being hungrybeing hygienicbeing hypocriticalbeing ice-coldbeing idealbeing ideologicalbeing idlebeing ignorantbeing ignoredbeing illegalbeing ill-informedbeing illogicalbeing illusionarybeing immaculatebeing immanentbeing immediatebeing immediatelybeing immersedbeing imminentbeing immobilebeing immoralbeing immortalbeing immovablebeing immunebeing implicativebeing implicitlybeing impliedbeing imposingbeing impregnablebeing impressivebeing imprisonedbeing improbablebeing impulsivebeing in a critical conditionbeing in a fit of angerbeing in a hazebeing in a heapbeing in a linebeing in all directionsbeing in appearancebeing inappropriatebeing in a rowbeing inartificialbeing in a state of emergencybeing in a stuporbeing inbornbeing in broad daylightbeing in case of necessitybeing in chaosbeing in chargebeing in charge of classbeing incidentalbeing inclusivebeing incomparablebeing incompletebeing incorporated intobeing in crisisbeing incumbentbeing incurablebeing indecentbeing indefinitebeing independent
being hungry
being hygienic
- The state of meeting criteria to be beneficial to or good for health.
- 건강에 이롭거나 도움이 되도록 조건을 갖춘 것.
being sanitary; being hygienic
being hypocritical
being ice-cold
- (figurative) The state of one's hands and feet, a floor, etc., being very cold.
- (비유적으로) 손이나 발, 방바닥 등의 사물이 몹시 찬 것.
being ice-cold; being as cold as ice
being ideal
1. 관념성
- The quality of not being real and tending to be conceptual.
- 현실성이 없고 추상적인 경향을 가지는 성질.
being ideal; being conceptual
2. 안성맞춤
- A state in which a condition or situation is in accord with one's circumstances.
- 조건이나 상황이 어떤 경우나 형편에 잘 어울림.
being ideal; being fit
3. 이상적¹
- The best among things that can be thought about something.
- 어떤 것에 대하여 생각할 수 있는 것 중에서 가장 나은 것.
being ideal
being ideological
1. 이념적¹
- The quality of relating to an idea considered ideal, which forms the basis of the thought of a country, society, or individual.
- 한 국가나 사회, 개인이 가지고 있는 생각의 근본이 되는, 이상적으로 여겨지는 사상에 관한 것.
being ideological
2. 이론적¹
- The quality of being just ideal, and impossible in reality.
- 실제적으로는 불가능하고 관념적인 것.
being ideological
being idle
being ignorant
- A state in which one has neither knowledge of nor relations to a person or thing.
- 어떤 것에 대해 전혀 알지 못하거나 관계가 없는 상태.
being uninformed; being ignorant
being ignored
- The act of ignoring a person's opinion or request even though one has heard it.
- 남의 의견이나 요청 등을 듣고도 모른 척하거나 무시함.
being ignored; being disregarded
being illegal
being ill-informed
being illogical
being illusionary
- A state in which a thought, etc., is considered empty, unlikely or impossible to come true in reality.
- 생각 등이 현실성이나 가능성이 없고 헛된 것.
being illusionary; being dreamy; being fantastic
being immaculate
- The quality of being complete without flaws because one is very careful about something.
- 어떤 일을 하는 데 있어서 매우 조심하여 부족함이 없이 완벽함.
being perfect; being immaculate
being immanent
- A state of existing inside an object or phenomenon.
- 사물이나 현상의 내부에 존재하는 것.
being immanent; being inherent
being immediate
being immediately
- A state of acting immediately without hesitation when a certain matter occurs or a time arrives.
- 어떤 일이나 때가 닥치자 망설이지 않고 당장.
being immediately; being quickly
being immersed
- A state in which one is preoccupied with a certain thing and concentrates solely on the matter.
- 어떤 한 가지 일에만 정신을 집중하여 몰두한 상태.
being lost; being absorbed; being immersed
being imminent
being immobile
- A state in which a thing, body, or status does not change.
- 물건이나 몸, 지위가 움직이지 않음.
being immovable; being immobile; being unshakable
being immoral
1. 부도덕
- A state of not following ethical standards or not being moral.
- 도덕에 어긋나거나 도덕적이지 않음.
being immoral; being unethical
2. 비도덕적¹
- A state of being contrary to the duties and principles that one is supposed to follow as a human being.
- 인간으로서 따르고 지켜야 할 도리에 맞지 않는 것.
being immoral; being unethical
3. 비윤리적¹
- A state of being contrary to the duties and principles that one is supposed to follow as a human being.
- 사람이 마땅히 지켜야 할 도리를 따르지 않는 것.
being unethical; being immoral
being immortal
- A state in which good values or meanings neither change nor disappear forever.
- 훌륭한 가치나 의의가 영원히 변하거나 없어지지 않음.
being immortal; being everlasting
being immovable
- A state in which a thing, body, or status does not change.
- 물건이나 몸, 지위가 움직이지 않음.
being immovable; being immobile; being unshakable
being immune
- A phenomenon in which an antibody is created against a germ or virus invading the body of humans or animals, keeping one from catching a disease caused by such a germ or virus.
- 사람이나 동물의 몸 안에 들어온 균이나 바이러스에 대하여 항체가 만들어져, 같은 균이나 바이러스가 일으키는 병에 걸리지 않는 현상.
- (figurative) A state in which one is accustomed to a repeated stimulus, and ends up being unresponsive and insensitive to it.
- (비유적으로) 자꾸 반복되는 자극에 익숙해져서 반응이 없이 무감각해지는 상태.
immunity; being immune
being immune
being implicative
- A state in which a speech or text contains many meanings or messages.
