being from ancestor to descendant
    being from one generation to another; being from ancestor to descendant
  • All the offspring that descends from generation to generation.
  • 여러 대를 이어서 내려오는 모든 자손.
    being from one generation to another; being from ancestor to descendant
  • All the offspring that descends from generation to generation.
  • 여러 대를 이어서 내려오는 모든 자손.
being from one generation to another
    being from one generation to another; being from ancestor to descendant
  • All the offspring that descends from generation to generation.
  • 여러 대를 이어서 내려오는 모든 자손.
    being from one generation to another; being from ancestor to descendant
  • All the offspring that descends from generation to generation.
  • 여러 대를 이어서 내려오는 모든 자손.
being from the same clan
    being from the same clan; person from the same clan
  • A person who is from the same clan as one but so distant in blood ties that one cannot consider him/her a relative, or a word used by those in such a relationship to refer to or address each other.
  • 같은 성이지만 촌수를 따질 정도가 못 되는 사람. 또는 그런 사람들이 서로 부르는 말.
being from this time
    now; being from this time
  • The time right at this moment; or the time right before or after this moment.
  • 바로 이때. 또는 바로 이때와 가까운 앞뒤의 시간.
being frozen
    stillness; being frozen
  • The act of coming to a halt silently and staying still or causing to do so, or such a state.
  • 움직이지 않고 조용히 멈추거나 멈추게 함. 또는 그런 상태.
being frugal and hard-working
    being frugal and hard-working
  • The state of being diligent and frugal.
  • 부지런하고 검소함.
being fruitless
    being fruitless; being idle; doing nothing
  • A state of being without any achievement.
  • 이룬 것이 없음.
being full
    being full
  • The entirety, not a part, of a work, or a completed work.
  • 일부분이 아닌 전체 작품. 또는 완성된 작품.
    being complete; being full
  • The entirety of a certain range.
  • 어떤 범위의 전체.
    being complete; being full
  • Something complete and not lacking anything across a certain range.
  • 어떤 범위 전체에 걸쳐 남김없이 완전한 것.
    being full; being official
  • Proper protocol or ceremony with adequate formalities.
  • 절차를 갖춘 제대로의 격식이나 의식.
    being full; being filled; overflow
  • The state of being filled to the limit and being full.
  • 한껏 차서 가득함.
    being substantial; being full; being solid
  • The state of the contents of something being full and compact.
  • 내용이 알차고 단단함.
    overflow; being full
  • The state of something being filled to the limit and flowing out.
  • 가득 차서 넘침.
    being full; being enough; being sufficient
  • The state of there being plenty and no shortage.
  • 넉넉하여 모자람이 없음.
being full-length
    being full-length; feature
  • A novel, poem, movie, etc., with a long and complex story.
  • 내용이 길고 복잡한 소설, 시, 영화 등.
being full of
    being full of
  • In a quantity or amount that reaches full capacity.
  • 양이나 수가 정해진 범위에 꽉 찬 모양.
  • being full of
  • In such a large amount that there is no empty space.
  • 빈 곳이 없을 정도로 무엇이 많은 모양.
    being full of; being filled with
  • A feeling or emotion, etc., being clearly shown all over a person's face.
  • 감정이나 기분 등이 얼굴 전체에 가득 드러나 있다.
    being full of
  • (figurative) A person who has something in large amount.
  • (비유적으로) 무엇이 유난히 많은 사람.
    being full of
  • An incomparably extreme degree.
  • 비길 데 없이 정도가 심함.
    being full of
  • A very large quantity.
  • 대단히 많음.
being full of go
    being full of go; vigorous; ebullient
  • Being full of a strong spirit in which one would try to seek a goal, despite any difficulties.
  • 어떤 힘겨운 일이라도 해내려는 정신이 넘칠 정도로 가득하다.
being full of sweat
    being full of sweat
  • A state of the body or clothes being soaked because of sweating too much.
  • 땀을 많이 흘려서 몸 또는 옷이 흠뻑 젖은 상태.
being full of ups and downs
    being turbulent; being full of ups and downs
  • The state of a task or life being full of big changes and big troubles.
  • 일이나 인생이 변화가 심하고 여러 가지 어려움이 많음.
being full-time
    working full-time; being full-time
  • An act of going to work at a fixed time and working for a fixed amount of hours everyday.
  • 매일 정해진 시간에 출근하여 정해진 시간 동안 근무함.
    being full-time
  • The act of focusing on a work or occupation, or such a work or occupation.
