being neither before nor since
    being neither before nor since
  • Not having happened before and not going to happen in the future.
  • 전에도 없었고 앞으로도 없음.
    being neither before nor since
  • Not having happened before and not going to happen in the future.
  • 전에도 없었고 앞으로도 없다.
being neither conscious nor aware
    being neither conscious nor aware
  • A state of neither thinking nor knowing about something.
  • 생각하지도 못하고 알지도 못함.
being nervous
    tension; being nervous
  • A feeling of alertness, not being relaxed.
  • 마음을 놓지 못하고 정신을 바짝 차리고 있는 느낌.
    being nervous
  • The state of feeling so anxious and worried that one cannot sit still in one place for long.
  • 불안하거나 걱정스러워서 한군데에 오래 앉아 있지 못함.
being neurogenic
    being neurological; being neurogenic
  • The quality of showing a symptom or disease due to an abnormality in the nervous system.
  • 신경 계통에 이상이 생겨 어떤 병이나 증세가 나타나는 성질.
being neurological
    being neurological; being neurogenic
  • The quality of showing a symptom or disease due to an abnormality in the nervous system.
  • 신경 계통에 이상이 생겨 어떤 병이나 증세가 나타나는 성질.
being neutral
    being neutral; being moderate
  • Something that belongs in the middle.
  • 중간에 해당하는 것.
    being neutral
  • The act of having an impartial and righteous attitude that does not lean toward or side with any party.
  • 어느 한쪽에 치우치거나 편들지 않는 공평하고 올바른 태도를 취하는 것.
    being neutral
  • A neutral quality that does not belong to either side of two conflicting qualities.
  • 서로 반대되는 두 성질 사이의 중간인 성질.
    being neutral
  • Something that has a neutral quality that does not belong to either side of two conflicting qualities.
  • 서로 반대되는 두 성질 사이의 중간적 성질을 띠는 것.
being never
    being never
  • Having never been, not at all.
  • 도무지, 조금도.
being new
    being new
  • The state of having just come into being, or having been made, built, etc.
  • 무엇을 새로 함.
    being newly appointed; being new
  • The state of being newly appointed or inaugurated, or the person.
  • 새로 임명되거나 새로 취임함. 또는 그 사람.
being new and outstanding
    being new and outstanding
  • New budding talents or outstanding functions, or a person or object having such talents or functions.
  • 기능이나 기술이 뛰어남. 또는 그런 사람이나 물건.
being newly appointed
    being newly appointed; being new
  • The state of being newly appointed or inaugurated, or the person.
  • 새로 임명되거나 새로 취임함. 또는 그 사람.
being newly-elected
    being newly-elected; being elected for the first time
  • The state of being elected for the first time, or an act of electing someone for the first time.
  • 처음이나 첫 번째로 뽑힘. 또는 처음이나 첫 번째로 뽑음.
being newly-married
    new marriage; being newly-married
  • Being newly married or marrying someone newly.
  • 갓 결혼함. 또는 새로 결혼함.
being nightless
    being nightless; being all-night
  • A place that is as bright at night as in the daytime because all the light stays turned on.
  • 등불이 환하게 켜 있어서 밤에도 대낮같이 밝은 곳.
being no good
    being awful; being no good; being poor
  • A state of being unfit for a certain purpose.
  • 어떤 일을 이루는 데 들어맞지 아니함.
being nominal
    being something in name only; being nominal
  • A name that is not real but used ostensibly for official representation.
  • 공식적으로 알리기 위해 실제와 다르게 겉으로만 내세우는 이름.
    being something in name only; being nominal
  • One's name that only looks good on the surface yet does not hold any real authority or power.
  • 실질적인 권위나 힘, 내용이 없이 겉보기에만 좋은 이름.
    being nominal; name only
  • The state of being popular with no real benefit.
  • 이름만 보기에 번듯하고 실속은 없음.
being non-taxable
    being non-taxable; being tax-free; being tax-exempt
  • An act of not imposing taxes.
  • 세금을 매기지 않음.
being normative
    being normative
  • The quality or characteristic of the principles or behavior that people have to follow and observe.
  • 규범이 되는 성질이나 특성.
    being normative
  • Being the principles or behavior that the people of a society have to follow and observe.
  • 한 사회의 구성원으로서 따르고 지켜야 할 원리나 행동 양식이 되는 것.
being not
    being not
  • (for a person, thing, phenomenon, etc. to be) Not occupying a spot or space at a certain location.
