being mindful
    being mindful
  • The state of having something in mind, being careful, and paying attention.
  • 마음에 두고 조심하며 신경을 씀.
being minimal
    being small; being minimal
  • A state of being small in standard, scale or shape.
  • 규격이나 규모, 모양이 작음.
being minor
    being trifling; being minor; being trivial
  • A state of being minor or trivial, neither fundamental nor important.
  • 근본적이거나 중요하지 않은 하찮거나 사소한 것.
being minute
    being minute; being fine
  • A state of being so small that it is difficult to make out.
  • 분간하기 어려울 정도로 아주 작음.
being mischievous
    being detestable; being mischievous
  • One's unpleasant act, or a person who does such an act.
  • 마음에 들지 않는 행동. 또는 그런 행동을 하는 사람.
    being mischievous
  • An attitude or form of energetic behavior that contains mischief.
  • 장난이 섞인 태도나 기운.
being misshapen
    being misshapen; being damaged
  • A thing that is misshapen or that works improperly.
  • 형태나 기능이 온전하지 못한 물건.
being missing
    being missing; being lost
  • A state in which one's whereabouts is unknown.
  • 간 곳이나 방향을 모름.
being misty
    being glooming; being misty
  • The state that is dark and hazy when there is weak lighting.
  • 빛이 약하여 어두컴컴하고 흐릿한 상태.
being mobile
    being fluid; being mobile; being flexible
  • The quality of moving or changing as if in a flow.
  • 계속 흘러 움직이거나 변하는 것.
being mobilized
    going into action; being mobilized
  • An act of a particular group of people going outside, with a certain purpose.
  • 일정한 사람들이 어떤 목적을 가지고 나감.
being moderate
    being moderate
  • One's ideas, remarks or behavior being not hasty or radical.
  • 생각이나 말 또는 행동이 급하거나 과격하지 않음.
    being neutral; being moderate
  • Something that belongs in the middle.
  • 중간에 해당하는 것.
being modern
    being modern
  • Ways that are in keeping with modern advancement.
  • 근대의 발전 정도에 맞는 방식.
    being modern
  • Having the characteristics of modern times; things different from the past.
  • 근대의 특징이 있는 것. 또는 과거와 다른 새로운 것.
    being modern; modern style
  • A style or method suitable for the modern society.
  • 현대에 알맞은 형식이나 방식.
    being modern; being modernistic
  • A state of being suitable for modern times or having the quality of the era.
  • 현대에 알맞은 느낌이 있거나 현대의 특징을 가지고 있는 것.
being modernistic
    being modern; being modernistic
  • A state of being suitable for modern times or having the quality of the era.
  • 현대에 알맞은 느낌이 있거나 현대의 특징을 가지고 있는 것.
being momentarily dazed
    being momentarily dazed; moment of confusion
  • A state of being during the time when a person is out of his/her senses due to an unexpected or complicated event.
  • 어떤 일이 뜻밖이거나 복잡해서 정신을 제대로 차리지 못한 사이.
being momentary
    being momentary
  • Existing for only a short while.
  • 아주 짧은 시간 동안에 있는 것.
    being momentary; being temporary
  • A state in which a situation lasts for a short period of time.
  • 짧은 기간 동안의 것.
being monolithic
    being uniform; being monolithic; being standardized
  • A state in which everything is the same without showing any differences.
  • 모두가 하나와 같아서 다름이 없는 것.
being monopolistic
    being monopolistic
  • Having an object, seat, etc., to oneself.
  • 물건이나 자리 등을 혼자서 다 차지하는 것.
being monotonous
    being monotonous; being uniform
  • A state in which many things are similar to each other without any unique character.
  • 여럿이 각각의 특성이 없이 모두 거의 비슷한 것.
being monthly
    being monthly
  • Each and every month.
  • 한 달 한 달.
    month; being monthly
  • A period of a month.
  • 한 달 동안.
    being monthly
  • The interval of a month.
  • 한 달 동안.
    being monthly
  • The act of dividing something on a monthly basis.
  • 한 달을 단위로 하여 나눔.
    being monthly
  • A state of being during one month.
  • 한 달 동안.
being monumental
    being historic; being monumental; being epochal
  • Something important enough to be remembered by people for ages.