  • 한 가지 일이나 직업에 집중해서 일함. 또는 그런 일이나 직업.
    being full-time
  • The act of taking on a task or commissioning it to a professional, or such a person.
  • 어떤 일을 전문적으로 맡거나 맡김. 또는 그런 사람.
being fully equipped
    being fully equipped
  • The state of being equipped perfectly with nothing missing.
  • 빠짐없이 완전히 갖춤.
being fully loaded
    being fully loaded; fully-loaded ship
  • A state in which a ship is fully loaded with passengers or baggage, or such a ship.
  • 배에 사람이나 짐을 가득 실음. 또는 그런 배.
  • being fully loaded; fully-loaded ship
  • A state in which a ship is fully loaded with caught fish, or such a ship.
  • 물고기를 많이 잡아 배에 가득 실음. 또는 그런 배.
being fully ready
    being fully ready
  • Every preparation being made in advance.
  • 미리 갖출 수 있는 모든 것.
being functional
    being functional
  • Being related to a certain role or operation.
  • 일정한 역할이나 작용과 관련된 것.
being fundamental
    being fundamental; being basic
  • Something becoming the nature or foundation of something else.
  • 어떤 것의 본질이나 바탕이 되는 것.
    being fundamental; being basic
  • Being the foundation or ground of something.
  • 근본이나 기초가 되는 것.
    being original; being fundamental
  • A state of being related to the root of a thing or phenomenon.
  • 사물이나 현상의 근원과 관련된 것.
    being essential; being fundamental
  • A quality of being related to the fundamental nature or form of a thing or phenomenon.
  • 사물이나 현상의 근본적인 성질이나 모습에 관한 것.
    being fundamental
  • The state of relating to the base on which something is created or produced.
  • 어떤 사물이 나거나 생기는 바탕에 관계된 것.
being futile
    being futile
  • A state of having a tendency to consider life or everyday affairs vain.
  • 인생이나 세상일을 허무한 것이라고 생각하는 경향이 있는 것.
being futuristic
    being futuristic; future
  • A form that will emerge in the future.
  • 미래에 나타날 형태.
being game-ending
    being game-ending; deciding a winner
  • In the game of 'go' or a sport, a state in which a winner is decided at the end.
  • 바둑이나 운동 경기에서 마지막으로 승부를 내는 것.
being genealogical
    being genealogical
  • A state of being split from one common thing.
  • 하나의 공통적인 것에서 갈려 나온 것.
being general
    being general; being broad; rough overview
  • Viewing a certain subject or content in the context of the whole.
  • 어떤 일이나 내용을 큰 흐름을 따라 전체적으로 본 것.
    being general; being popular; being universal
  • A quality of being extensively applicable, not being limited to some parts.
  • 일부에 한정되지 않고 두루 해당될 수 있는 것.
    being general; being summarized; being comprehensive
  • The state of gathering and connecting things scattered here and there.
  • 각각 떨어져 있는 것들을 한데 모아서 묶은 것.
    being general; being overall
  • The state of something being added or bound into one whole.
  • 모두 하나로 합치거나 묶은 것.
    being general
  • The state of something being vague and ordinary, not being concrete.
  • 구체적이지 않아 막연하고 일반적인 것.
    being usual; being general
  • The state of being general, not special.
  • 특별하지 않고 보통인 것.
    being general; being common
  • The state of something being in a mostly low level and easy to be understood by the general public, rather than being technical or professional.
  • 전문적이지 않고 대체로 수준이 낮아 일반 대중에게 쉽게 통할 수 있는 것.
being gentlemanlike
    being gentlemanlike; being gentlemanly
  • Being well-mannered, refined and gentle.
  • 태도가 점잖고 교양이 있으며 예의 바른 것.
being gentlemanly
    being gentlemanlike; being gentlemanly
  • Being well-mannered, refined and gentle.
  • 태도가 점잖고 교양이 있으며 예의 바른 것.
being ghastly
    being deadly pale; being ghastly
  • A pale look of fear or worry.
  • 두려움이나 걱정 때문에 창백한 얼굴빛.
being gifted
    being talented; being gifted
  • The state of being very smart and skilled.
  • 아주 영리하고 재주가 있음.
being glib
    easy and fluent speaking; being glib
  • A quality of speaking readily and fluently, or such a remark.
  • 말을 능숙하고 막힘이 없이 잘 함. 또는 그 말.
being global
    being international; being global
  • A state in which several countries are interrelated or do something together.
  • 여러 나라에 관련되거나 여러 나라가 함께 하는 것.
    being international; being global
  • Something related to or involving many nations.
