being legal; being legalistic
  • Being based on the law.
  • 법에 따른 것.
    being legal
  • The state of being decided by the law.
  • 법으로 규정함.
    justice; being judicial; being legal; law enforcement
  • A nation's basic function of making a judgment on a matter concerning the country or its people according to law.
  • 국가나 국민에 관한 일을 법에 따라 판단하는 국가의 기본적인 활동.
    being legal; legality
  • The state of complying with a specific law, or a relevant law.
  • 정해진 법규에 맞음. 또는 알맞은 법.
    being legal; being legitimate; being lawful
  • A state of being in accordance with law and rule.
  • 법과 규범에 맞는 것.
being legalistic
    being legal; being legalistic
  • Being based on the law.
  • 법에 따른 것.
being legendary
    being legendary
  • Something resembling a story that has been passed on from a long time ago.
  • 오래전부터 전해 내려오는 이야기와 같은 것.
being legitimate
    being legal; being legitimate; being lawful
  • A state of being in accordance with law and rule.
  • 법과 규범에 맞는 것.
being legless
    being crippled; being legless
  • (disparaging) A person who can sit but cannot stand upright or walk.
  • (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 앉을 수는 있으나 서거나 걷지 못하는 사람.
being less developed
    being underdeveloped; being less developed
  • A state of lagging behind in the level of development of a certain field; or such a person.
  • 어떤 발전 수준에 뒤떨어짐. 또는 그런 사람.
being less than a month
    being less than a month
  • The time of less than a month starting from a certain day.
  • 정해진 때로부터 한 달이 지나가지 않는 사이.
being lethal
    being fatal; being lethal
  • The state of something being able to threaten one's life.
  • 생명이 위험할 수 있는 것.
being lifelong
    being lifelong
  • The time until one's death.
  • 목숨을 다하기까지의 동안.
    being lifelong; being for one's whole lifetime
  • An act of continuing something throughout one's life.
  • 목숨이 끊어질 때까지 다함.
being light and bright
    being light and bright
  • A compound noun meaning being light and bright.
  • 밝고 환함.
being lightning fast
    being lightning fast
  • (figurative) A very short moment or very quick movement like a flash of lightning.
  • (비유적으로) 번갯불이 번쩍거리는 것과 같이 매우 짧은 시간이나 매우 재빠른 움직임.
being lightweight
    being lightweight; being airy; being fluffy
  • A state of being much lighter than thought.
  • 생각한 것보다 매우 가벼운 물건.
being like a gaggle
    being like a gaggle
  • A large group of persons following someone.
  • 사람들이 많이 딸려 있다.
being like cats and dogs
    being like cats and dogs; being on bad terms
  • A state of having a grudge against and hate one another, or such a relationship.
  • 원한을 품고 서로 미워하는 사이.
being likely
    being probable; being likely
  • There being a likelihood in general of something happening.
  • 일반적으로 그 일이 생길 가능성이 있는.
being like that
    such; being like that
  • Of a character, shape, state, etc., like that.
  • 성질, 모양, 상태 등이 저와 같다.
    such; being like that
  • (disparaging or endearing) Of a state, shape, character, etc., like that.
  • (낮잡아 이르거나 귀엽게 이르는 말로) 상태, 모양, 성질 등이 저와 같다.
    such; being like that
  • Of a state, shape, character, etc., like that.
  • 상태, 모양, 성질 등이 조러한.
    such; being like that
  • (disparaging or endearing) Of a state, shape, character, etc., like that.
  • (낮잡아 이르거나 귀엽게 이르는 말로) 상태, 모양, 성질 등이 저와 같다.
being like this
    being like this; being such
  • A state, shape, quality, etc., being like something that has happened now or something that has been mentioned earlier.
  • 상태, 모양, 성질 등이 지금 일어난 일이나 앞에서 말한 것과 같다.
    being this way; being like this
  • (disparaging or endearing) The state, shape, quality, etc., of something being as follows.
  • (낮잡아 이르거나 귀엽게 이르는 말로) 상태, 모양, 성질 등이 이와 같다.
being limited
    being limited
  • The state of being hazardous.
  • 일정한 한도나 한계가 있음.
    being limited
  • Something that determines a certain degree or scope or prevents such degree or scope from being exceeded.
  • 일정한 정도나 범위를 정하거나, 그 정도나 범위를 넘지 못하게 막는 것.
    being limited; being restrictive
  • A state of setting a limit to the quantity or scope of something.
  • 수량이나 범위 등을 제한하여 정하는 것.
being linear
    being linear
  • A quality of being very simple.
  • 매우 단순한 것.
being linguistic
    being linguistic
  • A state of being related to written or spoken language, or something done with speech or writing.
  • 말이나 글에 관한 것. 또는 말이나 글로 하는 것.
being liquefied
    liquid; being liquefied
  • A state of being liquid.
  • 액체로 되어 있는 상태.
being literary
    being literary
  • Having the character of literature or being related to literature.
  • 문학의 특성을 가진 것. 또는 문학과 관련된 것.
being local
    being native; being local; being indigenous
  • The particular region.
  • 바로 그 지방.
being located
    being located; existing
  • The state of being located somewhere, or the place where something is located in.
  • 어떤 곳에 있음. 또는 있는 곳.
being lodged
    stay; being lodged
  • The state of staying in such lodging facilities as an inn, a hotel, etc
  • 여관, 호텔 등의 숙박 시설에서 묵음.
being logical
    being logical
  • A state of being logically correct.
  • 논리에 맞는 것.
  • being logical
  • A state of being skilled at logical thinking or reasoning.
  • 사고나 추리를 잘하는 것.
being lone
    being lone; being alone; single
  • An object that is alone without being paired.
  • 다른 짝이 없이 혼자만 있는 사물.
being lopsided
    being lopsided
  • (figurative) The state of a thing's components not being in harmony and in balance with one another.
  • (비유적으로) 사물을 이루는 요소들이 조화롭게 균형을 이루지 못한 상태.
being lost
    being lost; being absorbed; being immersed
  • A state in which one is preoccupied with a certain thing and concentrates solely on the matter.
  • 어떤 한 가지 일에만 정신을 집중하여 몰두한 상태.
    being missing; being lost
  • A state in which one's whereabouts is unknown.
  • 간 곳이나 방향을 모름.
being low
    being low
  • The part of the sky that is close to the surface of the ground or water.
  • 땅이나 물의 겉면에서 가까운 낮은 하늘.
    being low; being low-skilled
  • Quality, level, etc. being low.
  • 품질이나 수준 등이 낮음.
    being low; being down
  • Being sluggish in activity or subdued in emotion.
  • 활동이 왕성하지 못하거나 감정이 침체함.
  • being low; being lackluster
  • Being low in efficiency or performance.
  • 능률이나 성적이 낮음.
    being low; being inferior; being poor
  • A state of being below average or a standard in terms of quality, level, etc.
  • 정도나 수준이 낮거나 뒤떨어지는 것.
being low-calorie
    being low-calorie
  • Something that has a low amount of calories.
  • 열량이 낮은 것.
being low-educated
    being low-educated
  • A quality of having a low level of education.
  • 교육을 받은 학력이 낮음.

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