  • 오랫동안 기억될 만큼 중요한 것.
being moral
    being ethical; being moral
  • A state of being related to ethics or compliance with a moral standard.
  • 도덕에 관한 것. 또는 도덕 규범에 맞는 것.
    being ethical; being moral
  • The state of being associated with the code of conduct that one is supposed to follow as a human being, or the act of observing it.
  • 사람으로서 마땅히 지켜야 할 바람직한 행동 기준에 관련되거나 이를 따르는 것.
being more dead than alive
    being half-dead; being more dead than alive
  • The state of someone almost dying from being beaten or having a serious disease, or the state of feeling very exhausted and unable to lift a finger.
  • 심하게 맞거나 병이 깊어서 거의 죽게 된 상태. 또는 굉장히 피곤해서 몸을 움직일 수 없는 상태.
being more than ever
    being more than ever
  • A thing doubled or bigger than the past.
  • 이전보다 두 배로 많거나 큰 것.
being more than something
    being more than something
  • Being slightly over a certain limit in terms of size, quantity, volume, etc.
  • 크기, 수, 부피 등이 어느 한도보다 조금 더 되는 듯하다.
being morphological
    being physical; being morphological
  • A state of being related to a certain form taken by an object that comprises a structure or whole.
  • 어떠한 구조나 전체를 이루고 있는 사물이 일정하게 갖추고 있는 모양에 관련된 것.
being mountainous
    being mountainous; being hilly; mountain
  • A place abundant in valleys between mountains.
  • 산과 산 사이에 있는 골짜기가 많은 곳.
    mountain; being mountainous
  • A cluster of lofty and rocky mountains or mountain ranges.
  • 높고 험한 산들.
being muddy
    being muddy; being covered with dirt
  • A state of being covered with mud or dirt all over the place.
  • 흙이 잔뜩 묻은 것.
being multicellular
    being multicellular
  • A state of being composed of many cells.
  • 여러 세포로 되어 있는 것.
being multichannel
    being multichannel
  • A state of having several channels for transmitting airwaves.
  • 방송 전파의 전송 통로가 여러 개인 것.
being multiethnic
    being multiracial; being multiethnic
  • Various races, or something composed of several races.
  • 여러 민족. 또는 여러 민족으로 구성된 것.
being multifaceted
    being multifaceted
  • A state of ranging across various facets or having several aspects.
  • 여러 가지 다른 면에 걸치거나 여러 면이 있음.
being multiparous
    being multiparous; being fertile
  • A species that reproduces abundantly.
  • 번식이 잘 되는 종류.
being multiple
    being multiple
  • The quality of developing multiple diseases in two or more body parts at the same time.
  • 두 군데 이상의 신체 부위에서 동시에 병이 생겨나는 성질.
being multiple-choice
    being multiple-choice
  • A question format that provides several possible answers of a problem and makes one choose the answer.
  • 한 문제에 대한 답을 여러 개 보여 주고 정답을 고르게 하는 문제 형식.
being multi-purpose
    being multi-purpose; being all-round
  • The quality of working properly in any conditions or circumstances.
  • 어떠한 조건이나 상황에도 제 기능을 다할 수 있음.
being multiracial
    being multiracial; being multiethnic
  • Various races, or something composed of several races.
  • 여러 민족. 또는 여러 민족으로 구성된 것.
being municipal
    being municipal
  • The state of being established and managed with the city's budget for the public benefit.
  • 공공의 이익을 위하여 시의 예산으로 설립하고 관리함.
being murdered
    being murdered; being killed
  • The state of being killed by someone.
  • 남에게 죽임을 당함.
    being killed; being murdered
  • The state of being murdered.
  • 죽임을 당함.
being murderous
    being murderous; being draining; being backbreaking
  • An act that is extreme enough to endanger one's life.
  • 사람의 목숨을 빼앗을 만큼 몹시 심한 것.
being musical
    being musical
  • The state of having the trait of music or being related to music.
  • 음악의 특성을 가지고 있거나 음악과 관련된 것.
being mutual
    being mutual
  • Both sides that are in a relationship or pair.