  • 여러 나라에 관계되거나 여러 나라가 참여하는 것.
    being worldwide; being global
  • Being related to the whole world.
  • 널리 세계 전체와 관계되는 것.
    being worldwide; being global
  • Affecting the entire world in size, influence, etc., or being the best in the world.
  • 규모나 영향 등이 세계 전체에 미치거나 세계에서 가장 뛰어난 것.
being glooming
    being glooming; being misty
  • The state that is dark and hazy when there is weak lighting.
  • 빛이 약하여 어두컴컴하고 흐릿한 상태.
being glossy
    being glossy; being broken in
  • The state of an object used for a long time, with a surface made smooth and convenient for use.
  • 물건을 오래 사용하여 표면이 매끄럽게 쓰기에 편한 상태.
being goal-driven
    being goal-driven
  • The state or tendency of one who is active and forward-moving in order to achieve what he or she wants.
  • 실현하고자 하는 것을 이루려고 나아가는 상태나 경향.
being golden
    gold color; being golden
  • Yellow color like that of gold.
  • 황금의 색과 같은 누런빛.
    gold color; being golden
  • A yellow color like that of gold.
  • 황금의 색과 같은 누런색.
being gone through
    be penetrated; being gone through
  • For light, liquid, sound, etc., to make a hole or holes into a substance and pass through it.
  • 빛, 액체, 소리 등이 물질을 뚫고 통과하게 되다.
being good and bad
    being good and bad
  • A compound noun meaning being both good and bad in quality or function.
  • 품질이나 성능의 좋음과 나쁨.
being graceful
    being picturesque; being graceful
  • A quiet and quaint atmosphere.
  • 은근하고 그윽한 멋이 있는 분위기.
being gradual
    being gradual
  • Something that progresses incrementally.
  • 조금씩 앞으로 나아가는 것.
    being gradual
  • The act of progressing in succession.
  • 차례를 따라 나아감.
being grammatical
    being grammatical
  • According to grammar, or being grammatically correct.
  • 문법에 의한 것. 또는 문법에 맞는 것.
being gray-haired
    being gray-haired; gray-haired old man
  • A state in which all of one's hair has turned gray or an old man with such hair.
  • 머리카락이 전부 하얗게 된 머리. 또는 그 머리를 한 늙은 사람.
being great
    being masterful; being great; being famous; being leading
  • A state in which one's talent or skill is outstanding in a certain area.
  • 어떤 방면에서 꽤 훌륭한 재주나 솜씨.
being greedy
    being greedy; being covetous
  • The state of having a strong desire for too much of something.
  • 지나치게 많이 가지고 싶어 하는 욕심이 있는 것.
being green
    being green
  • The state of being conscious and helpful with regard to ecologically friendly living.
  • 자연환경을 깨끗하게 가꾸고 지키는 데 도움이 되는 일.
being groundbreaking
    being innovative; being progressive; being groundbreaking
  • A state of changing an old custom, convention, organization, method, etc., into completely new ones.
  • 오래된 풍속, 관습, 조직, 방법 등을 완전히 바꾸어 새롭게 하는 것.
    being groundbreaking; being epoch-making; being revolutionary
  • The state of something being clearly distinguished from before, opening a whole new era in a certain process or sector.
  • 어떤 과정이나 분야에서 전혀 새로운 시기를 열어 놓을 만큼 이전의 것과 뚜렷이 구분되는 것.
being grounded
    being based; being grounded
  • The state of being based on a certain fact, principle, etc.
  • 어떤 사실이나 원리 등에 근거함.
being groundless
    being groundless; being baseless
  • A state of being without any ground or being absurd.
  • 근거가 없거나 터무니없음.
being guilty
    being guilty
  • The state of having done something wrong or committed a crime.
  • 잘못이나 죄가 있음.
being habitual
    habit; routine; being habitual; being regular
  • A state in which a bad habit or event occurs repeatedly.
  • 좋지 않은 버릇이나 일이 계속 반복됨.
    being habitual; being accustomed
  • Repeating a bad habit or act.
  • 좋지 않은 버릇이나 일을 계속 반복하는 것.
    being habitual
  • Being a habit that is naturally learned through repetition.
  • 오랫동안 되풀이하는 동안에 저절로 익혀진 행동처럼 되어 있는 것.
    being common; being habitual
  • A frequent or habitual occurrence of something.
  • 흔히 그러는 일.
    being habitual; being inert
  • The state of something having become a habit, as a result of no change for a long time.
  • 오랫동안 변화가 없어 버릇처럼 굳어진 것.

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