- 말이나 글이 속에 어떤 뜻을 담고 있는 것.
being implicative; being connotative; being suggestive
being implicitly
being implied
- Expressing one's intention subtly without expressing it directly through words or actions.
- 말이나 행동으로 직접 드러내지 않고 남이 모르는 사이에 뜻을 나타내 보이는 것.
being implied
being imposing
being impregnable
- A state in which something does not topple or is not occupied easily because it cannot be easily attacked.
- 공격하기 어려워 쉽게 무너지거나 빼앗기지 않음. 또는 그런 대상.
being impregnable; being unassailable
being impressive
- Staying in one's memory for a long time without a certain feeling or impression getting erased.
- 어떤 느낌이나 인상이 지워지지 않고 오래 기억에 남는 것.
being memorable; being impressive
being imprisoned
- A life in confinement in a prison.
- 감옥에 갇혀 사는 생활.
- (figurative) A life with limited freedom of action.
- (비유적으로) 행동에 제한이 있어 자유롭지 못한 생활.
prison life; being imprisoned
being imprisoned; being detained
being improbable
- A thing that is not real or cannot be realized.
- 실제로 존재하지 않거나 실현될 수 없는 것.
being unrealistic; being unreal; being improbable
being impulsive
- The state of wanting to do a certain thing suddenly.
- 어떤 행동을 하고 싶은 마음이 갑작스럽게 일어나는 것.
being impulsive
being in a critical condition
being in a fit of anger
being in a haze
being in a heap
- A state in which a certain object, work, problem, etc. is placed on top of another.
- 어떤 물건이나 일, 문제 등이 산더미같이 쌓임.
being piled; being heaped; being in a heap; accumulation
being in a line
- Forming a straight line, with no irregularities.
- 줄을 선 모양이 나오고 들어간 곳이 없이 고르고 가지런하다.
even; being in a line
being in all directions
- All directions or sides.
- 모든 방향이나 방면.
being in all directions; being all over the place; everywhere
being in appearance
- A state of relating to the outer shape of an object.
- 사물의 겉모양과 관련된 것.
being in appearance; being outside; being external
being inappropriate
- A state of being not suitable for a certain job or situation.
- 어떤 일이나 조건에 알맞지 않음.
being unsuitable; being unfit; being inappropriate
being in a row
- A state of standing in a row; the act of arranging things in a row.
- 나란히 늘어섬. 또는 나란히 늘어놓음.
being parallel; being in a row
being inartificial
- The quality of being characterized by being in a natural state without human influence.
- 사람의 힘이 가해지지 않은 자연 그대로의 모습을 지닌 것.
being natural; being inartificial
being in a state of emergency
- A time when an unexpected emergency occurs.
- 뜻밖의 위급한 일이 일어난 때.
emergency; being in a state of emergency
being in a stupor
being inborn
being in broad daylight
being in case of necessity
- A time when something is necessary.
- 꼭 있어야 할 때.
time of need; being when necessary; being in case of necessity
being in chaos
- Disordered because morals are not observed or a routine is not followed.
- 도덕이나 질서가 제대로 지켜지지 않아 어지럽다.
disorderly; being in chaos
being in charge
being in charge of class
- A state of being responsible for teaching students in a class or grade; a teacher in charge of a class or grade.
- 한 반이나 한 학년을 책임지고 맡아서 가르침. 또는 그런 선생님.
homeroom teacher; being in charge of class
being incidental
being inclusive
- An act of binding a certain object or phenomenon as a single category.
- 어떤 대상이나 현상을 하나의 범위 안에 묶어 넣는 것.
being inclusive; being comprehensive
being incomparable
- The state of being so superb that nothing in this world compares to one.
- 세상에 비교할 데가 없을 정도로 아주 뛰어남.
being incomparable
being incomplete
being incorporated into
- An act of going into an already-set organization, group, etc.
- 이미 짜인 조직이나 단체 등에 끼어 들어감.
being incorporated into
being in crisis
- An urgent occasion that one has not thought of, or an urgent order issued to cope with such an occasion.
- 미리 생각하지 못 했던 위급한 일. 또는 이러한 일을 처리하기 위한 긴급한 명령.
emergency; contingency; being in crisis
being incumbent
- A person who is currently performing a certain duty; or a person's current job.
- 현재 어떤 직무에서 일하고 있는 사람. 또는 현재 직업으로 삼고 있는 일.
being active; being current; being incumbent
being incurable
being indecent
being indefinite
being independent
2. 독립성
- A person's tendency to accomplish tasks independently, rather than seeking external advice or help.
- 남의 간섭이나 도움을 받지 않고 자기 힘으로 어떤 일을 해내려고 하는 성질.
being independent
3. 독립적¹
- A state in which someone does not rely on others, or something does not belong to others.
- 남이나 다른 것에 의지하거나 속하지 아니한 것.
being independent
4. 자립적¹
- Trying to do something on one's own without depending on others.
- 남에게 매이거나 의지하지 않고 자기 힘으로 해내려는 것.
being independent
5. 자주적¹
- The state of dealing with one's matter for oneself without others' care or interference.
- 다른 사람의 보호나 간섭을 받지 않고 자기 일을 스스로 처리하는 것.
being independent
6. 자체적¹
- The quality of being made by oneself, not by something else.
- 다른 것을 뺀 그것 본래의 바탕에 의한 것.
being independent
7. 주체적¹
- The attitude of taking care of things by one's own will.
- 어떤 일을 하는 데 스스로의 의지에 따라 처리하는 성질이 있는 것.
being independent
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