  • 짝을 이루거나 관계를 맺고 있는 이쪽과 저쪽 모두.
being mysterious
    being mysterious; being unidentified
  • The state of an identity not being clear or certain, or something with such an identity.
  • 정체가 분명하거나 확실하지 않음. 또는 그러한 것.
being nameless
    being unknown; being nameless; being anonymous
  • A state of being without a name or unable to know by name.
  • 이름이 없거나 이름을 알 수 없음.
being narrow-minded
    being narrow-minded
  • (disparaging) A small, narrow-minded and ungenerous person.
  • (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 몸집이 작고 마음이 좁고 너그럽지 못한 사람.
    being narrow-minded; intolerance
  • The state of one's thought or mind being petty and not generous, as it is biased.
  • 한쪽으로 치우쳐 생각이나 마음이 좁고 너그럽지 못함.
being nasty
    meanness; abjection; being nasty; being wicked
  • A vulgar, ungenerous, narrow-minded quality of personality or behavior.
  • 사람의 하는 짓이나 성품이 천하고 너그럽지 못하며 생각이 좁음.
being national
    being national; being state
  • A state of being related to a nation.
  • 국가에 관련되는 것.
    being national
  • The state of being established and managed with the national budget for the pubic benefit.
  • 공공의 이익을 위하여 국가의 예산으로 설립하고 관리함.
    being ethnic; being national
  • The state of being related to the whole of an ethnic group.
  • 민족 전체와 관계되는 것.
being nationwide
    being nationwide
  • The whole nation.
  • 온 나라.
    being nationwide
  • Where all the people of a nation take part.
  • 모든 국민이 함께 참여함.
    being nationwide
  • A state of being related to a nation as a whole in scope or scale.
  • 국가 전체의 범위나 규모에 관한 것.
    being nationwide
  • Something that spans the entire nation in scale or range.
  • 규모나 범위가 온 나라에 걸친 것.
being native
    being native; being local; being indigenous
  • The particular region.
  • 바로 그 지방.
    being native; being indigenous; settling down
  • The state of people being born and living through generations in a region, or an act of moving to and settling down in a region.
  • 대대로 그곳에서 태어나서 살고 있음. 또는 그곳에 들어와서 정착함.
being natural
    being natural; being reasonable
  • Obediently following pure reason.
  • 마땅한 도리나 이치에 순순히 따르는 것.
    being natural
  • The quality of occurring automatically without human influence.
  • 사람의 힘에 의하지 않고도 저절로 이루어지는 것.
    being natural; being inartificial
  • The quality of being characterized by being in a natural state without human influence.
  • 사람의 힘이 가해지지 않은 자연 그대로의 모습을 지닌 것.
  • being natural
  • The quality of conforming to nature or the law of nature.
  • 자연이나 자연법칙을 따르는 것.
  • being natural
  • The quality of being normal and usual.
  • 당연히 그렇게 되는 것.
  • being natural; being spontaneous
  • The quality of occurring automatically without special efforts.
  • 특별한 노력 없이도 저절로 되는 것.
being near death
    being near death; dying; being on the verge of death
  • A state of being almost dead.
  • 거의 죽은 것과 같은 상태.
    being on the brink of death; deadly situation; being near death; being between life and death
  • A state or situation where one is about to die.
  • 거의 죽을 것 같은 상태나 상황.
being nearly
    being nearly
  • A state of almost reaching a standard.
  • 어떠한 기준에 거의 다다를 정도.
being nearly the same
    being nearly the same; being six of one and a half dozen of the other
  • A state in which two things or persons are not different after all even if one of them is a little bit better or worse than the other.
  • 조금 더 낫고 못한 차이는 있으나 결국은 다르지 않음.
being nearsighted
    being shortsighted; being nearsighted
  • Seeing only the immediate or partial aspects of a phenomenon without the wisdom to anticipate the future, or the reduced ability to view the entirety of an object.
  • 미래를 짐작하거나 사물 전체를 보는 지혜가 없고 당장의 부분적인 현상만 봄.
being neck and neck
    being even; being equal; being neck and neck
  • A state in which neither side is better or worse than the other.
  • 두 편이 서로 낫고 못함이 없음.
being negative
    being negative
  • The state of not being desirable.
  • 바람직하지 못한 것.

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