  • 사람, 사물, 현상 등이 어떤 곳에 자리나 공간을 차지하고 존재하지 않는 상태이다.
  • being not
  • (for a human or animal to be) Not staying or living in a certain place.
  • 사람이나 동물이 어느 곳에 머무르거나 살지 않는 상태이다.
  • being not
  • Not included within a certain scope.
  • 일정한 범위에 포함되지 않는 상태이다.
  • being not
  • (for something to be) Not occurring to someone.
  • 어떤 사람에게 아무 일도 생기지 않은 상태이다.
being not a good speaker
    being not a good speaker; being not good with words; being uncommunicative
  • A poor speaker who often stumbles over words.
  • 말이 자꾸 막히고 유창하지 않는 말솜씨.
being not good with words
    being not a good speaker; being not good with words; being uncommunicative
  • A poor speaker who often stumbles over words.
  • 말이 자꾸 막히고 유창하지 않는 말솜씨.
being nothing
    zero; being nothing
  • Being not at all.
  • 전혀 없음.
being not on duty
    being not on duty; not seeing a patient; being closed
  • A state in which a hospital is closed or a doctor takes a break without seeing patients during a certain period of time.
  • 병원이나 의사가 일정한 기간 동안 진료를 하지 않고 쉼.
being not permitted
    being not permitted; disallowance; disapproval
  • An act of not allowing.
  • 허락하지 않음.
being novel
    being unique; being novel; being uncommon
  • The quality of having an unusual property unlike other common things.
  • 보통과 달리 색다른 성질을 지닌 것.
being nowhere to be seen
    being nowhere to be seen
  • Being nowhere to be found because it has disappeared without a trace.
  • 흔적도 없이 사라져서 찾을 수가 없다.
being numerical
    being quantitative; being numerical
  • Being based on the number and quantity of something.
  • 수와 양을 기준으로 하는 것.
    being numerical
  • Relating to numbers or based on numbers.
  • 수와 관련되거나 수를 기준으로 하는 것.
being numerous
    being countless; being numerous
  • A state of being too numerous to count; a large number of something.
  • 셀 수 없을 만큼 매우 많음. 또는 그런 수효.
being objective
    objectivity; being objective
  • The act of viewing or thinking about a fact or thing objectively as it is, without engaging personal views or emotions.
  • 개인의 생각이나 감정에 치우치지 않고 사실이나 사물을 있는 그대로 보거나 생각하는 것.
    being objective
  • Viewing or thinking a fact or thing as it is or as anyone would agree, without engaging personal views or emotions.
  • 개인의 생각이나 감정에 치우치지 않고 사실이나 사물을 있는 그대로 보거나 생각하는 것.
being obligatory
    being mandatory; being obligatory; being compulsory
  • The quality of having to be done as a matter of duty.
  • 마땅히 해야 하는 것.
being obsessive
    being obsessive
  • Feeling pressure because one is deeply obsessed with one idea or emotion.
  • 마음속에 어떤 한 가지 생각이나 감정에 사로잡혀서 매우 심한 압박을 느끼는 것.
being obstinate
    being obstinate; being headstrong; being unyielding
  • An attitude of being stubborn, not given to losing despite one's lack of ability.
  • 능력은 부족하면서 지기 싫어하는 고집스러운 마음.
being Occidental
    being Occidental
  • Having the inherent quality of the West.
  • 서양의 고유한 특징을 가지는 것.
being oceanic
    being oceanic; being maritime
  • The unique characteristics of the ocean.
  • 바다가 가지는 특별한 성질.
being of a sort
    being of a sort; almost the same
  • Several people or things being similar without a big difference.
  • 여럿이 큰 차이가 없이 비슷비슷하다.
    being of a sort; almost the same
  • Several people or things being more or less the same without a big difference.
  • 여럿이 큰 차이가 없이 저만한 정도로 비슷비슷하다.
being off
    being off; being closed
  • A state of not carrying out one's duties and taking a rest for one day or for a while.
  • 맡은 일을 하지 않고 하루 또는 한동안 쉼.
being official
    being official; being state
  • An official procedure recognized by a country or society.
  • 국가나 사회가 인정한 공적인 방식.
    being official
  • Taking official steps or using official methods.
  • 공식의 형식이나 방식을 취함.
    being official
  • The state of being set by the government or a public institution.
  • 나라나 공공 기관에서 정함.
    being official
  • Something at work, especially related to handling paperwork.
  • 직장에서 주로 서류를 처리하는 일에 관한 것.
    being full; being official
  • Proper protocol or ceremony with adequate formalities.
  • 절차를 갖춘 제대로의 격식이나 의식.
being officially chosen
    being officially chosen
  • The act of being officially appointed by a public institution.
  • 국가 기관에서 뽑음.
being of foreign origin
    foreign-made product; being of foreign origin
  • The state of being produced in a foreign country, or such a product.
  • 다른 나라에서 생산함. 또는 그런 물건.
being off-peak
    off-season; being off-peak
  • A period when demand for services is low and products do not sell well.
  • 상품이 잘 팔리지 않고 서비스의 수요가 적은 시기.
being off-the-court
    being outside-the-park; being off-the-court
  • An area beyond a certain place.
  • 일정한 장소의 바깥.
being of great importance
    being of great importance; very significant
  • Extremely important and enormous.
  • 더할 수 없이 중요하고 크다.
being of high quality
    superior article; being of high quality
  • Something being in the best and excellent quality or state; such an object.
  • 품질이나 상태가 가장 좋고 훌륭함. 또는 그런 물건.
being of mixed blood
    being of mixed blood; being biracial
  • A person who was born to parents from different races or ethnic groups.
  • 혈통이 다른 인종이나 종족 사이에서 태어난 사람.
being of nature
    being of nature
  • Something by one's existing habit or instinct, rather than reason.
  • 이성에 의한 것이 아니라 원래의 습관이나 본능에 의한 것.
    being of nature
  • Being by one's existing habit or instinct, rather than reason.
  • 이성에 의한 것이 아니라 원래의 습관이나 본능에 의한.
being of royal blood
    being of royal blood
  • A person in the king's family.
  • 임금과 같은 집안인 사람.
being of the new generation
    being of the new generation
  • A tendency to easily accept a new kind of culture and having a distinct character.
  • 새로운 문화를 쉽게 받아들이고 개성이 뚜렷한 세대와 같은 것.
being of the same blood
    being blood-related; being of the same blood
  • The descent of the same bloodline.
  • 같은 핏줄로 이어지는 계통.
being oily
    being oily
  • The characteristics of oil, or an object having these characteristics.
  • 기름의 성질. 또는 기름의 성질을 띤 물건.
being old and young
    being old and young
  • A compound noun meaning being both old and young.
  • 나이의 많음과 적음.
being older
    being older
  • A relationship in which the other person is higher in age, status, etc., or a person in such a relationship.
  • 자기보다 나이나 지위 등이 위인 관계. 또는 그런 관계에 있는 사람.
    being older
  • The state of being older.
  • 나이가 더 많은 쪽.
being old-fashioned
    being classical; being old-fashioned
  • An act of following a method or format handed down from a long time ago.
  • 오래전부터 내려오던 방식이나 형식을 따르는 것.
    being old-fashioned; being outdated
  • An old thing that falls behind the times.
  • 아주 오래되어 시대에 뒤떨어진 것.
being ominous
    being evil; being ominous
  • A place or time in which odd or bad things happen frequently.
  • 기이하거나 안 좋은 일이 자주 일어나는 장소나 때.
being omnivorous
    being omnivorous; mixed diet
  • The quality of eating various kinds of food without being particular about what one eats; various kinds of food.
  • 여러 가지 음식을 가리지 않고 먹음. 또는 그 음식.
  • being omnivorous
  • The quality of eating various kinds of food regardless of whether it is of animal origin or plant origin.
  • 동물성 먹이와 식물성 먹이를 두루 먹음.
being on a fast track
    being on a fast track; going from strength to strength
  • The manner of winning continuously in a fight, competition, etc.
  • 싸움이나 경쟁 등에서 이긴 기세를 타고 나아가며 계속 이김.
being on alert for an opportunity
    watching for an opportunity; being on alert for an opportunity
  • An act of watching a situation and waiting quietly for an opportunity to take another's possessions.
  • 남의 것을 빼앗기 위해 상황을 살피며 가만히 기회를 엿봄.
being on and off
    being repetitive; being on and off
  • The pattern of incidents being repeated at regular gaps.
  • 어떤 일이 일정한 간격을 두고 자꾸 반복되는 모양.
being on-and-off
    being recurrent; being intermittent; being on-and-off
  • The state of repeating at regular intervals.
  • 일정한 시간 간격을 두고 되풀이하는 것.
being on bad terms
    being like cats and dogs; being on bad terms
  • A state of having a grudge against and hate one another, or such a relationship.
  • 원한을 품고 서로 미워하는 사이.

'English - Korean > b' 카테고리의 다른 글

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